Scientia Professor Victor Flambaum
1987 Doctor of Science (full professor degree).
1978 Ph.D.
1974 B.Sc. (Physics) with Excellence, Novosibirsk State University, Russia.
1974 B.Sc. (Physics) with Excellence, Novosibirsk State University, Russia.
1978 Ph.D. Novosibirsk Institute of Nuclear Physics.
1987 Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (full professor degree). Novosibirsk Institute of Nuclear Physics.
1974-1991 Institute of Nuclear Physics (from PhD student to Leading Scientist) and Novosibirsk State University (from Assistant to Full Professor).
1991--present: Chair of Theoretical Physics, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia. Since 2003 - Scientia Professor (highest institutional accolade).
Visiting Fellowships:
2016-2021 Gutenberg Fellowship, Germany, with 600 000 Euro= $ 970 000 research grant.
2017 Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics Visiting Fellowship (USA)
2005-2007 Argonne Fellowship (USA).
2003-2004 Member, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton
1998 Princeton University (Visiting Fellow)
1996 Harvard University (Visiting Fellow and Leader of the topical group on the violation of the fundamental symmetries at the Institute for Theoretical atomic and Molecular Physics).
1990-1991 Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics.
Over 500 publications in atomic, nuclear, elementary particle, molecular, solid state, statistical physics, general relativity and astrophysics including 68 papers in Science, Nature-Physics, Nature-Communications, Phys. Rev. X and Phys. Rev. Lett., 7 Editor's suggestions (best papers), 7 featured in Physics (American Physical Society highlights), over 300 papers in journals listed in the Nature Index list of the world best journals (top 1%).
Longer papers are in Physical Review A,B,C,D,E, R and leading specialised journals.
about 35 000 citations, rate 2345 new citations per year in 2022, h=97 (GS).
Over 250 invited talks at international conferences and hundreds of invited talks at universities and laboratories.
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
24 ARC grants including 2 Australian Professorial Fellowships. Currently I have maximal allowed number (2) of ARC Discovery grants.
- ARC Discovery grant 2023-2025, $ 366,000
- ARC Discovery grant 2020-2023, $ 420,000.
- ARC Discovery grant with J. Berengut 2019-2022, $ 180,000.
- Gutenberg Fellowship with 600 000 Euro ($970 000) research grant, 2016-2021.
2015 NSW Premier’s Prize for Excellence in Mathematics, Earth Sciences, Chemistry and Physics.
2012 Humboldt Research Award (Senior), German prize for international scientists, 75 000 Euro
2012 Eureka Prize for Scientific Research (Australia)
1983 Lenin Komsomol Prize (highest USSR prize for young scientists with age limit 33).
2009 Lyle Medal (Australian Academy of Science, for research in Mathematical and Physical Sciences)
2009 Boas Medal (Australian Institute of Physics)
2002 Centenary Medal (Australia).
1981 SD USSR Academy of Science award.
1974 Award for best undergraduate student research work, all-USSR competition.
2005 Award for excellence in postgraduate supervision.
Visiting Fellowships:
2016-2020 Gutenberg Fellowship, Germany, with 600 000 Euro= $ 970 000 research grant.
2017 Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics Visiting Fellowship (USA)
2005-2007 Argonne Fellowship (USA).
2003-2004 Member, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton
1998 Princeton University (Visiting Fellow)
1996 Harvard University (Visiting Fellow and Leader of the topical group on the violation of the fundamental symmetries at the Institute for Theoretical atomic and Molecular Physics).
1990-1991 Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics.
2000- Fellow of Australian Academy of Science
2010- Fellow of American Physical Society(less than 0.5% of members elected Fellows per year)
2017- Fellow of the Institute of Physics, UK
2013- Fellow of Royal Society NSW
2013- Member, The Foundation Questions Institute
2003- Scientia Professor (highest institutional accolade)
Pioneering works which created new fields of research, led to discoveries and new theories.