ACSER projects have made an exciting and enriching contribution to the range of fourth year thesis topics available to UNSW Engineering students. Projects can span across a range of disciplines and may be able to be co-supervised with academics from across engineering, or even from other Faculties within the university.
In particular, our satellite development work and groundstation capabilities have provided a wide range of topics for students to study with both practical applications and accessible testing facilities.
Our ongoing Space Resource Utilisation (SRU) research is also an area of interest for thesis students and students undertaking VIP projects.
Listed below are the ACSER supervisors and a rough list of their research insterests. For more detailed information on those topics, or if you have an idea you would like to develop, please feel free to reach out to them directly.
For details on thesis enrolment, course structure or information specific to your School see the Faculty of Engineering Undergraduate thesis website .
Prof Andrew Dempster
- Navigation and Position Fixing
- Satellite based positioning
- Space Vehicle Design
- Signal Processing
- Satellite Communications
Dr Eamonn Glennon
- GPS / GNSS receiver design & development
- GPS interference cancellation/mitigation
- GPS reflectometry
- Weak signal processing
- Real-time operating systems
- Embedded systems
- Signal processing (including Kalman filters & PLL/FLL tracking loops for GPS signals)