Associate Professor Will Cornwell

Associate Professor Will Cornwell

Associate Professor
School of Biological, Earth & Environmental Sciences



My research interests lie at the intersection of plant eco-physiology, community ecology and ecosystem ecology. I am especially interested in using basic ecological tools, especially functional traits, to understand the effects of climate change on terrestrial biodiversity.


  • PhD in Biological Sciences (Stanford, 2006)
  • MPhil Plant Sciences, (Cambridge, 2001)
  • BSci Natural Resources (Cornell, 2000)



Research Goals

There are four major areas that I am currently working on:

  • Climate change effects on terrestrial vegetation
  • Plant functional variation effects on the carbon cycle
  • Assembly of plant communities, especially considering human impacts via climate change
  • Tempo and mode of evolution of plant traits

Supervision Opportunities/Areas

I am especially interested in finding students that are both into ecology and quantitative tools (esp. R). If you are into both of those things and looking for an research project, get in touch!

  • Books | 2006
    Cornwell W, 2006, Causes and consequences of functional trait diversity: plant community assembly and leaf decomposition, Stanford University
  • Book Chapters | 2010
    Vellend M; Cornwell WK; Magnuson-Ford K; Mooers A, 2010, 'Measuring phylogenetic biodiversity', in Magurran AE; McGill B (ed.), Biological Diversity: Frontiers in Measurement and Assessment
  • Journal articles | 2024
    Camenzind T; Aguilar-Trigueros CA; Heuck MK; Maerowitz-McMahan S; Rillig MC; Cornwell WK; Powell JR, 2024, 'Progressing beyond colonization strategies to understand arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal life history', New Phytologist,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Gallagher R; Roger E; Packer J; Slatyer C; Rowley J; Cornwell W; Ens E; Legge S; Simpfendorfer C; Stephens R; Mesaglio T, 2024, 'Incorporating citizen science into IUCN Red List assessments', Conservation Biology,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Guo K; Cornwell WK; Bragg JG, 2024, 'Using machine learning to link climate, phylogeny and leaf area in eucalypts through a 50-fold expansion of leaf trait datasets', Journal of Ecology,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Law S; Flores-Moreno H; Parr C; Adu-Bredu S; Bunney K; Cornwell W; Evouna Ondo F; Powell J; Quansah G; Robertson M; Zanne A; Eggleton P, 2024, 'Biogeographical Variation in Termite Distributions Alters Global Deadwood Decay', Global Ecology and Biogeography,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Lee-Kiorgaard HJ; Stuart SA; Lawson JR; Bulger DW; Gallagher RV; Nipperess DA; Cornwell WK; Boomer JJ; Francis RJ; Brazill-Boast J, 2024, 'Weighing up the options: experiences in applying decision science from a large-scale conservation program', Australian Zoologist,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Wijas BJ; Flores-Moreno H; Allison SD; Rodriguez LC; Cheesman AW; Cernusak LA; Clement R; Cornwell WK; Duan ES; Eggleton P; Rosenfield MV; Yatsko AR; Zanne AE, 2024, 'Drivers of wood decay in tropical ecosystems: Termites versus microbes along spatial, temporal and experimental precipitation gradients', Functional Ecology, 38, pp. 546 - 559,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Aguilar-Trigueros CA; Krah FS; Cornwell WK; Zanne AE; Abrego N; Anderson IC; Andrew CJ; Baldrian P; Bässler C; Bissett A; Chaudhary VB; Chen B; Chen Y; Delgado-Baquerizo M; Deveautour C; Egidi E; Flores-Moreno H; Golan J; Heilmann-Clausen J; Hempel S; Hu Y; Kauserud H; Kivlin SN; Kohout P; Lammel DR; Maestre FT; Pringle A; Purhonen J; Singh BK; Veresoglou SD; Větrovský T; Zhang H; Rillig MC; Powell JR, 2023, 'Symbiotic status alters fungal eco-evolutionary offspring trajectories', Ecology Letters, 26, pp. 1523 - 1534,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Callaghan CT; Thompson M; Woods A; Poore AGB; Bowler DE; Samonte F; Rowley JJL; Roslan N; Kingsford RT; Cornwell WK; Major RE, 2023, 'Experimental evidence that behavioral nudges in citizen science projects can improve biodiversity data', BioScience, 73, pp. 302 - 313,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Cornelissen JHC; Cornwell WK; Freschet GT; Weedon JT; Berg MP; Zanne AE, 2023, 'Coevolutionary legacies for plant decomposition', Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 38, pp. 44 - 54,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Flores-Moreno H; Dalrymple RL; Cornwell WK; Popovic G; Nakagawa S; Atkinson J; Cooke J; Laffan SW; Bonser SP; Schwanz LE; Crean AJ; Eldridge DJ; Garratt M; Brooks RC; Vergés A; Poore AGB; Cohen DR; Clark GF; Sen Gupta A; Reich PB; Cornelissen JHC; Craine JM; Hemmings FA; Kattge J; Niinemets Ü; Peñuelas J; Moles AT, 2023, 'Is Australia weird? A cross-continental comparison of biological, geological and climatological features', Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 11,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Gorta SBZ; Callaghan CT; Samonte F; Ooi MKJ; Mesaglio T; Laffan SW; Cornwell WK, 2023, 'Multi-taxon biodiversity responses to the 2019–2020 Australian megafires', Global Change Biology, 29, pp. 6727 - 6740,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Lee JS; Callaghan CT; Cornwell WK, 2023, 'Using citizen science to measure recolonisation of birds after the Australian 2019–2020 mega-fires', Austral Ecology, 48, pp. 31 - 40,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Mallen-Cooper M; Cornwell WK; Slavich E; Sabot MEB; Xirocostas ZA; Eldridge DJ, 2023, 'Limited range shifting in biocrusts despite climate warming: A 25-year resurvey', Journal of Ecology, 111, pp. 2194 - 2207,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Mallen-Cooper M; Rodríguez-Caballero E; Eldridge DJ; Weber B; Büdel B; Höhne H; Cornwell WK, 2023, 'Towards an understanding of future range shifts in lichens and mosses under climate change', Journal of Biogeography, 50, pp. 406 - 417,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Mesaglio T; Callaghan CT; Samonte F; Gorta SBZ; Cornwell WK, 2023, 'Recognition and completeness: two key metrics for judging the utility of citizen science data', Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 21, pp. 167 - 174,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Mesaglio T; Sauquet H; Coleman D; Wenk E; Cornwell WK, 2023, 'Photographs as an essential biodiversity resource: drivers of gaps in the vascular plant photographic record', New Phytologist, 238, pp. 1685 - 1694,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Stephens RE; Gallagher RV; Dun L; Cornwell W; Sauquet H, 2023, 'Insect pollination for most of angiosperm evolutionary history', New Phytologist, 240, pp. 880 - 891,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Wijas BJ; Cornwell WK; Letnic M, 2023, 'Herbivores disrupt the flow of food resources to termites in dryland ecosystems', Ecology, 104,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Wilde BC; Bragg JG; Cornwell W, 2023, 'Analyzing trait-climate relationships within and among taxa using machine learning and herbarium specimens', American Journal of Botany, 110,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Zhang S; Cornwell WK; Zhao W; van Logtestijn R; Krab EJ; Aerts R; Cornelissen JHC, 2023, 'Experimental evidence that leaf litter decomposability and flammability are decoupled across gymnosperm species', Journal of Ecology, 111, pp. 761 - 772,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Callaghan CT; Mesaglio T; Ascher JS; Brooks TM; Cabras AA; Chandler M; Cornwell WK; Ríos-Málaver IC; Dankowicz E; Dhiya'Ulhaq NU; Fuller RA; Galindo-Leal C; Grattarola F; Hewitt S; Higgins L; Hitchcock C; Hung KLJ; Iwane T; Kahumbu P; Kendrick R; Kieschnick SR; Kunz G; Lee CC; Lin CT; Loarie S; Medina MN; McGrouther MA; Miles L; Modi S; Nowak K; Oktaviani R; Olewe BMW; Pagé J; Petrovan S; Saari C; Seltzer CE; Seregin AP; Sullivan JJ; Sumanapala AP; Takoukam A; Widness J; Willmott K; Wüster W; Young AN, 2022, 'The benefits of contributing to the citizen science platform iNaturalist as an identifier', PLoS Biology, 20,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Callaghan