2014 Waterbird Survey Map

Date Location Description
17/11/2014 Day 23, Dubbo to Albury


Observer: Richard Kingsford Our last survey day – more than a month since we started and after we have covered a lot of the eastern part of the…


16/11/2014 Day 22, Moree to Dubbo


Observer: Richard Kingsford Thankfully Saturday’s heat was gone but there was a howling southwesterly wind, just what we didn’t really want going…


15/11/2014 Day 21, Sydney to Moree


Observer: Richard Kingsford Out of Sydney and heading north to work our way around all the major wetlands in the Murray-Darling Basin. We are now…


7/11/2014 Day 19, The Lower Lakes


Observer: Richard Kingsford The weather forecast was against us – 30 knot winds and 38 degrees centigrade. So we were up at daybreak, hoping to get…


6/11/2014 Day 18, Mildura to Goolwa


Observer: Richard Kingsford We arrived at the airport by six for a quick breakfast and away before the heat hit us. Today, we flew a long section of…


05/11/2014 Day 17, Sydney to Mildura


Observer: Richard Kingsford Start of our flight down the River Murray – Albury to the Murray Mouth. We picked up this mighty river just east of…


17/10/2014 Day 10, Armidale to Sydney


Observer: Richard Kingsford The home leg. This was our easiest day, mopping up on ‘bits’ of survey band 4 which runs from south of Broken Hill at…


16/10/2014 Day 9, Broken Hill to Armidale


Observer: Richard Kingsford Cool days when you are flying out in the west are a blessing – another one today. We headed north from Broken Hill back…


15/10/2014 Day 8, St George to Broken Hill


Observer: Richard Kingsford Cool day for flying west. First survey was down the Balonne River, flanked by a few large storages for irrigated cotton…


14/10/2014 Day 7, Quilpie to St George


Observer: Richard Kingsford Cool morning at 22oC – great for aerial survey. Quilpie, where we stayed last night, lies on the banks of the Bulloo, a…


13/10/2014 Day 6, Windorah to Quilpie


Observer: Richard Kingsford With the rising sun behind us, we flew west along Band 8. Dry river and creek beds run north to south across the survey…


12/10/2014 Day 5, Rockhampton to Windorah


Observer: Richard Kingsford 6am out of Rocky in a cab and its driver who had not been to bed. On the way down to Band 8, we passed over the Mt…


10/10/2014 Day 4, Mt Isa to Rockhampton


Observer: Richard Kingsford Today is always our longest and hottest day of our month and a half survey, as we head east along Band 9, starting 200km…


9/10/2014 Day 3, Airlie Beach to Mt Isa


Observer: Richard Kingsford Backpacker central, relieving see breezes and screeching beach stone curlews seemed an age away as we headed west over…


8/10/2014 Day 2, Maroochydore to Airlie Beach


Observer: Richard Kingsford “Very hot day today” blared the Maroochydore commercial radio, as we headed for the plane. That’s what we expect as we…


7/10/2014 Day 1, Sydney to Maroochydore


Observer: Richard Kingsford Off again on our 32 second year surveying waterbirds across a third of the continent. The southerly has just hit Sydney…