Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

If delivered by hand the subpoena should be addressed to:
The Proper Officer
Legal Office
UNSW Sydney,
Room 213, Level 2, Chancellery Building
High Street (through gate 9)
If delivered by post the subpoena should be addressed to:
The Proper Officer
Legal Office
Room 213, Chancellery Building
UNSW Sydney,
NSW 2052
All UNSW faculties or units other than Unisearch that receive a subpoena must direct the subpoena to the General Counsel in Legal & Compliance who will manage the request. -
The General Counsel will confirm that we have instructions to accept service of court documents properly served on the University of New South Wales. If court documents are served on faculties, schools, divisions or business units of the university, they must be delivered to the Legal Office as soon as possible.
The ABN for UNSW is 57 195 873 179.
No, UNSW does not have an ACN or Australian Company Number. UNSW is a body corporate constituted by the University of New South Wales Act 1989 (NSW).