Safe water: Access and Equity for All
Creating improved access to safe water through culturally appropriate solutions.

As a basic human right, every person on earth should have access to safe water. This means water that is fit for purpose and accessible to the user—both physically and financially. Water access is also an equality issue, as women, those living in poverty and other underrepresented groups are disproportionately affected by insufficient access to safe water.
Our work on safe water prioritises human health and wellbeing in all aspects—physical, mental and spiritual. In support of Sustainable Development Goal 6, we’re working on creating improved access to safe water through culturally appropriate solutions that have life-changing impacts for communities.
Our activities
Co-designing community-level projects for water and food security
Humanitarian engineering programs that improve access to clean water
Research on health impacts of available drinking water sources
Research on critical linkages between water, climate and equity
Support and outreach for capacity-building in STEM
Support for sustainable livelihoods through agriculture and aquaculture
Water quality and wastewater research and technologies
Projects related to water management and public health
Building resilience to extreme weather events in vulnerable communities
Facilitating opportunities to give disadvantaged groups a voice.
Sustainable Development Goals addressed:
No poverty
Zero hunger
Good health and wellbeing
Gender equality
Clean water and sanitation
Reduced inequalities
SDG 10