CT; Nakagawa S; Cornwell WK, 2022, 'Data integration will form the basis of future abundance estimates', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 119,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Díaz S; Kattge J; Cornelissen JHC; Wright IJ; Lavorel S; Dray S; Reu B; Kleyer M; Wirth C; Prentice IC; Garnier E; Bönisch G; Westoby M; Poorter H; Reich PB; Moles AT; Dickie J; Zanne AE; Chave J; Wright SJ; Sheremetiev SN; Jactel H; Baraloto C; Cerabolini BEL; Pierce S; Shipley B; Casanoves F; Joswig JS; Günther A; Falczuk V; Rüger N; Mahecha MD; Gorné LD; Amiaud B; Atkin OK; Bahn M; Baldocchi D; Beckmann M; Blonder B; Bond W; Bond-Lamberty B; Brown K; Burrascano S; Byun C; Campetella G; Cavender-Bares J; Chapin FS; Choat B; Coomes DA; Cornwell WK; Craine J; Craven D; Dainese M; de Araujo AC; de Vries FT; Domingues TF; Enquist BJ; Fagúndez J; Fang J; Fernández-Méndez F; Fernandez-Piedade MT; Ford H; Forey E; Freschet GT; Gachet S; Gallagher R; Green W; Guerin GR; Gutiérrez AG; Harrison SP; Hattingh WN; He T; Hickler T; Higgins SI; Higuchi P; Ilic J; Jackson RB; Jalili A; Jansen S; Koike F; König C; Kraft N; Kramer K; Kreft H; Kühn I; Kurokawa H; Lamb EG; Laughlin DC; Leishman M; Lewis S; Louault F; Malhado ACM; Manning P; Meir P; Mencuccini M; Messier J; Miller R; Minden V; Molofsky J; Montgomery R, 2022, 'The global spectrum of plant form and function: enhanced species-level trait dataset', Scientific Data, 9,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Lee JS; Cornwell WK; Kingsford RT, 2022, 'Rainforest bird communities threatened by extreme fire', Global Ecology and Conservation, 33,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Lee M; Powell JR; Oberle B; Unda F; Mansfield SD; Dalrymple R; Rigg J; Cornwell WK; Zanne AE, 2022, 'Initial wood trait variation overwhelms endophyte community effects for explaining decay trajectories', Functional Ecology, 36, pp. 1243 - 1257,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Tam J; Lagisz M; Cornwell W; Nakagawa S, 2022, 'Quantifying research interests in 7,521 mammalian species with h-index: a case study', GigaScience, 11,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Wijas BJ; Lim S; Cornwell WK, 2022, 'Continental-scale shifts in termite diversity and nesting and feeding strategies', Ecography, 2022,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Zanne AE; Flores-Moreno H; Powell JR; Cornwell WK; Dalling JW; Austin AT; Classen AT; Eggleton P; Okada KI; Parr CL; Carol Adair E; Adu-Bredu S; Alam MA; Alvarez-Garzón C; Apgaua D; Aragón R; Ardon M; Arndt SK; Ashton LA; Barber NA; Beauchêne J; Berg MP; Beringer J; Boer MM; Bonet JA; Bunney K; Burkhardt TJ; Carvalho D; Castillo-Figueroa D; Cernusak LA; Cheesman AW; Cirne-Silva TM; Cleverly JR; Cornelissen JHC; Curran TJ; D’Angioli AM; Dallstream C; Eisenhauer N; Ondo FE; Fajardo A; Fernandez RD; Ferrer A; Fontes MAL; Galatowitsch ML; González G; Gottschall F; Grace PR; Granda E; Griffiths HM; Lara MG; Hasegawa M; Hefting MM; Hinko-Najera N; Hutley LB; Jones J; Kahl A; Karan M; Keuskamp JA; Lardner T; Liddell M; Macfarlane C; Macinnis-Ng C; Mariano RF; Soledad Méndez M; Meyer WS; Mori AS; Moura AS; Northwood M; Ogaya R; Oliveira RS; Orgiazzi A; Pardo J; Peguero G; Penuelas J; Perez LI; Posada JM; Prada CM; Přívětivý T; Prober SM; Prunier J; Quansah GW; de Dios VR; Richter R; Robertson MP; Rocha LF; Rúa MA; Sarmiento C; Silberstein RP; Silva MC; Siqueira FF; Stillwagon MG; Stol J; Taylor MK; Teste FP; Tng DYP; Tucker D; Türke M; Ulyshen MD; Valverde-Barrantes OJ; van den Berg E, 2022, 'Termite sensitivity to temperature affects global wood decay rates', Science, 377, pp. 1440 - 1444,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Baxter C; Mallen-Cooper M; Lyons MB; Cornwell WK, 2021, 'Measuring reflectance of tiny organisms: The promise of species level biocrust remote sensing', Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 12, pp. 2174 - 2183,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Braden J; Mills C; Cornwell W; Waudby H; Letnic M, 2021, 'Impacts of grazing by kangaroos and rabbits on vegetation and soils in a semi-arid conservation reserve', Journal of Arid Environments,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Callaghan C; Cornwell W; Poore A; Yanina ; Morelli F, 2021, 'Urban tolerance of birds changes throughout the full annual cycle', ,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Callaghan CT; Cornwell WK; Poore AGB; Benedetti Y; Morelli F, 2021, 'Urban tolerance of birds changes throughout the full annual cycle', Journal of Biogeography, 48, pp. 1503 - 1517,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Callaghan CT; Nakagawa S; Cornwell WK, 2021, 'Global abundance estimates for 9,700 bird species', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 118,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Callaghan CT; Poore AGB; Major RE; Cornwell WK; Wilshire JH; Lyons MB, 2021, 'How to build a biodiverse city: environmental determinants of bird diversity within and among 1581 cities', Biodiversity and Conservation, 30, pp. 217 - 234,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Callaghan CT; Poore AGB; Mesaglio T; Moles AT; Nakagawa S; Roberts C; Rowley JJL; Vergés A; Wilshire JH; Cornwell WK, 2021, 'Three Frontiers for the Future of Biodiversity Research Using Citizen Science Data', BioScience, 71, pp. 55 - 63,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Callaghan CT; Watson JEM; Lyons MB; Cornwell WK; Fuller RA, 2021, 'Conservation birding: A quantitative conceptual framework for prioritizing citizen science observations', Biological Conservation, 253,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Chu N; Cornwell W; Letnic M, 2021, 'Mistletoes Facilitate a Desert Herbivore by Improving the Quality of Shade', Ecosystems, 24, pp. 1393 - 1401,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Edwards C; Cornwell W; Letnic M, 2021, 'Frequent consumption of sap suggests that omnivory is widespread among Australian geckos', Science of Nature, 108,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Falster D; Gallagher R; Wenk E; Wright I; Indiarto D; Baxter C; Andrew SC; Lawson J; Allen S; Fuchs A; Adams MA; Ahrens CW; Alfonzetti M; Angevin T; Atkin OK; Auld T; Baker A; Bean A; Blackman CJ; Bloomfield K; Bowman D; Bragg J; Brodribb TJ; Buckton G; Burrows G; Caldwell E; Camac J; Carpenter R; Catford JA; Cawthray GR; Cernusak LA; Chandler G; Chapman AR; Cheal D; Cheesman AW; Chen S-C; Choat B; Clinton B; Clode P; Coleman H; Cornwell WK; Cosgrove M; Crisp M; Cross E; Crous KY; Cunningham S; Curtis E; Daws MI; DeGabriel JL; Denton MD; Dong N; Duan H; Duncan DH; Duncan RP; Duretto M; Dwyer JM; Edwards C; Esperon-Rodriguez M; Evans JR; Everingham SE; Firn J; Fonseca CR; French BJ; Frood D; Funk JL; Geange SR; Ghannoum O; Gleason SM; Gosper CR; Gray E; Groom PK; Gross C; Guerin G; Guja L; Hahs AK; Harrison MT; Hayes PE; Henery M; Hochuli D; Howell J; Huang G; Hughes L; Huisman J; Ilic J; Jagdish A; Jin D; Jordan G; Jurado E; Kasel S; Kellermann J; Kohout M; Kooyman RM; Kotowska MM; Lai HR; Laliberté E; Lambers H; Lamont BB; Lanfear R; van Langevelde F; Laughlin DC; Laugier-Kitchener B-A; Lehmann CER; Leigh A; Leishman MR; Lenz T; Lepschi B; Lewis JD; Lim F; Liu U; Lord J; Lusk CH; Macinnis-Ng C; McPherson H; Manea A; Mayfield M; McCarthy JK; Meers T; van der Merwe M; Metcalfe D; Milberg P; Mokany K; Moles AT; Moore BD; Moore N; Morgan JW; Morris W; Muir A; Munroe S; Nicholson Á; Nicolle D; Nicotra AB; Niinemets Ü; North T; O’Reilly-Nugent A; O’Sullivan OS; Oberle B; Onoda Y; Ooi MKJ; Osborne CP; Paczkowska G; Pekin B; Pereira CG; Pickering C; Pickup M; Pollock LJ; Poot P; Powell JR; Power SA; Prentice IC; Prior L; Prober SM; Read J; Reynolds V; Richards AE; Richardson B; Roderick ML; Rosell JA; Rossetto M; Rye B; Rymer PD; Sams MA; Sanson G; Schmidt S; Schulze E-D; Sendall K; Sinclair S; Smith B; Smith R; Soper F; Sparrow B; Standish R; Staples TL; Taseski G; Thomas F; Tissue DT; Tjoelker MG; Tng DYP; Tomlinson K; Turner NC; Veneklaas E; Venn S; Vesk P; Vlasveld C; Vorontsova MS; Warren C; Weerasinghe LK; Westoby M; White M; Williams N; Wills J; Wilson PG; Yates