Casual staff

Casual Academic Pay Rates
The following minimum rates of pay apply to:
- Lectures,
- Seminars where the Seminar is the primary form of education delivery; and
- Clinical Sessions in the Faculty of Medicine,
and are payable for every one hour of student contact time.
*Included Associated Working Time (AWT)
Level & Step
Date Agreement commences operation
Standard Lecture Rate
Level B, Step 2
2 The normal rate for a Lecture or Seminar which is the primary form of education delivery which consists of up to 1 hour of student contact time and 2 hours of AWT.
246.2295 254.8474 265.0410
Lecture Rate involving 3 hours of AWT
Level B, Step 2
This rate is paid for a Lecture or Seminar which is the primary form of education delivery which consists of up to 1 hour of student contact time and includes compensation for up to 3 hours of AWT.
317.2040 328.3060
Lecture Rate involving 4 hours of AWT
Level B, Step 2
This rate is paid for a Lecture or Seminar which is the primary form of education delivery which consists of up to 1 hour of student contact time and includes compensation for up to 4 hours of AWT.
Special Expertise Lecture Rate
Level B, Step 2
This rate is paid where a Lecture or Seminar which is the primary form of education delivery is given by a Guest with Special Expertise in their relevant field which consists of up to 1 hour of student contact time and 3 hours AWT.
Planning and Development Rate
Level B, Step 2
This rate is paid where a Lecture or Seminar which is the primary form of education delivery is given where significant responsibility for planning and developing a unit or a large part of a unit is also required which consists of up to 1 hour of student contact time and 3 hours of AWT.
328.3060 339.7965 353.3880 Standard Lecture given by a Distinguished Person
Level B, Step 2
This rate is paid for a Lecture or Seminar which is the primary form of education delivery given by a distinguished person which consists of up to 1 hour of student contact time and 4 hours of AWT.
410.3825 424.7456 441.7350 Repeat Lecture Rate
Level B, Step 2
Paid for a 'repeat' Lecture or Seminar which is the primary form of education delivery, covering the subject matter of a Lecture or Seminar given within a period of 7 days to another group of students which consists of up to 1 hour of student contact time and includes compensation for 1 hour of AWT.
158.6020 164.1530
Clinical Sessions Rate (Faculty of Medicine)
Level B, Step 2
This rate is paid for each hour of delivery.
Level & Step
Date Agreement commences operation
Tutorial Rate
Level A, Step 2
This rate is paid for a Tutorial or Seminar which is supplementary to a primary form of education delivery which consists of up to 1 hour of student contact time and includes compensation for up to 2 hours of AWT.
172.7209 178.7663
185.0231 192.4238
Repeat Tutorial Rate Level A, Step 2 1 This rate is the Repeat Rate of Pay applicable to a “repeat” Tutorial or Seminar which is supplementary to a primary form of education delivery, being a Tutorial our Seminar that is delivered by the Casual Employee that is the same, or covers substantially the same subject matter, as a Tutorial or Seminar delivered by that Casual Employee within the prior 7 days. The Repeat Rate of Pay is paid for a Repeat Tutorial or Seminar consisting of 1 hour of student contact time and includes compensation for up to 1 hour of AWT.
119.1775 123.3488 128.2825 PHD Tutorial Rate
Level A, Step 6 2
The rate is paid for a Tutorial or Seminar which is supplementary to a primary form of education delivery delivered by a Casual Employee who holds a relevant doctoral qualification which consists of 1 hour of student contact time and includes compensation for up to 2 hours of AWT.
204.4946 211.6519 219.0596 227.8219 PHD Repeat Tutorial Rate Level A, Step 6
1 This rate is the Repeat Rate of Pay applicable to a “repeat” Tutorial or Seminar which is supplementary to a primary form of education delivery, being a Tutorial or Seminar that is delivered by the Casual Employee that is the same, or covers substantially the same subject matter, as a Tutorial or Seminar delivered by that Casual Employee within the prior 7 days. The Repeat Rate of Pay is paid for a Repeat Tutorial or Seminar delivered by a Casual Employee who holds a relevant doctoral qualification which consists of 1 hour student contact time and includes compensation for 1 hour of AWT.
136.3298 141.1013
146.0398 151.8813
Level & Step
Included Associated Working Time (AWT)
Date Agreement commences operation
Practical Class Rate
Level A, Step 2
This Other Duties rate is paid for a Practical Class. 57.5736
PHD /Full Subject Coordination Practical Class Rate Level A, Step 6
This Other Duties rate is paid for a Practical Class delivered by a Casual Employee with a relevant doctorial qualification or in circumstances where full subject coordination duties are required as part of normal duties.
70.5506 73.0199 75.9406
The following minimum rates apply to:
(i) Marking; and
(ii) Music Accompanying with special education service.
Level & Step
Included Associated Working Time (AWT)
Date Agreement commences operation
Routine Marking Rate
Level A, Step 2
0 This rate is paid for each hour of Marking required to be undertaken by a Casual Employee (unless another Marking rate set out in this Schedule below applies).
Significant Academic Judgement Marking Rate
Level B, Step 2 0 This rate is paid for each hour of Marking required to be undertaken by a Casual Employee where the Casual Employee is required to exercise significant academic judgment to the same extent as is required of an Employee at Level B, or as a supervising examiner.
PHD Routine Marking Rate
Level A, Step 6
This rate is paid for each hour of Marking required to be undertaken by a Casual Employee with a relevant doctoral qualification.
75.9406 Music Accompanying
Level A, Step 2
This rate is paid for each hour of Music Accompanying and includes compensation for 1 hour of AWT.
PHD / Full Subject Coordination Music Accompanying
Level A, Step 6
This rate is paid for each hour of Music Accompanying with special education services required to be undertaken by a Casual Employee with a relevant doctoral qualification or in circumstances where full subject coordination duties are required as part of normal duties and includes compensation for 1 hour of AWT.
141.1013 146.0398 151.8813
The following minimum rates of pay apply to all other work that a Casual Employee is required to perform for UNSW (i.e. work other than that to which Parts 2 to 5 of this Schedule apply.
Level & Step
Included Associated Working Time (AWT)
Date Agreement commences operation
Standard Rate
Level A, Step 2
This rate is paid for all other work that a Casual Employee is required to perform for UNSW unless the rates in subclauses 59.2 or 59.3 below apply.
57.5736 59.5888 61.6744 64.1413
PHD Rate / Full Subject Coordination
Level A, Step 6
0 This rate is paid for all other work that a Casual Employee with a relevant doctoral qualification is required to perform for UNSW. The rate is also applied in circumstances where full subject coordination duties are required as part of normal duties.
68.1649 70.5506 73.0199
Casual Tutorial
Paid as the normal rate for a lecture which consists of up to 1 hour of delivery and 2 hours of associated working time.
5/10/2018 1/07/2019 1/07/2020 1/01/2021 1/07/2021 1/01/2022 8/07/2022 ^2% ^2% ^1% ^1% ^1% ^1% 1% 151.99 155.03 156.58 158.15 159.73 161.32 162.93 -
Repeat tutorial involves 1 hour delivery and 1 hour of associated working time, provided that the hourly rate in a repeat tutorial applies to the subsequent delivery of substantially the same subject matter in a tutorial within a period of 7 days and any marking and student consultation reasonably contemporaneous with it.
5/10/2018 1/07/2019 1/07/2020 1/01/2021 1/07/2021 1/01/2022 8/07/2022 ^2% ^2% ^1% ^1% ^1% ^1% 1% 101.34 103.36 104.4 105.44 106.5 107.56 108.64 -
Tutorial involves 1 hour of delivery and up to 2 hours of associated working time in circumstances where the casual employee holds a relevant doctoral qualification.
5/10/2018 1/07/2019 1/07/2020 1/01/2021 1/07/2021 1/01/2022 8/07/2022 ^2% ^2% ^1% ^1% ^1% ^1% 1% 179.95 183.55 185.38 187.24 189.11 191 192.91 -
Repeat tutorial involves 1 hour delivery and 1 hour of associated working time, in circumstances where the casual employee holds a relevant doctoral qualification provided that the hourly rate in a repeat tutorial applies to the subsequent delivery of substantially the same subject matter in a tutorial within a period of 7 days and any marking and student consultation reasonably contemporaneous with it.
5/10/2018 1/07/2019 1/07/2020 1/01/2021 1/07/2021 1/01/2022 8/07/2022 ^2% ^2% ^1% ^1% ^1% ^1% 1% 119.97 122.37 123.6 124.83 126.08 127.34 128.61
Demonstration and Other Duties (per hour)
Other duties or demonstration rate
5/10/2018 1/07/2019 1/07/2020 1/01/2021 1/07/2021 1/01/2022 8/07/2022 ^2% ^2% ^1% ^1% ^1% ^1% 1% 50.64 51.66 52.17 52.69 53.22 53.75 54.29 -
Other required duties or demonstration where full subject coordination duties are required as part of normal duties, or the casual employee holds a relevant doctoral qualification.
5/10/2018 1/07/2019 1/07/2020 1/01/2021 1/07/2021 1/01/2022 8/07/2022 ^2% ^2% ^1% ^1% ^1% ^1% 1% 59.98 61.18 61.79 62.41 63.03 63.66 64.30
Casual Marking (per hour)
Paid for marking requiring a significant exercise of academic judgment appropriate to an employee at Level B, or as a supervising examiner.
5/10/2018 1/07/2019 1/07/2020 1/01/2021 1/07/2021 1/01/2022 8/07/2022 ^2% ^2% ^1% ^1% ^1% ^1% 1% 69.79 71.18 71.9 72.61 73.34 74.07 74.81 -
Paid for routine marking
5/10/2018 1/07/2019 1/07/2020 1/01/2021 1/07/2021 1/01/2022 8/07/2022 ^2% ^2% ^1% ^1% ^1% ^1% 1% 50.64 51.66 52.17 52.69 53.22 53.75 54.29 -
Routine marking where the casual employee holds a relevant doctoral qualification
5/10/2018 1/07/2019 1/07/2020 1/01/2021 1/07/2021 1/01/2022 8/07/2022 ^2% ^2% ^1% ^1% ^1% ^1% 1% 59.98 61.18 61.79 62.41 63.03 63.66 64.30
Clinical Sessions - Faculty of Medicine (per hour)
5/10/2018 1/07/2019 1/07/2020 1/01/2021 1/07/2021 1/01/2022 8/07/2022 ^2% ^2% ^1% ^1% ^1% ^1% 1% 209.36 213.54 215.68 217.83 220.01 222.21 224.43
Music Accompanying (per hour)
Music accompanying involves 1 hour delivery and 1 associated work time.
5/10/2018 1/07/2019 1/07/2020 1/01/2021 1/07/2021 1/01/2022 8/07/2022 ^2% ^2% ^1% ^1% ^1% ^1% 1% 101.34 103.36 104.4 105.44 106.5 107.56 108.64 -
Music accompanying involves 1 hour delivery and 1 associated work time in circumstances where full subject coordination duties are required as part of normal duties, or the casual employee holds a relevant doctoral qualification.
5/10/2018 1/07/2019 1/07/2020 1/01/2021 1/07/2021 1/01/2022 8/07/2022 ^2% ^2% ^1% ^1% ^1% ^1% 1% 119.97 122.37 123.6 124.83 126.08 127.34 128.61
Are you a hiring manger looking at these rates for budgeting purposes? Ensure you take on-costs into consideration. For more information, contact UNSW Finance.
To see casual professional staff rates, go to Professional staff.