Terrestrial ecosystems

macquarie marshes

We're interested in a wide range of processes and organisms in terrestrial ecosystems. In particular, we investigate how ecosystems work and the interactions between the drivers of ecosystem productivity (soils, for example) to the different organisms from the microscopic to top predators.

Post-fire recovery of threatened ecological communities

Discover our adaptive fire management strategies to protect threatened ecological communities.

Environment Recovery Project: Australian bushfires

The ERP relies on citizen scientists to record their observations. Discover how you can help.

Community stability of upland swamp vegetation

Uplands swamps are rich and diverse wetlands. View our project findings.

An innovative approach to maximising catchment water yield

This project examines the impact of vegetation and fire interactions on water yield. Discover more.

Post-fire seed production in Hakea Gibbosa

This study examines the seedbank dynamics of Hakea Gibbosa to advise on fire management strategies.

Managing fire regimes with thresholds to save threatened flora and fauna

Find out about improving fire management strategies and conservation outcomes to save threatened flora and fauna.

Stopping the toad

The impacts and spread of cane toads is an ecological tragedy. View strategies to stop the spread.

Trophic cascades in NSW North Coast forests

This project examines evidence for a trophic cascade mediated by dingos in the Great Lakes Area of NSW.

Individual hunting behavior in feral cats

This project looks at the devastating impact feral cats have on wildlife populations.

Mallee Ecosystem Dynamics

This study is part of the Australian Long Term Ecological Research Network. Learn more.

Investigating artificial waterhole utilisation and management

This study investigates how species utilise water resources in North Eastern Botswana.

Investigating the spatial ecology, habitat use, behaviour, and ecosystem

Discover the role of Hippos as ecosystem engineers.