Course outlines
- MERE2001 Sedimentary and Energy Resources Geology
- MERE2002 Seismic Imaging
- MERE5001 Sedimentary and Energy Resources Geology
- MERE5002 Seismic Imaging
- MERE6001 Sedimentary and Energy Resources Geology
- MERE6002 Seismic Imaging
- MERE2810 Mineral Resource Geology & Geophysics
- MINE3230 Mine Planning
- MINE3910 Socio-environmental Aspects of Mining
- MINE4710 Mine Management
- PTRL2020 Petrophysics
- PTRL3001 Reservoir Engineering B
- PTRL3030 Reservoir Characterisation
- PTRL4017 Well Technology
- PTRL4021 Petroleum Production Engineering
- MINE5060 Operational Geotechnical Management
- MINE8120 Hazard ID, Risk and Safety Management
- MINE8130 Technology Management in Mining
- MINE8140 Mining Geomechanics
- MINE8445 Mining Industry Research project
- MINE8680 Geotechnical Data Collection and Analysis
- MINE8910 Mine Water & Waste Management
- MINE8930 Uranium mining fundamentals
- MINE9100 Mining Design Practice
- PTRL5007 Fundamental of Reservoir Engineering B
- PTRL5011 Petroleum Production Engineering
- PTRL5016 Well Completions and Stimulation
- PTRL5021 Reservoir Characterisation
- PTRL5022 Drilling Systems Design and Optimisation
- PTRL5107 Formation Evaluation (Petrophysics)
- PTRL6029 Directional Horizontal and Multilateral Drilling
- PTRL6107 Formation Evaluation
- MERE4951, MERE4952, MERE4953 Research Thesis A, B, C
- MINE1010 Mineral Resources Engineering
- MINE3220 Resource Estimation
- MINE3430 Mining Systems
- MINE4250 Mine Design Feasibility Project
- MINE4310 Mine Geotechnical Engineering
- PTRL3015 Well Drilling Equipment and Operations
- PTRL3025 Petroleum Economics
- PTRL4020 Natural Gas Engineering
- MERE9451, MERE9452, MERE9453 Research Thesis A, B, C
- MINE5050 Ground Control Principles
- MINE8101 Fundamentals of Mining Engineering (Dist)
- MINE8440 Mining Industry Research project
- MINE8760 Mine Geology & Geophysics
- MINE8780 Environmental Management for the Mining Industry
- MINE8850 Mine Design & Feasibility
- PTRL5008 Petroleum Production Economics
- PTRL5009 Well Drilling Equipment and Operations
- PTRL5010 Natural Gas Engineering
- PTRL6027 Casing Design and Cementing
- PTRL6032 Coal Seam Gas Engineering
- MINE1010 Mineral Resources Engineering
- MINE3510 Mine Ventilation
- MINE3630 Rock Breakage
- PTRL2010 Business Practices in the Petroleum Industry
- PTRL2019 Reservoir Engineering A
- PTRL3040 Numerical Reservoir Simulation
- PTRL3050 Well Pressure Testing
- PTRL4024 Drilling Fluids and Cementing
- MINE8101 Fundamentals of Mining Engineering
- MINE8115 Mine Processes, Systems and Analysis
- MINE8120 Hazard Identification, Risk and Safety Management in Mining
- MINE8445 Mining Industry Research Project 2
- MINE8710 Mine Slope Stability
- MINE8860 Drilling, Blasting and Machine Excavation
- MINE8940 Mine Slope Monitoring Technologies
- GSOE9820 Engineering Project Management
- PTRL5003 Well Pressure Testing
- PTRL5005 Design Project for Petroleum Engineers
- PTRL5019 Fundamentals of Reservoir Engineering A
- PTRL5024 Drilling Fluids and Cementing Techniques
- PTRL5102 Digital Core Analysis
- PTRL6001 Reservoir Engineering 1
- PTRL6003 Well Pressure Testing
- PTRL6012 Drilling Mud - Formulation, Selection and Maintenance
- PTRL6025 Well Control and Blowout Prevention
- PTRL6028 Practical Aspects of Well Planning and Drilling Cost Estimates
- MERE2001 Sedimentary and Energy Resources Geology
- MERE2002 Seismic Imaging
- MINE3230 Mine Planning
- MINE3450 Underground Mining Systems
- MINE3910 Socio-Environmental Aspects of Mining
- MINE4260 Coal Mine Design and Feasibility Project
