Professor Susan Coppersmith

Professor Susan Coppersmith

School of Physics

Professor Susan Coppersmith is a theoretical condensed matter physicist who has made substantial contributions to the understanding of a broad range of subjects, including glasses, biominerals, granular materials, and quantum computers.  Her honors include fellowship in the Australian Academy of Science, the Australian Institute of Physics, and the Royal Society of New South Wales, as well as the American Physical Society, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and membership in the National Academy of Sciences of the United States.

Professor Coppersmith is currently serving as Head of the School of Physics at UNSW Sydney.  In the past she has served as Chair of the Condensed Matter and Materials Research Committee of the National Research Council of the US, as Chair of the Division of Condensed Matter Physics and of the Topical Group for Statistical and Nonlinear Physics of the American Physical Society, as Chair of the Section on Physics of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and as Chair of the Board of Trustees of the Gordon Research Conferences.

+61-2-9065 1859
Old Main Building, Room G06 UNSW Kensington Campus
  • Book Chapters | 2005
    Eriksson MA; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Joynt R; Klein LJ; Slinker K; Tahan C; Mooney PM; Chu JO; Koester SJ, 2005, 'Spin-based quantum dot quantum computing in silicon', in Experimental Aspects of Quantum Computing, pp. 133 - 146,
    Book Chapters | 2003
    Aldana M; Coppersmith S; Kadanoff LP, 2003, 'Boolean Dynamics with Random Couplings', in Kaplan E; Marsden JE; Sreenivasan KR (ed.), Perspectives and Problems in Nonlinear Science, Springer, pp. 23 - 89
    Book Chapters | 1993
    Coppersmith SN; Sohn JJ, 1993, 'Thoughts on Using Variational Wavefunctions to Study Hubbard Models', in Springer Proceedings in Physics, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 145 - 156,
    Book Chapters | 1989
    Littlewood PB; Coppersmith SN, 1989, 'Marginal Stability, Memory and Nonlinear Dynamics of Charge Density Waves', in Springer Series in Synergetics, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 280 - 287,
    Book Chapters | 1987
    Coppersmith SN, 1987, 'Collective Effects in Charge Density Waves', in Low-Dimensional Conductors and Superconductors, Springer US, pp. 425 - 432,
  • Journal articles | 2024
    Choi Y; Coppersmith SN; Joynt R, 2024, 'Using stochastic resonance of two-level systems to increase qubit coherence times', Physical Review A, 110,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Gali A; Schleife A; Heinrich AJ; Laucht A; Schuler B; Chakraborty C; Anderson CP; Déprez C; McCallum J; Bassett LC; Friesen M; Flatté ME; Maurer P; Coppersmith SN; Zhong T; Begum-Hudde V; Ping Y, 2024, 'Challenges in advancing our understanding of atomic-like quantum systems: Theory and experiment', MRS Bulletin, 49, pp. 256 - 276,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Klos J; Tröger J; Keutgen J; Losert MP; Abrosimov NV; Knoch J; Bracht H; Coppersmith SN; Friesen M; Cojocaru-Mirédin O; Schreiber LR; Bougeard D, 2024, 'Atomistic Compositional Details and Their Importance for Spin Qubits in Isotope-Purified Silicon Quantum Wells', Advanced Science, 11,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Losert MP; Oberländer M; Teske JD; Volmer M; Schreiber LR; Bluhm H; Coppersmith SN; Friesen M, 2024, 'Strategies for Enhancing Spin-Shuttling Fidelities in Si / Si Ge Quantum Wells with Random-Alloy Disorder', PRX Quantum, 5,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Corrigan J; Dodson JP; Thorgrimsson B; Neyens SF; Knapp TJ; McJunkin T; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2023, 'Latched readout for the quantum dot hybrid qubit', Applied Physics Letters, 122, pp. 074001 - 074001,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Heimsoth DJ; Lem B; Suliga AM; Johnson CW; Balantekin AB; Coppersmith SN, 2023, 'Uncertainties on the EFT coupling limits for direct dark matter detection experiments stemming from uncertainties of target properties', Physical Review D, 108,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Losert MP; Eriksson MA; Joynt R; Rahman R; Scappucci G; Coppersmith SN; Friesen M, 2023, 'Practical strategies for enhancing the valley splitting in Si/SiGe quantum wells', Physical Review B, 108,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Mickelsen DL; Carruzzo HM; Coppersmith SN; Yu CC, 2023, 'Effects of temperature fluctuations on charge noise in quantum dot qubits', Physical Review B, 108,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Cervia MJ; Siwach P; Patwardhan AV; Balantekin AB; Coppersmith SN; Johnson CW, 2022, 'Collective neutrino oscillations with tensor networks using a time-dependent variational principle', Physical Review D, 105,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Dodson JP; Ercan HE; Corrigan J; Losert MP; Holman N; McJunkin T; Edge LF; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2022, 'How Valley-Orbit States in Silicon Quantum Dots Probe Quantum Well Interfaces', Physical Review Letters, 128,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Ercan HE; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN, 2022, 'Charge-Noise Resilience of Two-Electron Quantum Dots in Si/SiGe Heterostructures', Physical Review Letters, 128,
    Journal articles | 2022
    McJunkin T; Harpt B; Feng Y; Losert MP; Rahman R; Dodson JP; Wolfe MA; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Coppersmith SN; Friesen M; Joynt R; Eriksson MA, 2022, 'SiGe quantum wells with oscillating Ge concentrations for quantum dot qubits', Nature Communications, 13,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Paquelet Wuetz B; Losert MP; Koelling S; Stehouwer LEA; Zwerver AMJ; Philips SGJ; Mądzik MT; Xue X; Zheng G; Lodari M; Amitonov SV; Samkharadze N; Sammak A; Vandersypen LMK; Rahman R; Coppersmith SN; Moutanabbir O; Friesen M; Scappucci G, 2022, 'Atomic fluctuations lifting the energy degeneracy in Si/SiGe quantum dots', Nature Communications, 13,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Prance JR; Van Bael BJ; Simmons CB; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2022, 'Erratum: Identifying single electron charge sensor events using wavelet edge detection (Nanotechnology (2015) 26 (215201) DOI: 10.1088/0957-4484/26/21/215201)', Nanotechnology, 33,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Abadillo-Uriel JC; King C; Coppersmith SN; Friesen M, 2021, 'Long-range two-hybrid-qubit gates mediated by a microwave cavity with red sidebands', Physical Review A, 104,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Cervia MJ; Balantekin AB; Coppersmith SN; Johnson CW; Love PJ; Poole C; Robbins K; Saffman M, 2021, 'Lipkin model on a quantum computer', Physical Review C, 104,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Corrigan J; Dodson JP; Ercan HE; Abadillo-Uriel JC; Thorgrimsson B; Knapp TJ; Holman N; McJunkin T; Neyens SF; Macquarrie ER; Foote RH; Edge LF; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2021, 'Coherent Control and Spectroscopy of a Semiconductor Quantum Dot Wigner Molecule', Physical Review Letters, 127,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Ercan HE; Coppersmith SN; Friesen M, 2021, 'Strong electron-electron interactions in Si/SiGe quantum dots', Physical Review B, 104,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Hänze M; McMurtrie G; Baumann S; Malavolti L; Coppersmith SN; Loth S, 2021, 'Quantum stochastic resonance of individual Fe atoms', Science Advances, 7,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Kratochwil B; Koski JV; Landig AJ; Scarlino P; Abadillo-Uriel JC; Reichl C; Coppersmith SN; Wegscheider W; Friesen M; Wallraff A; Ihn T; Ensslin K, 2021, 'Charge qubit in a triple quantum dot with tunable coherence', Physical Review Research, 3,
    Journal articles | 2021
    McJunkin T; Macquarrie ER; Tom L; Neyens SF; Dodson JP; Thorgrimsson B; Corrigan J; Ercan HE; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Joynt R; Coppersmith SN; Friesen M; Eriksson MA, 2021, 'Valley splittings in Si/SiGe quantum dots with a germanium spike in the silicon well', Physical Review B, 104,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Seedhouse AE; Tanttu T; Leon RCC; Zhao R; Tan KY; Hensen B; Hudson FE; Itoh KM; Yoneda J; Yang CH; Morello A; Laucht A; Coppersmith SN; Saraiva A; Dzurak AS, 2021, 'Pauli Blockade in Silicon Quantum Dots with Spin-Orbit Control', PRX Quantum, 2,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Terrazos LA; Marcellina E; Wang Z; Coppersmith SN; Friesen M; Hamilton AR; Hu X; Koiller B; Saraiva AL; Culcer D; Capaz RB, 2021, 'Theory of hole-spin qubits in strained germanium quantum dots', Physical Review B, 103,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Boter JM; Xue X; Krähenmann T; Watson TF; Premakumar VN; Ward DR; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA; Joynt R; Vandersypen LMK, 2020, 'Spatial noise correlations in a Si/SiGe two-qubit device from Bell state coherences', Physical Review B, 101,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Dodson JP; Holman N; Thorgrimsson B; Neyens SF; MacQuarrie ER; McJunkin T; Foote RH; Edge LF; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2020, 'Fabrication process and failure analysis for robust quantum dots in silicon', Nanotechnology, 31,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Holman N; Dodson JP; Edge LF; Coppersmith SN; Friesen M; McDermott R; Eriksson MA, 2020, 'Microwave engineering for semiconductor quantum dots in a cQED architecture', Applied Physics Letters, 117,
    Journal articles | 2020
    King C; Schoenfield JS; Calderón MJ; Koiller B; Saraiva A; Hu X; Jiang H; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN, 2020, 'Lifting of spin blockade by charged impurities in Si-MOS double quantum dot devices', Physical Review B, 101,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Kornich V; Vavilov MG; Friesen M; Eriksson MA; Coppersmith SN, 2020, 'Majorana bound states in nanowire-superconductor hybrid systems in periodic magnetic fields', Physical Review B, 101,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Koski JV; Landig AJ; Russ M; Abadillo-Uriel JC; Scarlino P; Kratochwil B; Reichl C; Wegscheider W; Burkard G; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Wallraff A; Ensslin K; Ihn T, 2020, 'Strong photon coupling to the quadrupole moment of an electron in a solid-state qubit', Nature Physics, 16, pp. 642 - 646,
    Journal articles | 2020
