UNSW Community of Practice for Inclusive Research with Queer and Trans people, and people with innate variations of sex characteristics (Intersex).
The CoPQTI comprises UNSW academics, professional staff, and students, both LGBTQI+ and allies, who work with queer and trans people, and people with innate variations of sex characteristics, to make research and practice more inclusive.
About the CoP
The continued explicit or implicit exclusion of queer and trans people, and people with innate variations of sex characteristics, from public, social, and cultural life has long-reaching implications. This exclusion often starts with the language used in research and associated practice. Despite the proliferation of inclusive language guides in various domains, there is no 'one size fits all' model that can conceivably respond to the varied, complex and intersectional aspects of inclusivity. As such, language change needs to be accompanied by effective research practice.
The CoPQTI aims to generate and support enhanced capacity in sector-leading inclusive practice with queer and trans people, and people with innate variations of sex characteristics, to:
from across UNSW and beyond on the implementation of the national standards.
on inclusive research practice across a range of policy areas, such as public health, medicine, law, and social sciences.
to investigate the considerable impact inclusive research will have on future research findings and public policy development.
to generate interdisciplinary consideration of complex requests for advice from UNSW and beyond.
Brooke Brady
Brooke Brady (she/her)
Research Fellow
UNSW School of Psychology/ Faculty of Science, and Neuroscience Research Australia
Ask me about:
- Digital health
- Temporal dynamics of gender,
- Psychometrics
- Sex and gender difference
- Life-course ageing.
Kerryn Drysdale
Kerryn Drysdale (she/her)
Senior Research Fellow
Ask me about:
- Qualitative methodologies
- Gender and sexuality
- Health and wellbeing
- LGBTQ social scenes.
Bridget Haire
Bridget Haire (She/her)
Senior Lecturer
UNSW School of Population Health/Medicine & Health
Ask me about:
Global health and policy reform.
Aditya Joshi
Aditya Joshi (he/him)
School of Computer Science and Engineering, Faculty of Engineering
Ask me about:
- Artificial intelligence
- Natural language processing
- Large language models.
Andy Kaladelfos
Andy Kaladelfos (they/them)
Senior Lecturer, Co-Convenor Gender Based Violence Network
Faculty of Law and Justice
Ask me about:
- Sexual and gender-based violence
- Trans justice
- LGBTQ inclusion
- Queer history
- Queer criminology
- Research methods.
Christy Newman
Christy Newman (they/them)
Professor of Health, Gender and Sexuality, and Deputy Dean Research
Centre for Social Research in Health, UNSW Arts, Design and Architecture
Ask me about:
- LGBTQIA+ health and wellbeing
- Collaborative research with queer, trans and intersex organisations
- Social aspects of gender affirmation.
Aaron Saint-James
Aaron Saint-James (he/him)
Research Officer
School of Education; Arts, Design & Architecture (CSRH/ADA)
Ask me about:
- Accessibility
- Neuro-inclusion
- Neurodiversity
- Molecular biology.
Anthony K J Smith
Anthony K J Smith
Dr / Research Assistant
Centre for Social Research in Health / ADA
What to ask about:
- Sociology of gender
- Sociology of sexuality
- Qualitative health research
- Queer data justice
- HIV and sexual health.
Claudia Allison
Claudia Allison (she/her)
Education Administration Officer
Guunu-maana (Heal) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Program, The George Institute for Global Health, UNSW
Ask me about:
- LGBTQIA+ mental healthcare (esp. trans / gender diverse teens & young people)
- Community / connection building in LGBTQIA+ folk.
Jacek Anderst
Jacek Anderst (they/them)
PhD Candidate/ Research Assistance
School of Social Sciences
Ask me about:
- Non-binary inclusion in health research
- Trans and gender diverse health
- Community engagement.
Benjamin Bavinton
Benjamin Bavinton
Senior Research Fellow and Group Leader
Kirby Institute, Faculty of Medicine and Health
Ask me about:
- HIV epidemiology and prevention
- Behavioural surveillance
- Survey research.
Brandon Bear
Brandon Bear (he/they)
Masters Candidate
Ask me about:
- Health Equity
- Strengths Based Approaches
- Cultural Humility.
Bella Bushby
Bella Bushby (she/her)
National Drug & Alcohol Research Centre
Ask me about:
- Bi+ sexual health
- HIV prevention.