- MINE4710 Mine Management
- PTRL3030 Reservoir Characterisation
- PTRL4011 Integrated Oil/Gas Field Evaluation B (Thesis)
- PTRL4017 Well Technology
- MERE4951, MERE4952, MERE4953 Research Thesis C
- MINE5040 Coal Mining Methods, Mine Planning and Applied Geomechanics
- MINE8120 Hazard Identification, Risk and Safety Management in Mining
- MINE8130 Technology Management in Mining
- MINE8140 Mining Geomechanics
- MINE8680 Geotechnical Data Collection and Analysis
- MINE8820 Mineral Processing
- MINE8910 Mine Water and Waste Management
- MINE8930 Uranium Mining Fundamentals
- PTRL5014 Seismic Imaging
- PTRL6006 Introduction to Field Development Geology
- PTRL6014 Petroleum Geophysics
- PTRL6016 Well Completions and Stimulation
- PTRL6029 Directional Horizontal and Multilateral Drilling
- PTRL5006 Field Development Geology
- PTRL5016 Well Completions and Stimulation
- PTRL5022 Drilling Systems Design and Optimisation
- MERE9451, MERE9452, MERE9453 Research Thesis C
- MERE4951 Research Thesis A
- MERE4952 Research Thesis B
- MERE4953 Research Thesis C
- MINE1010 Mineral Resources Engineering
- MINE3220 Resource Estimation
- MINE3310 Mining Geomechanics
- MINE3430 Mining Systems
- MINE4250 Hardrock Mine Design and Feasibility Project
- MINE4310 Mine Geotechnical Engineering
- MINE5010 Fundamentals of Rock Behaviour for Underground Mining
- MINE5020 Geotechnical Assessment for Underground Mining
- PTRL3015 Well Drilling Equipment and Operations
- PTRL3025 Petroleum Economics
- PTRL4010 Integrated Oil and Gas Field Evaluation A
- PTRL4012 Enhanced Oil and Gas Recovery
- PTRL4020 Natural Gas Engineering
- MERE9451 Masters Project A
- MERE9452 Masters Project B
- MERE9453 Masters Project C
- MINE8101 Fundamentals of Mining Engineering
- MINE8120 Hazard Identification, Risk and Safety Management in Mining
- MINE8440 Mining Industry Research Project 1
- MINE8760 Mine Geology and Geophysics for Mining Operations
- MINE8780 Environmental Management for the Mining Industry
- MINE8850 Mine Design and Feasibility
- PTRL5008 Petroleum Production Economics
- PTRL5009 Well Drilling Equipment and Operations
- PTRL5012 Enhanced Oil and Gas Recovery
- PTRL5010 Natural Gas Engineering
- PTRL6001 Reservoir Engineering 1
- PTRL6009 Well Drilling Equipment and Operations
- PTRL6027 Casing Design and Cementing
- PTRL6032 Coal Seam Gas Engineering
- MERE4951 Research Thesis A
- MERE4952 Research Thesis B
- MERE4953 Research Thesis C
- MINE1010 Mineral Resources Engineering
- MINE2810 Coal Geology Component of GEO3141
- MINE2810 Minerals & Processing Part B
- MINE3510 Mine Ventilation
- MINE3630 Rock Breakage
- MINE4910 Mining in a Global Environment
- PTRL2010 Business Practices in the Petroleum Industry
- PTRL2019 Reservoir Engineering A
- PTRL3040 Numerical Reservoir Simulation
- PTRL3050 Well Pressure Testing
- PTRL4024 Drilling Fluids and Cementing
- GSOE9820 Engineering Project Management
- MERE9451 Masters Project A
- MERE9452 Masters Project B
- MERE9453 Masters Project C
- MINE5046 Graduate Diploma in Mine Ventilation
- MINE8101 Fundamentals of Mining Engineering
- MINE8115 Mining Processes, Systems & Analysis (Distance)
- MINE8120 Hazard and Risk Identification (Distance)
- MINE8445 Mining Industry Project II
- MINE8710 Mine Slop Stability
- MINE8720 Numerical Methods in Mine Geomechanics
- MINE8860 Drilling, Blasting & Machine Mining
- PTRL5003 Well Pressure Testing
- PTRL5005 Design Project for Petroleum Engineers
- PTRL5019 Fundamentals of Reservoir Engineering A
- PTRL5024 Drilling Fluids and Cementing Techniques
- PTRL5102 Digital Core Analysis
