Dr Wenkui Dong
Wenkui Dong (wenkui.dong@unsw.edu.au) got a PhD from the University of Technology Sydney (UTS) at the end of 2021, and then he worked at the Institute of Construction Materials, TU Dresden before joining the UNSW Sydney in April 2024. Wenkui does research in smart, low-carbon, and sustainable cement materials, pavement materials, CFRP, mineral-impregnated carbon fibre yarns, solid wastes, self-sensing and self-healing concrete, and asphalt materials, structures, and sensors. He published 1 book (Taylor & Francis), 5 book chapters, and more than 55 academic papers, including 47 SCI journal papers (24 of them are named as first author and 11 of them are corresponding/co-corresponding authors, 3 of them were ESI highly cited papers and 85% of them are Q1 journal papers). He is one of World's Top 2% Scientists by Stanford University (2022, 2023), editorial board members for 3 international journals, and guest editor for 2 international journals. The work experience in world-leading research groups at University of Technology Sydney (Australia), Technische Universität Dresden (Germany), UNSW Sydney (Australia) has provided him with a broad international perspective, collaboration, and multicultural working skills.
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
1. SynerCrete23 conference, Best Paper Award, RILEM, 2023 (3 out of 300+ participants);
2. Highly Cited Paper by Clarivate "Cem. Concr. Compos., 2022, 126: 104379", Web of Science, 2022;
3. World's Top 2% Scientists by Stanford University (2022, 2023);
4. Highly Cited Paper by Clarivate "J. Build. Eng., 2021, 35: 102074", Web of Science, 2021;
5. UTS Outstanding Graduate and Research Excellent Award-Winner, University of Technology Sydney, 2021; (Top 1%)
6. UTS Post Thesis Award, University of Technology Sydney, 2021; (Top 5%)
7. Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Student Overseas, Chinese Government, 2021; (Top 1%)
8. Highly Cited Paper by Clarivate 'Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 2020, 301: 111763', Web of Science, 2020.