Yssy Burton-Clark
Yssy Burton-Clark
Research Assistant
Shutong (Ash) Chen
Shutong (Ash) Chen (she/they)
PhD Candidate/ Research Assistance
School of Social Sciences
Ask me about:
- Social Movements
- Transnational queer activism
- Diaspora
- Citizenship
- Belonging.
Simon Clay
Simon Clay
National Drug & Alcohol Research Centre
Ask me about:
- Qualitative research
- LGBTQ+ health
- Gender studies
- Drug use.
Clue Coman
Clue Coman (they/them)
Research Assistant, PhD Candidate
Ask me about:
LGBTQ+ Human Rights
Ava Del Tufo
Ava Del Tufo (she/her)
PhD Candidate
Kirby Institute Global Health Program
Ask me about:
- TransHealth services
- Rural health care
- Transgender and gender diverse rural experiences.
Dan Dumbrell
Dan Dumbrell
Dr/Project Officer
UNSW Ageing Futures Institute
Ask me about:
- Connecting with researchers and projects on ageing and older people Interdisciplinary research collaboration and programs.
- Research translation to resources
- Information about UNSW processes – both internal (e.g. finance) and external (e.g. events).
Baillee Farah
Baillee Farah
HDR Candidate, Teaching Fellow
National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, Faculty of Law & Justice, Centre for Criminology, Law & Justice
Ask me about:
- Harm reduction
- Drug policy
- Youth drug use
- Research ethics and social research methods.
Vasiliki (Kiki) Franco-Klothos
Vasiliki(Kiki) Franco-Klothos (they/she)
Research Assistant
School of Law, Society and Criminology, Faculty of Law and Justice
Ask me about:
- Accountability
- Abolition
- Mutual aid.
Caroline Ford
Caroline Ford (she/her)
Professor, Head of Gynaecological Cancer Research Group
School of Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Health
Ask me about:
Inclusive approach to research in gynaecological cancer and benign gynaecological disease.
Dan Furlanetto
Dan Furlanetto (he/him)
PhD Candidate/Tutor
Social Sciences/Medicine and Health
Ask me about:
- Psychiatry
- Psychoanalysis
- Anti-LGBTIQ+ narratives and religion.
Angela Griffin
Angela Griffin
Research Assistant
Gendered Violence Research Network
Ask me about:
- Gendered violences
- Sexual violence
- Student engagement in university governance.
Kate Gunther
Kate Gunther
PhD Student & Research Assistant
Faculty of Medicine and Health
Ask me about:
- Health equity
- Gender diversity in gynaecology
- Personalised medicine.
Mandy Hagstrom
Mandy Hagstrom
Dr/Senior Lecturer
School of Health Sciences/ Faculty of Medicine and Health
Ask me about:
- Female physiology
- Resistance training
- Sex and gender.
Lily Halliday
Lily Halliday (she/her)
Impact, Programs and Partnerships Lead
Australian Human Rights Institute
Ask me about:
- Sex and gender in health and medical research
- Gender equity
- Women in leadership.
Mo Hammoud
Mo Hammoud (he/him)
Senior Research Fellow and Group Lead
Kirby Institute, Faculty of Medicine and Health, UNSW Sydney
Ask me about:
- LGBTQ+ population health and disparities
- Cross-sectional and cohort mixed method study design
- Cross-sectional and cohort study analyses.
Shannon Harvey
Shannon Harvey (they/them)
Doctoral Candidate
Social Policy Research Centre
Ask me about:
- Domestic and family violence
- Non-binary people
- Community services
- Applied sociology
- Participatory methods.
Martin Holt
Martin Holt (he/him)
Professor Associate Dean, Research Quality & Culture
Centre for Social Research in Health, Arts, Design & Architecture
Ask me about
- HIV prevention
- Gay and bisexual men
- Public health and sociology of health.
Emma Kirby
Emma Kirby (she/her)
School of Social Sciences; Arts, Design & Architecture
What to ask about:
- Qualitative research
- LGBTQIA+ belonging
- Advanced illness
- Death, dying and bereavement.
Sophie Keeffe
Sophie Keeffe
Data and Evaluation Officer
Access, Equity and Inclusion
Ask me about:
- Quantitative data and data visualisation
- Attempts at corporate inclusion of gender diversity
- Inclusive survey design.
Soph Kloosterman
Soph Kloosterman (she/her)
Research Officer
Faculty of Medicine and Health
Ask me about:
- Sexual & reproductive health education
- Inclusive language in healthcare
- Biodiversity and sustainability.
