The Australian Climate Change Adaptation Research Network for Settlements and Infrastructure (ACCARNSI) is a past initiative, with this content being preserved for posterity.

The Australian Climate Change Adaptation Research Network for Settlements and Infrastructure (ACCARNSI) was hosted by the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of New South Wales (UNSW).
ACCARNSI was one of four Adaptation Research Networks hosted by the National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility (NCCARF), Griffith University as part of their Phase 2 program funded by the Australian Federal Government.
ACCARNSI will continue to initiate and develop effective strategies to respond to climate change through mitigation, adaptation and implementation. Having built a brand base and reputation that is now well known and acknowledged Australia wide, ACCARNSI will bring together researchers and stakeholders with an interest in climate change adaptation for coastal settlements, public and private infrastructure, the built environment and urban and regional planning. Research direction will assist government, the private sector and vulnerable regions and communities to make informed decisions on how best to educate, plan and manage adaptation for the risks of climate change on coastal settlements, urban and regional built environments and infrastructure.
The Network has four specific nodes established to investigate and research climate change adaptation responses:
- Node 1 - Infrastructure (water, transport, energy, communications) and Coastal Settlements led by Ron Cox, UNSW.
- Node 2 - Coastal Planning, Management and Communities led by Rodger Tomlinson, Griffith University.
- Node 3 - Urban and Regional Infrastructure (water, transport, energy) led by Michael Taylor, University of South Australia.
- Node 4 - Urban and Regional Planning, Coastal and Urban Governance led by Barbara Norman, University of Canberra.
These nodes were coordinated by Honorary Associate Professor Ron Cox who was the Convenor of the Network.
Phase 2 of the Network was supported by the following research institutions:
- University of New South Wales
- Griffith University
- University of South Australia
- University of Canberra
- NSW Office of Environment and Heritage
Representatives of the above organisations were also active members of the Phase 2 ACCARNSI Network Advisory Group.
ACCARNSI members
Greg Allen | Sydney Water |
Bob Cechet | Geoscience Australia (GA) |
Ron Cox | Associate Professor and ACCARNSI Convenor |
Tom Davies | Environment Institute of Australia and New Zealand (EIANZ) |
John Houlihan | Department of Sustainability and Environment, VIC |
Matthew Inman | CSIRO |
Andrew Klos | Department of Premier and Cabinet, SA |
Christopher Lee | Office of Environment and Heritage, NSW |
Donna Lorenz | AECOM |
Anne Mathews | Department of Environment and Conservation, WA |
Phill Piper | Department of Lands and Planning, NT |
David Robinson | Department of Environment and Resource Management, QLD |
Tom Roper | Australian Sustainable Build Environment Council (ASBEC) |
Rick Still | NSW Public Works, Department of Finance and Services |
Geoff Withycombe | Sydney Coastal Councils Group (SCCG) |
ACCARNSI have many kinds of publication. Follow the links below.
Title Authors Published Date Keywords Erica Davey, William Peirson et al June 2013 estuaries, ecological values, adaptation
A Brief Appraisal of the Potential of Pumped Storage in New South Wales
MS Phillips, WL Peirson and RJ Cox June 2013 pumped storage, renewable energy, dams
Principles and Problems of Shoreline Law
John Corkill December 2012 shoreline, laws Michele Philp and Michael Taylor October 2012 Thornthwaite Moisture Index, infrastructure
Assessing the Climate Change Adaptability of Buildings
Malay Dave, Arvind Varshney and Peter Graham June 2012 climate change, building
The Economic Value of Natural and Built Coastal Assets Part 2: Built Coastal Assets
Sally Kirkpatrick Obst March 2012 economics, coastal assets, built
Population Distribution, Migration and Climate Change in Australia: An Exploration
Graeme Hugo December 2011 population, migration, climate change
Ageing, the Built Environment and Adaptation to Climate Change
Tracie Harvison, Rachelle Newman and Bruce Judd October 2011 built environment, adaptation
Adapting to Climate Change – Revising Our Approach to Estimating Future Floods
Seth Westra August 2011 flooding, modeling, climate change The Economic Value of Natural and Built Coastal Assets - Part 1: Natural Coastal Assets
Sally Kirkpatrick June 2011 economics, coastal assets, natural
Urban water supply in a carbon constrained Australia: Water‐energy linkages
Eytan Rocheta and William Peirson April 2011 water, energy, supply
Towards a National Climate Change Adaptation Framework for the Built Environment
Philip Booth, Peter Graham and Nan Chen June 2011 adaptation, framework
Increasing the adaptive capacity of water storage systems by reducing evaporation
William Peirson et al. December 2010 water storage, infrastructure, evaporation
Voluntary travel behaviour change and its potential implications for climate change mitigation and adaptation
Michelle Philp and Michael Taylor September 2010 travel behaviour, climate change
Assessment of the Challenges in Adapting Water Resources and Infrastructure to Climate Change - Literature Review
Michael Short, Matthias Schulz, Eytan Rocheta and Greg Peters February 2010 water resources, infrastructure, climate
Adapting to Climate Change - Implications for Transport Infrastructure, Transport Systems and Travel Behaviour
Michelle Philp and Michael Taylor January 2011 transport, infrastructure, behaviour
The Incorporation of Uncertainty and Infrastructure Investment Appraisal
David G. Carmichael and Maria C. A. Balatbat February 2010 infrastructure, uncertainty, investment -
Update on Stage 3 initiatives
"What are local government practitioners saying about their experiences with climate change adaptation tools? And what helpful advice can they offer to professional peers and other end users to enable them to select appropriate adaptation tools and use them effectively?"
ACCARNSI in collaboration with the Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) and all State and Territory Local Government Associations (LGA) has undertaken a local government research initiative to address these questions.
Philip Booth and Ron Cox facilitated a two hour workshop in each capital city in partnership with each State and Territory LGA to summarise key findings and outputs from the Stage 1 Case Studies Report and accompanying portfolio of 18 Case Studies and Statewide Synopses, the Stage 2 National Survey Report on Climate Change Adaptation Tools completed by 115 Local Councils and Regional Organisations of Councils (ROCs) around Australia and the Stage 3 Synthesis Report culminating in an Adaptation Tools Selector to guide Local Government in its Climate Change Adaptation Decision Making Processes.
Reports and documents
As part of its Research Nurture Program, the Australian Climate Change Adaptation Research Network for Settlements and Infrastructure offers up to 8 Honours and Masters Research Grants annually to eligible students undertaking research relevant to the area of climate change adaptation for Settlements and Infrastructure.
Since 2010, ACCARNSI has supported 17 Honours and Masters research projects focussing on climate change adaptation issues for Settlements and Infrastructure. Funds enabled students to explore their research topics in a more contextualised way by allowing them access to materials and opportunities they wouldn't have had otherwise. All grant holders were funded to attend national conferences with a climate change adaptation stream relevant to their research topic, and encouraged to submit papers and/or posters.
In 2010, the broad scale of research topics reflected the diversity of the Settlements and Infrastructure narrative with completed projects in 'Geopolymer concrete to reduce the anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions associated with the concrete and construction industry', 'Climate Change Adaptation for the Solomon Islands', 'Climate Change Implications and Solutions for Water Supplies in Inland Australia’ and ‘Moving Boundaries - Managing Development in Regional Coastal Councils in South Australia; A discussion of the role of Local Government in Climate Change Adaptation'.
2011 research projects focussed on road infrastructure, coasts and groundwater issues in Easter Island (as a joint project with the International Help Fund Australia - IHFA) with grant holders presenting at the NSW Coastal Conference in Tweed Heads, Coasts and Ports Conference in Perth, the New Urbanism and Smart Transport International Conference also in Perth and the EA Practical Responses to Climate Change Conference in Canberra. All grant holders also submitted journal papers. Our final round in 2012 has identified a number of innovative projects to support with successful grant holders focussing on wetland restoration, the floating cities of Tonle Sap Lake in Cambodia, wastewater disposal, greenfield developments in Weddell, Northern Territory, South Australian planning processes in response to predictions of sea level rise, the adaptive capacity of Local Government in South Australia and the Indigenous Narrative and Climate Change in Port Phillip Bay Victoria. A number of holders have presented papers and/or posters at national and international conferences including the 2012 and upcoming NCCARF Climate Adaptation Conferences, the EA Practical Responses to Climate Change Conference, the EA Hydrology Water Resources Symposium, the national Coast to Coast Conference and the 10th Urban Planning and Environment International Symposium.