C; Zanne AE; Ziemińska K, 2021, 'AusTraits – a curated plant trait database for the Australian flora', Scientific Data, 8, pp. 2021.01.04.425314,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Falster D; Gallagher R; Wenk EH; Wright IJ; Indiarto D; Andrew SC; Baxter C; Lawson J; Allen S; Fuchs A; Monro A; Kar F; Adams MA; Ahrens CW; Alfonzetti M; Angevin T; Apgaua DMG; Arndt S; Atkin OK; Atkinson J; Auld T; Baker A; von Balthazar M; Bean A; Blackman CJ; Bloomfield K; Bowman DMJS; Bragg J; Brodribb TJ; Buckton G; Burrows G; Caldwell E; Camac J; Carpenter R; Catford JA; Cawthray GR; Cernusak LA; Chandler G; Chapman AR; Cheal D; Cheesman AW; Chen SC; Choat B; Clinton B; Clode PL; Coleman H; Cornwell WK; Cosgrove M; Crisp M; Cross E; Crous KY; Cunningham S; Curran T; Curtis E; Daws MI; DeGabriel JL; Denton MD; Dong N; Du P; Duan H; Duncan DH; Duncan RP; Duretto M; Dwyer JM; Edwards C; Esperon-Rodriguez M; Evans JR; Everingham SE; Farrell C; Firn J; Fonseca CR; French BJ; Frood D; Funk JL; Geange SR; Ghannoum O; Gleason SM; Gosper CR; Gray E; Groom PK; Grootemaat S; Gross C; Guerin G; Guja L; Hahs AK; Harrison MT; Hayes PE; Henery M; Hochuli D; Howell J; Huang G; Hughes L; Huisman J; Ilic J; Jagdish A; Jin D; Jordan G; Jurado E; Kanowski J; Kasel S; Moles A; Ooi M; Sauquet HJX, 2021, 'AusTraits, a curated plant trait database for the Australian flora', Scientific Data, 8, pp. 254,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Fisher A; Mills C; Lyons M; Cornwell W; Letnic M, 2021, 'Remote sensing of trophic cascades: multi-temporal landsat imagery reveals vegetation change driven by the removal of an apex predator', Landscape Ecology, 36, pp. 1341 - 1358,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Kirchhoff C; Callaghan CT; Keith DA; Indiarto D; Taseski G; Ooi MKJ; Le Breton TD; Mesaglio T; Kingsford RT; Cornwell WK, 2021, 'Rapidly mapping fire effects on biodiversity at a large-scale using citizen science', Science of the Total Environment, 755, pp. 142348,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Laitly A; Callaghan CT; Delhey K; Cornwell WK, 2021, 'Is color data from citizen science photographs reliable for biodiversity research?', Ecology and Evolution, 11, pp. 4071 - 4083,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Mallen-Cooper M; Cornwell WK, 2021, 'Tissue chemistry of biocrust species along an aridity gradient and comparison to vascular plant leaves', Functional Ecology, 35, pp. 2604 - 2614,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Mallen-Cooper M; Graae BJ; Cornwell WK, 2021, 'Lichens buffer tundra microclimate more than the expanding shrub Betula nana', Annals of Botany, 128, pp. 407 - 418,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Taseski GM; Keith DA; Dalrymple RL; Cornwell WK, 2021, 'Shifts in fine root traits within and among species along a fine-scale hydrological gradient', Annals of Botany, 127, pp. 473 - 481,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Callaghan CT; Major RE; Cornwell WK; Poore AGB; Wilshire JH; Lyons MB, 2020, 'A continental measure of urbanness predicts avian response to local urbanization', Ecography, 43, pp. 528 - 538,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Chan JY; Bonser SP; Powell JR; Cornwell WK, 2020, 'Environmental cues for dispersal in a filamentous fungus in simulated islands', Oikos, 129, pp. 1084 - 1092,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Jeliazkov A; Mijatovic D; Chantepie S; Andrew N; Arlettaz R; Barbaro L; Barsoum N; Bartonova A; Belskaya E; Bonada N; Brind’Amour A; Carvalho R; Castro H; Chmura D; Choler P; Chong-Seng K; Cleary D; Cormont A; Cornwell W; de Campos R; de Voogd N; Doledec S; Drew J; Dziock F; Eallonardo A; Edgar MJ; Farneda F; Hernandez DF; Frenette-Dussault C; Fried G; Gallardo B; Gibb H; Gonçalves-Souza T; Higuti J; Humbert JY; Krasnov BR; Saux EL; Lindo Z; Lopez-Baucells A; Lowe E; Marteinsdottir B; Martens K; Meffert P; Mellado-Díaz A; Menz MHM; Meyer CFJ; Miranda JR; Mouillot D; Ossola A; Pakeman R; Pavoine S; Pekin B; Pino J; Pocheville A; Pomati F; Poschlod P; Prentice HC; Purschke O; Raevel V; Reitalu T; Renema W; Ribera I; Robinson N; Robroek B; Rocha R; Shieh SH; Spake R; Staniaszek-Kik M; Stanko M; Tejerina-Garro FL; Braak CT; Urban MC; Klink RV; Villéger S; Wegman R; Westgate MJ; Wolff J; Żarnowiec J; Zolotarev M; Chase JM, 2020, 'A global database for metacommunity ecology, integrating species, traits, environment and space', Scientific Data, 7,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Jeliazkov A; Mijatovic D; Chantepie S; Andrew N; Arlettaz R; Barbaro L; Barsoum N; Bartonova A; Belskaya E; Bonada N; Brind’Amour A; Carvalho R; Castro H; Chmura D; Choler P; Chong-Seng K; Cleary D; Cormont A; Cornwell W; de Campos R; de Voogd N; Doledec S; Drew J; Dziock F; Eallonardo A; Edgar MJ; Farneda F; Hernandez DF; Frenette-Dussault C; Fried G; Gallardo B; Gibb H; Gonçalves-Souza T; Higuti J; Humbert JY; Krasnov BR; Saux EL; Lindo Z; Lopez-Baucells A; Lowe E; Marteinsdottir B; Martens K; Meffert P; Mellado-Díaz A; Menz MHM; Meyer CFJ; Miranda JR; Mouillot D; Ossola A; Pakeman R; Pavoine S; Pekin B; Pino J; Pocheville A; Pomati F; Poschlod P; Prentice HC; Purschke O; Raevel V; Reitalu T; Renema W; Ribera I; Robinson N; Robroek B; Rocha R; Shieh SH; Spake R; Staniaszek-Kik M; Stanko M; Tejerina-Garro FL; Braak CT; Urban MC; Klink RV; Villéger S; Wegman R; Westgate MJ; Wolff J; Żarnowiec J; Zolotarev M; Chase JM, 2020, 'Author Correction: A global database for metacommunity ecology, integrating species, traits, environment and space (Scientific Data, (2020), 7, 1, (6), 10.1038/s41597-019-0344-7)', Scientific Data, 7,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Kattge J; Bönisch G; Díaz S; Lavorel S; Prentice IC; Leadley P; Tautenhahn S; Werner GDA; Aakala T; Abedi M; Acosta ATR; Adamidis GC; Adamson K; Aiba M; Albert CH; Alcántara JM; Alcázar C C; Aleixo I; Ali H; Amiaud B; Ammer C; Amoroso MM; Anand M; Anderson C; Anten N; Antos J; Apgaua DMG; Ashman TL; Asmara DH; Asner GP; Aspinwall M; Atkin O; Aubin I; Baastrup-Spohr L; Bahalkeh K; Bahn M; Baker T; Baker WJ; Bakker JP; Baldocchi D; Baltzer J; Banerjee A; Baranger A; Barlow J; Barneche DR; Baruch Z; Bastianelli D; Battles J; Bauerle W; Bauters M; Bazzato E; Beckmann M; Beeckman H; Beierkuhnlein C; Bekker R; Belfry G; Belluau M; Beloiu M; Benavides R; Benomar L; Berdugo-Lattke ML; Berenguer E; Bergamin R; Bergmann J; Bergmann Carlucci M; Berner L; Bernhardt-Römermann M; Bigler C; Bjorkman AD; Blackman C; Blanco C; Blonder B; Blumenthal D; Bocanegra-González KT; Boeckx P; Bohlman S; Böhning-Gaese K; Boisvert-Marsh L; Bond W; Bond-Lamberty B; Boom A; Boonman CCF; Bordin K; Boughton EH; Boukili V; Bowman DMJS; Bravo S; Brendel MR; Broadley MR; Brown KA; Bruelheide H; Brumnich F; Bruun HH; Bruy D; Buchanan SW; Bucher SF; Buchmann N; Buitenwerf R; Bunker DE; Bürger J; Moles A; Cornwell W; Falster D; Muir C; Martin A; Wenk E, 2020, 'TRY plant trait database – enhanced coverage and open access', Global Change Biology, 26, pp. 119 - 188,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Kirchhoff C; Callaghan C; Keith D; Indiarto D; Taseski G; Ooi M; Le Breton T; Mesaglio T; Kingsford R; Cornwell W, 2020, 'Rapidly mapping fire effects on biodiversity at a large-scale using citizen science', ,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Lee J; Callaghan C; Cornwell W, 2020, 'Using citizen science to measure recolonisation of birds after the Australian 2019-20 mega-fires', ,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Mallen-Cooper M; Cornwell WK, 2020, 'A systematic review of transplant experiments in lichens and bryophytes', Bryologist, 123, pp. 444 - 454
    Journal articles | 2020