Chantel Le Cross
Chantel Le Cross
Project Officer & Research Officer
Arts, Design and Architecture
What to ask about:
- Communications
- Content development
- Neurodiversity
- Health promotions.
Lucas Lixinski
Lucas Lixinski (him/he)
School of Global & Public Law, Faculty of Law & Justice
Ask me about:
- International human rights law
- Strategic litigation in LGBTIQ+ cases
- Queering cultural heritage / heritage studies.
Limin Mao
Limin Mao
Centre for Social Research in Health/ADA International Centre for Future Health Systems/Medicine and Health
Ask me about:
- Ethnicity
- Sexual & gender diversity
- Ageing
- Chronic disease management
- Sexual health and wellbeing.
Tierney Marey
Tierney Marey (she/her)
Manager – Student Experience (ADA), PhD Candidate
Faculty of Arts, Design & Architecture
Ask me about:
- Embodiment
- Equity in Higher Education
- LGBTIQ+ Inclusion in Higher Education.
Heather McCormack
Heather McCormack (she/they)
Scientia Research Fellow
Kirby Institute, Faculty of Medicine and Health
Ask me about:
- HIV and STI prevention and testing
- Strengths-based approaches
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander sexual health
- Social aspects of sexual health
- Mixed-methods research.
Katherine Moline
Katherine Moline (she/they)
Associate Professor
School of Art & Design / Arts Design and Architecture
Ask me about:
- Creative arts methodologies
- Speculative critical design
- Socially engaged research in art and design
- Curatorial practice.
Claire O’Connor
Claire O’Connor (she/her)
Senior research fellow
School of Psychology, Faculty of Science
Ask me about:
- Dementia
- Occupational therapy
- Reablement
- Implementation science.
Dr Aves Parsemain
Dr Aves Parsemain (they/them)
Educational Developer
Faculty of Arts, Design and Architecture
What to ask about:
- Inclusive teaching practices
- Curriculum and course design
- Supporting students.
Megan Rose
Megan Rose (she/her)
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Vitalities Lab UNSW
Ask me about:
- Gender affirmation
- Femmephobia
- Gender diversity
- Neurodiversity.
Kazi Ashraf Uddin
Kazi Ashraf Uddin
PhD candidate/Casual Academic
Law and Justice/ School of Social Sciences
Ask me about:
- Qual method for transgender research in Global South
- Ethics in transgender research and transgender in Bangladesh.
- Aggleton P, Cover R, Logie CH, Newman CE & Parker R (2023) Routledge Handbook of Sexuality, Gender, Health and Rights, Milton Park: Routledge.
- Anderst J, McMillan K, Gorman H, O'Connor M & Worth H (2022) ‘’When they do that kind of bad things to me, I feel that they encourage me to be strong and be who I am': How transfeminine people in Samoa, Tonga and the Cook Islands experience discrimination, acceptance and a sense of place', Culture, Health & Sexuality 24(3): 421-436.
- Brady B, Rosenberg S, Newman CE, Kaladelfos A, Kenning G, Duck-Chong E & Bennett J (2022) ‘Gender is dynamic for all people’, Discover Psychology 2: 41.
- Brown, S, Pocock, C, Lixinski, L et al. 2024. ‘‘Manifesto for Queer Heritage Practice 1.0’: Call for action’, Historic Environment 35(1), pp. 84-101,
- Bryant J, Smith AKJ, Persson A, valentine k, Drysdale K, Wallace J, Hamilton M & Newman CE (2023) ‘Logics of control and self-management in narratives of people living with HIV, hepatitis C and hepatitis B’, Culture, Health & Sexuality 25(9): 1214-1229.
- Callander D, Newman CE, Holt M, Rosenberg S, Duncan DT, Pony M, Timmins L, Cornelisse V, Duck-Chong L, Wang B & Cook T (2021) ‘The complexities of categorizing gender: a hierarchical clustering analysis of data from the first Australian Trans & Gender Diverse Sexual Health Survey’, Transgender Health 6(2):7481.
- Carcel, C., Vassallo, A., Hallam, L., Shanthosh, J., Thompson, K., Halliday, L., Anderst, J., Smith, A. K., McKenzie, B. L., Newman, C. E., Bennett‐Brook, K., Wainer, Z., Woodward, M., Norton, R., & Chappell, L. (2024). Policies on the collection, analysis, and reporting of sex and gender in Australian health and medical research: A mixed methods study. Medical Journal of Australia, 221(7), 374–380.
