Collaborating Organisations
Homeless Team (Clinical Services Integration & Population Health), RPA Virtual Hospital SLHD, The Haymarket Foundation.
Key Funders
Project Type
Current project
Individuals experiencing homelessness and residing in boarding houses in the Sydney metropolitan region face a range of challenges in accessing and receiving necessary medical services. The Virtual Health Hub Model of Care will be utilised to provide telehealth solutions to promote accessible and comprehensive healthcare services for this population. CPHCE was enlisted to support the evaluation of the Virtual Model in the first pilot location.
Chief Investigators
- Cathy O’Callaghan CPHCE, UNSW
- Margo Barr, CPHCE, UNSW
- Fiona Haigh HERDU, UNSW
- Paul Clenaghan, Clinical Services Integration, SLHD
- Jude Page, Clinical Services Integration, SLHD
Project Coordinator
Homeless Team (Clinical Services Integration & Population Health), SLHD
Project Rationale
People experiencing homelessness face a range of unique and complex health needs and face challenges accessing health services. SLHD have developed the Virtual Health Hub Model of Care using RPA Virtual Hospital to ensure better access to and continuity of care for these populations. Initially the service will be trialled in a short-term accommodation model (Haymarket Foundation) with the aim of expanding to other sites. By leveraging virtual health technologies, the model aims to bridge the gap and provide essential medical services directly to these communities. This project will evaluate the Virtual Health Hub Model for people experiencing homelessness including assessing the accessibility, efficiency and cost effectiveness, technological infrastructure, quality of care, outcomes and impact of the Virtual Health Hub at the pilot site Haymarket Foundation.
Project Design and Method
- Document review (patient data, patient database, types of consultation, staff time and costs)
- Patient Experience Reported Measures and Patient Outcome Reported Measures
- Interviews with service providers at RPA Virtual, Virtual Health Hub, Haymarket Foundation and other key stakeholders
Dr Cathy O’Callaghan
Tel: 9065 6735
Email: c.ocallaghan@unsw.edu.au
Health System Integration and Primary Health Care Development | Action for Equity
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