Bruno Pegorari
Scientia PhD Candidate
Bruno Pegorari is a PhD Candidate and Scientia Scholar at the Faculty of Law and Justice UNSW, Sydney. He holds a master’s degree in International Law from the University of Sao Paulo (USP) and an LLB from the Pontifical Catholic University of Sao Paulo (PUC-SP). Pegorari has clerked for the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights (IACHR-OAS) in Washington DC before joining the Centre for Global Law and Development at the Getulio Vargas Foundation School of Law (FGV-SP) where he held the position of research associate for three years. He is also the founder and current coordinator of CAJIN, a collective that provides legal assistance to Indigenous communities in Brazil before international human rights institutions. Pegorari has received two grants from the SYLFF Association of the Tokyo Foundation for Policy Research, Japan to write his master's dissertation and implement a Leadership Initiative (SLI) Project.
Areas of research
The rights of Indigenous peoples, international adjudication, human rights, critical approaches to international law.
Natalie Klein, Jonathan Bonnitcha, Lucas Lixinski
- Publications
- Awards
- Grants
- Media
- Bruno Pegorari et al, ‘A Comment on Chimni’s “Third World Approaches to International Law: A Manifesto”’ in Michelle Sanchez Badin, Fabio Morosini and Arthur Capella (eds), Critical Readings of International Law (Almedina, 2020).
- Bruno Pegorari, ‘The Clash of Jurisdictions and the Dialogue of Robes: a dialogical solution for the interpretative conflict between the Brazilian Supreme Court and the Inter- American Court of Human Rights on Indigenous Peoples’ in Wagner Menezes (ed), International Law in Expansion VI (Arraes 2016) 481-500.
- Carlos Carreira and Bruno Pegorari, ‘The Principle of Self-determination as legal source: the idea of collectiveness and struggle of peoples in light of the African Court of Human and Peoples Rights’ jurisprudence’ in Wagner Menezes (ed), International Tribunals and the Sources of International Law (Arraes 2016) 53-60.
- Bruno Pegorari et al, ‘The common identity and problems of Indigenous Peoples in Latin America: searching for a homogenous solution through the
- Inter-American Human Rights System’s interpretation in Ana C P Pereira and Wagner Menezes (eds) International Law and International Relations in Latin America (Arraes 2015) 97-112.
- Bruno Pegorari, Indigenous Peoples, Consent and Rights: Troubling Subjects, by Stephen Young, Oxford and New York, Routledge, 2019, 276 pp., AUD$ 228.06 (hardback), ISBN: 978-0-367-34462-7 [2021] Australian Journal of Human Rights Book Review.
- Douglas Castro and Bruno Pegorari, ‘The International Institutions as Promoters of Systemic and Symbolic Violence? Feminist Approach to the Climate Change Regime’ [2018] 15(1) Brazilian Journal of International Law 106-122.
- Castro D; Pegorari B, 2018, 'International climate change regime as a promoter of colonial systemic and symbolic violence: Its relationship with international environment security and food system thru the lens of feminist approach', Brazilian Journal of International Law, vol. 15, pp. 106 - 122,
- Bruno Pegorari, ‘The “time frame” thesis as restrictive interpretation of indigenous peoples’ right to traditional land in Brazil: A Contrast with the Inter-American approach’ [2017] 4(1) ARACÊ Human Rights Law Review 246-262.
- Bruno Pegorari and others, ‘The Brazilian Cases at the Inter-American Court of Human Rights: an assessment of its interpretative contribution for the Human Rights Law’ [2017] 426(1) Forense Law Review 93-125.
- Bruno Pegorari and others, ‘The Effectiveness of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights: a jurisprudential analysis’ [2017] 426(1) Forense Law Review 93-125.
- Lucas Laurentis and Bruno Pegorari, ‘The Relationship Between Constitutional and International Law: The Limits and Foundations of Ius Cogens in International Law’ [2014] 2(1) Electronic Brazilian International Law Review 1-22.
- Bruno Pegorari ‘Why Brazil cannot denounce ILO C-169 without adequate consultation and how Indigenous and Quilombola organisations can stop it’ (ILA BRAZIL BLOG, 21 May 2021)
- Bruno Pegorari and others ‘Indigenous Peoples’ Land Rights: Brazilian State in the dock” (Due Process of Law Foundation Blog, 12 March 2018) (Spanish version)
- Bruno Pegorari and others ‘Indigenous Peoples’ Land Rights: Brazilian State in the dock” Nexo Journal (São Paulo, 26 December 2017)
- Bruno Pegorari and Luis H Pecora ‘Infringement of Rights as State Policy: a commentary to the recent declarations of the President of FUNAI’ Justificando Carta Capital (São Paulo, 12 April 2017)