During 2020, the need to reach students normally studying face-to-face on wireless security was prioritised and a strategy enacted to allow UNSW Canberra to create our VPN Wireless range. The VPN Wireless range features a VMware vCenter server setup, hosting several virtual machines, accessible via the specially created VPN tunnel.
Students can access the wireless devices via a special USB hub, which allows as many as 100 wireless, Bluetooth and radio devices to be accessed. These wireless devices create a substantial amount of signal and for this reason and the intended nature of the course, security attacks on wireless, we created a faraday type environment to house these wireless spectrum devices.
The faraday environment was crafted from rare materials which are only available at specialised stores. These materials provided sufficient attenuation when combined with selective de-energisation of surrounding IEEE 802.11 compliant systems to safely run operations inside the faraday and achieve a very unique offering for our postgraduate students. Plans are currently being reviewed to enhance many aspects of this platform to bring these and more features to the 2021 offerings.