    Nelson RA; Francis EJ; Berry JA; Cornwell WK; Anderegg LDL, 2020, 'The role of climate niche, geofloristic history, habitat preference, and allometry on wood density within a california plant community', Forests, 11,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Paillassa J; Wright IJ; Prentice IC; Pepin S; Smith NG; Ethier G; Westerband AC; Lamarque LJ; Wang H; Cornwell WK; Maire V, 2020, 'When and where soil is important to modify the carbon and water economy of leaves', New Phytologist, 228, pp. 121 - 135,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Rowley JJL; Callaghan CT; Cornwell WK, 2020, 'Widespread short-term persistence of frog species after the 2019–2020 bushfires in eastern Australia revealed by citizen science', Conservation Science and Practice, 2,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Thomas HJD; Bjorkman AD; Myers-Smith IH; Elmendorf SC; Kattge J; Diaz S; Vellend M; Blok D; Cornelissen JHC; Forbes BC; Henry GHR; Hollister RD; Normand S; Prevéy JS; Rixen C; Schaepman-Strub G; Wilmking M; Wipf S; Cornwell WK; Beck PSA; Georges D; Goetz SJ; Guay KC; Rüger N; Soudzilovskaia NA; Spasojevic MJ; Alatalo JM; Alexander HD; Anadon-Rosell A; Angers-Blondin S; te Beest M; Berner LT; Björk RG; Buchwal A; Buras A; Carbognani M; Christie KS; Collier LS; Cooper EJ; Elberling B; Eskelinen A; Frei ER; Grau O; Grogan P; Hallinger M; Heijmans MMPD; Hermanutz L; Hudson JMG; Johnstone JF; Hülber K; Iturrate-Garcia M; Iversen CM; Jaroszynska F; Kaarlejarvi E; Kulonen A; Lamarque LJ; Lantz TC; Lévesque E; Little CJ; Michelsen A; Milbau A; Nabe-Nielsen J; Nielsen SS; Ninot JM; Oberbauer SF; Olofsson J; Onipchenko VG; Petraglia A; Rumpf SB; Shetti R; Speed JDM; Suding KN; Tape KD; Tomaselli M; Trant AJ; Treier UA; Tremblay M; Venn SE; Vowles T; Weijers S; Wookey PA; Zamin TJ; Bahn M; Blonder B; van Bodegom PM; Bond-Lamberty B; Campetella G; Cerabolini BEL; Chapin FS; Craine JM; Dainese M; Green WA; Jansen S; Kleyer M; Manning P; Niinemets ; Onoda Y; Ozinga WA; Peñuelas J; Poschlod P, 2020, 'Global plant trait relationships extend to the climatic extremes of the tundra biome', Nature Communications, 11,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Zajitschek SRK; Zajitschek F; Bonduriansky R; Brooks RC; Cornwell W; Falster DS; Lagisz M; Mason J; Senior AM; Noble DAW; Nakagawa S, 2020, 'Sex and Power: sexual dimorphism in trait variability and its eco-evolutionary and statistical implications', ,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Zajitschek SRK; Zajitschek F; Bonduriansky R; Brooks RC; Cornwell W; Falster DS; Lagisz M; Mason J; Senior AM; Noble DWA; Nakagawa S, 2020, 'Sexual dimorphism in trait variability and its eco-evolutionary and statistical implications', eLife, 9, pp. 1 - 17,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Aguilar-Trigueros CA; Hempel S; Powell JR; Cornwell WK; Rillig MC, 2019, 'Bridging reproductive and microbial ecology: a case study in arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi', ISME Journal, 13, pp. 873 - 884,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Callaghan C; Major RE; Cornwell WK; Poore AGB; Wilshire J; Lyons M, 2019, 'Continental-scale urbanness predicts local-scale responses to urbanization', EcoEvoRxiv,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Callaghan CT; Major RE; Lyons MB; Martin JM; Wilshire JH; Kingsford RT; Cornwell WK, 2019, 'Using citizen science data to define and track restoration targets in urban areas', Journal of Applied Ecology, 56, pp. 1998 - 2006,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Callaghan CT; Major RE; Wilshire JH; Martin JM; Kingsford RT; Cornwell WK, 2019, 'Generalists are the most urban-tolerant of birds: a phylogenetically controlled analysis of ecological and life history traits using a novel continuous measure of bird responses to urbanization', Oikos, 128, pp. 845 - 858,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Callaghan CT; Poore AGB; Major RE; Cornwell W; Wilshire J; Lyons M, 2019, 'How to build a biodiverse city: environmental determinants of bird diversity within and among 1,581 cities', EcoEvoRxiv,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Callaghan CT; Poore AGB; Major RE; Rowley JJL; Cornwell WK, 2019, 'Optimizing future biodiversity sampling by citizen scientists', Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 286,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Callaghan CT; Rowley JJL; Cornwell WK; Poore AGB; Major RE, 2019, 'Improving big citizen science data: Moving beyond haphazard sampling', PLoS Biology, 17,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Chan JY; Bonser SP; Powell JR; Cornwell WK, 2019, 'When to cut your losses: Dispersal allocation in an asexual filamentous fungus in response to competition', Ecology and Evolution, 9, pp. 4129 - 4137,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Cornwell WK; Pearse WD; Dalrymple RL; Zanne AE, 2019, 'What we (don't) know about global plant diversity', Ecography,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Falster DS; FitzJohn RG; Pennell MW; Cornwell WK, 2019, 'DataStorr: A workflow and package for delivering successive versions of’evolving data’ directly into R', GigaScience, 8,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Gorta SBZ; Smith JA; Everett JD; Kingsford RT; Cornwell WK; Suthers IM; Epstein H; McGovern R; McLachlan G; Roderick M; Smith L; Williams D; Callaghan CT, 2019, 'Pelagic citizen science data reveal declines of seabirds off south-eastern Australia', Biological Conservation, 235, pp. 226 - 235,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Lee MR; Powell JR; Oberle B; Cornwell WK; Lyons M; Rigg JL; Zanne AE, 2019, 'Good neighbors aplenty: fungal endophytes rarely exhibit competitive exclusion patterns across a span of woody habitats', Ecology, 100, pp. e02790,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Moles AT; Jagdish A; Wu Y; Gooley S; Dalrymple RL; Feng P; Auld J; Badgery G; Balding M; Bell A; Campbell N; Clark M; Clark M; Crawford KM; De Lorenzo O; Fletcher A; Ford Z; Fort H; Gorta SBZ; Hagan A; Hemmings FA; Hoban GS; Hulme T; King K; Kumar A; Kyriazis A; Laitly BA; Markovski J; Martin L; McDonnell G; Pan C; Paroissien R; Reeves-Perrin P; Sano M; Schwarz SM; Sipka A; Sullings M; Yeong JW; Cornwell WK, 2019, 'From dangerous branches to urban banyan: Facilitating aerial root growth of Ficus rubiginosa', PLoS ONE, 14, pp. e0226845,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Powell J; Riley R; Cornwell W, 2019, 'Relationships between mycorrhizal type and leaf flammability in the Australian flora', EcoEvoRxiv,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Santini NS; Lovelock CE; Hua Q; Zawadzki A; Mazumder D; Mercer TR; Muñoz-Rojas M; Hardwick SA; Madala BS; Cornwell W; Thomas T; Marzinelli EM; Adam P; Paul S; Vergés A; Munoz-Rojas M, 2019, 'Natural and Regenerated Saltmarshes Exhibit Similar Soil and Belowground Organic Carbon Stocks, Root Production and Soil Respiration', Ecosystems, 22, pp. 1803 - 1822,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Taseski GM; Beloe CJ; Gallagher RV; Chan JY; Dalrymple RL; Cornwell WK, 2019, 'A global growth-form database for 143,616 vascular plant species', Ecology, 100,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Thomas HJD; Myers-Smith IH; Bjorkman AD; Elmendorf SC; Blok D; Cornelissen JHC; Forbes BC; Hollister RD; Normand S; Prevéy JS; Rixen C; Schaepman-Strub G; Wilmking M; Wipf S; Cornwell WK; Kattge J; Goetz SJ; Guay KC; Alatalo JM; Anadon-Rosell A; Angers-Blondin S; Berner LT; Björk RG; Buchwal A; Buras A; Carbognani M; Christie K; Siegwart Collier L; Cooper EJ; Eskelinen A; Frei ER; Grau O; Grogan P; Hallinger M; Heijmans MMPD; Hermanutz L; Hudson JMG; Hülber K; Iturrate-Garcia M; Iversen CM; Jaroszynska F; Johnstone JF; Kaarlejärvi E; Kulonen A; Lamarque LJ; Lévesque E; Little CJ; Michelsen A; Milbau A; Nabe-Nielsen J; Nielsen SS; Ninot JM; Oberbauer SF; Olofsson J; Onipchenko VG; Petraglia A; Rumpf SB; Semenchuk PR; Soudzilovskaia NA; Spasojevic MJ; Speed JDM; Tape KD; te Beest M; Tomaselli M; Trant A; Treier UA; Venn S; Vowles T; Weijers S; Zamin T; Atkin OK; Bahn M; Blonder B; Campetella G; Cerabolini BEL; Chapin FS; Dainese M; de Vries FT; Díaz S; Green W; Jackson RB; Manning P; Niinemets ; Ozinga WA; Peñuelas J; Reich PB; Schamp B; Sheremetev S; van Bodegom PM, 2019, 'Traditional plant functional groups explain variation in economic but not size-related traits across the tundra biome', Global Ecology and Biogeography, 28, pp. 78 - 95,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Zanne AE; Abarenkov K; Afkhami ME; Aguilar-Trigueros CA; Bates S; Bhatnagar JM; Busby