Emeritus Professor Rosalyn Diprose
B.App.Sc UTS, BA Hons Sydney, PhD UNSW
Rosalyn's published research applies concepts from the fields of 20thC European philosophy and existential phenomenology (especially Merleau-Ponty, Arendt, Levinas, Derrida, Nancy, Foucault), Nietzsche’s philosophy, and feminist philosophy of the body, to develop ideas of political community, generosity, and responsibility, and to address ethical and political issues especially with regard to biopolitics, identity, and diversity.
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
My Teaching
UNSW VC's Award for Teaching Excellence in Postgraduate Supervision 2009
Current PhD supervisions:
Rhonda Siu, “Music and existence”
Francesco Paradiso, "Deconstruction and Political Life"
Mindy Xu "Phenomenology and the Ethics of Euthanasia"
PhD Completions as primary supervisor (1998-2012):
- Greg Leaney. Dec 2012. “Ecophenomenological intertwining and environmental virtue ethics”
- Faye Brinsmead. 2010. “Nietzsche’s Conceptual Personae of Freedom”.
- Mark Kingston. 2009. “Building a theory of action from the philosophies of Hannah Arendt and Michel Foucault”.
- •Michelle Bastian. 2009. “Communities out-of-joint: A consideration of the role of temporality rethinking community” (joint supervision with C. Mills). 2012+ Chancellor's Fellow, University of Edinburgh.
- Peter Woelert. 2008. “Materialisations of Space: Phenomenological Relations Between the Human Organism, Space, and Technology”.
- Anne Gearside. 2007. ‘Meaning, agency and embodied (gendered) subjectivity: simultaneity as a condition of Butler’s performativity and Merleau-Ponty’s intentionality’
- Sara Sorial. 2006 ‘Heidegger and the problem of individuation: Mitsein, ethics and responsibility’ . ARC Postdoctoral Fellowship Macquarie U 2008-11; Continuing Level B Philosophy and Law, U Wollongong 2009+
- Matheson Russell. 2005. “Phenomenon and Semblance: A Study of Heidegger's Phenomenological Method in Being and Time”. Author of Husserl: A Guide for the Perplexed (Continuum 2006); Lecturer in Philosophy U Auckland July 2007+
- Sean Elbourne. 2005. “The Tragic Sublime: Libidinal Pessimism and the Problem of Existence”.
- Kane Race. 2004. “Pleasure Consuming Medicine” (Joint supervision with S. Kippax NCHSR). FASS Dissertation Award 2004; 2007+ Senior Lecturer, Gender & Cultural Studies USyd; Author of Pleasure Consuming Medicine, Duke University Press, 2009.
- Sarah Rice. 2003. “Standpoint, Viewpoint, Counterpoint: Nietzsche, Levinas, & the Ethics of Situated Knowledge”
- Sal Renshaw. 2002. "Other Love: Helene Cixous, Subjectivity and the Feminine Divine", . Lecturer, Philosophy, Nipissing University, Canada since 2001. Thesis published as The subject of love: Hélène Cixous and the feminine divine, Manchester U Press, 2009
- Matthew Paull. 2002. “Nietzsche, Moral Scepticism and Eternal Return”
- Karen Williams. 2001. "Phenomenal Subjects: Merleau-Ponty, Interaction, and Illness".
- Erika Kerruish. 2001. "Nietzsche and Interpretation". Currently, Lecturer in Cultural Studies, Southern Cross University.
- Amanda Fernbach. 2000. "Decadence and Technofetishism" (Joint supervision with B. Olubas). Awarded FASS 'Writing Fellowship' for the most publishable thesis in 2000; Published as Fantasies of Fetishism, Edinburgh UP in 2002
- Thomas Martin. 1998. "Bad Faith and Oppression”. Currently Associate Prof. Philosophy and Head of Department, Rhodes U South Africa. Author of Oppression and the Human Condition, Rowman & Littlefield, 2002.