- Cover, Rob and Newman, Christy (eds) (March 2025) Elgar Encyclopedia of Queer Studies. Edward Elgar Publishing: Cheltenham, UK.
- Del Tufo A, Foster R, Haire B, Newman CE, Smith AKJ, Crowley M, Burn D & McNulty A (2023) ‘Understanding the health care needs of transgender and gender diverse people engaging with rural Australian sexual health centres: a qualitative interview study’, Sexual Health 20(4): 339-346.
- Drysdale K (2019) Intimate Investments in Drag King Cultures: The Rise and Fall of a Lesbian Social Scene, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Drysdale K, Newman CE, Persson A, Prankumar SK, Lea T & Aggleton P (2020) ‘Experiences of Family Belonging among Two Generations of Sexually Diverse Australians’, Family Relations 69(2): 292-307.
- Drysdale K (2021) ‘’Scene' as a critical framing device: Extending analysis of chemsex cultures', Sexualities 26(5-6): 604-619.
- Drysdale K, Bryant J, Dowsett GW, Lea T, Treloar C, Aggleton P & Holt M (2021) ‘Priorities and practices of risk reduction among gay and bisexual men in Australia who use crystal methamphetamine for sex’, International Journal of Drug Policy 93: 103163.
- Drysdale K, Bryant J, Hopwood M, Dowsett GW, Holt M, Lea T, Aggleton P & Treloar C (2020) ‘Destabilising the ’problem' of chemsex: Diversity in settings, relations and practices revealed in Australian gay and bisexual men's crystal methamphetamine use', International Journal of Drug Policy 78: 102697.
- Drysdale K, Cama E, Botfield J, Bear B, Cerio R & Newman CE (2021) ‘Targeting cancer prevention and screening interventions to LGBTQ communities: A scoping review’, Health and Social Care 29(5): 1233-1248.
- Drysdale K & Filmer J (2023) ‘Sensing scenes: doing sensory ethnography in queer space and time’, in Vannini P (ed) The Routledge International Handbook of Sensory Ethnography, London: Routledge.
- Drysdale K, Persson A, Smith AKJ, Wallace J, valentine k, Gray RM, Bryant J, Hamilton M & Newman CE (2023) ‘Professional perspectives on serodiscordant family service provision in the context of blood-borne viruses’, Health Sociology Review 32(2): 145-160.
- Drysdale K, Rance J, Cama E, Treloar C & Mao L (2022) ‘What is known about the care and support provided for an ageing population with lived experience of chronic viral hepatitis as they near end-of-life: A scoping review’, Health and Social Care 30(6): e9775-e3788.
- Drysdale K, Robinson S & Gorman-Murray A (2022) ‘Sex in placemaking activism: lesbians’ and queer women's sex-based sociality in Sydney, Australia' Gender, Place & Culture.
- Drysdale K, Wells N, Smith AKJ, Gunatillaka N, Sturgiss EA & Wark T (2023) ‘Beyond the challenge to research integrity: imposter participation in incentivised qualitative research and its impact on community engagement’, Health Sociology Review 32(3): 372-380.
- Drysdale K & Wong KA (2019) ‘Sensory Ethnography’, in Atkinson P, Delamont S, Cernat A, Sakshuag JW & Williams RA (eds) The SAGE Encyclopedia of Research Methods, Newcastle: SAGE.
- Fonseca LC, Tedrus GMAS, Prandi LR, Almeida AM & Furlanetto DS (2011) ‘Alzheimer’s disease: relationship between cognitive aspects and power and coherence EEG measures', Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria 69(6): 875-881.
- Furlanetto DS (2022) ‘Voices from Beyond: A psychopathological analysis of the onset anomalous experiences in spiritists mediums’, Revista Latinoamericana de Psicopatologia Fundamental 25(1): 20-42.
- Furlanetto DS, Niel MM, Junior QC & Trevizol AP (2022) ‘From Cursed to Blessed: the Impact of Spirituality on the Life Course of 10 Brazilian Spiritist Mediums’, Journal of Religion & Health 61(3): 2514-2526.
- Gibson, AF, Drysdale K, Botfield J, Mooney-Somers J, Cook T & Newman CE (2022) ‘Navigating trans visibilities, trauma and trust in a new cervical screening clinic’, Culture, Health & Sexuality 24(10): 1366-1379.
- Grant R, Smith AKJ, Newett L, Nash M, Turner R & Owen L (2021) ‘Tasmanian healthcare professionals’ & students' capacity for LGBTI + inclusive care: A qualitative inquiry', Health and Social Care 29(4): 957-966.
