Our people

Learn about the team behind Flow Noise Group.

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This photo was taken in accordance with the NSW COVID-19 public health orders as at 17/12/2020.

Our Staff

Associate Dean (Academic Programs) Professor Con Doolan
Associate Dean (Academic Programs)
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Associate Professor Dr Danielle Moreau
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Researcher Dr Charitha de Silva
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Researcher Dr Manuj Awasthi
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Flow Noise Group - Technical Staff
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Postdoctoral Researcher Yendrew Yauwenas
Postdoctoral Researcher
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Flow Noise Group - Postdoc team
Postdoctoral Researcher
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Flow Noise Group - Postdoc team
Postdoctoral Researcher
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Flow Noise Group - Postdoc team
Postdoctoral Researcher
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Default profile picture, avatar, photo placeholder. Vector illustration
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Postgraduate students 

Sean McCretan
Thesis title: Disturbance interactons in supersonic flows Supervisor(s): Prof. Con Doolan and Dr Danielle Moreau

Jiawei (Arthur) Tan
Thesis title: The aeroacoustics of bluff bodies in close proximity to a wall Supervisor(s): Prof. Con Doolan and Dr Danielle Moreau

Rowena Dixon
Thesis title: Understanding Airfoil Noise Production in Turbulent Flow Fields Supervisor(s): Prof. Con Doolan, Dr Danielle Moreau and Dr Charitha de Silva

Jingang Li
Thesis title: The Effect of a Duct on Drone Propeller Noise
Supervisors: Prof. Con Doolan, Dr Danielle Moreau, Dr Yendrew Yauwenas

Alex Bian
Thesis title: Investigating the Drone Propeller Noise Generation with Anisotropic Turbulence Ingestion
Supervisors: Dr Danielle Moreau, Dr Yendrew Yauwenas, Prof. Con Doolan

Tingyi Zhang
Thesis title: The Aerodynamics and Acoustics of Wall-mounted Airfoil Tip Flows Supervisor(s): Dr Danielle Moreau, Prof. Con Doolan and Dr Jeoffrey Fischer

Roman Kisler
Thesis title: Airfoil noise production in real-world turbulence Supervisor(s): Dr Danielle Moreau, Prof. Con Doolan, and Dr Charitha de Silva

Ahmed Mahgoub
Supervisor(s): Dr Charitha de Silva, Prof. Con Doolan and Dr Danielle Moreau

Shuang Qiu
Supervisors: Prof. Con Doolan, Dr Danielle Moreau, Dr Manuj Awasthi

Mohamed Mahmoud
Supervisors: Prof. Con Doolan, Dr Charitha de Silva

  • Yuchen Ding
    Past Postgraduate Student
    Thesis title: Effect of wing tip shape on vortex formation and noise generation


    Dr Jeoffrey Fischer
    Past Post-Doctoral Reseach Associate 

    Chung-Hao Ma
    Past Postgraduate Student
    Thesis title: Noise generated by flow over forward-backward facing steps


    Ziao Zhang
    Past Postgraduate Student
    Thesis title: Indirect combustion noise in supersonic flow

    Shakeel Ahmed
    Past Postgraduate Student
    Thesis title: Marine propeller hydroacoustics

    Gaspard Rey
    Past visting student
    Current location: Naitonal Institute of Applied Sciences (Lyon)

    Kolos Pinter
    Past visiting student

    Joe Cox
    Past visiting student
    Current locaton: The University of Glasgow

    Warrick Miller
    Past Postgraduate Student
    Thesis title: Hypersonic Control using Pulsed Injection
    Current location: The University of Adelaide

    Cristobal Albarracin
    Past Postgraduate Student
    Thesis title: Trailing Edge Noise Prediction Using a RANS-based Statistical Method (RSNM)
    Current location: The University of Adelaide

    Mohammed Reza Rastan
    Visiting Researcher 
    Current location: Isfahan University of Technology

    Ruxian Ma
    China Scholarship Council Joint Program visiting PhD, 2017
    Current location: Harbin Institute of Technology

    Akhilesh Mimani
    Past Post-Doctoral Reseach Associate 
    Current location: Indian Institute of Technology, Kampur 

    Ric Porteous
    Current location: NSW Institute of Sport

    Branko Zajamsek 
    Past Postgraduate Student 
    Research Topic: Wind turbine noise generating mechanisms and perception
    Current location: Flinders University

    Zebb Prime 

    Elias Arcondoulis 
    Current location: University of Bristol

    Jesse Coombs
    Current location: The University of Adelaide


    Mohamed Sukri Mat Ali

    Current location: Universiti Teknologi Malaysia 

    Alan Harrland
    Current location: KPMG Australia