- PTRL6001 Reservoir Engineering 1
- PTRL6003 Well Pressure Testing
- PTRL6012 Drilling Mud - Formulation, Selection and Maintenance
- PTRL6025 Well Control and Blowout Prevention
- PTRL6028 Practical Aspects of Well Planning and Drilling Cost Estimates
- MERE4951 Research Thesis A
- MERE4952 Research Thesis B
- MERE4953 Research Thesis C
- MINE2610 Mining Services (Electrical)
- MINE2610 Mining Services (Surveying)
- MINE3230 Mine Planning
- MINE3910 Socio-Environmental Aspects of Mining
- MINE4260 Coal Mine Design and Feasibility Project
- MINE4710 Mine Management
- MINE5060 Operational Geotechnical Management
- PTRL2020 Petrophysics
- PTRL2030/5006/6006 Field Development Geology
- PTRL2114 Petroleum Geophysics
- PTRL3001 Reservoir Engineering B
- PTRL3030 Reservoir Characterisation
- PTRL4011 Integrated Oil/Gas Field Evaluation B (Thesis)
- PTRL4017 Well Technology
- PTRL4021 Petroleum Production Engineering
- MERE9451 Masters Project A
- MERE9452 Masters Project B
- MERE9453 Masters Project C
- MINE8120 Hazard Identification, Risk and Safety Management
- MINE8130 Technology Management in Mining
- MINE8140 Mining Geomechanics
- MINE8680 Geotechnical Data Collection and Analysis
- MINE8690 Mining Geotechnical Project
- MINE8820 Mineral Processing
- MINE8910 Mine Water and Waste Management
- MINE5046 Graduate Diploma in Mine Ventilation
- MINE9910 Mine Ventilation Short Course
- MERE4951 Research Thesis A
- MERE4952 Research Thesis B
- MERE4953 Research Thesis C
- MINE1010 Mineral Resources Engineering
- MINE3220 Resource Estimation
- MINE3310 Mining Geomechanics
- MINE3430 Mining Systems
- MINE4250 Hardrock Mine Design and Feasibility Project
- MINE4310 Mine Geotechnical Engineering
- PTRL2019 Reservoir Engineering A
- PTRL3015 Well Drilling Equipment and Operations
- PTRL3025 Petroleum Economics
- PTRL4010 Integrated Oil and Gas Field Evaluation A
- PTRL4012 Enhanced Oil and Gas Recovery
- PTRL4020 Natural Gas Engineering
- MERE9451 Masters Project A
- MERE9452 Masters Project B
- MERE9453 Masters Project C
- MINE5050 Ground Control Principles and Practice in Underground Coal Mining
- MINE8101 Fundamentals of Mining Engineering
- MINE8120 Hazard Identification, Risk and Safety Management in Mining
- MINE8440 Mining Industry Research Project 1
- MINE8760 Mine Geology and Geophysics for Mining Operations
- MINE8780 Environmental Management for the Mining Industry
- MINE8850 Mine Design and Feasibility
- MINE9901Ventilation and Mine Services
- MINE9902 Environmental Contaminants
- MINE9903 Ventilation and Mine Services
- PTRL5008 Petroleum Production Economics
- PTRL5009 Well Drilling Equipment and Operations
- PTRL5012 Enhanced Oil and Gas Recovery
- PTRL5010 Natural Gas Engineering
- PTRL5019 Fundamentals of Reservoir Engineering A
- PTRL6001 Reservoir Engineering 1
- PTRL6009 Well Drilling Equipment and Operations
- PTRL6027 Casing Design and Cementing
- PTRL6032 Coal Seam Gas Engineering
- MINE1010 Mineral Resources Engineering
- MINE2810 Minerals and Processing (Ore deposits component)
- MINE2810 Minerals and Processing (Processing component)
- MINE3510 Mine Ventilation
- MINE3630 Rock Breakage
- MINE4910 Mining in a Global Environment
- MINE4951 UG Research Thesis
- MINE4952 UG Research Thesis
- MINE4953 UG Research Thesis
- PTRL2010 Business Practices in the Petroleum Industry
- PTRL2019 Reservoir Engineering A
- PTRL3022 Design Project for Petroleum Engineers
- PTRL3040 Numerical Reservoir Simulation
- PTRL3050 Well Pressure Testing
- PTRL4024 Drilling Fluids and Cementing
- MINE5030 Mining Excavations in Rock
