Dr Seong-Chul Shin
PhD in Linguistics (UNSW); MApplied Linguistics (Macquarie); MEd in KFL (Yonsei)
I am an applied linguist and a language teacher with a PhD in Linguistics, a Master of Applied Linguistics and a MEd in KFL.
My research areas include: error analysis and teaching methodology in L2 Korean; curriculum issues in Korean at both secondary and tertiary levels; sociolinguistic issues with reference to Korean L2 or HL situations.
I have undertaken a number of research projects funded by the government agencies and UNSW, extensively publishing journal articles, book chapters and monographs. I am currently undertaking monograph projects on language maintenance and and cultural identity focused on Korean ethnic communities and bicultural families.
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
- KF and AKS Fellowship Grants, FASS and School Research Grants.
- Other (education-development projects) grants: NCP Mobility Grants, Australian Government Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Ministry for Education and Training.
The Korea Foundation Field Research Fellowship, and The Academy of Korean Studies Visiting Scholar Fellowship, etc.
include: involved in international, regional academic associations or boards as well as governmental organisations, e.g. IAKLE, KSAA, ICKL, governmental agency, etc. as board member, editorial committee, conference/symposium organiser, peer-reviewer, advisory committee member, etc.
External, includes:
- Australian Research Council (ARC) Assessor (2010- current )
- International Association of Korean Language Education (IAKLE), Journal of Korean Language Education Editorial Board (2009- current)
- Language Facts and Perspectives Editorial Board (2015 - current)
- Teaching Korean as a Foreign Language Editorial Board (2016 - current )
- Korea Grammar Education Circle Board member (2018- current)
- A guest editor and peer-reviewer of Korean Linguistics
- Applied Linguistics Association of Australia (ALAA) member
- International Circle of Korean Linguistics (ICKL) member
- National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters (NAATI, Australia) Translator
- Peer-reviewer of journal articles, books and book chapters; and examiner of HDR theses
My Research Supervision
"An Investigation into the Development of Intra-Phrasal, Inter-Phrasal and Inter-Clausal Agreements in Written L2 English by Indonesian Learners" (PhD)
"Language Use, Language Attitudes, and Identities of Bilingual Saudi Children in Sydney, Australia (PhD)
"Abnormalities in ESL academic writing" (MPhil)
(Completed theses in recent years include):
"Language, ethnicity, and culture: A mixed-methods approach to understanding self-assessed linguistic proficiency, ethnic identity, and cultural identity of Korean heritage speakers in Australia" (PhD, 2023).
"Language use and maintenance in bicultural families in multiculturalising South Korea" (PhD, 2023).
"Heritage language development and maintenance in heritage speakers of Korean in Australia in primary school years" (PhD, 2022).
"An investigation of English-L1 KHL learners' written errors and pedagogical implications" (PhD, 2018)
"An investigation of written errors made by Saudi EFL foundation year students" (PhD, 2017)
My Teaching
Advanced Korean A/B; Insights into Korean as a Second Language; Professional Korean; Korean Translation; Korean Interpreting.
School BA Honours team teaching - Action Research
Insights into the Korean Language; Korean Teaching Practicum
MA by Research and PhD program supervision (Applied and Educational Linguistics / Korean Linguistics)