PE; Christian N; Cornwell W; Crowther TW; Moreno HF; Floudas D; Gazis R; Hibbett D; Kennedy P; Lindner DL; Maynard DS; Milo AM; Nilsson H; Powell J; Schildhauer M; Schilling J; Treseder KK, 2019, 'Fungal functional ecology: Bringing a trait-based approach to plant-associated fungi', ExoEvoRxiv,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Zanne AE; Powell J; Moreno HF; Kiers ET; van ’t Padje A; Cornwell W, 2019, 'Finding fungal ecological strategies: Is recycling an option?', Fungal Ecology, 46,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Zhang A; Cornwell W; Li Z; Xiong G; Fan D; Xie Z, 2019, 'Strong restrictions on the trait range of co-occurring species in the newly created riparian zone of the Three Gorges Reservoir Area, China', Journal of Plant Ecology, 12, pp. 825 - 833,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Zhang A; Cornwell W; Li Z; Xiong G; Yang D; Xie Z, 2019, 'Dam Effect on Soil Nutrients and Potentially Toxic Metals in a Reservoir Riparian Zone', Clean - Soil, Air, Water, 47,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Bjorkman AD; Myers-Smith IH; Elmendorf SC; Normand S; Rüger N; Beck PSA; Blach-Overgaard A; Blok D; Cornelissen JHC; Forbes BC; Georges D; Goetz SJ; Guay KC; Henry GHR; HilleRisLambers J; Hollister RD; Karger DN; Kattge J; Manning P; Prevéy JS; Rixen C; Schaepman-Strub G; Thomas HJD; Vellend M; Wilmking M; Wipf S; Carbognani M; Hermanutz L; Lévesque E; Molau U; Petraglia A; Soudzilovskaia NA; Spasojevic MJ; Tomaselli M; Vowles T; Alatalo JM; Alexander HD; Anadon-Rosell A; Angers-Blondin S; Beest MT; Berner L; Björk RG; Buchwal A; Buras A; Christie K; Cooper EJ; Dullinger S; Elberling B; Eskelinen A; Frei ER; Grau O; Grogan P; Hallinger M; Harper KA; Heijmans MMPD; Hudson J; Hülber K; Iturrate-Garcia M; Iversen CM; Jaroszynska F; Johnstone JF; Jørgensen RH; Kaarlejärvi E; Klady R; Kuleza S; Kulonen A; Lamarque LJ; Lantz T; Little CJ; Speed JDM; Michelsen A; Milbau A; Nabe-Nielsen J; Nielsen SS; Ninot JM; Oberbauer SF; Olofsson J; Onipchenko VG; Rumpf SB; Semenchuk P; Shetti R; Collier LS; Street LE; Suding KN; Tape KD; Trant A; Treier UA; Tremblay JP; Tremblay M; Venn S; Weijers S; Zamin T; Boulanger-Lapointe N; Gould WA; Hik DS; Hofgaard A; Jónsdóttir IS; Jorgenson J; Klein J; Magnusson B, 2018, 'Plant functional trait change across a warming tundra biome', Nature, 562, pp. 57 - 62,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Cornwell W; Pearse W; Dalrymple R; Zanne A, 2018, 'What we (don’t) know about global plant diversity', ,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Cornwell WK; Wright IJ; Turner J; Maire V; Barbour MM; Cernusak LA; Dawson T; Ellsworth D; Farquhar GD; Griffiths H; Keitel C; Knohl A; Reich PB; Williams DG; Bhaskar R; Cornelissen JHC; Richards A; Schmidt S; Valladares F; Körner C; Schulze ED; Buchmann N; Santiago LS, 2018, 'Climate and soils together regulate photosynthetic carbon isotope discrimination within C3 plants worldwide', Global Ecology and Biogeography, 27, pp. 1056 - 1067,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Cornwell WK, 2018, 'Hungry and thirsty: Effects of CO2 and limited water availability on plant performance', Flora: Morphology, Distribution, Functional Ecology of Plants, pp. 1 - 6,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Dixson BJW; Sherlock JM; Cornwell WK; Kasumovic MM, 2018, 'Contest competition and men's facial hair: beards may not provide advantages in combat', Evolution and Human Behavior, 39, pp. 147 - 153,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Werner GDA; Cornelissen JHC; Cornwell W; Soudzilovskaia N; Kattge J; West S; Kiers T, 2018, 'Symbiont switching and alternative resource acquisition strategies drive mutualism breakdown', ,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Werner GDA; Cornelissen JHC; Cornwell WK; Soudzilovskaia NA; Kattge J; West SA; Toby Kiers E, 2018, 'Symbiont switching and alternative resource acquisition strategies drive mutualism breakdown', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 115, pp. 5229 - 5234,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Zanne AE; Pearse WD; Cornwell WK; McGlinn DJ; Wright IJ; Uyeda JC, 2018, 'Functional biogeography of angiosperms: life at the extremes', New Phytologist, 218, pp. 1697 - 1709,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Bastias CC; Fortunel C; Valladares F; Baraloto C; Benavides R; Cornwell W; Markesteijn L; De Oliveira AA; Sansevero JBB; Vaz MC; Kraft NJB, 2017, 'Intraspecific leaf trait variability along a boreal-to-tropical community diversity gradient', PLoS ONE, 12, pp. e0172495,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Chen SC; Cornwell WK; Zhang HX; Moles AT, 2017, 'Plants show more flesh in the tropics: variation in fruit type along latitudinal and climatic gradients', Ecography, 40, pp. 531 - 538,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Cornelissen JHC; Grootemaat S; Verheijen LM; Cornwell WK; van Bodegom PM; van der Wal R; Aerts R, 2017, 'Are litter decomposition and fire linked through plant species traits?', New Phytologist, 216, pp. 653 - 669,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Cornwell W; Nakagawa S, 2017, 'Phylogenetic comparative methods', Current Biology, 27, pp. R333 - R336,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Douma JC; Cornwell WK; van Bodegom PM, 2017, 'A new metric to assess the predictive accuracy of multinomial land cover models', Journal of Biogeography, 44, pp. 1212 - 1224,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Falster D; FitzJohn R; Pennell M; Cornwell W, 2017, 'Versioned data: why it is needed and how it can be achieved (easily and cheaply)', ,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Pierce S; Negreiros D; Cerabolini BEL; Kattge J; Díaz S; Kleyer M; Shipley B; Wright SJ; Soudzilovskaia NA; Onipchenko VG; van Bodegom PM; Frenette-Dussault C; Weiher E; Pinho BX; Cornelissen JHC; Grime JP; Thompson K; Hunt R; Wilson PJ; Buffa G; Nyakunga OC; Reich PB; Caccianiga M; Mangili F; Ceriani RM; Luzzaro A; Brusa G; Siefert A; Barbosa NPU; Chapin FS; Cornwell WK; Fang J; Fernandes GW; Garnier E; Le Stradic S; Peñuelas J; Melo FPL; Slaviero A; Tabarelli M; Tampucci D, 2017, 'A global method for calculating plant CSR ecological strategies applied across biomes world-wide', Functional Ecology, 31, pp. 444 - 457,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Powell JR; Riley RC; Cornwell W, 2017, 'Relationships between mycorrhizal type and leaf flammability in the Australian flora', Pedobiologia, 65, pp. 43 - 49,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Smith JA; Cornwell WK; Lowry MB; Suthers IM, 2017, 'Modelling the distribution of fish around an artificial reef', Marine and Freshwater Research, 68, pp. 1955 - 1964,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Temme AA; Liu JC; van Hal J; Cornwell WK; Cornelissen JHC; Aerts R, 2017, 'Increases in CO2 from past low to future high levels result in “slower” strategies on the leaf economic spectrum', Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, 29, pp. 41 - 50,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Wang H; Prentice IC; Keenan TF; Davis TW; Wright IJ; Cornwell WK; Evans BJ; Peng C, 2017, 'Towards a universal model for carbon dioxide uptake by plants /704/47 /704/158/851 letter', Nature Plants, 3, pp. 734 - 741,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Liu JC; Temme AA; Cornwell WK; van Logtestijn RSP; Aerts R; Cornelissen JHC, 2016, 'Does plant size affect growth responses to water availability at glacial, modern and future CO2 concentrations?', Ecological Research, 31, pp. 213 - 227,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Maherali H; Oberle B; Stevens PF; Cornwell WK; McGlinn DJ, 2016, 'Mutualism persistence and abandonment during the evolution of the mycorrhizal symbiosis', American Naturalist, 188, pp. E113 - E125,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Pennell MW; FitzJohn RG; Cornwell WK, 2016, 'A simple approach for maximizing the overlap of phylogenetic and comparative data', Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 7, pp. 751 - 758,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Ye