- MINE5040 Coal Mining Methods, Mine Planning and Applied Geomechanics
- MINE8101 Fundamentals of Mining Engineering
- MINE8115 Mine Processes, Systems and Analysis
- MINE8120 Hazard Identification, Risk and Safety Management in Mining
- MINE8710 Mine Slope Stability
- MINE8720 Numerical Methods in Mine Geomechanics
- MINE8860 Drilling, Blasting and Machine Excavation
- PTRL5003 Well Pressure Testing
- PTRL5004 Numerical Reservoir Simulation
- PTRL5005 Design Project for Petroleum Engineers
- PTRL5019 Fundamentals of Reservoir Engineering A
- PTRL5024 Drilling Fluids and Cementing Techniques
- PTRL5119 Geothermal Engineering
- PTRL6001 Reservoir Engineering 1
- PTRL6003 Well Pressure Testing
- PTRL6012 Drilling Mud - Formulation, Selection and Maintenance
- PTRL6025 Well Control and Blowout Prevention
- PTRL6028 Practical Aspects of Well Planning and Drilling Cost Estimates
- PTRL9451 PG Research Thesis B
- PTRL9452 PG Research Thesis B
- PTRL9453 PG Research Thesis B
- MINE1010 Mineral Resources Engineering
- MINE2010 Mining Project Development
- MINE2610 Mining Services (Electrical and Surveying)
- MINE3910 Socio Environmental Aspects of Mining
- MINE4260 Coal Mine Design and Feasibility Project
- MINE4710 Mine Management
- MINE4951 UG Research Thesis
- MINE5040 Coal Mining Methods, Mine Planning and Applied Geomechanics
- MINE 8680 Geotechnical Data Collection and Analysis
- MINE8850 Mine Design and Feasibility
- PTRL2020 Petrophysics
- PTRL2030 Field Development Geology
- PTRL2114
- PTRL3001 Reservoir Engineering B
- PTRL3030 Reservoir Characterisation
- PTRL4011 Integrated Oil/Gas Field Evaluation B
- PTRL 4017 Well Technology
- PTRL4021/5011 Petroleum Production Engineering
- MINE8140 Mining Geomechanics
- MINE8440 Mining Industry Research Project 1
- MINE8445 Mining Industry Project II
- MINE8910 Mine Water and Waste Management
- MINE9910 Mine Ventilation Short Course
- PTRL5007 Fundamentals of Reservoir Engineering
- PTRL 5016 Well Completions and Stimulation
- PTRL5021 Reservoir Characterisation
- PTRL 5022 Drilling Systems Design and Optimisation
- PTRL5107 Petrophysics
- PTRL6007 Reservoir Engineering II
- PTRL 6016 Well Completions and Stimulation
- PTRL6021 Reservoir Characterisation
- PTRL6107 Petrophysics
- MINE3220 Resource Estimation
- MINE3310 Mining Geomechanics
- MINE3430 Mining Systems
- MINE4250 Hardrock Mine Design and Feasibility Project
- MINE4310 Mine Geotechnical Engineering
- MINE/PTRL (UG Research Thesis)
- MINE4952 UG Research Thesis
- MINE 5010 Fundamentals of Rock Behaviour
- MINE 5020 Geotechnical Assessment for Underground and Open Cut Mining
- PTRL2019 Reservoir Engineering A
- PTRL3015 Well Drilling Equipment and Operations
- PTRL3025 Petroleum Economics
- PTRL4010 Integrated Oil‐Gas Field Evaluation
- MINE8101 6UOC Fundamentals of Mining Engineering
- MINE8120 – 6UOC Hazard and Risk Identification (Distance mode)
- MINE8120 Hazard Identification, Risk and Safety Management
- MINE8130 Technology Management in Mining
- MINE8440 Mining Industry Research Project 1
- MINE8760 Mine Geology and Geophysics
- MINE8780 Environmental Management for the Mining Industry
- MINE8790 Advanced Mineral Economics and Project Evaluation
- MINE8820 Mineral Processing
- PTRL4012/5012 Enhanced Oil and Gas Recovery
- PTRL5010 Natural Gas Engineering
- PTRL5008 Petroleum Production Economics
- PTRL5009 Well Drilling Equipment and Operations
- PTRL5019 Reservoir Engineering A
- PTRL6001 Reservoir Engineering 1
- PTRL6009 Well Drilling Equipment and Operations
- PTRL6027 Casing Design & Cementing
- PTRL6032 Coal Seam Gas Engineering