    MacQuarrie ER; Neyens SF; Dodson JP; Corrigan J; Thorgrimsson B; Holman N; Palma M; Edge LF; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2020, 'Progress toward a capacitively mediated CNOT between two charge qubits in Si/SiGe', npj Quantum Information, 6,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Neyens SF; Foote RH; Thorgrimsson B; Knapp TJ; McJunkin T; Vandersypen LMK; Amin P; Thomas NK; Clarke JS; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2020, 'Erratum: The critical role of substrate disorder in valley splitting in Si quantum wells (Applied Physics Letters (2018) 112 (243107) DOI: 10.1063/1.5033447)', Applied Physics Letters, 116,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Thorgrimsson B; McJunkin T; MacQuarrie ER; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2020, 'The effect of external electric fields on silicon with superconducting gallium nano-precipitates', Journal of Applied Physics, 127,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Wuetz BP; Losert MP; Tosato A; Lodari M; Bavdaz PL; Stehouwer L; Amin P; Clarke JS; Coppersmith SN; Sammak A; Veldhorst M; Friesen M; Scappucci G, 2020, 'Effect of Quantum Hall Edge Strips on Valley Splitting in Silicon Quantum Wells', Physical Review Letters, 125,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Xue X; D'anjou B; Watson TF; Ward DR; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA; Coish WA; Vandersypen LMK, 2020, 'Repetitive Quantum Nondemolition Measurement and Soft Decoding of a Silicon Spin Qubit', Physical Review X, 10,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Yang YC; Coppersmith SN; Friesen M, 2020, 'High-fidelity entangling gates for quantum-dot hybrid qubits based on exchange interactions', Physical Review A, 101,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Zwolak JP; Mcjunkin T; Kalantre SS; Dodson JP; Macquarrie ER; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA; Taylor JM, 2020, 'Autotuning of double-dot devices in situ with machine learning', Physical Review Applied, 13,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Abadillo-Uriel JC; Eriksson MA; Coppersmith SN; Friesen M, 2019, 'Enhancing the dipolar coupling of a S-T0 qubit with a transverse sweet spot', Nature Communications, 10,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Cervia MJ; Patwardhan AV; Balantekin AB; Coppersmith SN; Johnson CW, 2019, 'Entanglement and collective flavor oscillations in a dense neutrino gas', Physical Review D, 100,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Frees A; Gamble JK; Ward DR; Blume-Kohout R; Eriksson MA; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN, 2019, 'Compressed optimization of device architectures for semiconductor quantum devices compressed optimization of device architectures... ADAM FREES et al.', Physical Review Applied, 11,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Frees A; Mehl S; Gamble JK; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN, 2019, 'Adiabatic two-qubit gates in capacitively coupled quantum dot hybrid qubits', npj Quantum Information, 5,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Landig AJ; Koski JV; Scarlino P; Müller C; Abadillo-Uriel JC; Kratochwil B; Reichl C; Wegscheider W; Coppersmith SN; Friesen M; Wallraff A; Ihn T; Ensslin K, 2019, 'Virtual-photon-mediated spin-qubit–transmon coupling', Nature Communications, 10,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Neyens SF; MacQuarrie ER; Dodson JP; Corrigan J; Holman N; Thorgrimsson B; Palma M; McJunkin T; Edge LF; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2019, 'Measurements of Capacitive Coupling Within a Quadruple-Quantum-Dot Array', Physical Review Applied, 12,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Xue X; Watson TF; Helsen J; Ward DR; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA; Wehner S; Vandersypen LMK, 2019, 'Benchmarking Gate Fidelities in a Si/SiGe Two-Qubit Device', Physical Review X, 9,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Yang YC; Coppersmith SN; Friesen M, 2019, 'Achieving high-fidelity single-qubit gates in a strongly driven charge qubit with 1/f charge noise', npj Quantum Information, 5,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Yang YC; Coppersmith SN; Friesen M, 2019, 'High-fidelity single-qubit gates in a strongly driven quantum-dot hybrid qubit with 1/f charge noise', Physical Review A, 100,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Abadillo-Uriel JC; Thorgrimsson B; Kim D; Smith LW; Simmons CB; Ward DR; Foote RH; Corrigan J; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Calderón MJ; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA; Friesen M, 2018, 'Signatures of atomic-scale structure in the energy dispersion and coherence of a Si quantum-dot qubit', Physical Review B, 98,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Ercan HE; Ghosh J; Crow D; Premakumar VN; Joynt R; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN, 2018, 'Measurement-free implementations of small-scale surface codes for quantum-dot qubits', Physical Review A, 97,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Ferdous R; Kawakami E; Scarlino P; Nowak MP; Ward DR; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Coppersmith SN; Friesen M; Eriksson MA; Vandersypen LMK; Rahman R, 2018, 'Valley dependent anisotropic spin splitting in silicon quantum dots', npj Quantum Information, 4,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Kornich V; Vavilov MG; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN, 2018, 'Phonon-induced decoherence of a charge quadrupole qubit', New Journal of Physics, 20,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Neyens SF; Foote RH; Thorgrimsson B; Knapp TJ; McJunkin T; Vandersypen LMK; Amin P; Thomas NK; Clarke JS; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2018, 'The critical role of substrate disorder in valley splitting in Si quantum wells', Applied Physics Letters, 112,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Watson TF; Philips SGJ; Kawakami E; Ward DR; Scarlino P; Veldhorst M; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA; Vandersypen LMK, 2018, 'A programmable two-qubit quantum processor in silicon', Nature, 555, pp. 633 - 637,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Friesen M; Ghosh J; Eriksson MA; Coppersmith SN, 2017, 'A decoherence-free subspace in a charge quadrupole qubit', Nature Communications, 8,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Ghosh J; Coppersmith SN; Friesen M, 2017, 'Pulse sequences for suppressing leakage in single-qubit gate operations', Physical Review B, 95,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Qi Z; Wu X; Ward DR; Prance JR; Kim D; Gamble JK; Mohr RT; Shi Z; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Eriksson MA; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Vavilov MG, 2017, 'Effects of charge noise on a pulse-gated singlet-triplet S - T- qubit', Physical Review B, 96,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Scarlino P; Kawakami E; Jullien T; Ward DR; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA; Vandersypen LMK, 2017, 'Dressed photon-orbital states in a quantum dot: Intervalley spin resonance', Physical Review B, 95,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Thorgrimsson B; Kim D; Yang YC; Smith LW; Simmons CB; Ward DR; Foote RH; Corrigan J; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2017, 'Extending the coherence of a quantum dot hybrid qubit', npj Quantum Information, 3,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Yang YC; Coppersmith SN; Friesen M, 2017, 'Achieving high-fidelity single-qubit gates in a strongly driven silicon-quantum-dot hybrid qubit', Physical Review A, 95,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Coppersmith S, 2016, 'Quantum information: Violation of Bell's inequality in Si', Nature Nanotechnology, 11, pp. 216 - 217,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Coppersmith SN, 2016, 'Leo P. Kadanoff (1937-2015): An appreciation', PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 113, pp. 471 - 472,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Kawakami E; Jullien T; Scarlino P; Ward DR; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Dobrovitski VV; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA; Vandersypen LMK, 2016, 'Gate fidelity and coherence of an electron spin in an Si/SiGe quantum dot with micromagnet', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 113, pp. 11738 - 11743,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Knapp TJ; Mohr RT; Li YS; Thorgrimsson B; Foote RH; Wu X; Ward DR; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2016, 'Characterization of a gate-defined double quantum dot in a Si/SiGe nanomembrane', Nanotechnology, 27,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Park J; Ahn Y; Tilka JA; Sampson KC; Savage DE; Prance JR; Simmons CB; Lagally MG; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA; Holt MV; Evans PG, 2016, 'Electrode-stress-induced nanoscale disorder in Si quantum electronic devices', APL Materials, 4,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Tilka JA; Park J; Ahn Y; Pateras A; Sampson KC; Savage DE; Prance JR; Simmons CB; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA; Lagally MG; Holt MV; Evans PG, 2016, 'Combining experiment and optical simulation in coherent X-ray nanobeam characterization of Si/SiGe semiconductor heterostructures', Journal of Applied Physics, 120,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Ward DR; Kim D; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Foote RH; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2016, 'State-conditional coherent charge qubit oscillations in a Si/SiGe quadruple quantum dot', npj Quantum Information, 2,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Devol RT; Sun CY; Marcus MA; Coppersmith SN; Myneni SCB; Gilbert PUPA, 2015, 'Nanoscale Transforming Mineral Phases in Fresh Nacre', Journal of the American Chemical Society, 137, pp. 13325 - 13333,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Fei J; Hung JT; Koh TS; Shim YP; Coppersmith SN; Hu X; Friesen M, 2015, 'Characterizing gate operations near the sweet spot of an exchange-only qubit', Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 91,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Foote RH; Ward DR; Prance JR; Gamble JK; Nielsen E; Thorgrimsson B; Savage DE; Saraiva AL; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2015, 'Transport through an impurity tunnel coupled to a Si/SiGe quantum dot', Applied Physics Letters, 107,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Kim D; Ward DR; Simmons CB; Gamble JK; Blume-Kohout R; Nielsen E; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2015, 'Microwave-driven coherent operation of a semiconductor quantum dot charge qubit', Nature Nanotechnology, 10, pp. 243 - 247,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Kim D; Ward DR; Simmons CB; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2015, 'High-fidelity resonant gating of a silicon-based quantum dot hybrid qubit', npj Quantum Information, 1,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Li YS; Sookchoo P; Cui X; Mohr R; Savage DE; Foote RH; Jacobson R; Sánchez-Pérez JR; Paskiewicz DM; Wu X; Ward DR; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA; Lagally MG, 2015, 'Electronic transport properties of epitaxial Si/SiGe heterostructures grown on single-crystal SiGe nanomembranes', ACS Nano, 9, pp. 4891 - 4899,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Prance JR; Van Bael BJ; Simmons CB; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2015, 'Identifying single electron charge sensor events using wavelet edge detection', Nanotechnology, 26,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Scarlino P; Kawakami E; Ward DR; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA; Vandersypen LMK, 2015, 'Second-Harmonic Coherent Driving of a Spin Qubit in a Si/SiGe Quantum Dot', Physical Review Letters, 115,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Wong CH; Eriksson MA; Coppersmith SN; Friesen M, 2015, 'High-fidelity singlet-triplet S-T- qubits in inhomogeneous magnetic fields', Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 92,
    Journal articles | 2015
    恵里加 川; Scarlino P; Jullien T; Ward D; Savage D; Lagally M; Dobrovitski V; Friesen M; Coppersmith S; Eriksson M; Vandersypen L, 2015, 'Si/SiGe量子ドット中の電子スピン量子操作', , pp. 50 - 50,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Kawakami E; Scarlino P; Ward DR; Braakman FR; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA; Vandersypen LMK, 2014, 'Electrical control of a long-lived spin qubit in a Si/SiGe quantum dot', Nature Nanotechnology,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Kawakami E; Scarlino P; Ward DR; Braakman FR; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA; Vandersypen LMK, 2014, 'Electrical control of a long-lived spin qubit in a Si/SiGe quantum dot', Nature Nanotechnology, 9, pp. 666 - 670,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Kawakami E; Scarlino P; Ward DR; Braakman FR; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA; Vandersypen LMK, 2014, 'Electrical control of a long-lived spin qubit in a Si/SiGe quantum dot', Nature Nanotechnology, 9, pp. 666 - 670,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Kim D; Shi Z; Simmons CB; Ward DR; Prance JR; Koh TS; Gamble JK; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2014, 'Quantum control and process tomography of a semiconductor quantum dot hybrid qubit', Nature, 511, pp. 70 - 74,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Shi Z; Simmons CB; Ward DR; Prance JR; Wu X; Koh TS; Gamble JK; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2014, 'Fast coherent manipulation of three-electron states in a double quantum dot', Nature Communications, 5,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Ward DR; Foote RH; Gamble JK; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2014, '(Invited) Integrating Classical Semiconductor Devices with Si/Sige Quantum Dots', ECS Meeting Abstracts, MA2014-02, pp. 1849 - 1849,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Wu X; Ward DR; Prance JR; Kim D; Gamble JK; Mohr RT; Shi Z; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2014, 'Two-axis control of a singlet-triplet qubit with an integrated micromagnet', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 111, pp. 11938 - 11942,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Chua Y; Leahy B; Zhang M; You S; Lee KYC; Coppersmith SN; Lin B, 2013, 'Incommensurate phases of a supported nanoparticle film subjected to uniaxial compression', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 110, pp. 824 - 831,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Eriksson MA; Coppersmith SN; Lagally MG, 2013, 'Semiconductor quantum dot qubits', MRS Bulletin, 38, pp. 794 - 801,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Frees A; Gamble JK; Rudinger K; Bach E; Friesen M; Joynt R; Coppersmith SN, 2013, 'Power-law scaling for the adiabatic algorithm for search-engine ranking', Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, 88,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Gamble JK; Eriksson MA; Coppersmith SN; Friesen M, 2013, 'Disorder-induced valley-orbit hybrid states in Si quantum dots', Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 88,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Koh TS; Coppersmith SN; Friesen M, 2013, 'High-fidelity gates in quantum dot spin qubits', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 110, pp. 19695 - 19700,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Shi Z; Simmons CB; Ward DR; Prance JR; Mohr RT; Koh TS; Gamble JK; Wu X; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2013, 'Coherent quantum oscillations and echo measurements of a Si charge qubit', Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 88,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Ward DR; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2013, 'Integration of on-chip field-effect transistor switches with dopantless Si/SiGe quantum dots for high-throughput testing', Applied Physics Letters, 102,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Zwanenburg FA; Dzurak AS; Morello A; Simmons MY; Hollenberg LCL; Klimeck G; Rogge S; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2013, 'Silicon Quantum Electronics', Reviews of Modern Physics, 85, pp. 961 - 1019,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Evans PG; Savage DE; Prance JR; Simmons CB; Lagally MG; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA; Schülli TU, 2012, 'Nanoscale distortions of Si quantum wells in Si/SiGe quantum-electronic heterostructures', Advanced Materials, 24, pp. 5217 - 5221,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Gamble JK; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Hu X, 2012, 'Two-electron dephasing in single Si and GaAs quantum dots', Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 86,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Koh TS; Gamble JK; Friesen M; Eriksson MA; Coppersmith SN, 2012, 'Pulse-gated quantum-dot hybrid qubit', Physical Review Letters, 109,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Prance J; Shi Z; Simmons C; Savage D; Lagally M; Schreiber L; Vandersypen L; Friesen M; Joynt R; Coppersmith S; Eriksson M, 2012, 'Single-Shot Readout of Singlet-Triplet Qubit States in a Si/SiGe Double Quantum Dot', ECS Meeting Abstracts, MA2012-02, pp. 3183 - 3183,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Prance JR; Shi Z; Simmons CB; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Schreiber LR; Vandersypen LMK; Friesen M; Joynt R; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2012, 'Single-shot measurement of triplet-singlet relaxation in a Si/SiGe double quantum dot', Physical Review Letters, 108,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Rudinger K; Gamble JK; Wellons M; Bach E; Friesen M; Joynt R; Coppersmith SN, 2012, 'Noninteracting multiparticle quantum random walks applied to the graph isomorphism problem for strongly regular graphs', Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, 86,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Shi Z; Simmons CB; Prance JR; Gamble JK; Koh TS; Shim YP; Hu X; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Eriksson MA; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN, 2012, 'Fast hybrid silicon double-quantum-dot qubit', Physical Review Letters, 108,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Gamble JK; Friesen M; Joynt R; Coppersmith SN, 2011, 'Cooling of cryogenic electron bilayers via the Coulomb interaction', Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 84,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Gilbert PUPA; Young A; Coppersmith SN, 2011, 'Measurement of c-axis angular orientation in calcite (CaCO 3) nanocrystals using X-ray absorption spectroscopy', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 108, pp. 11350 - 11355,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Killian CE; Metzler RA; Gong Y; Churchill TH; Olson IC; Trubetskoy V; Christensen MB; Fournelle JH; De Carlo F; Cohen S; Mahamid J; Scholl A; Young A; Doran A; Wilt FH; Coppersmith SN; Gilbert PUPA, 2011, 'Self-Sharpening Teeth: Self-Sharpening Mechanism of the Sea Urchin Tooth (Adv. Funct. Mater. 4/2011)', Advanced Functional Materials, 21,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Killian CE; Metzler RA; Gong Y; Churchill TH; Olson IC; Trubetskoy V; Christensen MB; Fournelle JH; De Carlo F; Cohen S; Mahamid J; Scholl A; Young A; Doran A; Wilt FH; Coppersmith SN; Gilbert PUPA, 2011, 'Self-sharpening mechanism of the sea urchin tooth', Advanced Functional Materials, 21, pp. 682 - 690,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Koh TS; Simmons CB; Eriksson MA; Coppersmith SN; Friesen M, 2011, 'Unconventional transport in the "hole" regime of a Si double quantum dot', Physical Review Letters, 106,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Shi Z; Simmons CB; Prance JR; King Gamble J; Friesen M; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2011, 'Tunable singlet-triplet splitting in a few-electron Si/SiGe quantum dot', Applied Physics Letters, 99,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Simmons CB; Prance JR; Van Bael BJ; Koh TS; Shi Z; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Joynt R; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2011, 'Tunable spin loading and T1 of a silicon spin qubit measured by single-shot readout', Physical Review Letters, 106,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Staii C; Viesselmann C; Ballweg J; Williams JC; Dent EW; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2011, 'Distance dependence of neuronal growth on nanopatterned gold surfaces', Langmuir, 27, pp. 233 - 239,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Thalakulam M; Simmons CB; Van Bael BJ; Rosemeyer BM; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2011, 'Single-shot measurement and tunnel-rate spectroscopy of a Si/SiGe few-electron quantum dot', Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 84,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Friesen M; Coppersmith SN, 2010, 'Theory of valley-orbit coupling in a Si/SiGe quantum dot', Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 81,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Gamble JK; Friesen M; Zhou D; Joynt R; Coppersmith SN, 2010, 'Two-particle quantum walks applied to the graph isomorphism problem', Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, 81,
    Journal articles | 2010
    McGuire LM; Friesen M; Slinker KA; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2010, 'Valley splitting in a Si/SiGe quantum point contact', New Journal of Physics, 12,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Metzler RA; Evans JS; Killian CE; Zhou D; Churchill TH; Appathurai NP; Coppersmith SN; Gilbert PUPA, 2010, 'Nacre protein fragment templates lamellar aragonite growth', Journal of the American Chemical Society, 132, pp. 6329 - 6334,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Simmons C; Thalakulam M; Rosemeyer BM; Van Bael BJ; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Joynt R; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2010, 'Toward Si/SiGe Quantum Dot Spin Qubits', ECS Meeting Abstracts, MA2010-02, pp. 1920 - 1920,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Simmons CB; Koh TS; Shaji N; Thalakulam M; Klein LJ; Qin H; Luo H; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Rimberg AJ; Joynt R; Blick R; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2010, 'Pauli spin blockade and lifetime-enhanced transport in a Si/SiGe double quantum dot', Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 82,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Thalakulam M; Simmons CB; Rosemeyer BM; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2010, 'Fast tunnel rates in Si/SiGe one-electron single and double quantum dots', Applied Physics Letters, 96,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Coppersmith SN; Gilbert PUPA; Metzler RA, 2009, 'Theoretical characterization of a model of aragonite crystal orientation in red abalone nacre', Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 42,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Gilbert P; Metzler R; Killian CE; Coppersmith SN; Ma Y; Politi Y; Weiner S; Addadi L, 2009, 'C-15 Invited—Biomineral Ultrastructures Revealed by Synchrotron Spectromicroscopy', Powder Diffraction, 24, pp. 166 - 166,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Killian CE; Metzler RA; Gong YUT; Olson IC; Aizenberg J; Politi Y; Wilt FH; Scholl A; Young A; Doran A; Kunz M; Tamura N; Coppersmith SN; Gilbert