Dr Steven Philpot
Consultancies and Vendor Staff
BA (Communications) (Hons 1), UTS
PhD, UNSW Sydney
Medicine & Health
The Kirby Institute
Steve is a research associate at the Kirby Institute. He is a social scientist with expertise in qualitative methodologies. The populations he most commonly works with are gay and bisexual men and people living with HIV. His current research program includes a variety of qualitative studies related to HIV prevention, sexual health, experiences of living with HIV, sexuality, relationships, and community. Steve is a member of the Kirby Institute Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion committee and a member of the UNSW LGBTIQ working group.
+ 61 (2) 9385 9261
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
Australian Postgraduate Award (APA)