Mr Russel Morison

Senior Research Officer
School of Mathematics & Statistics
9385 7064
School of Mathematics and Statistics Room 4060 Anita B. Lawrence Centre, UNSW Sydney Sydney NSW 2052
  • Book Chapters | 2002
    Leslie LM; Morison RP; Speer M; Qi L, 2002, 'Atmospheric Modelling and Prediction', in Peng G; Leslie LM; Shao Y (ed.), Environmental modelling and prediction, edn. Original, Springer-Verlag, Germany, pp. 75 - 124
  • Journal articles | 2024
    Boettger DG; Keating SR; Banner ML; Morison RP; Barthélémy X, 2024, 'Energetic inception of breaking in surface gravity waves under wind forcing', Physical Review Fluids, 9,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Boettger D; Keating SR; Banner M; Morison R; Barthelemy X, 2023, 'An energetic signature for breaking inception in surface gravity waves', Journal of Fluid Mechanics,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Greenslade D; Hemer M; Babanin A; Lowe R; Turner I; Power H; Young I; Ierodiaconou D; Hibbert G; Williams G; Aijaz S; Albuquerque J; Allen S; Banner M; Branson P; Buchan S; Burton A; Bye J; Cartwright N; Chabchoub A; Colberg F; Contardo S; Dufois F; Earl-Spurr C; Farr D; Goodwin I; Gunson J; Hansen J; Hanslow D; Harley M; Hetzel Y; Hoeke R; Jones N; Kinsela M; Liu Q; Makarynskyy O; Marcollo H; Mazaheri S; McConochie J; Millar G; Moltmann T; Moodie N; Morim J; Morison R; Orszaghova J; Pattiaratchi C; Pomeroy A; Proctor R; Provis D; Reef R; Rijnsdorp D; Rutherford M; Schulz E; Shayer J; Splinter K; Steinberg C; Strauss D; Stuart G; Symonds G; Tarbath K; Taylor D; Taylor J; Thotagamuwage D; Toffoli A; Valizadeh A; van Hazel J; da Silva GV; Wandres M; Whittaker C; Williams D; Winter G; Xu J; Zhong A; Zieger S, 2020, 'Priorities for wind-waves research', Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 101, pp. 505 - 507,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Greenslade D; Hemer M; Babanin A; Lowe R; Turner I; Power H; Young I; Ierodiaconou D; Hibbert G; Williams G; Aijaz S; Albuquerque J; Allen S; Banner M; Branson P; Buchan S; Burton A; Bye J; Cartwright N; Chabchoub A; Colberg F; Contardo S; dufois F; Earl-Spurr C; Elliott G; Farr D; Flynn J; Goodwin I; Gunson J; Hansen J; Hanslow D; Harley M; Hetzel Y; Hoeke R; Jones N; Kinsela M; Liu Q; Makarynskyy O; Marcollo H; Mazaheri S; McConochie J; Millar G; Moltmann T; Moodie N; Morim J; Morison R; Orszaghova J; Pattiaratchi C; Pomeroy A; Proctor R; Provis D; Reef R; Rijnsdorp D; Rutherford M; Schulz E; Shayer J; Splinter K; Steinberg C; Strauss D; Stuart G; Symonds G; Tarbath K; Taylor P; Taylor D; Taylor J; Thotagamuwage D; Toffoli A; Valizadeh A; van Hazel J; Vieira da Silva G; Wandres M; Whittaker C; Williams D; Winter G; Xu J; Zed M; Zhong A; Zieger S, 2019, '15 priorities for wind-waves research: An Australian perspective', Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 101, pp. E446 - E461,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Banner ML; Morison RP, 2018, 'On the upper ocean turbulent dissipation rate due to microscale breakers and small whitecaps', Ocean Modelling, 126, pp. 63 - 76,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Sullivan PP; Banner ML; Morison RP; Peirson WL, 2018, 'Turbulent flow over steep steady and unsteady waves under strong wind forcing', Journal of Physical Oceanography, 48, pp. 3 - 27,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Zappa CJ; Banner ML; Morison RP; Brumer SE, 2016, 'On the variation of the effective breaking strength in oceanic sea states', Journal of Physical Oceanography, 46, pp. 2049 - 2061,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Gemmrich J; Zappa CJ; Banner ML; Morison RP, 2013, 'Wave breaking in developing and mature seas', Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 118, pp. 4542 - 4552,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Dickey T; Banner ML; Bhandari P; Boyd T; Carvalho L; Chang G; Chao Y; Czerski H; Darecki M; Dong C; Farmer D; Freeman S; Gemmrich J; Gernez P; Hall-Patch N; Holt B; Jiang S; Jones C; Kattawar G; Lebel D; Lenain L; Lewis M; Liu Y; Logan L; Manov D; Melville WK; Moline MA; Morison R; Nencioli F; Pegau WS; Reineman B; Robbins I; Rttgers R; Schultz H; Shen L; Shinki M; Slivkoff M; Sokólski M; Spada F; Statom N; Stramski D; Sutherland P; Twardowski M; Vagle S; Van Dommelen R; Voss K; Washburn L; Wei J; Wijesekera H; Wurl O; Yang D; Yildiz S; You Y; Yue DKP; Zaneveld R; Zappa CJ, 2012, 'Introduction to special section on recent advances in the study of optical variability in the near-surface and upper ocean', Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 117,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Zappa C; Banner ML; Schultz H; Gemmrich JR; Morison RP; Lebel DA; Dickey T, 2012, 'An overview of sea state conditions and air-sea fluxes during RaDyO', Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, pp. Article number C00H19 (23pp),