PUPA, 2009, 'Mechanism of calcite co-orientation in the sea urchin tooth', Journal of the American Chemical Society, 131, pp. 18404 - 18409,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Simmons CB; Thalakulam M; Rosemeyer BM; Van Bael BJ; Sackmann EK; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Joynt R; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2009, 'Charge sensing and controllable tunnel coupling in a Si/SiGe double quantum dot', Nano Letters, 9, pp. 3234 - 3238,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Staii C; Viesselmann C; Ballweg J; Shi L; Liu GY; Williams JC; Dent EW; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2009, 'Positioning and guidance of neurons on gold surfaces by directed assembly of proteins using Atomic Force Microscopy', Biomaterials, 30, pp. 3397 - 3404,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Truitt JL; Slinker KA; Lewis KLM; Savage DE; Tahan C; Klein LJ; Chu JO; Mooney PM; Tyryshkin AM; van der Weide DW; Joynt R; Coppersmith SN; Friesen M; Eriksson MA, 2009, 'Si/SiGe quantum devices, quantum wells, and electron-spin coherence', Topics in Applied Physics, 115, pp. 101 - 127,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Chutia S; Coppersmith SN; Friesen M, 2008, 'Multiscale theory of valley splitting in the conduction band of a quantum well', Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 77,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Coppersmith SN, 2008, 'Using the renormalization group to classify boolean functions', Journal of Statistical Physics, 130, pp. 1063 - 1085,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Gilbert PUPA; Metzler RA; Zhou D; Scholl A; Doran A; Young A; Kunz M; Tamura N; Coppersmith SN, 2008, 'Gradual ordering in red abalone nacre', Journal of the American Chemical Society, 130, pp. 17519 - 17527,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Metzler RA; Kim IW; Delak K; Evans JS; Zhou D; Beniash E; Wilt F; Abrecht M; Chiou JW; Guo J; Coppersmith SN; Gilbert PUPA, 2008, 'Probing the organic-mineral interface at the molecular level in model biominerals', Langmuir, 24, pp. 2680 - 2687,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Metzler RA; Zhou D; Abrecht M; Chiou JW; Guo J; Ariosa D; Coppersmith SN; Gilbert PUPA, 2008, 'Polarization-dependent imaging contrast in abalone shells', Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 77,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Shaji N; Simmons CB; Klein LJ; Qin H; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Coppersmith SN; Joynt R; Friesen M; Blick RH; Eriksson MA, 2008, 'Top-gated few-electron double quantum dot in Si/SiGe', Physica E: Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 40, pp. 520 - 523,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Shaji N; Simmons CB; Thalakulam M; Klein LJ; Qin H; Luo H; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Rimberg AJ; Joynt R; Friesen M; Blick RH; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2008, 'Spin blockade and lifetime-enhanced transport in a few-electron Si/SiGe double quantum dot', Nature Physics, 4, pp. 540 - 544,
    Journal articles | 2008
    Zhou D; Metzler RA; Tyliszczak T; Guo J; Abrecht M; Coppersmith SN; Gilbert PUPA, 2008, 'Assignment of polarization-dependent peaks in carbon K-edge spectra from biogenic and geologic aragonite', Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 112, pp. 13128 - 13135,
    Journal articles | 2007
    Coppersmith SN, 2007, 'Complexity of the predecessor problem in Kauffman networks', Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, 75,
    Journal articles | 2007
    Coppersmith SN, 2007, 'Renormalization group approach to satisfiability', EPL, 77,
    Journal articles | 2007
    Friesen M; Chutia S; Tahan C; Coppersmith SN, 2007, 'Valley splitting theory of SiGe/Si/SiGe quantum wells', Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 75,
    Journal articles | 2007
    Goswami S; Slinker KA; Friesen M; McGuire LM; Truitt JL; Tahan C; Klein LJ; Chu JO; Mooney PM; Van Der Weide DW; Joynt R; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2007, 'Controllable valley splitting in silicon quantum devices', Nature Physics, 3, pp. 41 - 45,
    Journal articles | 2007
    Metzler RA; Abrecht M; Olabisi RM; Ariosa D; Johnson CJ; Frazer BH; Coppersmith SN; Gilbert PUPA, 2007, 'Architecture of columnar nacre, and implications for its formation Mechanism', Physical Review Letters, 98,
    Journal articles | 2007
    Simmons CB; Thalakulam M; Shaji N; Klein LJ; Qin H; Blick RH; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2007, 'Single-electron quantum dot in SiSiGe with integrated charge sensing', Applied Physics Letters, 91,
    Journal articles | 2006
    Coppersmith SN, 2006, 'Renormalization group approach to the P versus NP question', ,
    Journal articles | 2006
    Friesen M; Eriksson MA; Coppersmith SN, 2006, 'Magnetic field dependence of valley splitting in realistic Si/SiGe quantum wells', Applied Physics Letters, 89,
    Journal articles | 2006
    Klein LJ; Lewis KLM; Slinker KA; Goswami S; Van Der Weide DW; Blick RH; Mooney PM; Chu JO; Coppersmith SN; Friesen M; Eriksson MA, 2006, 'Quantum dots and etch-induced depletion of a silicon two-dimensional electron gas', Journal of Applied Physics, 99,
    Journal articles | 2006
    Tyryshkin AM; Lyon SA; Schenkel T; Bokor J; Chu J; Jantsch W; Schäffler F; Truitt JL; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2006, 'Electron spin coherence in Si', Physica E: Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 35, pp. 257 - 263,
    Journal articles | 2005
    Shiau SY; Joynt R; Coppersmith SN, 2005, 'Physically-motivated dynamical algorithms for the graph isomorphism problem', Quantum Information and Computation, 5, pp. 492 - 506,
    Journal articles | 2005
    Slinker KA; Lewis KLM; Haselby CC; Goswami S; Klein LJ; Chu JO; Coppersmith SN; Joynt R; Blick RH; Friesen M; Eriksson MA, 2005, 'Quantum dots in Si/SiGe 2DEGs with Schottky top-gated leads', New Journal of Physics, 7,
    Journal articles | 2004
    Bach E; Coppersmith S; Goldschen MP; Joynt R; Watrous J, 2004, 'One-dimensional quantum walks with absorbing boundaries', Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 69, pp. 562 - 592,
    Journal articles | 2004
    Boykin TB; Klimeck G; Eriksson MA; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Von Allmen P; Oyafuso F; Lee S, 2004, 'Valley splitting in strained silicon quantum wells', Applied Physics Letters, 84, pp. 115 - 117,
    Journal articles | 2004
    Boykin TB; Klimeck G; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Von Allmen P; Oyafuso F; Lee S, 2004, 'Valley splitting in low-density quantum-confined heterostructures studied using tight-binding models', Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 70, pp. 1 - 12,
    Journal articles | 2004
    Coppersmith SN; Lee S; Allmen PV, 2004, 'Exchange in a silicon-based quantum dot quantum computer architecture', ,
    Journal articles | 2004
    Dayal P; Trebst S; Wessel S; Würtz D; Troyer M; Sabhapandit S; Coppersmith SN, 2004, 'Performance limitations of flat-histogram methods', Physical Review Letters, 92,
    Journal articles | 2004
    Dimalanta ET; Lim A; Runnheim R; Lamers C; Churas C; Forrest DK; De Pablo JJ; Graham MD; Coppersmith SN; Goldstein S; Schwartz DC, 2004, 'A microfluidic system for large DNA molecule arrays', Analytical Chemistry, 76, pp. 5293 - 5301,
    Journal articles | 2004
    Eriksson MA; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Joynt R; Klein LJ; Slinker K; Tahan C; Mooney PM; Chu JO; Koester SJ, 2004, 'Spin-based quantum dot quantum computing in silicon', Quantum Information Processing, 3, pp. 133 - 146,
    Journal articles | 2004
    Klein LJ; Slinker KA; Truitt JL; Goswami S; Lewis KLM; Coppersmith SN; Van Der Weide DW; Friesen M; Blick RH; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Tahan C; Joynt R; Eriksson MA; Chu JO; Ott JA; Mooney PM, 2004, 'Coulomb blockade in a silicon/silicon-germanium two-dimensional electron gas quantum dot', Applied Physics Letters, 84, pp. 4047 - 4049,
    Journal articles | 2004
    Landry JW; Coppersmith SN, 2004, 'Quantum properties of a strongly interacting frustrated disordered magnet', Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 69,
    Journal articles | 2003
    Blank R; Baldini T; Kaufman M; Bailey S; Gupta R; Yershov Y; Boskey A; Coppersmith S; Demant P; Paschalis E, 2003, 'Spectroscopically Determined Collagen Pyr/deH-DHLNL Cross-Link Ratio and Crystallinity Indices Differ Markedly in Recombinant Congenic Mice with Divergent Calculated Bone Tissue Strength', Connective Tissue Research, 44, pp. 134 - 142,
    Journal articles | 2003
    Blank RD; Baldini TH; Kaufman M; Bailey S; Gupta R; Yershov Y; Boskey AL; Coppersmith SN; Demant P; Paschalis EP, 2003, 'Spectroscopically determined collagen pyr/deH-DHLNL cross-link ratio and crystallinity indices differ markedly in recombinant congenic mice in divergent calculated bone tissue strength', Connective Tissue Research, 44, pp. 134 - 142,
    Journal articles | 2003
    Ghosh S; Rosenbaum TF; Aeppli G; Coppersmith SN, 2003, 'Entangled quantum state of magnetic dipoles', Nature, 425, pp. 48 - 51,
    Journal articles | 2002
    Gopinathan A; Zhou T; Coppersmith SN; Kadanoff LP; Grier DG, 2002, 'Weak long-ranged Casimir attraction in colloidal crystals', Europhysics Letters, 57, pp. 451 - 457,
    Journal articles | 2002
    Landry JW; Coppersmith SN, 2002, 'Ground states of two-dimensional (formula presented) Edwards-Anderson spin glasses', Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 65, pp. 1 - 15,
    Journal articles | 2002
    Landry JW; Coppersmith SN, 2002, 'Ground states of two-dimensional ±J Edwards-Anderson spin glasses', Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 65, pp. 1344041 - 13440415
    Journal articles | 2001
    Coppersmith SN; Kadanoff LP; Zhang Z, 2001, 'Reversible Boolean networks I: Distribution of cycle lengths', Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 149, pp. 11 - 29,
    Journal articles | 2001
    Coppersmith SN; Kadanoff LP; Zhang Z, 2001, 'Reversible Boolean networks. II. Phase transitions, oscillations, and local structures', Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 157, pp. 54 - 74,
    Journal articles | 2001
    Coppersmith SN; Littlewood T, 2001, 'Response', International Journal of Epidemiology, 30, pp. 4049 - 4052,
    Journal articles | 2000
    Nguyen ML; Coppersmith SN, 2000, 'Scalar model of inhomogeneous elastic and granular media', Physical Review E - Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics, 62, pp. 5248 - 5262,
    Journal articles | 1999
    Coppersmith SN; Blank RD; Kadanoff LP, 1999, 'Analysis of a population genetics model with mutation, selection, and pleiotropy', Journal of Statistical Physics, 97, pp. 429 - 457,
    Journal articles | 1999
    Coppersmith SN, 1999, 'A simpler derivation of Feigenbaum's renormalization group equation for the period-doubling bifurcation sequence', American Journal of Physics, 67, pp. 52 - 54,
    Journal articles | 1999
    Mungan M; Coppersmith SN; Vinokur VM, 1999, 'Diverging strains near threshold: Breakdown of the elastic description of a charge density wave model', Turkish Journal of Physics, 23, pp. 113 - 124
    Journal articles | 1999
    Nguyen ML; Coppersmith SN, 1999, 'Properties of layer-by-layer vector stochastic models of force fluctuations in granular materials', Physical Review E - Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics, 59, pp. 5870 - 5880,
    Journal articles | 1999
    Povinelli ML; Coppersmith SN; Kadanoff LP; Nagel SR; Venkataramani SC, 1999, 'Noise stabilization of self-organized memories', Physical Review E - Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics, 59, pp. 4970 - 4982,
    Journal articles | 1999
    Reichl LE; Coppersmith SN, 1999, 'A Modern Course in Statistical Physics', Physics Today, 52, pp. 65 - 66,
    Journal articles | 1998
    Coppersmith SN, 1998, 'Chaos, complexity, and computers: Object-oriented programming and physics concepts for undergraduates', Journal of Statistical Physics, 93, pp. 1009 - 1018,
    Journal articles | 1998
    Mungan M; Sow CH; Coppersmith SN; Grier DG, 1998, 'Determining pair interactions from structural correlations', Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 58, pp. 14588 - 14593,
    Journal articles | 1997
    Bitko D; Coppersmith SN; Leheny RL; Menon N; Nagel SR; Rosenbaum TF, 1997, 'Evidence for glass and spin-glass phase transitions from the dynamic susceptibility', JOURNAL OF RESEARCH OF THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STANDARDS AND TECHNOLOGY, 102, pp. 207 - 211,
    Journal articles | 1997
    Coppersmith SN; Jones TC; Kadanoff LP; Levine A; McCarten JP; Nagel SR; Venkataramani SC; Wu X, 1997, 'Self-organized short-term memories', Physical Review Letters, 78, pp. 3983 - 3986,
    Journal articles | 1997
    Coppersmith SN, 1997, 'Force fluctuations in granular media', Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 107, pp. 183 - 185,
    Journal articles | 1997
    Shung E; Rosenbaum T; Coppersmith S; Crabtree G; Kwok W, 1997, 'Vortex telegraph noise in high magnetic fields', Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 56, pp. R11431 - R11434,
    Journal articles | 1996
    Coppersmith SN; Liu CH; Majumdar S; Narayan O; Witten TA, 1996, 'Model for force fluctuations in bead packs', Physical Review E - Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics, 53, pp. 4673 - 4685,
    Journal articles | 1995
    Liu CH; Nagel SR; Schecter DA; Coppersmith SN; Majumdar S; Narayan O; Witten TA, 1995, 'Force fluctuations in bead packs', Science, 269, pp. 513 - 515,
    Journal articles | 1994
    Journal articles | 1994
    Löfstedt R; Coppersmith SN, 1994, 'Quantum stochastic resonance', Physical Review Letters, 72, pp. 1947 - 1950,
    Journal articles | 1994
    Löfstedt R; Coppersmith SN, 1994, 'Stochastic resonance: Nonperturbative calculation of power spectra and residence-time distributions', Physical Review E, 49, pp. 4821 - 4831,
    Journal articles | 1993
    Coppersmith SN; Golding B, 1993, 'Low-temperature acoustic properties of metallic glasses', Physical Review B, 47, pp. 4922 - 4936,
    Journal articles | 1993
    Coppersmith SN, 1993, 'Defect interactions in metallic glasses: Acoustic probes', Physical Review B, 48, pp. 142 - 148,
    Journal articles | 1992
    Golding B; Zimmerman MN; Coppersmith SN, 1992, 'Dissipative quantum tunneling of a single microscopic defect in a mesoscopic metal', Physical Review Letters, 68, pp. 998 - 1001,
    Journal articles | 1991
    Coppersmith SN; Millis AJ, 1991, 'Diverging strains in the phase-deformation model of sliding charge-density waves', Physical Review B, 44, pp. 7799 - 7807,
    Journal articles | 1991
    Coppersmith SN, 1991, 'Frustrated Interactions and Tunneling: Two-Level Systems in Glasses', Physical Review Letters, 67, pp. 2315 - 2318,
    Journal articles | 1991
    Coppersmith SN, 1991, 'Pinning energies and phase slips in weakly pinned charge-density waves', Physical Review B, 44, pp. 2887 - 2894,
    Journal articles | 1991
    Millis AJ; Coppersmith SN, 1991, 'Nonconvergence of the t/U expansion in the metallic phase of the Hubbard model', Solid State Communications, 79, pp. 1043 - 1046,
    Journal articles | 1991
    Millis AJ; Coppersmith SN, 1991, 'Variational wave functions and the Mott transition', Physical Review B, 43, pp. 13770 - 13773,
    Journal articles | 1991
    Yu CC; Coppersmith SN, 1991, 'Gravity-induced flow of a structural glass at zero temperature', Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 131-133, pp. 476 - 478,
    Journal articles | 1990
    Coppersmith SN; Inui M; Littlewood PB, 1990, 'Comment on Experimental evidence for vortex-glass superconductivity in Y-Ba-Cu-O', Physical Review Letters, 64, pp. 2585,
    Journal articles | 1990
    Coppersmith SN; Littlewood PB, 1990, 'Comparison of mean-field theories of an extended Hubbard model', Physical Review B, 42, pp. 3966 - 3970,
    Journal articles | 1990
    Coppersmith SN; Littlewood PB, 1990, 'Perturbative and variational calculations of charge fluctuations of an extended Hubbard model', Physical Review B, 41, pp. 2646 - 2649,
    Journal articles | 1990
    Coppersmith SN, 1990, 'Normal and antiferromagnetic states of an extended Hubbard model', Physical Review B, 41, pp. 8711 - 8722,
    Journal articles | 1990
    Coppersmith SN, 1990, 'Phase slips and the instability of the Fukuyama-Lee-Rice model of charge-density waves', Physical Review Letters, 65, pp. 1044 - 1047,
    Journal articles | 1990
    Coppersmith SN, 1990, 'Superconducting states of an extended Hubbard model', Physical Review B, 42, pp. 2259 - 2267,
    Journal articles | 1990
    Millis AJ; Coppersmith SN, 1990, 'Interaction and doping dependence of optical spectral weight of the two-dimensional Hubbard model', Physical Review B, 42, pp. 10807 - 10810,
    Journal articles | 1989
    Coppersmith SN; Yu CC, 1989, 'Phase diagram of the Hubbard model: A variational wave-function approach', Physical Review B, 39, pp. 11464 - 11474,
    Journal articles | 1989
    Coppersmith SN, 1989, 'Search for superconductivity in an extended Hubbard model', Physical Review B, 39, pp. 9671 - 9674,
    Journal articles | 1989
    Inui M; Littlewood PB; Coppersmith SN, 1989, 'Pinning and thermal fluctuations of a flux line in high-temperature superconductors', Physical Review Letters, 63, pp. 2421 - 2424,
    Journal articles | 1988
    Coppersmith SN; Fisher DS, 1988, 'Threshold behavior of a driven incommensurate harmonic chain', Physical Review A, 38, pp. 6338 - 6350,
    Journal articles | 1988
    Coppersmith SN, 1988, 'Overdamped Frenkel-Kontorova model with randomness as a dynamical system. II. Numerical studies of mode locking', Physical Review A, 38, pp. 375 - 381,
    Journal articles | 1987
    Coppersmith SN; Littlewood PB, 1987, 'Pulse-duration memory effect and deformable charge-density waves', Physical Review B, 36, pp. 311 - 317,
    Journal articles | 1987
    Coppersmith SN, 1987, 'A simple illustration of "phase organization"', Physics Letters A, 125, pp. 473 - 475,
    Journal articles | 1987
    Coppersmith SN, 1987, 'Overdamped Frenkel-Kontorova model with randomness as a dynamical system: Mode locking and derivation of discrete maps', Physical Review A, 36, pp. 3375 - 3382,
    Journal articles | 1987
    Tang C; Wiesenfeld K; Bak P; Coppersmith S; Littlewood P, 1987, 'Phase organization', Physical Review Letters, 58, pp. 1161 - 1164,
    Journal articles | 1986
    Bruinsma R; Coppersmith SN, 1986, 'Anderson localization and breakdown of hydrodynamics in random ferromagnets', Physical Review B, 33, pp. 6541 - 6544,
    Journal articles | 1986
    Coppersmith SN; Klemm RA, 1986, 'Ultrasonic attenuation in clean anisotropic superconductors', Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 54-57, pp. 1539 - 1540,
    Journal articles | 1986
    Coppersmith SN; Klemm RA, 1986, 'Ultrasonic attenuation in clean anisotropic superconductors', Physical Review Letters, 56, pp. 1870 - 1873,
    Journal articles | 1986
    Coppersmith SN; Littlewood PB, 1986, 'Interference phenomena and mode locking in the model of deformable sliding charge-density waves', Physical Review Letters, 57, pp. 1927 - 1930,
    Journal articles | 1986
    Coppersmith SN, 1986, 'Comment on "nMR study of the structure and motion of charge-density waves in NbSe3"', Physical Review Letters, 57, pp. 1191,
    Journal articles | 1986
    Coppersmith SN, 1986, 'Nonlinear effects and "inductive" response of a purely dissipative incommensurate chain', Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 23, pp. 54 - 61,
    Journal articles | 1986
    Coppersmith SN, 1986, 'Response of a purely dissipative incommensurate chain to large driving pulses', Physical Review B, 34, pp. 2073 - 2079,
    Journal articles | 1985
    Bak P; Coppersmith S; Shapir Y; Fishman S; Yeomans J, 1985, 'The instability of long-period commensurate phases in the presence of quenched impurities', Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics, 18, pp. 3911 - 3918,
    Journal articles | 1985
    Journal articles | 1985
    Journal articles | 1985
    Coppersmith SN; Klemm RA, 1985, 'Ultrasonic attenuation in clean anisotropic superconductors', Physica B+C, 135, pp. 27 - 29,
    Journal articles | 1985
    Coppersmith SN, 1985, 'Low-temperature phase of a stacked triangular Ising antiferromagnet', Physical Review B, 32, pp. 1584 - 1594,
    Journal articles | 1984
    Coppersmith SN; Varma CM, 1984, 'Shift in the longitudinal sound velocity due to sliding charge-density waves', Physical Review B, 30, pp. 3566 - 3568,
    Journal articles | 1984
    Coppersmith SN, 1984, 'Dynamics of an incommensurate harmonic chain', Physical Review B, 30, pp. 410 - 412,
    Journal articles | 1984
    Fisher DS; Coppersmith SN; Cross MC, 1984, 'Comment on "dynamics of charge-density waves pinned by impurities"', Physical Review Letters, 52, pp. 481,
    Journal articles | 1983
    Journal articles | 1983
    Coppersmith SN; Fisher DS, 1983, 'Pinning transition of the discrete sine-Gordon equation', Physical Review B, 28, pp. 2566 - 2581,
    Journal articles | 1982
    Coppersmith SN; Fisher DS; Halperin BI; Lee PA; Brinkman WF, 1982, 'Dislocations and the commensurate-incommensurate transition in two dimensions', Physical Review B, 25, pp. 349 - 363,
    Journal articles | 1981
    Journal articles | 1981
    Coppersmith SN; Fisher DS; Halperin BI; Lee PA; Brinkman WF, 1981, 'Dislocations and the commensurate-incommensurate transition in two dimensions', Physical Review Letters, 46, pp. 549 - 552,
    Journal articles | 1979
    Shannon P; Marcotte P; Coppersmith S; Walsh> C, 1979, 'Studies with Mechanism-Based Inactivators of Lysine ε-Transaminase from Achromobacter liquidum', Biochemistry, 18, pp. 3917 - 3920,
    Journal articles | 1978
    Tsui DC; Allen SJ; Logan RA; Kamgar A; Coppersmith SN, 1978, 'High frequency conductivity in silicon inversion layers: Drude relaxation, 2D plasmons and minigaps in a surface superlattice', Surface Science, 73, pp. 419 - 433,
  • Preprints | 2024
    Heimsoth DJ; Kowalski R; Speller DH; Johnson CW; Balantekin AB; Coppersmith SN, 2024, Uncertainties in tellurium-based dark matter searches stemming from nuclear structure uncertainties,
    Preprints | 2024
    Klos J; Tröger J; Keutgen J; Losert MP; Riemann H; Abrosimov NV; Knoch J; Bracht H; Coppersmith SN; Friesen M; Cojocaru-Mirédin O; Schreiber LR; Bougeard D, 2024, Atomistic compositional details and their importance for spin qubits in isotope-purified silicon-germanium quantum wells,
    Preprints | 2024
    Losert MP; Oberländer M; Teske JD; Volmer M; Schreiber LR; Bluhm H; Coppersmith SN; Friesen M, 2024, Strategies for enhancing spin-shuttling fidelities in Si/SiGe quantum wells with random-alloy disorder,
