UNESCO Centre for Membrane Science & Technology
UCMST, is one of the only four UNESCO Science Centres worldwide.

The centre has five academic and over 20 researchers dedicated to membrane science and technology. The centre has a strong profile and recognition factor internationally as one of the largest membrane groups and as a world leader in a wide range of research areas.
Much of the centre’s reputation rests on our approach to wider generic problems from a fundamental engineering science approach incorporating skills from physical chemistry to high level computing, rather than solely from an application focus. Historically, it has been a university centre for over 20 years and was previously supported as Commonwealth Special Research Centre for 9 years.
UCMST's research range from fundamental material development and characterisation, to more applied module and system design, and process operation and control.
We have a diverse team of highly experienced academic and research staff made up of engineers and scientists.
Membrane technology offers solutions for industrial challenges through efficient separation, enabling purification, concentration, and fractionation. This enhances productivity, sustainability.