Ms Zhenhua Hao
I am working as an Adjunct Fellow and holds a PhD in Physics from UNSW Canberra. My PhD study focused on the characteristics of migratory locusts and moths in Australia, by combining radar observations with meteorological simulations and setting up mathematical models.
Before this fellowship, I had been working on an European Research Council funded project 'Hunting for the exclusive “sixth” sense: navigation and magnetic sensation in a nocturnal migratory moth'. In this project, I focused on the study of flight characteristics of long distance migration in bogong moths.
I also had worked on an ARC Linkage project using models and structured decision making to improve the management of invasive willows in alpine Victoria. Particularly, I worked on mesoscale modelling of willow seed dispersion in this project.
- Publications
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- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
Development of entomological radars and analysis methods for entomological radar data.
Studies of flight characteristics and seasonal patterns of migratory insects in the atmospheric boundary by undertaking quantitative analytics on long-term insect monitoring radar data and a meteorological model (TAPM).
Studies of biometerology of insect migration and the insect behaviours leading to favourable migration outcomes.