- Harvey S, Mitchell M, Keeble J, Nicholls CM & Rahim N (2014) Barriers faced by Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender People in Accessing Domestic Abuse, Stalking, Harassment and Sexual Violence Services, Cardiff: Welsh Government.
- Holt, M., Chan, C., Broady, T., MacGibbon, J., Mao, L., Smith, A., Rule, J., & Bavinton, B. (2024). Variations in HIV prevention coverage in subpopulations of Australian gay and bisexual men, 2017-21: implications for reducing inequities in the combination prevention era. AIDS and Behavior, 28, 1469-84. doi: 10.1007/s10461-023-04172-3
- Holt, M., Broady, T., Callander, D., Pony, M., Duck-Chong, L., Cook, T., & Rosenberg, S. (2022). Sexual experience, relationships, and factors associated with sexual and romantic satisfaction in the first Australian Trans & Gender Diverse Sexual Health Survey. International Journal of Transgender Health, 24(1), 38-48. doi: 10.1080/26895269.2021.2016540
- Kaladelfos A & Smaal Y (2019) ‘Sexual violence and male prisons: an Australian queer genealogy’, Current Issues in Criminal Justice 31(3): 349-364.
- Liu E, Prankumar S, Wong H & Mao L (2023) Ageing at the intersection of diversities: Assessing and addressing formal and informal care needs when diversities intersect, the Healthy Urban Environments (HUE) Collaboratory, Sydney Partnership for Health, Education, Research and Enterprise (Maridulu Budyari Gumal).
- Lixinski L, (2020) 'Rights Litigation Piggybacking: Legal Mobilization Strategies in LGBTIQ International Human Rights Jurisprudence', Florida Journal of International Law 31(3): 273 - 314.
- Lixinski L, 2024. ‘Queering heritage: The contribution of Queer Theory to heritage safeguarding’, Historic Environment 35(1), pp. 24-35,
- MacGibbon J, Bavinton BR, Drysdale K, Murphy D, Broady TR, Kolstee J, Molyneux A, Power C, Paynter H, de Wit J & Holt M (2023) ‘Explicit Relationship Agreements and HIV Pre-exposure Prophylaxis Use by Gay and Bisexual Men in Relationships’, Archives of Sexual Behavior 52(2): 761-771.
- Mao L, Kirby E, Drysdale K, Rance J, Treloar C, Tu T, Fowlie C & Howard C (2021) Resilient ageing and end of life planning among people living with or affected by chronic HBV, HCV or HIV in Australia, Sydney: UNSW Centre for Social Research in Health.
- Marey, T. (2024). Troubling the strictures for early-career researchers in academic publishing. Novice LGBTQ+ Scholars’ Practices in Writing for Scholarly Publication, 18.
- Mooney-Somers J, Anderst J & Deacon R (2023) ‘How a 25-year-old periodic survey for lesbian, bisexual and queer women responded and adapted to gender diversity: a reflexive analysis’, Journal of Gender Studies.
- McCormack H; Nathan S; Varma R; Haire B, 2021, 'Dissonances in communication with sexual health consumers in an inner-Sydney sexual health clinic in relation to health literacy: A mixed-methods study', Health Promotion Journal of Australia, vol. 32, pp. 133 - 142,
- McCormack, H., Dickson, M., Harrington, T., Garay, M., Whybrow, R., Mooney-Somers, J., Aggleton, P., Lafferty, L., Mitchell, E., Morris, J. & Haire, B. (2024). "Sexual healthcare to meet the needs of sexuality and gender diverse aboriginal young people: imagined possibilities." Cult Health Sex: 1-16.
- Murray D, Mao L, Wong HTH, Chen T, Mackie B, Kao SC, Mahee AH, Dabbhadatta J, Prihaswan P, Stackpool G, Brooks M, Brown G & Lewis D (2020) ‘High levels of engagement with testing for HIV and sexually transmissable infection among gay Asian men in Sydney and Melbourne: an observational study’, Sexual Health 17(2): 121-128.
- Newman C (2019) ‘Queer families: valuing stories of adversity, diversity and belonging’, Culture, Health and Sexuality 21(3): 352-359.
- Newman CE (2019) ‘Waiting for the Yes’, in J Sapp & P Chamness Iida (eds) Negotiating Spiritual Violence in the LGBTQ Community, Charlotte, NC: IAP, 25-32.
