Cross institutional study
Count study at another institution toward your program at UNSW.

Fulfil your program requirements and expand your knowledge.
Cross institutional study involves taking an equivalent relevant course at an institution outside of UNSW to fulfill your program requirements, subject to eligibility criteria.
Are you eligible?
You can apply for cross institutional study if:
Taking the equivalent UNSW course when next offered would extend your program duration and delay your completion
Extenuating circumstances stop you from taking the equivalent UNSW course
The requested external course has no UNSW equivalent and broadens your core program knowledge.
Your application for cross institutional study will only be considered if you:
Are an undergraduate student who has successfully completed at least 72 units of credit (UOC) or a postgraduate student who has successfully completed at least half the UOC required to graduate
Have Good academic standing (exceptions for extenuating circumstances need program authority approval)
Demonstrate that the requested external course counts toward your program requirements
Won’t exceed 12 UOC of cross institutional study throughout your program
Haven’t already received the maximum amount of advanced standing for your program.
See also
Things you need to know
You need approval from UNSW before you can enrol at another institution. This approval will come from your Program Authority.
You will also require approval from the institution you’d like to study at. You must submit a formal cross institutional application to your chosen institution.
Once you have completed your cross institutional study, you must provide UNSW with official confirmation of your results from the other institution for credit transfer to be recorded on your UNSW student record
The application is free!
Planning to take a course outside of UNSW?
Submit your application to request cross institutional study under your program.