Media, Intellectual Property & Technology Law
Specialise your studies in the Master of Laws.
Specialise your studies in the Master of Laws.
New media is becoming an increasingly dominant form of mass communication, challenging established frameworks with disruptive technology. Individuals from various backgrounds must now understand how the law affects and regulates their activities in this environment. Media laws influence how people communicate and how both old and new media operate. To cope with the regulatory impact of this increased reliance on the digital sphere, established legal doctrines such as defamation and privacy are being used in new ways.
Meanwhile, intellectual property laws incentivise new creations, create value in the form of property with legally enforceable rights, and limit how others may access and use those creations. Fast-emerging developments such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), blockchain and bio-technologies raise questions about the legal rights and responsibilities that accompany the usage of new technologies.
This Master of Laws specialisation develops a depth of knowledge through a strong theoretical and practical understanding of the different laws and regulatory issues that can arise in the context of new and old media, intellectual property and technology law.
Solid command of the language and principles of media and communications law, intellectual property law, and/or technology law.
Improved understanding of how media law, intellectual property law and technology law impact upon everyday life and regulate commercial activities, and the restrictions and opportunities created by these laws.
Ability to understand the ever-changing Australian and international institutional contexts in which media and communications law, intellectual property law, and/or technology law are created and applied.
Ability to command at least one specialised subfield of media and communications law, intellectual property law, and/or technology law.
Lawyers working across media law and regulation of the media industry, intellectual property law and the capture of the commercial value of innovation, and/or the law relating to the regulation of technology (if you also hold a LLB/JD).
Journalists and other media professionals working across the legal and government sectors.
Scientists, engineers and other STEM professionals who have the knowledge and strategies for protecting their innovative developments.
Business professionals who work in the media, intellectual property and/or technology field.
Those with professional experience in:
legal practice
media, advertising, communication and marketing industry
STEM-related disciplines
university innovation and innovation management
owning and operating businesses of all sizes.
Overseas elective available as part of your specialisation: