UNSW AI Symposium 2024
Join us for the 2024 UNSW AI Institute Symposium — a great opportunity to connect with collaborators across the broader UNSW AI community.

This year’s symposium centres around AI match-making. Supporting more than 350 researchers and 50 research groups, the UNSW AI Institute provides an exceptional opportunity for collaboration. Whether you're looking to start or expand a project, the symposium is your chance to forge interdisciplinary collaborations across schools and faculties.
For more information, contact ai.admin@unsw.edu.au.
Thursday, 21st November 2024 | 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM
1st Floor, E19 (Patricia O'Shane, formerly CLB) - Rooms 103, 104, 105 & Foyer
Are you:
- Working on a current project and seeking AI collaborators?
- Developing an idea for an AI-related project and in need of partners?
- An early or mid-career researcher with AI expertise?
- In possession of an intriguing dataset to share?
Why Attend
- Collaborate: Discover opportunities to collaborate with UNSW's AI community.
- Learn: Gain insight into groundbreaking AI developments and emerging trends.
- Share: Showcase your research, ideas and expertise.
- Network: Connect with AI researchers, practitioners and peers across the university.
Symposium Themes
- AI in Biomedicine and Healthcare
- AI in Business, Education, and Training
- AI in Cyber Security
- Autonomous Agents, Embedded AI, and Robotics
- Data Science, Image, and Visual Analytics
- Ethics, Regulation, and the Law in AI
- Human Decision Science
- Urban AI, Built Environment, Climate and Environmental Science
We invite you to present a lightning talk (1-5 minutes) or a poster at the AI Symposium to introduce your project, idea, capabilities+expertise, or data set to the UNSW.ai community. Please fill the EOI form by 1st November 2024: