To ensure data harmonisation around collection of health information when patients have surgery for endometriosis, the Endometriosis Summary section of the NECST Registry Surgical Module is made available here for you to download and use.
Endometriosis Summary PDF
Provision of this Endometriosis Summary interactive is in line with the Consensus-based recommendation in the Australian clinical practice guideline for the diagnosis and management of endometriosis (2021). RANZCOG, Melbourne, Australia.
This interactive pdf form allows you to document sites where endometriosis is found at surgery, any biospecimens collected, method of endometriosis removal and others.
The Endometriosis Fertility Index (EFI; Adamson and Pasta, Fertility and Sterility, 2010), included as part of the NECST Registry data collection will auto-calculate the score when you enter the required details in this interactive pdf.
To join and participate in the NECST Registry or to find out more, get in touch with us: cecilia.ng@unsw.edu.au