D; Liu G; Song YB; Cornwell WK; Dong M; Cornelissen JHC, 2016, 'Strong but diverging clonality - Climate relationships of different plant clades explain weak overall pattern across China', Scientific Reports, 6,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Zhao W; Cornwell WK; van Pomeren M; van Logtestijn RSP; Cornelissen JHC, 2016, 'Species mixture effects on flammability across plant phylogeny: the importance of litter particle size and the special role for non-Pinus Pinaceae', Ecology and Evolution, 6, pp. 8223 - 8234,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Ackerly DD; Cornwell WK; Weiss SB; Flint LE; Flint AL, 2015, 'A geographic mosaic of climate change impacts on terrestrial vegetation: Which areas are most at risk?', PLoS ONE, 10,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Chardon NI; Cornwell WK; Flint LE; Flint AL; Ackerly DD, 2015, 'Topographic, latitudinal and climatic distribution of Pinus coulteri: Geographic range limits are not at the edge of the climate envelope', Ecography, 38, pp. 590 - 601,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Cornwell WK; Elvira A; van Kempen L; van Logtestijn RSP; Aptroot A; Cornelissen JHC, 2015, 'Flammability across the gymnosperm phylogeny: The importance of litter particle size', New Phytologist, 206, pp. 672 - 681,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Cornwell WK, 2015, 'Toward a better understanding of variation in the amount of leaf area in vegetation', Journal of Vegetation Science, 26, pp. 1028 - 1029,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Grootemaat S; Wright IJ; van Bodegom PM; Cornelissen JHC; Cornwell WK, 2015, 'Burn or rot: Leaf traits explain why flammability and decomposability are decoupled across species', Functional Ecology, 29, pp. 1486 - 1497,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Liu G; Cornwell WK; Cao K; Hu Y; Van Logtestijn RSP; Yang S; Xie X; Zhang Y; Ye D; Pan X; Ye X; Huang Z; Dong M; Cornelissen JHC, 2015, 'Termites amplify the effects of wood traits on decomposition rates among multiple bamboo and dicot woody species', Journal of Ecology, 103, pp. 1214 - 1223,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Liu G; Cornwell WK; Pan X; Ye D; Liu F; Huang Z; Dong M; Cornelissen JHC, 2015, 'Decomposition of 51 semidesert species from wide-ranging phylogeny is faster in standing and sand-buried than in surface leaf litters: implications for carbon and nutrient dynamics', Plant and Soil, 396, pp. 175 - 187,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Maire V; Wright IJ; Prentice IC; Batjes NH; Bhaskar R; van Bodegom PM; Cornwell WK; Ellsworth D; Niinemets Ü; Ordonez A; Reich PB; Santiago LS, 2015, 'Global effects of soil and climate on leaf photosynthetic traits and rates', Global Ecology and Biogeography, 24, pp. 706 - 717,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Pan X; Song YB; Liu GF; Hu YK; Ye XH; Cornwell WK; Prinzing A; Dong M; Cornelissen JHC, 2015, 'Functional traits drive the contribution of solar radiation to leaf litter decomposition among multiple arid-zone species', Scientific Reports, 5,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Pennell MW; Fitzjohn RG; Cornwell WK; Harmon LJ, 2015, 'Model adequacy and the macroevolution of angiosperm functional traits', American Naturalist, 186, pp. E33 - E50,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Soudzilovskaia NA; Douma JC; Akhmetzhanova AA; van Bodegom PM; Cornwell WK; Moens EJ; Treseder KK; Tibbett M; Wang YP; Cornelissen JHC, 2015, 'Global patterns of plant root colonization intensity by mycorrhizal fungi explained by climate and soil chemistry', Global Ecology and Biogeography, 24, pp. 371 - 382,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Temme AA; Liu JC; Cornwell WK; Cornelissen JHC; Aerts R, 2015, 'Winners always win: Growth of a wide range of plant species from low to future high CO2', Ecology and Evolution, 5, pp. 4949 - 4961,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Werner GDA; Cornwell WK; Cornelissen JHC; Kiers ET, 2015, 'Evolutionary signals of symbiotic persistence in the legume-rhizobia mutualism', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 112, pp. 10262 - 10269,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Ye X; Tang S; Cornwell WK; Gao S; Huang Z; Dong M; Cornelissen JHC, 2015, 'Impact of land-use on carbon storage as dependent on soil texture: Evidence from a desertified dryland using repeated paired sampling design', Journal of Environmental Management, 150, pp. 489 - 498,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Ye XH; Pan X; Cornwell WK; Gao SQ; Dong M; Cornelissen JHC, 2015, 'Divergence of above- and belowground C and N pool within predominant plant species along two precipitation gradients in North China', Biogeosciences, 12, pp. 457 - 465,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Zanne AE; Tank DC; Cornwell WK; Eastman JM; Smith SA; Fitzjohn RG; McGlinn DJ; O'Meara BC; Moles AT; Reich PB; Royer DL; Soltis DE; Stevens PF; Westoby M; Wright IJ; Aarssen L; Bertin RI; Calaminus A; Govaerts R; Hemmings F; Leishman MR; Oleksyn J; Soltis PS; Swenson NG; Warman L; Beaulieu JM, 2015, 'Erratum: Three keys to the radiation of angiosperms into freezing environments (Nature (2014) 506 (89-92) (Doi:10.1038/nature12872))', Nature, 521, pp. 380,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Zanne AE; Tank DC; Cornwell WK; Eastman JM; Smith SA; Fitzjohn RG; McGlinn DJ; O'Meara BC; Moles AT; Reich PB; Royer DL; Soltis DE; Stevens PF; Westoby M; Wright IJ; Aarssen L; Bertin RI; Calaminus A; Govaerts R; Hemmings F; Leishman MR; Oleksyn J; Soltis PS; Swenson NG; Warman L; Beaulieu JM, 2015, 'Zanne et al. reply', Nature, 521, pp. E6 - E7,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Cornelissen JHC; Cornwell WK, 2014, 'The Tree of Life in ecosystems: Evolution of plant effects on carbon and nutrient cycling', Journal of Ecology, 102, pp. 269 - 274,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Cornwell WK; Westoby M; Falster DS; Fitzjohn RG; O'Meara BC; Pennell MW; McGlinn DJ; Eastman JM; Moles AT; Reich PB; Tank DC; Wright IJ; Aarssen L; Beaulieu JM; Kooyman RM; Leishman MR; Miller ET; Niinemets U; Oleksyn J; Ordonez A; Royer DL; Smith SA; Stevens PF; Warman L; Wilf P; Zanne AE, 2014, 'Functional distinctiveness of major plant lineages', Journal of Ecology, 102, pp. 345 - 356,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Fitzjohn RG; Pennell MW; Zanne AE; Stevens PF; Tank DC; Cornwell WK, 2014, 'How much of the world is woody?', Journal of Ecology, 102, pp. 1266 - 1272,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Krause S; Van Bodegom PM; Cornwell WK; Bodelier PLE, 2014, 'Weak phylogenetic signal in physiological traits of methane-oxidizing bacteria', Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 27, pp. 1240 - 1247,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Letten AD; Cornwell WK, 2014, 'Trees, branches and (square) roots: why evolutionary relatedness is not linearly related to functional distance', Methods in Ecology and Evolution, pp. n/a - n/a,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Liu G; Cornwell WK; Pan X; Cao K; Ye X; Huang Z; Dong M; Cornelissen JHC, 2014, 'Understanding the ecosystem implications of the angiosperm rise to dominance: Leaf litter decomposability among magnoliids and other basal angiosperms', Journal of Ecology, 102, pp. 337 - 344,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Moles AT; Perkins SE; Laffan SW; Flores-Moreno H; Awasthy M; Tindall ML; Sack L; Pitman A; Kattge J; Aarssen LW; Anand M; Bahn M; Blonder B; Cavender-Bares J; Cornelissen JHC; Cornwell WK; Díaz S; Dickie JB; Freschet GT; Griffiths JG; Gutierrez AG; Hemmings FA; Hickler T; Hitchcock TD; Keighery M; Kleyer M; Kurokawa H; Leishman MR; Liu K; Niinemets Ü; Onipchenko V; Onoda Y; Penuelas J; Pillar VD; Reich PB; Shiodera S; Siefert A; Sosinski EE; Soudzilovskaia NA; Swaine EK; Swenson NG; van Bodegom PM; Warman L; Weiher E; Wright IJ; Zhang H; Zobel M; Bonser SP; Flores Moreno H; Perkins-Kirkpatrick S, 2014, 'Which is a better predictor of plant traits: Temperature or precipitation?', Journal of Vegetation Science, 25, pp. 1167 - 