Each month, the school awards a Paper of the Month prize to an academic who has published a paper in a journal with the highest impact factor (IF) of all the submissions for that month. To be eligible, the paper must have an IF =/>3, and the submitting academic must be the first or the corresponding author for the paper.
This award recognises the expertise, work and research that goes into carrying out and publishing academic papers. Read our winning papers and the impact our research has on solving complex problems.
January: Prof John Mattick, for his paper ‘Long non-coding RNAs: Definitions, functions, challenges and recommendations’, published in Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, which has an IF of 113.915.
February: A/Prof Tatyana Chtanova, for her paper ‘Neutrophil conversion to a tumor-killing phenotype underpins effective microbial therapy’, published in Cancer Research, which has an IF of 13.312.
March: Prof Marc Wilkins and Dr Xabier Vazquez-Campos, for their paper ‘Evidence for a putative isoprene reductase in Acetobacterium wieringae’, published in mSystems, which has an IF of 7.328.
April: Prof Marc Wilkins and Tara Bartolec, for their paper ‘Cross-linking mass spectrometry discovers, evaluates, and corroborates structures and protein–protein interactions in the human cell’, published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, which has an IF of 12.779.
May: Armella Zadoorian and Prof Rob Yang, for their paper ‘Lipid droplet biogenesis and functions in health and disease’, published in Nature Reviews Endocrinology, which has an IF of 47.766.
June: Prof Belinda Ferrari, for her paper ‘Utilization of—Omic technologies in cold climate hydrocarbon bioremediation: a text-mining approach’, published in Frontiers in Microbiology, which has an IF of 5.2.
July: A/Prof Vladimir Sytnyk, for his paper ‘Deficiency in the neural cell adhesion molecule 2 (NCAM2) reduces axonal levels of beta-site amyloid precursor protein cleaving enzyme 1 (BACE1), affects axonal organization in the hippocampus, and leads to behavioral deficits.’, published in Cerebral Cortex, which has an IF of 3.7.
August: Prof Ruiting Lan, for his paper ‘Integrating proteomic data with metabolic modeling provides insight into key pathways of Bordetella pertussis biofilms’, published in Frontiers in Microbiology, which has an IF of 5.2.