Our large-scale coastal microbial observatory program investigates the temporal and spatial dynamics of microbial communities in the water column. We observe sediments and coral, seaweeds, sponges and seagrasses.
Despite the lack of sunlight and nutrients, many deep-sea environments are full of coral reefs and sponge gardens. We’re aiming to understand how the metabolic capacity and versatility of symbiotic bacteria support their growth.
Using new knowledge of microbial functions and innovative approaches in experimental ecology, we aim to develop bacterial consortia that benefit seaweeds.
This project aims to determine the function of eukaryotic-like proteins (ELPs) from bacterial symbionts of sponges and apply this knowledge to develop new tools for biotechnology.
Disease in marine communities has increased, likely due to human impacts. We’re investigating bacterial virulence and environmental factors to understand the impact of disease on seaweeds.
Crocodiles can swim at high speed while barely making a ripple at the surface. Replicating this could have implications for submarine design. We evaluate it using theory, modelling and lab experiments.
This project integrates the relationship between biodiversity and functioning of communities with the new biological paradigm of holobionts that organisms are the entirety of the host plus its associated microbiome.
Recent human gut research has revealed the fundamental importance of microorganisms to human health, linking strongly with disease and overall health. Far less is known about gut microbiomes and host health in non-human vertebrates.