1180,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Pan X; Cornelissen JHC; Zhao WW; Liu GF; Hu YK; Prinzing A; Dong M; Cornwell WK, 2014, 'Experimental evidence that the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck model best describes the evolution of leaf litter decomposability', Ecology and Evolution, 4, pp. 3339 - 3349,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Pietsch KA; Ogle K; Cornelissen JHC; Cornwell WK; Bönisch G; Craine JM; Jackson BG; Kattge J; Peltzer DA; Penuelas J; Reich PB; Wardle DA; Weedon JT; Wright IJ; Zanne AE; Wirth C, 2014, 'Global relationship of wood and leaf litter decomposability: The role of functional traits within and across plant organs', Global Ecology and Biogeography, 23, pp. 1046 - 1057,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Valladares F; Matesanz S; Guilhaumon F; Araújo MB; Balaguer L; Benito-Garzón M; Cornwell W; Gianoli E; van Kleunen M; Naya DE; Nicotra AB; Poorter H; Zavala MA, 2014, 'The effects of phenotypic plasticity and local adaptation on forecasts of species range shifts under climate change', Ecology Letters, 17, pp. 1351 - 1364,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Werner GDA; Cornwell WK; Sprent JI; Kattge J; Kiers ET, 2014, 'A single evolutionary innovation drives the deep evolution of symbiotic N2-fixation in angiosperms', Nature Communications, 5,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Zanne AE; Tank DC; Cornwell WK; Eastman JM; Smith SA; FitzJohn RG; McGlinn DJ; O Meara BC; Moles AT; Reich PB; others , 2014, 'Three keys to the radiation of angiosperms into freezing environments', Nature
    Journal articles | 2014
    Zanne AE; Tank DC; Cornwell WK; Eastman JM; Smith SA; FitzJohn RG; McGlinn DJ; O’Meara BC; Moles AT; Reich PB; Royer DL; Soltis DE; Stevens PF; Westoby M; Wright IJ; Aarssen L; Bertin RI; Calaminus A; Govaerts R; Hemmings FA; Leishman MR; Oleksyn J; Soltis PS; Swenson NG; Warman L; Beaulieu JM, 2014, 'Corrigendum: Three keys to the radiation of angiosperms into freezing environments', Nature, 514, pp. 394 - 394,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Zhao W; Blauw LG; van Logtestijn RSP; Cornwell WK; Cornelissen JHC, 2014, 'Interactions between fine wood decomposition and flammability', Forests, 5, pp. 827 - 846,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Bennett JR; Vellend M; Lilley PL; Cornwell WK; Arcese P, 2013, 'Abundance, rarity and invasion debt among exotic species in a patchy ecosystem', Biological invasions, 15, pp. 707 - 716
    Journal articles | 2013
    Cornwell WK; Cornelissen JHC, 2013, 'A broader perspective on plant domestication and nutrient and carbon cycling', New Phytologist, 198, pp. 331 - 333
    Journal articles | 2013
    Cornwell WK; Weedon JT, 2013, 'Decomposition trajectories of diverse litter types: a model selection analysis', Methods in Ecology and Evolution,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Freschet GT; Cornwell WK; Wardle DA; Elumeeva TG; Liu W; Jackson BG; Onipchenko VG; Soudzilovskaia NA; Tao J; Cornelissen JHC, 2013, 'Linking litter decomposition of above-and below-ground organs to plant–soil feedbacks worldwide', Journal of Ecology
    Journal articles | 2013
    Funk JL; Cornwell WK, 2013, 'Leaf traits within communities: Context may affect the mapping of traits to function', Ecology, 94, pp. 1893 - 1897,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Kooyman RM; Zanne A; Cornwell WK; Rossetto M; O'Connor P; Parkes E; Catterall C; Laffan SW; Lusk C; Gallagher R, 2013, 'Growth form and functional traits influence response of woody plants to fragmentation of subtropical rain forest', Conservation Biology, in press,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Moles AT; Peco B; Wallis IR; Foley WJ; Poore AGB; Seabloom EW; Vesk PA; Bisigato AJ; Cella-pizarro L; Clark CJ; Cohen PS; Cornwell WK; Edwards W; Ejrnaes R; Gonzales-Ojeda T; Graae BJ; Hay G; Lumbwe FC; Magana-rodriguez ; Moore BD; Peri PL; Poulsen JR; Stegen JC; Veldtman R; von Zeipel H; Andrew NR; Boulter SL; Borer ET; Cornelissen JHC; Farji-Brener AG; De Gabriel J; Jurado E; Kyhn LA; Low B; Mulder CPH; Reardon-smith KM; Rodriguez-Velazquez J; De Fortier A; Zheng Z; Blendinger PG; Enquist BJ; Facelli JM; Knight T; Majer JD; Martinez-Ramos M; Mcquillan P; Hui FKC, 2013, 'Correlations between physical and chemical defences in plants: Tradeoffs, syndromes, or just many different ways to skin a herbivorous cat?', New Phytologist, 198, pp. 252 - 263,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Pérez-Harguindeguy N; Díaz S; Garnier E; Lavorel S; Poorter H; Jaureguiberry P; Bret-Harte MS; Cornwell WK; Craine JM; Gurvich DE; others , 2013, 'New handbook for standardised measurement of plant functional traits worldwide', Australian Journal of Botany
    Journal articles | 2013
    Temme AA; Cornwell WK; Cornelissen JHC; Aerts R, 2013, 'Meta-analysis reveals profound responses of plant traits to glacial CO2 levels', Ecology and Evolution,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Akhmetzhanova AA; Soudzilovskaia NA; Onipchenko VG; Cornwell WK; Agafonov VA; Selivanov IA; Cornelissen JHC, 2012, 'A rediscovered treasure: mycorrhizal intensity database for 3000 vascular plant species across the former Soviet Union: Ecological Archives E093-059', Ecology, 93, pp. 689 - 690,
    Journal articles | 2012
    Brovkin V; Bodegom PMV; Kleinen T; Wirth C; Cornwell WK; Cornelissen JHC; Kattge J, 2012, 'Plant-driven variation in decomposition rates improves projections of global litter stock distribution', Biogeosciences, 9, pp. 565 - 576
    Journal articles | 2012
    Kooyman R; Rossetto M; Allen C; Cornwell W, 2012, 'Australian tropical and subtropical rain forest community assembly: phylogeny, functional biogeography, and environmental gradients', Biotropica, 44, pp. 668 - 679
    Journal articles | 2012
    Van Altena C; van Logtestijn RSP; Cornwell WK; Cornelissen JHC, 2012, 'Species composition and fire: non-additive mixture effects on ground fuel flammability', Frontiers in plant science, 3
    Journal articles | 2012
    Westoby M; Cornwell WK; Falster DS, 2012, 'An evolutionary attractor model for sapwood cross section in relation to leaf area', Journal of Theoretical Biology, 303, pp. 98 - 109
    Journal articles | 2011
    Freschet GT; Dias ATC; Ackerly DD; Aerts R; van Bodegom PM; Cornwell WK; Dong M; Kurokawa H; Liu G; Onipchenko VG; others , 2011, 'Global to community scale differences in the prevalence of convergent over divergent leaf trait distributions in plant assemblages', Global Ecology and Biogeography, 20, pp. 755 - 765
    Journal articles | 2011
    Hudson JMG; Henry GHR; Cornwell WK, 2011, 'Taller and larger: shifts in Arctic tundra leaf traits after 16 years of experimental warming', Global Change Biology, 17, pp. 1013 - 1021
    Journal articles | 2011
    Kattge J; Diaz S; Lavorel S; Prentice I; Leadley P; Bonisch G; Garnier E; Westoby M; Reich P; Wright IJ; Cornelissen JHC; Violle C; Harrison SP; Van bodegom PM; Reichstein M; Enquist BJ; Soudzilovskaia NA; Ackerly D; Anand M; Atkin O; Bahn M; Baker TR; Baldocchi D; Bekker R; Blanco CC; Blonder B; Bond WJ; Bradstock R; Bunker DE; Casanoves F; Cavender-bares J; Chambers JQ; Chapin FS; Chave J; Coomes D; Cornwell WK; Craine JM; Dobrin BH; Duarte L; Durka W; Elser J; Esser G; Estiarte M; Fagan WF; Fang J; Fernandez-mendez F; Fidelis A; Finegan B; Flores O; Ford H; Frank D; Freschet GT; Fyllas NM; Gallagher RV; Green WA; Gutierrez AG; Hickler T; Higgins SI; Hodgson JG; Jalili A; Jansen S; Joly CA; Kerkhoff AJ; Kirkup D; Kitajima K; Kleyer M; Klotz S; Knops JMH; Kramer K; Kuhn I; Kurokawa H; Laughlin D; Lee TD; Leishman M; Lens F; Lenz T; Lewis SL; Lloyd J; Llusia J; Louault F; Ma S; Mahecha MD; Manning P; Massad T; Medlyn BE; Messier J; Moles AT; Muller S; Nadrowski K; Naeem S; Niinemets U; Nollet S; Nuske A; Ogaya R; Oleksyn J; Onipchenko VG; Onoda Y; Ordonez J; Overbeck G; Ozinga WA; Patino S; Paula S; Pausas JG; Penuelas J; Phillips O; Pillar V; Poorter H; Poorter L; Poschlod P; Prinzing A; Proulx R; Rammig A; Reinsch S; Reu B; Sack L; Salgado-negret B; Sardans J; Shiodera S; Shipley B; Siefert A; Sosinski E; Soussana JF; Swaine E; Swenson N; Thompson K; Thornton P; Waldram M; Weiher E; White MJ; White S; Wright SJ; Yguel B; Zaehle S; Zanne A; Wirth C, 2011, 'TRY - a global database of plant traits', Global Change Biology, 17, pp. 2905 - 2935,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Kooyman R; Rossetto M; Cornwell W; Westoby M, 2011, 'Phylogenetic tests of community assembly across regional to continental scales in tropical and subtropical rain forests', Global Ecology and Biogeography, 20, pp. 707 - 716
