Our people

Filtered cards
Executive Director ARC Laureate Fellow Dennis Del Favero
Co-Director Prof Michael Ostwald
Co-Director ARC Future Fellow Aspro Yang Song
Office of National Intelligence Post Doc Fellow / Associate Director: Creative AI Dr Baylee Britts
ARC Laureate Post Doc Fellow / Associate Director: Research Dr Susanne Thurow 
ARC Laureate Post Doc Fellow / Associate Director: Applications Dr Carlos Tirado Cortes 
ARC Laureate Senior Programmer Navin Brohier
ARC Laureate Programmer Finn Perry
ARC Laureate Programmer Dylan Shorten
ARC Laureate 3D Modeller Scott Cotterell
ARC Laureate PhD Mario Flores Gonzalez
ARC Laureate PhD Frank Wu
CSIRO PhD Nagida Helsby-Clark
ARC Laureate MA Lara Clemente
Associate Director: School of Computer Science & Engineering Prof. Maurice Pagnucco
Associate Director: School of Biological, Earth & Environmental Sciences Prof. Carol Oliver
Associate Director: ADF School of Science Prof. Jason Sharples
Associate Director: School of Art & Design Dr Grant Stevens
Professoriate Prof. Claude Sammut
Professoriate Prof. Michael Thielscher
Adjunct Professor Matthew Connell (Powerhouse Museum)
Adjunct Professor Arul Baskaran (ABC)
Adjunct Professor Prof. Ursula Frohne (University of Münster, Germany)
Adjunct Professor Prof. Malvina Borgherini (IUAV University, Venice, Italy)
Visiting Research Fellow A/Prof. Ali Asadipour (Royal College of Art, UK)
Centre Fellow Dr Prue Gibson
Centre Fellow A/Prof. Alison Gwilt
Centre Fellow Dr Trent Jansen
Centre Fellow Dr Mark Ian Jones
Centre Fellow Dr Ian McArthur
Centre Fellow Dr Andrew Yip