- Newman CE, Prankumar SK, Cover R, Rasmussen M, Marshall D & Aggleton P (2021) ‘Inclusive health care for LGBTQ+ youth: support, belonging and inclusivity labour’, Critical Public Health 31(4): 441-450.
- Newman CE, Smith AKJ, Duck-Chong E, Vivienne S, Davies C, Robinson KH & Aggleton P (2021) ‘Waiting to be seen: social perspectives on trans health’, Health Sociology Review 30(1): 1-8.
- Newman, Christy E, Smith, Anthony K J, Harvey, Shannon, Duck-Chong, Elizabeth (2023) Gender diversity and social change: transgressions, translations, transformations. Editorial Introduction to Special Collection of Culture, Health & Sexuality. 25(12), 1758-1761.
- Newman, C.E., Smith, A.K.J, Duck-Chong, E., Vivienne, S., Davies, C., Robinson, K.H., Aggleton, P. (May 2024) Social Perspectives on Trans Health. Routledge: London and NY.
- Saxby K & Hammoud MA. Setting the standard: no LGBTI+ health equity without data equity. The Medical journal of Australia.
- Smith AKJ, Davis MDM, MacGibbon J, Broady TR, Ellard J, Rule J, Cook T, Duck-Chong E, Holt M & Newman CE (2023) ‘Engaging Stigmatised Communities in Australia with Digital Health Systems: Towards Data Justice in Public Health’, Sexuality Research and Social Policy 20(3):1220-1231.
- Smith, A. K. J., & Newman, C. E. (2023). LGBTQ+ health and social research. In K. Dew & S. Donovan (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Health Research in the Social Sciences (pp. 181–186). Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Smith, A.K.J and Newman, C.E. (2023) LGBTQ+ Health and Social Research. Elgar Encyclopedia of Health Research in the Social Sciences. Editors: Kevin Drew and Sarah Donovan. Edward Elgar Publishing: Cheltenham, UK.
- Smith AKJ, Newman CE, Haire B & Holt M (2022) ‘Clinician imaginaries of HIV PrEP users in and beyond the gay community in Australia’, Culture, Health & Sexuality 24(10): 1423-1437.
- Smith A. K. J., Persson A, Drysdale K, Bryant J, valentine k, Wallace J, Hamilton M, Gray RM & Newman CE (2021) ‘Family imaginaries in the disclosure of a blood-borne virus’, Sociology of Health & Illness 43(6): 1422-1436.
- Smith, A. K. J., & Newman, C. E. (2023). LGBTQ+ health and social research. In K. Dew & S. Donovan (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Health Research in the Social Sciences (pp. 181–186). Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Smith L, Chesher I, Fredriksen Goldsen K, Ward R, Phillipson L, Newman CE & Delhomme F (2022) ‘Investigating the lived experience of LGBT+ people with dementia and their care partners: A Scoping Review’, Ageing & Society.
- Treloar C, Hopwood M, Drysdale K, Lea T, Holt M, Dowsett GW, Aggleton P & Bryant J (2021) ‘Stigma as understood by key informants: A social ecological approach to gay and bisexual men’s use of crystal methamphetamine for sex', International Journal of Drug Policy 94: 103229.
- Uddin KA (2020) ‘Heteronationalistic Necropower: Pandemic Double Disenfranchisement and Alienation of Hijras’ Socioscapes: International Journal of Societies, Politics and Cultures 2(1): 48-60.
- Uddin KA (2014) ‘Swinging between ‘Ratan’ and ‘Ratna’: Gender Ambiguity in Anan Zaman's Shikhandi Katha', Harvest, Jahangirnagar Studies in Language and Literature 30: 97-105.
- Valentine K, Smith AKJ, Persson A, Gray R, Bryant J, Hamilton M, Wallace J, Drysdale K & Newman CE (2023) ‘The freighted social histories of HIV and hepatitis C: exploring service providers’ perspectives on stigma in the current epidemics', Medical Humanities 49(1): 48-54.
- Wong HTH, Kumar S, Chen T, Sarasola H, Wark T, Power C, Bavinton B, Dong K, Haque M, Mao L on behalf of the Sydney CALD Gay Men Action Group (2022) 2021 NSW Gay Asian Men Online Survey: key findings, Sydney: UNSW Centre for Social Research in Health.
Contact us
Please contact the CoPQTI leads if you have any questions or to join, or if you would like to discuss ways that the CoPQTI can contribute to or support your research.