PhD Candidate

Functional and anatomical changes following treatment for Meibomian gland dysfunction.

Tanzina Akter
PhD Candidate

Comparing the prevalence rate of exoU and exoS P. aeruginosa in keratitis, their antimicrobial resistance and possession of virulence factors.

PhD Candidate

Development of keratitis disease-specific item banks to measure the quality-of-life parameters

PhD Candidate

Neuroimmunology in ocular allergy

Zayn Al-Timimi head shot
Masters Degree (Research)

What matters to patients undergoing glaucoma surgery? A Qualitative Study and Discrete Choice Experiment

PhD Candidate

Economic evaluations of Acanthamoeba keratitis treatment

Allan Ared profile
PhD Candidate

The Significance Of Corneal & Ocular Responses To Rubbing-Related Trauma In Keratoconus

PhD Candidate

Myopia treatment and controlling specific item bank development to measure quality of life. 

PhD Candidate

Dry eye matrix

Headshot of Ayisha Atiya
PhD Candidate

Eye hand co-ordination in amblyopia before and after vision therapy

Headshot of Md Abdullah Aziz
PhD Candidate

Development of contact lenses that can deliver effective doses of atropine to the eyes to control the development of myopia

PhD Candidate Shyam Mishra Baishnab
PhD Candidate

Development of Biologically Responsive Biomaterials Against Bacterial Colonisation

PhD Candidate

Development of ocular surface disease (OSD) specific item bank to measure quality of life parameters

PhD Candidate

Tear film biomarker in Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

Rene Cheung
PhD Candidate

Barriers to multimodal retinal imaging in primary eye care

Meseret Alem Damtie headshot
PhD Candidate

The impact of Antibiotic Resistance on Innate immune response.

PhD Candidate Rebecca Dang
PhD Candidate

Efficacy of multifocal soft contact lenses in the control of progressive myopia in children

PhD Candidate

Investigation of the effect of Intense Pulsed light therapy to improve the symptoms and signs of contact lens discomfort.

PhD Candidate

Impact of environmental factors on meibomian gland function and tear film lipid production

PhD Candidate

Antimicrobial Peptides

PhD Candidate

Characterizing the structure-biological activity relationship of dual-acting antimicrobials as an approach for combating drug resistance by S. aureus and P. aeruginosa.

Natalie Eshow Headshot
PhD Candidate

Developing highly translatable tools to assist optometrist in identifying individuals with high risk of vision loss from age-related macular degeneration

PhD Candidate

The Exploration of Natural History of Meibomian gland Dysfunction

Tim Fricke
PhD Candidate

Global vision impairment epidemiology

PhD Candidate
Leyla Haghzare Headshot
Masters Degree (Research)

The perceptual experience of body ownership in virtual reality (VR)

PhD Candidate

Nutrition and Its Impact on Dry Eye Disease

Profile picture of Sharon Ho
PhD Candidate

The efficacy and implementation of primary care clinical decision support tools in retinal disease

PhD Candidate Fatima Iqbal
PhD Candidate

Longitudinal Changes in Meibomian Gland Morphology

PhD Candidate

Ability of bacteriophages to control microbial keratitis caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

PhD Candidate

The ocular surface in migraine

PhD Candidate

Impact of bushfire smoke on eye surface.

PhD Candidate
PhD Candidate

Development and validation of AI based deep learning algorithm for the prediction of systemic and ocular abnormalities from retinal optical coherence tomography and fundus photographs.

PhD Candidate

Ameliorative effect of Sitagliptin and Celery Seeds extract (Ajwain) in Alloxan induced diabetic rats

PhD Candidate

Applying novel techniques and technologies to gain newer insight in early AMD

PhD Candidate

Comparison of ocular response, comfort and corneal curvature during daily disposable silicone hydrogel contact lens wear.

Masters Degree (Research)

Refugee and People Seeking Asylum’s access to Eye Care in NSW

PhD Candidate

Improving the safety profiles of new antimicrobials

PhD Candidate

The antimicrobial efficacy of human tear lipids.

Mohammadreza Moniritilaki headshot
PhD Candidate

The relation between pupil light reflex and behavioural and structural changes in patients with glaucoma.

PhD Candidate

Integration of artificial intelligence and telehealth technologies in eye care systems.

PhD Candidate

Public health impact of driving participation for young adults who use bioptics for driving: safety, value and policy

PhD Candidate

Using virtual reality to understand subjective visual judgments in myopia

PhD Candidate

Limbal Stem Cell Deficiency in Contact Lens wearers

PhD Candidate

Computer Vision for Human Movement Analysis in Healthcare

PhD Candidate

Machine Learning and Deep Learning Approaches for Ocular Disease Prediction

PhD Candidate

Characteristics of ocular surface immune cells in dry eye disease of various sub-types

PhD Candidate

Improving contact lens compliance

PhD Candidate

Development of Biologically Active Biomaterials Against Bacterial Colonisation 

PhD Candidate

Quantify habitual NVB in myopic children undergoing myopia control treatment.

Profile picture of Sidra Sarwat
PhD Candidate

In vitro & in vivo bioimaging of tear film using silicon quantum dots

PhD Candidate

The role of enterotoxins in Staphylococcus aureus Keratitis

Empty profile image
PhD Candidate
PhD Candidate

Formulation and Evaluation of Bacteriophage Cocktail to Eradicate Biofilms Formed by Multi Drug-Restistant (MDR)

PhD Candidate

Quantify habitual NVB in myopic children undergoing myopia control treatment.

PhD Candidate

The utility of axial length measurements with and without ocular parameters in myopia management.

Elisa Wang
PhD Candidate

Attitudes and Barriers to Care in Age-Related Macular Degeneration (The ABCs of AMD).

PhD Candidate

Glaucoma in the context of the Australian Eye and Ear Health Survey