Title Details Links / PDF Coasts and Ports Conference 2015: Review of Climate Change Adaptation Papers A review of Climate Change Adaptation papers presented at Coast and Ports Conference at New Zealand, Sepetember 2015
PDF Climate Change: Science and Solutions for Australia This free eBook presents the scientific information on a series of climate change topics relevant to Australia and the world
CSIRO The Critical Decade: A report from the Climate Commission The global climate is changing and humanity is the major cause. Read more about the key messages and full report from the Climate Commission
The Science of Climate Change: Questions and Answers This publication by the Australian Academy of Science answers some key questions on the current situation in Climate Science
Australian Academy of Science NSW Infrastructure Report Card A report detailing the key infrastructure sectors and evaluates the status of asset for New South Wales in 2010
Engineers Australia Adapting to Climate Change in Australia The Australian Government has released a position paper which sets out the vision for adapting to the impacts of climate change
PDF Victoria's Infrastructure Report Card A report detailing the key infrastructure sectors and evaluates the status of asset for Victoria in 2010
Engineers Australia Built Environment Climate Change Adaptation (BECCA) Wiki is now online The BECCA Wiki is an online encyclopedia focused on climate change impacts and adaptation options for the built environment.
Climate Change Risks to Australia's Coast report This report was released in 2009 by the Minister for Climate Change and Water, Senator Penny Wong
PDF Inquiry into Climate Change and Environmental Impacts on Coastal Communities The House Standing of Committee on Climate Change, Water, Environment and the Arts presents its report
PDF A Snapshot of Future Sea Levels: Photographing the King Tide An extensive report of the compiled images of the 1.96 meters king tide photographed in Sydney
PDF NSW Sea Level Rise Policy Statement A statement which outlines NSW Government's objectives and commitments in relation to sea level rise
AdaptNSW ACCARNSI National Forum and Workshop Book of Abstracts Proceedings from ACCARNSI's 1st National Forum and Workshop for Postgraduate Researchers
Early career research forums
ACCARNSI hosts two National Forums/Workshops each year to bring together early career researchers from around Australia with an interest in climate change adaptation research related specifically to Settlements and Infrastructure.
PhD Candidate, Nadine White from Southern Cross University, 4th ACCARNSI ECR
Early career researchers from Australian universities, industry and government are invited to apply for one of twenty places in each forum. A travel grant of up to $500 AU is available to all successful interstate participants to help offset travel and accommodation expenses.
The forums aim to provide a unique opportunity for those conducting research in engineering, science, urban planning, built environment, social sciences, economics and business to meet fellow researchers in other Australian institutions and facilities. The forums also highlight the broad range of climate change adaptation research being carried out in Australia as well as presenting the potential to influence the future direction of climate change adaptation research in Australia.
ACCARNSI has been fortunate to have many talented early career researchers from around Australia participate in past forums and will continue to support this initiative in order to provide a forum and networking opportunities for early career researchers in climate change adaptation research.
Below are some of presentations from recent ECR workshops and forums.
"...a fantastic opportunity to meet other researchers in the field... The diversity of projects meant the program of presentations was interesting and eclectic and I particularly gained a lot from the different methodological approaches that people are applying ...It was great to have a mix of post-grads, post-docs and in particular people from industry and government..."
- PhD Candidate, Nadine White from Southern Cross University, 4th ACCARNSI ECR
Proceedings Location Date 1st ACCARNSI ECR Sydney 14-15 May, 2009 2nd ACCARNSI ECR Sydney 9-11 November, 2009 3rd ACCARNSI ECR Gold Coast 19-21 April, 2010 4th ACCARNSI ECR Adelaide 24-26 November, 2010 5th ACCARNSI ECR Sydney 11-13 May, 2011 6th ACCARNSI ECR Maroochydore 21-23, November 2011 7th ACCARNSI ECR Melbourne 7-9 May, 2012 8th ACCARNSI ECR Gold Coast 26-28 November, 2012 9th ACCARNSI ECR Sydney 11-13 March, 2013 10th ACCARNSI ECR Gold Coast 20-22 July, 2015 11th ACCARNSI ECR Canberra 15-17 February, 2016 12th ACCARNSI ECR Adelaide 26-28 September, 2016