    Preprints | 2023
    Heimsoth DJ; Lem B; Suliga AM; Johnson CW; Balantekin AB; Coppersmith SN, 2023, Uncertainties on the EFT coupling limits for direct dark matter detection experiments stemming from uncertainties of target properties,
    Preprints | 2023
    Losert MP; Eriksson MA; Joynt R; Rahman R; Scappucci G; Coppersmith SN; Friesen M, 2023, Practical Strategies for Enhancing the Valley Splitting in Si/SiGe Quantum Wells,
    Preprints | 2023
    Mickelsen D; Carruzzo HM; Coppersmith SN; Yu CC, 2023, Effects of Temperature Fluctuations on Charge Noise in Quantum Dot Qubits,
    Preprints | 2022
    Cervia MJ; Siwach P; Patwardhan AV; Balantekin AB; Coppersmith SN; Johnson CW, 2022, Collective neutrino oscillations with tensor networks using a time-dependent variational principle, ,
    Preprints | 2022
    Corrigan J; Dodson JP; Thorgrimsson B; Neyens SF; Knapp TJ; McJunkin T; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2022, Latched readout for the quantum dot hybrid qubit, ,
    Preprints | 2021
    Abadillo-Uriel JC; King C; Coppersmith SN; Friesen M, 2021, Long-range two-hybrid-qubit gates mediated by a microwave cavity with red sidebands, ,
    Preprints | 2021
    Dodson JP; Ercan HE; Corrigan J; Losert M; Holman N; McJunkin T; Edge LF; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2021, How valley-orbit states in silicon quantum dots probe quantum well interfaces, ,
    Preprints | 2021
    Ercan HE; Coppersmith SN; Friesen M, 2021, Strong electron-electron interactions in Si/SiGe quantum dots, ,
    Preprints | 2021
    Ercan HE; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN, 2021, Charge-noise resilience of two-electron quantum dots in Si/SiGe heterostructures, ,
    Preprints | 2021
    McJunkin T; Harpt B; Feng Y; Losert MP; Rahman R; Dodson JP; Wolfe MA; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Coppersmith SN; Friesen M; Joynt R; Eriksson MA, 2021, SiGe quantum wells with oscillating Ge concentrations for quantum dot qubits,
    Preprints | 2021
    McJunkin T; MacQuarrie ER; Tom L; Neyens SF; Dodson JP; Thorgrimsson B; Corrigan J; Ercan HE; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Joynt R; Coppersmith SN; Friesen M; Eriksson MA, 2021, Valley splittings in Si/SiGe quantum dots with a germanium spike in the silicon well, ,
    Preprints | 2021
    Wuetz BP; Losert MP; Koelling S; Stehouwer LEA; Zwerver A-MJ; Philips SGJ; Mądzik MT; Xue X; Zheng G; Lodari M; Amitonov SV; Samkharadze N; Sammak A; Vandersypen LMK; Rahman R; Coppersmith SN; Moutanabbir O; Friesen M; Scappucci G, 2021, Atomic fluctuations lifting the energy degeneracy in Si/SiGe quantum dots,
    Preprints | 2020
    Cervia MJ; Balantekin AB; Coppersmith SN; Johnson CW; Love PJ; Poole C; Robbins K; Saffman M, 2020, Lipkin model on a quantum computer, ,
    Preprints | 2020
    Corrigan J; Dodson JP; Ercan HE; Abadillo-Uriel JC; Thorgrimsson B; Knapp TJ; Holman N; McJunkin T; Neyens SF; MacQuarrie ER; Foote RH; Edge LF; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2020, Coherent control and spectroscopy of a semiconductor quantum dot Wigner molecule, ,
    Preprints | 2020
    Dodson JP; Holman N; Thorgrimsson B; Neyens SF; MacQuarrie ER; McJunkin T; Foote RH; Edge LF; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2020, Fabrication process and failure analysis for robust quantum dots in silicon, ,
    Preprints | 2020
    Holman N; Dodson JP; Edge LF; Coppersmith SN; Friesen M; McDermott R; Eriksson MA, 2020, Microwave Engineering for Semiconductor Quantum Dots in a cQED Architecture, ,
    Preprints | 2020
    Kratochwil B; Koski JV; Landig AJ; Scarlino P; Abadillo-Uriel JC; Reichl C; Coppersmith SN; Wegscheider W; Friesen M; Wallraff A; Ihn T; Ensslin K, 2020, Realization of a $CQ_3$ Qubit: energy spectroscopy and coherence, ,
    Preprints | 2020
    MacQuarrie ER; Neyens SF; Dodson JP; Corrigan J; Thorgrimsson B; Holman N; Palma M; Edge LF; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2020, Progress Towards a Capacitively Mediated CNOT Between Two Charge Qubits in Si/SiGe, ,
    Preprints | 2020
    Seedhouse A; Tanttu T; Leon RCC; Zhao R; Tan KY; Hensen B; Hudson FE; Itoh KM; Yoneda J; Yang CH; Morello A; Laucht A; Coppersmith SN; Saraiva A; Dzurak AS, 2020, Pauli Blockade in Silicon Quantum Dots with Spin-Orbit Control,
    Preprints | 2020
    Wuetz BP; Losert MP; Tosato A; Lodari M; Bavdaz PL; Stehouwer L; Amin P; Clarke JS; Coppersmith SN; Sammak A; Veldhorst M; Friesen M; Scappucci G, 2020, Effect of quantum Hall edge strips on valley splitting in silicon quantum wells, ,
    Preprints | 2019
    Abadillo-Uriel JC; Eriksson MA; Coppersmith SN; Friesen M, 2019, Enhancing the dipolar coupling of a $S$-$T_0$ qubit with a transverse sweet spot, ,
    Preprints | 2019
    Boter JM; Xue X; Krähenmann TS; Watson TF; Premakumar VN; Ward DR; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA; Joynt R; Vandersypen LMK, 2019, Spatial Noise Correlations in a Si/SiGe Two-Qubit Device from Bell State Coherences, ,
    Preprints | 2019
    Cervia MJ; Patwardhan AV; Balantekin AB; Coppersmith SN; Johnson CW, 2019, Entanglement and collective flavor oscillations in a dense neutrino gas, ,
    Preprints | 2019
    Kornich V; Vavilov MG; Friesen M; Eriksson MA; Coppersmith SN, 2019, Majorana bound states in nanowire-superconductor hybrid systems in periodic magnetic fields, ,
    Preprints | 2019
    Koski JV; Landig AJ; Russ M; Abadillo-Uriel JC; Scarlino P; Kratochwil B; Reichl C; Wegscheider W; Burkard G; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Wallraff A; Ensslin K; Ihn T, 2019, Strong photon coupling to the quadrupole moment of an electron in solid state, ,
    Preprints | 2019
    Landig AJ; Koski JV; Scarlino P; Müller C; Abadillo-Uriel JC; Kratochwil B; Reichl C; Wegscheider W; Coppersmith SN; Friesen M; Wallraff A; Ihn T; Ensslin K, 2019, Coherent long-distance spin-qubit-transmon coupling, ,
    Preprints | 2019
    Neyens SF; MacQuarrie ER; Dodson JP; Corrigan J; Holman N; Thorgrimsson B; Palma M; McJunkin T; Edge LF; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2019, Measurements of capacitive coupling within a quadruple quantum dot array, ,
    Preprints | 2019
    Thorgrimsson B; McJunkin T; MacQuarrie ER; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2019, The effect of external electric fields on silicon with superconducting gallium nano-precipitates, ,
    Preprints | 2019
    Xue X; D'Anjou B; Watson TF; Ward DR; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA; Coish WA; Vandersypen LMK, 2019, Repetitive quantum non-demolition measurement and soft decoding of a silicon spin qubit, ,
    Preprints | 2019
    Zwolak JP; McJunkin T; Kalantre SS; Dodson JP; MacQuarrie ER; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA; Taylor JM, 2019, Auto-tuning of double dot devices in situ with machine learning, ,
    Preprints | 2018
    Abadillo-Uriel JC; Thorgrimsson B; Kim D; Smith LW; Simmons CB; Ward DR; Foote RH; Corrigan J; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Calderón MJ; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA; Friesen M, 2018, Signatures of atomic-scale structure in the energy dispersion and coherence of a Si quantum-dot qubit, ,
    Preprints | 2018
    Frees A; Gamble JK; Ward DR; Blume-Kohout R; Eriksson MA; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN, 2018, Compressed Optimization of Device Architectures (CODA) for semiconductor quantum devices, ,
    Preprints | 2018
    Frees A; Mehl S; Gamble JK; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN, 2018, Adiabatic two-qubit gates in capacitively coupled quantum dot hybrid qubits, ,
    Preprints | 2018
    King C; Schoenfield JS; Calderón MJ; Koiller B; Saraiva A; Hu X; Jiang H; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN, 2018, Lifting of Spin Blockade by Charged Impurities in Si-MOS Double Quantum Dot Devices, ,
    Preprints | 2018
    Kornich V; Vavilov MG; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN, 2018, Phonon-induced decoherence of a charge quadrupole qubit, ,
    Preprints | 2018
    Neyens SF; Foote RH; Thorgrimsson B; Knapp TJ; McJunkin T; Vandersypen LMK; Amin P; Thomas NK; Clarke JS; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2018, The critical role of substrate disorder in valley splitting in Si quantum wells, ,
    Preprints | 2018
    Terrazos LA; Marcellina E; Wang Z; Coppersmith SN; Friesen M; Hamilton AR; Hu X; Koiller B; Saraiva AL; Culcer D; Capaz RB, 2018, Theory of Hole-Spin Qubits in Strained Germanium Quantum Dots,
    Preprints | 2018
    Xue X; Watson TF; Helsen J; Ward DR; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA; Wehner S; Vandersypen LMK, 2018, Benchmarking Gate Fidelities in a Si/SiGe Two-Qubit Device, ,
    Preprints | 2017
    Ercan HE; Ghosh J; Crow D; Premakumar VN; Joynt R; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN, 2017, Measurement-free implementations of small-scale surface codes for quantum dot qubits, ,
    Preprints | 2017
    Ferdous R; Kawakami E; Scarlino P; Nowak MP; Ward DR; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Coppersmith SN; Friesen M; Eriksson MA; Vandersypen LMK; Rahman R, 2017, Valley dependent anisotropic spin splitting in silicon quantum dots,
    Preprints | 2017
    Qi Z; Wu X; Ward DR; Prance JR; Kim D; Gamble JK; Mohr RT; Shi Z; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Eriksson MA; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Vavilov MG, 2017, Effects of charge noise on a pulse-gated singlet-triplet $S-T_-$ qubit, ,
    Preprints | 2017
    Watson TF; Philips SGJ; Kawakami E; Ward DR; Scarlino P; Veldhorst M; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA; Vandersypen LMK, 2017, A programmable two-qubit quantum processor in silicon, ,
    Preprints | 2016
    Kawakami E; Jullien T; Scarlino P; Ward DR; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Dobrovitski VV; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA; Vandersypen LMK, 2016, Gate fidelity and coherence of an electron spin in a Si/SiGe quantum dot with micromagnet, ,
    Preprints | 2016
    Scarlino P; Kawakami E; Jullien T; Ward DR; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA; Vandersypen LMK, 2016, Dressed photon-orbital states in a quantum dot: Inter-valley spin resonance, ,
    Preprints | 2016
    Thorgrimsson B; Kim D; Yang Y-C; Smith LW; Simmons CB; Ward DR; Foote RH; Corrigan J; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2016, Extending the coherence of a quantum dot hybrid qubit, ,
    Preprints | 2016
    Ward DR; Kim D; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Foote RH; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2016, State-conditional coherent charge qubit oscillations in a Si/SiGe quadruple quantum dot, ,
    Preprints | 2015
    Foote RH; Ward DR; Prance JR; Gamble JK; Nielsen E; Thorgrimsson B; Savage DE; Saraiva AL; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2015, Transport through an impurity tunnel coupled to a Si/SiGe quantum dot, ,
    Preprints | 2015
    Kim D; Ward DR; Simmons CB; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2015, High fidelity resonant gating of a silicon based quantum dot hybrid qubit, ,
    Preprints | 2015
    Knapp TJ; Mohr RT; Li YS; Thorgrimsson B; Foote RH; Wu X; Ward DR; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2015, Characterization of a gate-defined double quantum dot in a Si/SiGe nanomembrane, ,
