
Help is available if you or someone you know is affected by gendered violence including sexual misconduct. 

If you want to talk through your options for support, you can report through the portal or speak to a student support officer (students) or Human Resources (staff).  

Gendered Violence Portal 

Students and staff can make a report and access support following an incident. Anonymous reports can be made. 

Emergency contacts

Emergency services: 000

UNSW Security: 9385 6666

Find further support

Students: Psychology & Wellness 9385 5418 or text-after-hours 0485 826 595 

Staff and members of their immediate household: Benestar Employee Assistance Program (EAP) 1300 360 364

National Referral Service: 1800 RESPECT / 1800 737 732 (24/7 phone counselling).

  • For students and staff

    UNSW First Responders

    Professional staff trained to offer confidential support and guidance on gendered violence support and reporting.

    UNSW Health Services

    Medical professionals providing confidential health and wellbeing advice and care. 

    Legal Advice & Services Website

    Information and links to Legal services on and off campus. 

  • Student Support

    Meet with a Student Support Advisor for confidential guidance and/ or information about other supports available. 

    Indigenous Student Support

    Student Success Officers can assist with any university related issues including financial, accommodation, academic, pastoral and cultural support.

    Mental health information

    Feelings and mental health resources and links to services on and off campus. 

    Outside Australia 24-hour Medibank Hotline +61 (2) 8905 0307.

  • NSW Heath Sexual Assault Services (24 hours/7 days)

    Medical care and crisis counselling to victim-survivors of sexual violence. The closest Sexual Assault Service to UNSW Sydney is at RPA Hospital in Camperdown.

    Canberra Forensic and Medical Sexual Assault Care (FAMSAC) (24 hours/7 days)

    Medical care and referral to counselling for victim-survivors of sexual violence. 

    Canberra Rape Crisis

    Crisis lines, counselling, advocacy, and community education programs and specialised services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

    Domestic Violence

    Information and links to domestic violence services and 24/7 help lines. 


    National LGBTIQA+ peer phone and online counselling. 

    1800 184 527 (3pm-12am, 7 days)

    Lifeline (24 hours/7 days)

    National Crisis and Support Service. 13 11 14.

    Full Stop Australia (24 hours/7 days)

    Telephone and online counselling for victims-survivors of violence or abuse. 1800 385 578.

    Australian Human Rights Commission

    Complaints about sexual harassment, sex-based discrimination, racial harassment, disability related discrimination. 

    Australia e-Safety Commission

    Complaints about online abuse relating to cyberbullying, image-based abuse, and tips on how to protect yourself from illegal and harmful online content.

    NSW Police

    Police Assistance Line, Crime Stoppers and Sexual Assault Reporting Option (SARO). 13 14 44.

    NSW Victims Services

    Counselling, financial support and a recognition payment to victims of a violent crime in NSW.



While there is increased conversation about gendered violence, many of us don’t know how it occurs, what to do if it does, and how we can prevent it. Here are answers to some common questions.

Affected by gendered violence?

Behaviour that amounts to sexual assault or sexual harassment is not accepted at UNSW. If you are a student or staff who has been affected by gendered violence, here is information about the support and reporting options available inside and outside of UNSW.