netARChive investigates the emergence of novel forms of immersive and networked narrative in museum settings. It reformulates our understanding and experience of geographically multi-located collections and the ways in which they can be aesthetically explored. It experimentally applies an artistic system that transforms the display, engagement and organisation of the Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences’ collection across its multiple venues. Anticipated is a demonstration of how users can explore these distributed collections in concert with a database system, with benefits that impact the sensorial scope and scale of museum experiences.
The project’s aesthetic framework enables innovations in the way we conceptualise, create and experience multi-located museum collections through the delivery of a networked artistic visualisation system. It establishes how users can interactively organise, explore and interconnect a vast range of artefacts and data across the diverse venues of the Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences (MAAS) in Sydney and its metropolitan context. By doing so, it artistically engages the new digital opportunities that are poised to advance the development of the Australian museum sector in the 21st century.
The netARChive project is financially supported under the Australian Research Council’s Linkage funding scheme with Industry Partner Museum of Applied Arts & Sciences (MAAS).
- Overview
- Exhibition
ARC Project Investigators: Dennis Del Favero, Claude Sammut, Fabri Blacklock, Carol Oliver, Susanne Thurow, Matthew Connell and Arul Baskaran
ARC Programmers: Evelyn Dang, Rafael Formoso, Nora Perry
ARC Curator: Nicola Teffer
Aboriginal Reference Group: James Wilson-Miller, John Waight, Tammi Gissell
Lead Designers: Andrew Yip, Scott Cotterell
Sound Designer: Zac Saric
MAAS Liaison: Deborah Lawler-Dormer
ARC Project Title: Redefining museum experience as an immersive networked narrative
Project Funding: ARC LP180100126
Victorian Reality 2.0, SXSW Sydney, Powerhouse Museum, 2023
Victorian Reality 2.0, Powerhouse Castle Hill Museums Discovery Centre, Sydney, 2023
Victorian Reality 1.0, Family Day: Technology + Games, Powerhouse Castle Hill Museums Discovery Centre, Sydney, 2023