    Preprints | 2015
    Prance JR; Van Bael BJ; Simmons CB; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2015, Identifying single electron charge sensor events using wavelet edge detection, ,
    Preprints | 2015
    Scarlino P; Kawakami E; Ward DR; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA; Vandersypen LMK, 2015, Second Harmonic Coherent Driving of a Spin Qubit in a Si/SiGe Quantum Dot, ,
    Preprints | 2014
    Fei J; Hung J-T; Koh TS; Shim Y-P; Coppersmith SN; Hu X; Friesen M, 2014, Characterizing gate operations near the sweet spot of an exchange-only qubit, ,
    Preprints | 2014
    Frees A; Gamble JK; Ward DR; Blume-Kohout R; Eriksson MA; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN, 2014, Compressed optimization of device architectures, ,
    Preprints | 2014
    Kawakami E; Scarlino P; Ward DR; Braakman FR; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA; Vandersypen LMK, 2014, Electrical control of a long-lived spin qubit in a Si/SiGe quantum dot, ,
    Preprints | 2014
    Kim D; Shi Z; Simmons CB; Ward DR; Prance JR; Koh TS; Gamble JK; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2014, Quantum control and process tomography of a semiconductor quantum dot hybrid qubit, ,
    Preprints | 2014
    Kim D; Ward DR; Simmons CB; Gamble JK; Blume-Kohout R; Nielsen E; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2014, Microwave-driven coherent operations of a semiconductor quantum dot charge qubit, ,
    Conference Papers | 2014
    Ward DR; Foote RH; Gamble JK; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2014, 'Integrating classical semiconductor devices with Si/SiGe quantum dots', in ECS Transactions, pp. 915 - 922,
    Preprints | 2014
    Wu X; Ward DR; Prance JR; Kim D; Gamble JK; Mohr RT; Shi Z; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2014, Two-axis control of a singlet-triplet qubit with an integrated micromagnet, ,
    Reports | 2013
    Bach E; Coppersmith S; Friesen M; Joynt R, 2013, Quantum Algorithms Based on Physical Processes, Defense Technical Information Center,,
    Reports | 2013
    Bach E; Coppersmith S; Friesen M; Joynt R, 2013, Quantum Algorithms Based on Physical Processes, Defense Technical Information Center,,
    Preprints | 2013
    Gamble JK; Eriksson MA; Coppersmith SN; Friesen M, 2013, Disorder-induced valley-orbit hybrid states in Si quantum dots, ,
    Preprints | 2013
    Koh TS; Coppersmith SN; Friesen M, 2013, High-fidelity gates in quantum dot spin qubits, ,
    Conference Papers | 2013
    Prance JR; Shi Z; Simmons CB; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Schreiber LR; Vandersypen LMK; Friesen M; Joynt R; Coppersmith SN; Eriksso MA, 2013, 'Single-shot readout of singlet-triplet qubit states in a Si/SiGe double quantum dot', in ECS Transactions, pp. 655 - 662,
    Conference Papers | 2013
    Rudinger K; Gamble JK; Bach E; Friesen M; Joynt R; Coppersmith SN, 2013, 'Comparing algorithms for graph isomorphism using discrete-and continuous-time quantum random walks', in Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, pp. 1653 - 1661,
    Preprints | 2013
    Shi Z; Simmons CB; Ward DR; Prance JR; Wu X; Koh TS; Gamble JK; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2013, Fast coherent manipulation of three-electron states in a double quantum dot, ,
    Preprints | 2013
    Ward DR; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2013, Integration of on-chip field-effect transistor switches with dopantless Si/SiGe quantum dots for high-throughput testing, ,
    Conference Papers | 2012
    Eriksson MA; Prance JR; Shi Z; Simmons CB; Gamble JK; Koh TS; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Schreiber LR; Vandersypen LMK; Friesen M; Joynt R; Coppersmith SN, 2012, 'Single-shot measurement of one and two-electron spin states in Si/SiGe gated quantum dots', in 2012 International Silicon-Germanium Technology and Device Meeting, ISTDM 2012 - Proceedings, pp. 3 - 4,
    Preprints | 2012
    Frees A; Gamble JK; Rudinger K; Bach E; Friesen M; Joynt R; Coppersmith SN, 2012, Power law scaling for the adiabatic algorithm for search engine ranking, ,
    Preprints | 2012
    Gamble JK; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Hu X, 2012, Two-electron dephasing in single Si and GaAs quantum dots, ,
    Preprints | 2012
    Koh TS; Gamble JK; Friesen M; Eriksson MA; Coppersmith SN, 2012, Pulse-gated quantum dot hybrid qubit, ,
    Preprints | 2012
    Rudinger K; Gamble JK; Bach E; Friesen M; Joynt R; Coppersmith SN, 2012, Comparing algorithms for graph isomorphism using discrete- and continuous-time quantum random walks, ,
    Preprints | 2012
    Rudinger K; Gamble JK; Wellons M; Bach E; Friesen M; Joynt R; Coppersmith SN, 2012, Non-interacting multi-particle quantum random walks applied to the graph isomorphism problem for strongly regular graphs, ,
    Preprints | 2012
    Shi Z; Simmons CB; Ward DR; Prance JR; Mohr RT; Koh TS; Gamble JK; Wu X; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2012, Coherent Quantum Oscillations in a Silicon Charge Qubit, ,
    Preprints | 2012
    Zwanenburg FA; Dzurak AS; Morello A; Simmons MY; Hollenberg LCL; Klimeck G; Rogge S; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2012, Silicon Quantum Electronics, ,
    Preprints | 2011
    Gamble JK; Friesen M; Joynt R; Coppersmith SN, 2011, Cooling of cryogenic electron bilayers via the Coulomb interaction, ,
    Preprints | 2011
    Prance JR; Shi Z; Simmons CB; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Schreiber LR; Vandersypen LMK; Friesen M; Joynt R; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2011, Single-shot measurement of triplet-singlet relaxation in a Si/SiGe double quantum dot, ,
    Preprints | 2011
    Shi Z; Simmons CB; Prance JR; Gamble JK; Friesen M; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2011, Tunable singlet-triplet splitting in a few-electron Si/SiGe quantum dot, ,
    Preprints | 2011
    Shi Z; Simmons CB; Prance JR; Gamble JK; Koh TS; Shim Y-P; Hu X; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Eriksson MA; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN, 2011, A fast "hybrid" silicon double quantum dot qubit, ,
    Preprints | 2010
    Gamble JK; Friesen M; Zhou D; Joynt R; Coppersmith SN, 2010, Two-particle quantum walks applied to the graph isomorphism problem, ,
    Preprints | 2010
    Koh TS; Simmons CB; Eriksson MA; Coppersmith SN; Friesen M, 2010, Unconventional Transport in the "Hole" Regime of a Si Double Quantum Dot, ,
    Preprints | 2010
    Simmons CB; Koh TS; Shaji N; Thalakulam M; Klein LJ; Qin H; Luo H; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Rimberg AJ; Joynt R; Blick R; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2010, Pauli spin blockade and lifetime-enhanced transport in a Si/SiGe double quantum dot, ,
    Conference Papers | 2010
    Simmons CB; Prance JR; Thalakulam M; Rosemeyer BM; Van Bael BJ; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Joynt R; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2010, 'Toward Si/SiGe quantum dot spin qubits: Gated Si/SiGe single and double quantum dots', in ECS Transactions, pp. 639 - 647,
    Preprints | 2010
    Simmons CB; Prance JR; Van Bael BJ; Koh TS; Shi Z; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Joynt R; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2010, Tunable spin-selective loading of a silicon spin qubit, ,
    Conference Papers | 2010
    Staii C; Viesselman C; Ballweg J; Hart S; Williams JC; Dent EW; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2010, 'Controlling neuronal growth on Au surfaces by directed assembly of proteins', in Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, pp. 84 - 89
    Preprints | 2010
    Thalakulam M; Simmons CB; Rosemeyer BM; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2010, Fast tunnel rates in Si/SiGe one-electron single and double quantum dots, ,
    Preprints | 2010
    Thalakulam M; Simmons CB; Van Bael BJ; Rosemeyer BM; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2010, Single-shot measurement and tunnel-rate spectroscopy of a Si/SiGe few-electron quantum dot, ,
    Preprints | 2009
    Simmons CB; Thalakulam M; Rosemeyer BM; Van Bael BJ; Sackmann EK; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Joynt R; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2009, Charge sensing and controllable tunnel coupling in a Si/SiGe double quantum dot, ,
    Conference Papers | 2009
    Staii C; Viesselmann C; Ballweg J; Huang Y; Williams JC; Dent EW; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2009, 'Controlling Neuronal Growth on Au Surfaces by Directed Assembly of Extracellular Matrix Proteins', in BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL, CELL PRESS, pp. 395A - 395A,
    Preprints | 2008
    Chutia S; Coppersmith SN; Friesen M, 2008, Multiscale theory of valley splitting, ,
    Conference Papers | 2008
    Eriksson MA; Simmons CB; Shaji N; Thalakulam M; Sackmann EK; Van Bael BJ; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Joynt R; Friesen M; Blick RH; Rimberg AJ; Coppersmith SN, 2008, 'Spin Blockade and Lifetime Enhanced Transport in a Silicon/Silicon-Germanium Double-Quantum Dot (Invited)', in Extended Abstracts of the 2008 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials, The Japan Society of Applied Physics, presented at 2008 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials, 23 September 2008 - 26 September 2008,
    Preprints | 2008
    McGuire LM; Friesen M; Slinker KA; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2008, Valley splitting in a Si/SiGe quantum point contact, ,
    Conference Papers | 2008
    Metzler RA; Kim IW; Delak K; Evans JS; Zhou D; Beniash E; Wilt F; Killian CE; Abrecht M; Chiou JW; Guo J; Coppersmith SN; Gilbert PUPA, 2008, 'Probing the organic-mineral interface at the molecular level in model biominerals', in Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, pp. 1 - 6
    Conference Papers | 2007
    Metzler RA; Evans JS; Zhou D; Beniash E; Wilt F; Abrecht M; Coppersmith SN; Gilbert PUPA, 2007, 'Probing the organic-mineral interface (OMI) at the molecular level in model biominerals', in GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA, PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, GERMANY, Cologne, pp. A658 - A658, presented at 17th Annual V M Goldschmidt Conference, GERMANY, Cologne,
    Conference Papers | 2007
    Metzler RA; Olabisi RM; Abrecht M; Ariosa D; Johnson CJ; Gilbert B; Frazer BH; Coppersmith SN; Gilbert PUPA, 2007, 'XANES in nanobiology', in AIP Conference Proceedings, pp. 51 - 55,
    Conference Papers | 2007
    Metzler RA; Zhou D; Abrecht M; Coppersmith SN; Gilbert PUPA, 2007, 'Mother-of-pearl: Architecture and possible formation mechanism', in GEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA, PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, GERMANY, Cologne, pp. A659 - A659, presented at 17th Annual V M Goldschmidt Conference, GERMANY, Cologne,
    Preprints | 2007
    Metzler RA; Zhou D; Abrecht M; Coppersmith SN; Gilbert PUPA, 2007, Ordering in red abalone nacre, ,
    Preprints | 2007
    Shaji N; Simmons CB; Thalakulam M; Klein LJ; Qin H; Luo H; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Rimberg AJ; Joynt R; Friesen M; Blick RH; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2007, Spin blockade and lifetime-enhanced transport in a few-electron Si/SiGe double quantum dot, ,
    Preprints | 2007
