Thomas Mulder
PhD Candidate
Thomas commenced his PhD candidature with the Faculty of Law at UNSW in 2019. His PhD thesis is on the role of solidarity in international disaster relief law.
Previously, Thomas has completed degrees in international law at the University of Groningen (LLB) and the University of Edinburgh (LLM). At the latter, he was awarded the W.A. Wilson prize for the best dissertation. Thomas has also worked as a research assistant on various projects.
Before coming to UNSW, Thomas was a teacher at primary schools in Hong Kong. Thomas’s thesis examines the role of the principle of solidarity in the emerging field of international disaster response law. It studies the meaning and legal status of the principle of solidarity in international law and explores how this principle impacts or could impact the development of international disaster response law.
Areas of research
International Disaster Law, International Development Law, International Humanitarian Law, Global Health Law
Sarah Williams, Aline Jaeckel
Publications and presentations
- ‘Ebola in West Africa: Lessons to Strengthen the WHO International Health Regulations’ (2015) Global Health Law Groningen Blog
- ‘Justice for Victims of Flight MH17: Alternatives to an International Tribunal after Russia’s Veto’ (2016) 2 ELSA Law Review 145
Journal articles
- Mulder, Simm, Williams, 'Regime Interaction and the Protection of Refugees during COVID-19’ Yearbook of International Disaster Law (yet to be published)
- Mulder T, 2016, 'Justice for Victims of Flight MH17: Alternatives to an International Tribunal after Russia’s Veto', ELSA Law Review, pp. 145 - 168
Working Papers
- Mulder T, 2015, Ebola in West Africa: Lessons to Strengthen the WHO International Health Regulations, Global Health Law Blog Groningen
- Publications
- Awards
- Grants
- Media