Date: Friday, October 30, 2020

Project: Eastern Australian Waterbird Survey

Observers: Richard Kingsford UNSW, John Porter UNSW/DPIE

Pilot: James Barkell NSW National Parks & Wildlife Service DPIE

We woke up to fog blanketing the river at Renmark. With the forecast of more rain and storms, we decided that we weren't going to be able to go through with our plan to do all the River Murray surveys with Hattah lakes and the Koondrook-Pericoota forest on the list today. They would need to wait for another time, after we have surveyed our Queensland bands. Thankfully, when we got in the plane, the fog lifted enough so that we were at least able to resume our count along the River Murray and Frenchmans Creek which runs into Lake Victoria.

And then back we flew back along the River Murray into Wentworth, where the Darling River meets the River Murray.

And from there we flew back to Sydney.

Blog by Richard Kingsford