Medicine & Health

Your source of information on the Medicine & Health faculty orientation

Students learning in the Medicine & Health facilities at the UNSW Kensington campus

Welcome to UNSW Medicine & Health

We would like to extend a warm welcome to all commencing students!

Your student orientation gives you access to key information for successfully transitioning into our Faculty and university life. Receive essential information on classes, student services, key academic dates, and opportunities that are available throughout your studies.

Sign up to our faculty welcome sessions

Looking for orientation events for the School of Population Health?

School of Population Health Welcome

Thursday 13 February 2025 

Hear from the Head of School and Director of Teaching, meet school staff, learn about internships, research projects and how to access support.

School of Population Health | Meet your program director

Mon 10 -  Thu 13 February 2025 

Meet your program director, learn about your program and meet your peers in this online event.

UNSW Medical Society (MedSoc) Welcome | Wed 12 Feb

Studying Medicine? Come and meet your new Medical Society at the MedSoc Welcome!

MedSoc is the peak representative body for medical students at UNSW. See what's on & get connected!

Supporting resources

Have a question?

Contact us for advice on all things UNSW, including faculty-specific questions, essential services, and even support and development. We’re here to help.