    Journal articles | 2010
    Banner ML; Morison RP, 2010, 'Refined source terms in wind wave models with explicit wave breaking prediction. Part I: Model framework and validation against field data', Ocean Modelling, 33, pp. 177 - 189,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Fairall C; Banner ML; Peirson WL; Asher W; Morison RP, 2009, 'Investigation of the physical scaling of sea spray spume droplet production', Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, pp. C10001
    Journal articles | 2005
    Tan K; Morison RP; Leslie LM, 2005, 'A comparison of high-order explicit and non-oscillatory finite difference advection schemes for climate and weather models', Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 89, pp. 251 - 267
    Journal articles | 2003
    Liu S; Leslie LM; Speer M; Bunker R; Morison RP, 2003, 'Approaching realistic soil moisture status with an improved mesoscale numerical weather prediction model', Weather radar information and distributed hydrological modelling, 282, pp. 315 - 320
    Journal articles | 2002
    Batt K; Qi L; Morison RP, 2002, 'The modelling and observation of a lee trough event over eastern Tasmania', Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 80, pp. 177 - 187
    Journal articles | 2002
    Morison RP; Leslie LM; Speer M, 2002, 'Atmospheric modelling of air pollution as a tool for enviornmental prediction and management', Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 80, pp. 141 - 151
    Journal articles | 2001
    Speer M; Leslie LM; Morison RP; Anderson WR; Bradstock R; Bunker R, 2001, 'Modelling fire weather and fire spread rates for two bushfires near Sydney', Australian Meteorological Magazine, pp. 241 - 246
    Journal articles | 2001
    Speer MS; Leslie LM; Morison R; Catchpole W; Bradstock R; Bunker R, 2001, 'Shorter contribution modelling fire weather and fire spread rates for two bushfires near Sydney', Australian Meteorological Magazine, 50, pp. 241 - 246
    Journal articles | 2000
    Battye K; Morison RP; Speer M, 2000, 'Direct verification of forecasts from a very high resolution numerical weather prediction (NWP) model', Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, pp. 117 - 127
    Journal articles | 2000
    Fraedrich K; Morison RP; Leslie LM, 2000, 'Improved tropical cyclone track predictions using error recycling', Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, pp. 51 - 56
    Journal articles | 2000
    Le Marshall JF; Leslie LM; Morison RP; Prescod N; Seecamp R; Spinoso C, 2000, 'Recent developments in the continuous assimilation of satellite wind data for tropical cyclone track forecasting', Advances in Space Research, pp. 1077 - 1080
    Journal articles | 1998
    Leslie LM; Le Marshall JF; Morison RP; Spinoso C; Purser RJ; Pescod N; Seecamp R, 1998, 'Improved hurricane track forecasting from the continuous assimilation of high quality satellite wind data', Monthly Weather Review, 126, pp. 1248 - 1257,<1248:IHTFFT>2.0.CO;2
    Journal articles | 1997
    Le Marshall J; Leslie LM; Pescod N; Spinoso C; Morison R, 1997, 'The importance of direct readout satellite data in sub-synoptic scale data assimilation and numerical weather prediction', Advances in Space Research, 19, pp. 413 - 422,
    Journal articles | 1997
    Le Marshall JF; Leslie LM; Pescod N; Spinoso C; Morison RP, 1997, 'The importance of direct read-out satellite observations in sub-synoptic scale meteorology', Advances in Space Research, 19, pp. 413 - 422,
    Journal articles | 1997
    Shao Y; Leslie LM; Munro R; Irannejad P; Lyons WF; Morison RP; Short D; Wood MS, 1997, 'Prediction of soil moisture over the Australian continent', Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, pp. 195 - 215
    Journal articles | 1997
    Shao Y; Leslie LM; Munro R; Irannejad P; Lyons WF; Morison RP; Short D; Wood MS, 1997, 'Soil Moisture Prediction over the Australian Continent', Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, pp. 195 - 215
    Journal articles | 1992
    Leslie LM; Hess GD; Holland GJ; Morison RP; Fraedrich K, 1992, 'Predicting changes in intensity of tropical cyclones using a Markov chain technique', Australian Meteorological Magazine, 40, pp. 41 - 46
    Journal articles | 1990
    Hess GD; Leslie LM; Morison RP, 1990, 'Operational, short-term prediction of rainfall using a cycled Markov chain method', Australian Meteorological Magazine, 38, pp. 201 - 205
  • Conference Papers | 2017
    Sullivan PP; Banner ML; Morison RP; Peirson WL, 2017, 'Impacts of wave age on turbulent flow and drag of steep waves', in Procedia IUTAM, Elsevier, London, UK, pp. 174 - 183, presented at IUTAM Symposium Wind Waves,, London, UK, 04 September 2017 - 08 September 2017,