Dr Scott Teasdale
PhD; BNutrDiet; BAppSci (Nutr&Food)
Dr Teasdale is a Senior Research Fellow with the Discipline of Psychiatry and Mental Health and Accredited Practising Dietitian. He holds a NHMRC Emerging Leader Fellowship focusing on reducing physical health comorbidities in people with serious mental illness. He is lead for Keeping the Body in Mind gardens (a pillar of the MIndgardens Neuroscience Network), which facilitates and supports physical health research within the South Eastern Sydney Local Health District Mental Health Service. Dr Teasdale focuses on real world effectiveness and implementation research. His research program has helped drive a clear role for dietitians in preventing and managing physical health disparities in people living with severe mental illness.
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
1. Chief Investigator, NHMRC Investigator Grant 2023-27, $650,000.
2. Associate Investigator, $125,000. Dietary interventions for food insecurity in people with severe mental illness, Metro South Health Research Support Scheme.
3. Chief Investigator, $200,000. Lifestyle intervention for people with early psychosis, ACT Health Research and Innovation Grant.
4. Associate Investigator, ~12,000,000. MRFF Million Minds Mission: Growing Minds Australia.
5. Principal Chief Investigator, $40,000. Keeping the Body in Mind – Primary Care: an individualised lifestyle service for people living with severe mental illness in a primary healthcare setting. UNSW Medicine, Neuroscience, Mental Health & Addiction Theme and SPHERE Clinical Academic Group Funding; 2021.
6. Mental Health & Nutrition Course Development Tender, $10,000. Dietitians Australia; 2021.
7. Chief Investigator, $8,500,000. Mindgardens Neuroscience Network Commonwealth Funded Research. UNSW Sydney; 2021.
8. Named investigator, [$ under embargo]. Indigenous Mental Health & Suicide Prevention Clearinghouse: Connection between food, body and mind [review article]. Australian Institute of Health & Welfare; 2020.
9. Chief Investigator, $40,000. Giving legumes the leg up: Impact of increased legume consumption on metabolic risk factors in people experiencing severe mental illness. UNSW Medicine Neuroscience, Mental Health & Addiction Theme and SPHERE Clinical Academic Group Funding; 2019.
10. Chief Investigator, $40,000. The role of the microbiome and metabolic syndrome in schizophrenia and related psychoses. UNSW Medicine, Neuroscience, Mental Health & Addiction Theme and SPHERE Clinical Academic Group Funding; 2018.
- Top Altmetric Result, Nutrition and Dietetics Journal, 2020
- Graduate Research School Dean’s Award for Outstanding Thesis, UNSW Sydney, 2019
- National Award of Merit, Dietitian’s Australia, 2018
- Travel Grant, International Society for Nutritional Psychiatry Research Conference, 2017
- McConaghy Prize for Postgraduate Research, UNSW Sydney, 2016
- Practice-Based Evidence in Nutrition (PENâ) Prize, Dietitian’s Australia, 2017
- Research in Practice Award, Dietitian’s Australia’s National Conference, 2016
- New Researcher Award, Dietitian’s Australia’s National Conference, 2015
- Early Intervention or Prevention Award, Australasian Society for Psychiatric Research, 2013
My Research Supervision
PhD student: Disordered eating behaviours in psychosis: understanding the prevalence and current practices to inform recovery focused care.
Masters student: The role of physical activity in improving physical and mental health outcomes in people who experience domestic violence and their families.