Professor Tracey Rogers
We examine how mammals overcome the challenges of living within changing environments
Awards & Achievements
2015: Finalist Australian Academy Science, Nancy Millis Medal
2011: Finalist Eureka Prize People's Choice Science Award
2011: Finalist Eureka Prize Animal Protection, Research & Innovation
2008-2010: Ambassador, Australian Institute of Policy & Science Tall Poppy Program for outstanding scientific research and communication
2009: F.G. Wood Memorial Prize, International Society Marine Mammalogy (along with Hogg, PhD student)
2007: Research Award, Australasian Association of Zoological Parks & Aquaria
2005: NSW Tall Poppy Award awarded by the Australian Institute of Policy and Science for outstanding scientific research and communication
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
Professional affiliations and service positions
Scientific member, Scientific Committee Antarctic Research (SCAR) Expert Group on Birds and Marine Mammals (EG-BAMM) 2007-present
Scientific member, DECCW Marine Fauna Advisory Committee, NSW Office of the Environment & Heritage Department of Premier and Cabinet 2010-present
Node representative, NSW Integrated Marine Observing System (2012 to present)
I am an active participant in Scientists in Schools, and have run workshops for children at the Powerhouse Museum, Taronga Conservation Society Australia, Sydney Institute of Marine Science.
I was a judge for Australian Institute of Policy & Science Tall Poppy Program
My Research Supervision
Lucinda Chambers - Acoustic behaviour of marine mammals
Ben Jancovich - Developing new methods and tools for detecting, and analyzing animal vocalisations within very large audio datasets, and using those methods to study the vocal behaviours of blue whales.
Jane McPhee-Frew - Ecology of the killer whale
Andrea Cormack – The ecology of male southern elephant seals
Ben Walker - Conservation ecology of leopards in northern Botswana
Past PhD students - where are they now
Adelaide Dedden (PhD completed 2023 - Tracking oceanic change and Mysticete whale behaviour through stable isotope oscillations along baleen plates). Currently: Marine Wildlife Conservation Programs Branch, NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (Australia).
Anna Lewis (PhD completed 2023 – Ecology of Tasmanian devils) Currently: Postdoctoral Researcher, School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Science, University of NSW, Sydney (Australia).
Gary Truong (PhD completed 2021 - Drivers of great whale behaviour). Currently: Teaching Support Administrator, School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Science, University of NSW, Sydney (Australia).
Cameron Radford (PhD completed 2022 - Human-wildlife conflict). Currently: Postdoctoral Researcher Conservation Biologist, Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research (IZW) Berlin (Germany)
Catharina Vendl (PhD completed 2020 - Microbiome of humpback whales). Currently: Research Veterinarian, Dauphin Island Sea Lab, Alabama (US)
Kobe Martin (PhD completed 2019 - Rethinking the evolution of acoustic signals in mammals). Currently: Graduate Project Officer NSW Public Works (Australia)
Ricardo Alvarez (PhD completed 2019 - Drivers of spatial patterns of South American marine mammals). Currently: World Wildlife Fund (Chile)
Alicia Guerrero (PhD completed 2018 - Macroecological patterns in mammalian fatty acid distribution: diet, thermoregulation, streamlining). Currently: Postdoctoral Fellow, Universidad de Valparaíso (Chile)
Naysa Balcazar (PhD submitted 2016 - Acoustics: a tool to reveal the behaviour of the blue whale). Currently: Postdoctoral Fellow, COPAS Sur-Austral Research Center, Depto de Oceanografia, Universidad de Concepción, Concepción (Chile)
Tempe Adams (PhD commenced 2016 - Can humans and elephants coexist? with Keith Leggett). Currently: Postdoctoral Fellow, Elephants without Boarders Kasane (Botswana)
Marlee Tucker (PhD completed 2015 - Macroecological patterns in mammals: body size, space use and diet). Currently: Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Science at Radboud University in Nijmegen (Netherlands)
Marie Attard (PhD completed 2014 – Did competition influence the thylacine’s extinction with Dr Steve Wroe). Currently: Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Biological Sciences, Royal Holloway, University of London (UK)
Carol Palmer (PhD completed 2014 – Ecology of the Australian Snubfin (Orcaella heinsohni) and Indo-Pacific Humpback (Sousa chinensis) dolphins in the Northern Territory. (PhD with Prof Chris Austin). Currently: Senior Scientist (Marine Mammals) Marine Ecosystems, Department of Land Resource Management, Northern Territory (Australia)
Tiffanie Nelson (PhD completed 2012 – Patterns in the evolution of gut microbiota in mammals with Dr Mark Brown). Currently: Postdoctoral Fellow, Montana State University (USA)
Joy Tripovich (PhD completed 2006 - Vocal behaviour in fur seals: neighbour-stranger recognition). Currently: Behavioural Biologist, Taronga Conservation Society Australia (Australia)
Kym Collins (PhD completed 2006 – Mother-pup vocal behaviour in Weddell seals). Currently: Senior Research Scientist, Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, Western Australia (Australia)
Rachael Gray (PhD completed 2005 – Health parameters of southern pack ice seals). Currently: Associate Professor, Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Sydney (Australia)
Sophie Hall-Aspland (PhD completed 2005 – Foraging ecology of leopard seals). Currently: NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service and Department of Primary Industries and Charles Sturt University, School of Animal and Veterinary Science (Australia).
Carolyn Hogg (PhD completed 2005 – Non-invasive sampling of steroids in whale blow). Currently: Professor, Australasian Wildlife Genomics Group and Lead/Chair, Threatened Species Initiative, School of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Sydney (Australia)