EDI Faculty Grants
Embedding innovative and inclusive educational practices.
Grants between $10,000 and $20,000 are available for initiatives that enhance opportunities for students from socio-economically and educationally disadvantaged backgrounds, students with diverse gender identities, LGBTQIA+ students, students with disability and students from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.
These grants will be funded by Access, Equity and Inclusion, and are available to combined teams of professional and academic staff from all UNSW Faculties.
EDI faculty grants are designed to:
support teaching and learning initiatives that intend to positively impact students’ university experience, engagement, and success.
support projects that will build student and staff capacity for promoting a respectful culture and practising inclusivity in their work, study, and interactions.
support existing programs/units of study as well as new projects/activities with potential for expansion and implementation across schools or faculties.
Applications are open from 22 January and close at 5pm Friday 21 March 2025.
EDI Faculty Grants are open to UNSW professional and academic staff from all Faculties and UNSW Canberra.
Grant applications open:
Wednesday 22 January 2025
Grant applications close:
Friday 21 March 2025
Grant recipients notified:
Friday 28 March 2025
Funding confirmed and part A disbursed:
Tuesday 1 – Tuesday 8 April 2025
Confirmation of Part A expenditure & progress report due:
Friday 25 July 2025
Part B funding distributed:
Wednesday 30 July 2025
Final report due:
Tuesday 2 December 2025
Project outcomes EDI Board presentation and showcase:
December 2025
Email your completed application form to access_equity_inclusion@unsw.edu.au by 5pm, Friday 21 March.
Download the application form.
A panel made up of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Equity Diversity & Inclusion; Director, Access, Equity and Inclusion; Pro Vice-Chancellor, Education & Student Experience; and two faculty EDI committee representatives.
Applications will be ranked based on their eligibility and fulfilment of the selection criteria (see EDI Faculty Grant guidelines).
No, you are welcome to apply as an individual, but we do encourage collaborations between professional and academic staff where possible to encourage expansive thinking and innovation.
We encourage EDI faculty grants that are designed to:
support teaching and learning initiatives that intend to positively impact students’ university experience, engagement, and success.
support projects that will build student and staff capacity for promoting a respectful culture and practising inclusivity in their work, study, and interactions.
support existing programs/units of study as well as new projects/activities with potential for expansion and implementation across schools or faculties.
The funds can be used for any goods or services that support the initiative outlined in your grant application, including salaries (e.g., research assistants).
Any unspent funds by April 2025 or August 2025 will be returned to Access, Equity and Inclusion and EDI Operations.
The intellectual property created will remain with the grant winner. However, we do require that you/your team present your project findings and outcomes at either the December 2025 EDI Board meeting, or a separate showcase event that may align to other Division of EDI programming.
Access, Equity and Inclusion and EDI Operations will provide funding. AEI will also provide reporting templates and guidelines for the final project showcase in 2025.
Please email access_equity_inclusion@unsw.edu.au. We are happy to answer any questions on the EDI Faculty Grants scheme.
Access the EDI Faculty Grants Guidelines
EDI Faculty Grants Recipients
The EDI Faculty Grants fund initiatives that enhance opportunities for students from socio-economically and educationally disadvantaged backgrounds, students with diverse gender identities, LGBTQIA+ students, students with disability and students from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.
2024 Recipients
The listed projects were funded based on a panel review that judged applications on measures of impact, feasibility and relevance.
About the project:
‘ADA Stories: Reimagining Inclusion on Campus’ aims to tackle issues of empowerment, equity, systems, services, health and climate. Key outputs include the intersectional mapping of campus experiences with a strong focus on co-creation and participatory design with queer students of diverse lived experience. The project seeks to promote empowerment through art and expression to reshape campus spaces and cultivate allyship across UNSW, by producing community-led events and inclusive practices and policies, as well as by enabling student-led advocacy.
Project team: Emma Peters, Emma Kirby, Josh Wiesberger
Faculty: Arts, Design & Architecture
Award amount: $16,252
About the project:
‘“Everyone’s business”: Building Capacity in Master of Public Health’ seeks to support MPH staff in their journey to embed best practice training in First Nations’ cultural safety across core courses as well as enable staff to create and invite students to actively build learning environments that are respectful of all cultural differences and that are inclusive of First Nations’ experiences and knowledge, and free from racism. Ultimately, the project supports collaboration between Indigenous stakeholders and communities and MPH academic staff to inform the development of a new Program Learning Outcome (PLO) on First Nations cultural safety in the MPH.
Project team: Niamh Stephenson, Katrina Blazek, Timothy Dobbins, Anita Heywood, Peter Malouf, Sally Nathan, Sophie Pitt
Faculty: Medicine & Health
Award amount: $20,000
About the project:
The First Nations Engineering Science Society is conceived with the objective to create a society that supports, inspires and engages current and future First Nations students within the Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Science. The project critically endeavours to link culture and technology, hand-in-hand for the betterment of UNSW students, fostering an understanding and appreciation of Indigenous history and tools, and as such, culminates in the development of boomerang-powered drones.
Project team: Sonya Brown, Sarah Grundy, Tyson Namok, Isabella Zdravkovic, Harry Brotherhood
Faculty: Engineering
Award amount: $10,000
About the project:
Building on work involving big data analytics that monitored the performance of students and offered them targeted support to ensure retention and success, the aim of ‘Education support to make students shine’ is to give all students equal opportunities in Electrical Engineering. The project will do this by expanding existing open laboratories and student drop-in centres, as well as by fostering universal design learning (UDL) practices, mapping existing instructional material and approaches that align with UDL in two large key courses in Electrical Engineering (ELEC1111 and ELEC2134), and using the UDL framework to adapt additional instructional material and approaches that do not align with UDL to increase student engagement and satisfaction.
Project team: Dr. Inma Tomeo-Reyes, Roy Zeng
Faculty: Engineering
Award amount: $10,000
2023 Recipients
In 2023, EDI Faculty Grants funded initiatives that improve opportunities, support and outcomes for students from low socio-economic status (low-SES) backgrounds to support the Gateway Equity Target. Additionally, the grants provided seed funding to engage greater areas of the University in the development and implementation of innovative inclusive teaching and learning initiatives.
The listed projects were fully funded based on a panel review that judged applications on measures of impact, feasibility and relevance.
Project team: Dr Laura McKemmish, Dr Laura McKnight
Faculty: Science
Award amount: $20,000
Project team: Dr Inmaculada Tomeo-Reyes, Mr Roy Zeng, Dr Arash Khatamianfar
Faculty: Engineering
Award amount: $20,000
Project team: Terry Cumming, Ian McArthur, Karen Kriss, Karin Watson, Veronica Jiang
Faculty: Arts, Design & Architecture
Award amount: $25,924
On the engagement, science identity, and career aspirations of under-represented student groups
Project team: Dr Sara Kyne, Dr Laura McKemmish, Dr Lauren McKnight
Faculty: Science
Award amount: $19,605
Two projects received partial funding to assist with the development of ethics applications:
Project team: Mr Chris Pearce, Professor Tracie Barber, Associate Professor Greg Smith
Faculty: Law & Justice, Engineering, Medicine & Health
Award amount: $3,000
Project team: Nicholas Stevens, Sarah White
Faculty: Business
Award amount: $3,000