    Simmons CB; Thalakulam M; Shaji N; Klein LJ; Qin H; Blick RH; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2007, Single-electron quantum dot in Si/SiGe with integrated charge-sensing, ,
    Conference Papers | 2006
    Eriksson MA, 2006, 'SiGe: Materials and Devices for Quantum Computing?', in 2006 International SiGe Technology and Device Meeting, IEEE, pp. 1 - 1, presented at 2006 International SiGe Technology and Device Meeting, 15 May 2006 - 17 May 2006,
    Preprints | 2006
    Friesen M; Chutia S; Tahan C; Coppersmith SN, 2006, Valley Splitting Theory of SiGe/Si/SiGe Quantum Wells, ,
    Preprints | 2006
    Goswami S; Slinker KA; Friesen M; McGuire LM; Truitt JL; Tahan C; Klein LJ; Chu JO; Mooney PM; van der Weide DW; Joynt R; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA, 2006, Controllable valley splitting in silicon quantum devices, ,
    Conference Papers | 2005
    Jo K; Dimalanta E; Chen YL; Runnheim R; Ma HB; Graham MD; de Pablo JJ; Coppersmith SN; Schwartz DC, 2005, 'Fluid Arrays: Shear induced migration of single DNA molecules in confined environments', in BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL, BIOPHYSICAL SOCIETY, CA, Long Beach, pp. 658A - 658A, presented at 49th Annual Meeting of the Biopysical-Society, CA, Long Beach, 12 February 2005 - 16 February 2005,
    Preprints | 2005
    Klein LJ; Lewis KLM; Slinker KA; Goswami S; van der Weide DW; Blick RH; Mooney PM; Chu JO; Coppersmith SN; Friesen M; Eriksson MA, 2005, Quantum Dots and Etch-Induced Depletion of a Silicon 2DEG, ,
    Preprints | 2005
    Slinker KA; Lewis KLM; Haselby CC; Goswami S; Klein LJ; Chu JO; Coppersmith SN; Joynt R; Blick RH; Friesen M; Eriksson MA, 2005, Quantum dots in Si/SiGe 2DEGs with Schottky top-gated leads, ,
    Preprints | 2004
    Coppersmith SN; Lee S; von Allmen P, 2004, Exchange in a silicon-based quantum dot quantum computer architecture, ,
    Preprints | 2004
    Ghosh S; Rosenbaum TF; Aeppli G; Coppersmith SN, 2004, Entangled Quantum States of Magnetic Dipoles, ,
    Preprints | 2004
    Goswami S; Friesen M; Truitt JL; Tahan C; Klein LJ; Chu JO; Mooney PM; van der Weide DW; Coppersmith SN; Joynt R; Eriksson MA, 2004, Spectroscopy of Valley Splitting in a Silicon/Silicon-Germanium Two-Dimensional Electron Gas, ,
    Preprints | 2004
    Klein LJ; Slinker KA; Truitt JL; Goswami S; Lewis KLM; Coppersmith SN; van der Weide DW; Friesen M; Blick RH; Savage DE; Lagally MG; Tahan C; Joynt R; Eriksson MA; Chu JO; Ott JA; Mooney PM, 2004, Coulomb Blockade in a Silicon/Silicon-Germanium Two-Dimensional Electron Gas Quantum Dot, ,
    Conference Papers | 2004
    Lee S; Von Allmen P; Oyafuso F; Klimeck G; Boykin TB; Coppersmith SN; Friesen M; Eriksson MA, 2004, 'Electron exchange interaction in electronically confined Si quantum dots', in 2004 10th International Workshop on Computational Electronics, IEEE IWCE-10 2004, Abstracts, pp. 115
    Preprints | 2004
    Truitt JL; Slinker KA; Lewis KLM; Savage DE; Tahan C; Klein LJ; Joynt R; Lagally MG; van der Weide DW; Coppersmith SN; Eriksson MA; Tyryshkin AM; Chu JO; Mooney PM, 2004, Electron spin coherence in Si/SiGe quantum wells, ,
    Preprints | 2003
    Boykin TB; Klimeck G; Eriksson MA; Friesen M; Coppersmith SN; von Allmen P; Oyafuso F; Lee S, 2003, Valley splitting in strained silicon quantum wells, ,
    Preprints | 2003
    Dayal P; Trebst S; Wessel S; Wuertz D; Troyer M; Sabhapandit S; Coppersmith SN, 2003, Performance Limitations of Flat Histogram Methods and Optimality of Wang-Landau Sampling, ,
    Preprints | 2003
    Shiau S-Y; Joynt R; Coppersmith SN, 2003, Physically-motivated dynamical algorithms for the graph isomorphism problem, ,
    Conference Papers | 2003
    Trebst S; Dayal P; Wessel S; Wurtz D; Troyer A; Sabhapandit S; Coppersmith S, 2003, 'Optimality of Wang-Landau sampling and performance limitations of flat histogram methods', in Gubernatis JE (ed.), MONTE CARLO METHOD IN THE PHYSICAL SCIENCES, AMER INST PHYSICS, NM, LOS ALAMOS, pp. 400 - 401, presented at 50th Anniversary of the Metropolis Algorithm, NM, LOS ALAMOS, 09 June 2003 - 11 June 2003,
    Preprints | 2002
    Bach E; Coppersmith S; Goldschen MP; Joynt R; Watrous J, 2002, One-dimensional quantum walks with absorbing boundaries, ,
    Conference Papers | 2002
    Blank RD; Kaufman M; Bailey SL; Coppersmith SN; Baldini TH; Boskey AL; Demant P; Paschalis EP, 2002, 'Collagen cross-link maturity and crystallinity indices differ markedly in recombinant congenic mice having divergent calculated tissue strength.', in JOURNAL OF BONE AND MINERAL RESEARCH, AMER SOC BONE & MINERAL RES, TEXAS, SAN ANTONIO, pp. S304 - S304, presented at 24th Annual Meeting of the American-Society-for-Bone-and-Mineral-Research, TEXAS, SAN ANTONIO, 20 September 2002 - 24 September 2002,
    Preprints | 2001
    Gopinathan A; Zhou T; Coppersmith SN; Kadanoff LP; Grier DG, 2001, Weak Long-Ranged Casimir Attraction in Colloidal Crystals, ,
    Preprints | 2000
    Coppersmith SN; Kadanoff LP; Zhang Z, 2000, Reversible Boolean Networks I: Distribution of Cycle Lengths, ,
    Preprints | 2000
    Coppersmith SN; Kadanoff LP; Zhang Z, 2000, Reversible boolean networks II: Phase transition, oscillation, and local structures, ,
    Preprints | 1998
    Coppersmith SN; Blank RD; Kadanoff LP, 1998, Analysis of a Population Genetics Model with Mutation, Selection, and Pleiotropy, ,
    Preprints | 1998
    Mungan M; Sow C-H; Coppersmith SN; Grier DG, 1998, Determining Pair Interactions from Structural Correlations, ,
    Preprints | 1998
    Povinelli ML; Coppersmith SN; Kadanoff LP; Nagel SR; Venkataramani SC, 1998, Noise Stabilization of Self-Organized Memories, ,
    Preprints | 1996
    Coppersmith SN; Jones TC; Kadanoff LP; Levine A; McCarten JP; Nagel SR; Venkataramani SC; Wu X, 1996, Self-Organized Short-Term Memories, ,
    Preprints | 1995
    Coppersmith SN; Liu C-H; Majumdar S; Narayan O; Witten TA, 1995, A Model for Force Fluctuations in Bead Packs, ,
    Conference Papers | 1993
    COPPERSMITH SN, 1993, 'CHARGE-DENSITY WAVES, PHASE SLIPS, AND INSTABILITIES', in Riste T; Sherrington D (ed.), PHASE TRANSITIONS AND RELAXATION IN SYSTEMS WITH COMPETING ENERGY SCALES, KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBL, NORWAY, GEILO, pp. 317 - 334, presented at NATO Advanced Study Institute on Phase Transitions and Relaxation in Systems with Competing Energy Scales, NORWAY, GEILO, 13 April 1993 - 23 April 1993,
    Conference Papers | 1992
    Coppersmith SN, 1992, 'Sound propagation in disordered metals at low temperatures', in Proceedings - IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, pp. 905 - 912,
    Conference Papers | 1991
    Coppersmith SN, 1991, 'Nonlinear dynamics of sliding charge density waves', in Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, pp. 131 - 137,
    Conference Papers | 1989
    Inui M; Littlewood PB; Coppersmith SN, 1989, 'Effect of thermal fluctuation on magnetic flux depinning and the crossover from flux creep to flux flow', in Physica C: Superconductivity and its applications, pp. 237 - 238,
    Conference Papers | 1985
    Coppersmith SN; Klemm RA, 1985, 'ULTRASONIC ATTENUATION IN CLEAN ANISOTROPIC SUPERCONDUCTORS.', in Physica B+C, pp. 27 - 29,
    Conference Papers | 1981

Major current research activities include:

Quantum computing and high energy physics.  Prof Coppersmith is a member of a collaboration with members at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, San Diego State University, and Tufts University that is working to use quantum computers to address fundamental problems in high energy physics.  The two main thrusts are (1) to work to improve the discovery potential of direct dark matter experiments such as LZ by using quantum computation to calculate the properties of heavy target nuclei more accurately than is possible classically, and (2) to exploit quantum computers to study the relevance of entanglement to the behavior of neutrinos emitted in core-collapse supernova explosions, where the density of neutrinos is so high that neutrino-neutrino interactions are important and could play an important role in the explosion dynamics.

Designing nanostructures that support robust topologically nontrivial phases.  Understanding how to manufacture nanostructures that can host topological electronic states could be transformative by for lowering the energy dissipation in electronics and by providing a means to implement quantum computation with topologically-protected states.  Together with the experimental group of Prof Alexander Hamilton at UNSW and with the theoretical group of Dr Mark Friesen at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Prof Coppersmith and her group are working to understand how to make robust topological phases using lithographically defined nanostructures with low levels of disorder.  This project aims (1) to develop new lithographic designs based on the insights obtained from detailed electronic modeling and (2) to investigate how different types of disorder affect the stability of topologically nontrivial phases, and to use this knowledge to lithographic designs so that the deleterious effects of imperfections can be minimised.

Developing and optimising qubits in silicon/silicon-germanium heterostructures.  In collaboration with groups at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and at Technical University Delft, Professor Coppersmith and her group have been working to develop quantum dot qubits hosted in silicon/silicon-germanium heterostructures.  Her recent work includes a study that improves the understanding of the effects of strong electron-electron interactions in multiply occupied quantum dots and an investigation of how to increase the valley splitting in silicon/silicon-germanium heterostructures, which is the energy of the lowest-lying non-spin excited state in a quantum dot in this system.  These investigations point to new routes for improving our ability to design quantum dots with properties that facilitate the operation of high-fidelity qubits.


Selected recent publications:

Michael J. Cervia, Pooja Siwach, Amol V. Patwardhan, A. B. Balantekin, S. N. Coppersmith, and Calvin W. Johnson, “Collective neutrino oscillations with tensor networks using a time-dependent variational principle,” preprint arXiv:2202.01865, Physical Review D 105, 123025 (2022).  DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.105.123025

H. Ekmel Ercan, Mark Friesen, and S. N. Coppersmith, “Charge-noise resilience of two-electron quantum dots in Si/SiGe heterostructures,” preprint arXiv:2105.10643, Physical Review Letters. 128, 247701 (2022).  DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.247701

J. P. Dodson, H. Ekmel Ercan, J. Corrigan, Merritt Losert, Nathan Holman, Thomas McJunkin, L. F. Edge, Mark Friesen, S. N. Coppersmith, and M. A. Eriksson, “How valley-orbit states in silicon quantum dots probe quantum well interfaces,” preprint arXiv:2103.14702, Physical Review Letters 128, 146802 (2022).  DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.128

J. Corrigan, J. P. Dodson, H. Ekmel Ercan, J. C. Abadillo-Uriel, Brandur Thorgrimsson, T. J. Knapp, Nathan Holman, Thomas McJunkin, Samuel F. Neyens, E. R. MacQuarrie, Ryan H. Foote, L. F. Edge, Mark Friesen, S. N. Coppersmith, M. A. Eriksson, “Coherent control and spectroscopy of a semiconductor quantum dot Wigner molecule,” preprint arXiv:2009.13572, Physical Review Letters 127, 127701 (2021).  DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.127701