Climate Change Research Centre

We raise awareness by researching the impacts and risks of climate change to create a better climate future.

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Drought sunset lake

UNSW CCRC is a multi-disciplinary research centre comprising one of the largest university research facilities of its kind in Australia, administered within the School of BEES in the Faculty of Science.

CCRC houses research expertise in the key areas of Earth's climate: atmospheric, oceanic and terrestrial processes. We apply basic scientific principles to pressing questions on climate dynamics, global climate change, and extremes of weather and climate.

View our Climate Change Research Centre Strategic Plan 2022-26

View our 2023 Annual Report

Vision statement

The CCRC is a world-leading research centre in physical and biogeochemical climate science, and educates the Australian and global community about risks associated with climate variability and change.

Recent research

Conclusions on the evolving risk of drought

The newly released report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change contains significant new assessments of the science and future projections of drought.
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What is left in the global carbon budget?

Many of you will have heard that we have about 500 billion tonnes left in the global carbon budget. These numbers come from the new report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
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IPCC 6th assessment report

The Working Group I contribution to the Sixth Assessment Report addresses the most up-to-date physical understanding of the climate system and climate change.
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Latest news

Trending topics

Dangerous climate tipping points will affect Australia. The risks are real and cannot be ignored

We don't yet fully understand what global climate tipping points mean for Australia. But we know enough to conclude the impacts of passing one or more tipping points must now be considered.

Feb 06, 2024
Science Science & Tech Climate Change Research Centre (CCRC) Climate change Global warming

Dangerous climate tipping points will affect Australia. The risks are real and cannot be ignored

We don't yet fully understand what global climate tipping points mean for Australia. But we know enough to conclude the impacts of passing one or more tipping points must now be considered.

Feb 06, 2024
Science Science & Tech Climate Change Research Centre (CCRC) Climate change Global warming

Contact us

Climate Change Research Centre
Level 4, Mathews Building
The University of New South Wales
Sydney NSW 2052

Phone: +61 2 9385 9766