Explore our publications to better understand the important work of the Yuwaya Ngarra-li Partnership with the Dharriwaa Elders Group. Below are publications covering all of the aspects of our work.
McCausland R, Reeve R, MacGillivray P & Miller-Dawkins M (2024) Yuwaya Ngarra-li 2020-2023 Evaluation and Learning Report.
Miller-Dawkins M, Spencer W & McCausland R (2024) Yuwaya Ngarra-li Briefing Paper: Processes to enable community-led, systemic and collaborative change.
MacGillivray P, Sands Z, McCausland R, Spencer W & Miller-Dawkins M (2024) Yuwaya Ngarra-li Briefing Paper: Lessons from the Two River Pathway to Change Diversion Model 2018–2023.
Reeve R, McCausland R, MacGillivray P & Robinson V (2024) Yuwaya Ngarra-li Briefing Paper: Data Linkage.
MacGillivray P, Reeve R & McCausland R (2023) Yuwaya Ngarra-li Briefing Paper: Dealing with Fines.
Rich S (2023) Yuwaya Ngarra-li Briefing Paper: Housing in Walgett.
Tonkin T, Deane A, Trindall A, Weatherall L, Madden T, Moore B, Earle N, Nathan M, Young S, McCausland R, Leslie G, Bennett-Brook K, Spencer W, Corby C, Webster J & Rosewarne E (2023) Yuwaya Ngarra-li Community Briefing Report: Food and Water for Life, Key findings from the Food and Water Security Surveys in Walgett.
Earle N, Spencer W, McCausland R, Futeran P, Webster J & Leslie G (2023) Yuwaya Ngarra-li Briefing Paper: Walgett’s Drinking Water.
Flanagan M & Miller-Dawkins M in collaboration with Spencer W & McCausland R (2022) Creating better futures with contracts, Yuwaya Ngarra-li Policy Paper.
Reeve R, McCausland R & MacGillivray P (2022) Yuwaya Ngarra-li Research Report: Has criminal justice contact for young people in Walgett changed over time? Analysis of diversions, charges, court and custody outcomes 2016-2021.
Robinson V (2020) Yuwaya Ngarra-li Research Brief: Core Principles of our Partnership, Dharriwaa Elders Group.
McCausland R (2018) Yuwaya Ngarra-li Youth Justice Report.
McCausland R, Baldry E & McEntyre E (2017) Indigenous People, Mental Health, Cognitive Disability and the Criminal Justice System, Indigenous Justice Clearinghouse.
Baldry E, McCausland R, Dowse L & McEntyre E (2015) A Predictable and Preventable Path: Aboriginal people with mental and cognitive disabilities in the criminal justice system, UNSW Sydney.
McCausland R (2018, updated 2022 and 2024) Yuwaya Ngarra-li Research Protocol.
Reeve R, McCausland R, MacGillivray P & Robinson V (2022) Yuwaya Ngarra-li Data Linkage Protocol Version 2 October 2022
Reeve R, McCausland R, MacGillivray P & Robinson V (2024) 'Community-led diversion of Indigenous young people from the justice system: The role of government administrative data', International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice 76(100650).
McCausland R, Jamieson SK, Robinson V, Spencer W, MacGillivray P & Andersen M (2023) 'Elders' perspectives and priorities for ageing well in a remote Aboriginal community', Ageing & Society, FirstView.
Hart AC, Rosewarne E, Spencer W, McCausland R, Leslie G, Shanthosh J, Corby C, Bennett- Brook K & Webster J (2021) 'Indigenous Community-Led Programs to Address Food and Water Security: Protocol for a Systematic Review', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol. 18, pp. 6366- 6366.
McCausland R, Spencer W, MacGillivray P, Robinson V, Hickey V, Baldry E & McEntyre E (2021) 'CommUNIty-Led development: A partnership to realize Aboriginal Elders’ vision for change', Community Development, pp. 1-19.
McCausland R & Dowse L (2020) 'The need for a community-led, holistic service response to Aboriginal young people with cognitive disability in remote areas: A case study', Children Australia, vol. 45, pp. 326-334.
Baldry E, McCausland R, Dowse L, McEntyre E & MacGillivray P (2016) '‘It’s just a big vicious cycle that swallows them up': Indigenous people with mental and cognitive disabilities in the criminal justice system', Indigenous Law Bulletin, vol. 8, pp. 10 - 16.
Rich S, McCausland R, Spencer W & MacGillivray P (2024) 'How can we make design decisions meaningful?', Architecture Australia (Jul/Aug).
McCausland R, MacGillivray P, Jamieson SK & Robinson V (2023) ‘The aged care system has failed Aboriginal people. Here's what Elders say needs to change’, The Conversation, 14 September.
Hickey V, Spencer W & Webster J (2020) ‘Walgett community unites to tackle pandemic-related food shortages’, Croakey, 8 April.
MacGillivray P (2020) ‘When public health becomes punitive, rather than supporting communities’, Croakey, 8 April.
McCausland R (2019) ‘New report documents a community-led response to a health crisis in Walgett, NSW’, Croakey, 26 June.
McCausland R (2018) ‘Dharriwaa Elders Group launches a vision for young people in Walgett’, Croakey, 6 June.
Yuwaya Ngarra-li (2018) Action Plan for Children and Young People.
Dharriwaa Elders Group (2024) Community safety in regional and rural communities, submission to the NSW Legislative Assembly Committee on Law and Safety.
Dharriwaa Elders Group (2024) Statuory Review of the Crown Land Management Act 2016, submission to the NSW Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure.
Dharriwaa Elders Group (2024) Inquiry into the National Water Initiative, submission to the Productivity Commission.
Dharriwaa Elders Group (2023) Inquiry into the Water Amendment (Restoring our Rivers) 2023, submission to the Environment and Communications Legislation Committee.
Dharriwaa Elders Group (2023) Review of the National Agreement on Closing the Gap Draft Report, submission to the Productivity Commission.
Dharriwaa Elders Group (2023) Review of the Gwydir Regulated River Water Sharing Plan, submission to the NSW Natural Resources Commission.
Dharriwaa Elders Group (2023) Murray-Darling Basin Plan: Implementation Review 2023, submission to the Productivity Commission.
Robinson V & McCausland R (2023) Yuwaya Ngarra-li submission: Youth Justice and Child Wellbeing Reform across Australia, submission to the Australian Human Rights Commission.
Dharriwaa Elders Group (2022) Some responses to the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage (Culture is Identity) Bill 2022, submission to the NSW Planning and Environment Portfolio Committee.
Dharriwaa Elders Group & Walgett Aboriginal Medical Service (2022) Inquiry into food production and supply in NSW, submission to the NSW Legislative Assembly Committee on Environment and Planning.
Dharriwaa Elders Group, Murray Lower Darling Rivers Indigenous Nations & Environmental Defenders Office (2020) Manifestations of Aboriginal water dispossession in Australia's Murray-Darling Basin, submission to the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights and the Environment.
Dharriwaa Elders Group & Walgett Aboriginal Medical Service (2020) Inquiry into food prices and food security in remote Indigenous communities, submission to the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Indigenous Affairs.
Yuwaya Ngarra-li (2019) Indigenous Evaluation Strategy, submission to the Productivity Commission.
Dharriwaa Elders Group (2019) A brief submission in response to the Draft Barwon-Darling Watercourse and Namoi Water Resource Plans ("WRPs"), submission to the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment.
Dharriwaa Elders Group (2018) Response to the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Bill 2018, submission to the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage.