Dr Yu Guang Wang
I am an Associate Professor in Institute of Natural Sciences, School of Mathematical Sciences, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, and AI Biomedicine Center of Zhangjiang Institute for Advanced Study, and Key Lab of Scientific and Engineering Computing of Minister of Education (MOE-LSC), at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. I am a PI of Shanghai AI Laboratory. I am also Adjunct Associate Professor at UNSW Sydney.
My research interests lie in artificial intelligence, computational mathematics, statistics and data science. In particular, I am working on geometric deep learning, graph neural networks, applied harmonic analysis, Bayesian inference, information geometry, numerical analysis, and applications to biomedicine and protein design.
Previously, I was a research scientist at Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in Sciences, in Prof Guido Montufar's Deep Learning Theory Group. I obtained my PhD in applied mathematics from University of New South Wales under supervision of Prof Ian Sloan and Rob Womersley. I am a recipient of ICERM Semester Postdoctoral Fellowship of Brown University (2018), a long-term IPAM visitor of UCLA (2019), and long-term visitor of AI Group of Prof Pietro Lio at Univeristy of Cambridge (2022).
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