    Journal articles | 2011
    Moles AT; Wallis IR; Foley WJ; Warton DI; Stegen JC; Bisigato AJ; Cella-pizarro L; Clark CJ; Cohen PS; Cornwell WK; Edwards W; Ejrnaes R; Gonzales-Ojeda T; Graae BJ; Hay G; Lumbwe FC; Magana-Rodriguez B; Moore BD; Peri PL; Poulsen JR; Veldtman R; von Zeipel H; Andrew NR; Boulter SL; Borer ET; Campon FF; Coll M; Farji-Brener AG; De Gabriel J; Jurado E; Kyhn LA; Low B; Mulder CPH; Reardon-Smith K; Rodriguez-Velazquez J; Seabloom EW; Vesk PA; van Cauter A; Waldram MS; Zheng Z; Blendinger PG; Enquist BJ; Facelli JM; Knight T; Majer JD; Martinez-Ramos M; Mcquillan P; Prior LD, 2011, 'Putting plant resistance traits on the map: a test of the idea that plants are better defended at lower latitudes', New Phytologist, 191, pp. 777 - 788
    Journal articles | 2010
    Ackerly DD; Loarie SR; Cornwell WK; Weiss SB; Hamilton H; Branciforte R; Kraft NJB, 2010, 'The geography of climate change: implications for conservation biogeography', Diversity and Distributions, 16, pp. 476 - 487,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Cornwell WK; Ackerly DD, 2010, 'A link between plant traits and abundance: evidence from coastal California woody plants', Journal of Ecology, 98, pp. 814 - 821
    Journal articles | 2010
    Kembel SW; Cowan PD; Helmus MR; Cornwell WK; Morlon H; Ackerly DD; Blomberg SP; Webb CO, 2010, 'Picante: R tools for integrating phylogenies and ecology', Bioinformatics, 26, pp. 1463 - 1464
    Journal articles | 2010
    Kooyman R; Cornwell W; Westoby M, 2010, 'Plant functional traits in Australian subtropical rain forest: partitioning within-community from cross-landscape variation', Journal of Ecology, 98, pp. 517 - 525
    Journal articles | 2010
    Sack L; Cornwell WK; Santiago LS; Barbour MM; Choat B; Evans JR; Munns R; Nicotra A, 2010, 'A unique web resource for physiology, ecology and the environmental sciences: PrometheusWiki', Functional Plant Biology, 37, pp. 687 - 693,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Cernusak LA; Tcherkez G; Keitel C; Cornwell WK; Santiago LS; Knohl A; Barbour MM; Williams DG; Reich PB; Ellsworth DS; others , 2009, 'Why are non-photosynthetic tissues generally 13C enriched compared with leaves in C3 plants? Review and synthesis of current hypotheses', Functional Plant Biology, 36, pp. 199 - 213
    Journal articles | 2009
    Cornwell WK; Ackerly DD, 2009, 'Community assembly and shifts in plant trait distributions across an environmental gradient in coastal California', Ecological Monographs, 79, pp. 109 - 126
    Journal articles | 2009
    Cornwell WK; Cornelissen JHC; Allison SD; Bauhus J; Eggleton P; Preston CM; Scarff F; Weedon JT; Wirth C; Zanne AE, 2009, 'Plant traits and wood fates across the globe: rotted, burned, or consumed?', Global Change Biology, 15, pp. 2431 - 2449
    Journal articles | 2009
    Weedon JT; Cornwell WK; Cornelissen JHC; Zanne AE; Wirth C; Coomes DA, 2009, 'Global meta-analysis of wood decomposition rates: a role for trait variation among tree species?', Ecology Letters, 12, pp. 45 - 56
    Journal articles | 2008
    Cornwell WK; Cornelissen JHC; Amatangelo K; Dorrepaal E; Eviner VT; Godoy O; Hobbie SE; Hoorens B; Kurokawa H; Pérez-Harguindeguy N; others , 2008, 'Plant species traits are the predominant control on litter decomposition rates within biomes worldwide', Ecology Letters, 11, pp. 1065 - 1071
    Journal articles | 2007
    Ackerly DD; Cornwell WK, 2007, 'A trait-based approach to community assembly: partitioning of species trait values into within-and among-community components', Ecology Letters, 10, pp. 135 - 145
    Journal articles | 2007
    Cornwell WK; Bhaskar R; Sack L; Cordell S, 2007, 'Adjustment of structure and function of Hawaiian Metrosideros polymorpha at high vs. low precipitation', Functional Ecology, 21, pp. 1063 - 1071
    Journal articles | 2007
    Cornwell WK; Cornelissen JH; Amatangelo K; Dorrepaal E; Eviner V; Godoy O; Hobbie SE; Hoorens B; Kurokawa H; Perez Harguindeguy N; others , 2007, 'The leaf economic spectrum drives litter decomposition within regional floras worldwide', AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 1, pp. 04 - 04
    Journal articles | 2007
    Kraft NJB; Cornwell WK; Webb CO; Ackerly DD, 2007, 'Trait evolution, community assembly, and the phylogenetic structure of ecological communities', The American Naturalist, 170, pp. 271 - 283
    Journal articles | 2006
    Cornwell WK; Schwilk DW; Ackerly DD, 2006, 'A trait-based test for habitat filtering: convex hull volume', Ecology, 87, pp. 1465 - 1471
    Journal articles | 2006
    Preston KA; Cornwell WK; DeNoyer JL, 2006, 'Wood density and vessel traits as distinct correlates of ecological strategy in 51 California coast range angiosperms', New Phytologist, 170, pp. 807 - 818
    Journal articles | 2003
    Cornwell WK; Grubb PJ, 2003, 'Regional and local patterns in plant species richness with respect to resource availability', Oikos, 100, pp. 417 - 428
    Journal articles | 2002
    Flecker AS; Taylor BW; Bernhardt ES; Hood JM; Cornwell WK; Cassatt SR; Vanni MJ; Altman NS, 2002, 'Interactions between herbivorous fishes and limiting nutrients in a tropical stream ecosystem', Ecology, 83, pp. 1831 - 1844
    Journal articles | 2001
    Cornwell WK; Bedford BL; Chapin CT, 2001, 'Occurrence of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in a phosphorus-poor wetland and mycorrhizal response to phosphorus fertilization', American Journal of Botany, 88, pp. 1824 - 1829
  • Preprints | 2024
    Wenk E; Cornwell W; Fuchs A; Kar F; Monro A; Sauquet H; Stephens R; Falster D, 2024, APCalign: an R package workflow and app for aligning and updating flora names to the Australian Plant Census, ,
    Preprints | 2023
    Stephens R; Gallagher R; Dun L; Cornwell W; Sauquet H, 2023, Insects pollinated flowering plants for most of angiosperm evolutionary history, ,
    Preprints | 2022
    Zanne A; Flores-Moreno H; Powell J; Cornwell W; Dalling J; Austin A; Classen A; Eggleton P; Okada K-I; Parr C; Adair E; Adu-Bredu S; Alam MA; Alvarez-Garzón C; Apgaua D; Aragon R; Ardón M; Arndt S; Ashton L; Barber N; Beauchêne J; Berg M; Beringer J; Boer M; Bonet J; Bunney K; Burkhardt T; Carvalho D; Castillo-Figueroa D; Cernusak L; Cheesman A; Cirne-Silva T; Cleverly J; Cornelissen H; Curran T; D'Angioli A; Dallstream C; Eisenhauer N; Ondo FE; Fajardo A; Fernandez R; Ferrer A; Fontes M; Galatowitsch M; González G; Gottschall F; Grace P; Granda E; Griffiths H; Lara MG; Hasegawa M; Hefting M; Hinko-Najera N; Hutley L; Jones J; Kahl A; Karan M; Keuskamp J; Lardner T; Liddell M; Macfarlane C; Macinnis-Ng C; Mariano R; Meyer W; Mori A; Moura A; Northwood M; Ogaya R; Oliveira R; Orgiazzi A; Pardo J; Peguero G; Penuelas J; Perez L; Posada J; Prada C; Přívětivý T; Prober S; Prunier J; Quansah G; de Dios VR; Richter R; Robertson M; Rocha L; Rúa M; Sarmiento C; Silberstein R; Silva M; Siqueira F; Stillwagon M; Stol J; Taylor M; Teste F; Tng D; Tucker D; Türke M; Ulyshen M; Valverde-Barrantes O; Berg EVD; Logtestijn RV; Veen C; Vogel J; Wardlaw T; Wiehl G; Wirth C; Woods M; Zalamea P-C; Méndez M, 2022, Temperature sensitivity of termites determines global wood decay rates,
    Preprints | 2021
    Chan J; Bonser S; Kasumovic M; Powell J; Cornwell W, 2021, Complex environments alter competitive dynamics in fungi, ,
    Preprints | 2021
    Tam J; Lagisz M; Cornwell W; Nakagawa S, 2021, Quantifying research interests in 7,521 mammalian species with h-index: a case study, ,
    Conference Presentations | 2010
    Ackerly D; Cornwell WK; Weiss SB; Branciforte R; Flint LE; Flint AL, 2010, 'Climate change impacts on vegetation in the San Francisco Bay Area: a novel approach to vulnerability analysis', Vol. 1, pp. 07 - 07