Lab access how-to

Students studying Biomedicine in labs

The School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering (MME) provides and maintains an extensive number of laboratories for student and staff use in Willis Annexe, Building J18.

The following represents a checklist to obtain access.

Process to obtain lab access

We are now using Power Automate Flow to automate the lab access acquisition, and below is a guide for new lab users.

1. Discuss which lab and equipment you require access to with your Academic supervisor.

  • Confirm which lab and equipment you need to use. If you are unsure about your decisions, please discuss them with your supervisor or contact Tamsin Peters (Lab Manager J18) for guidance.

2. Complete an HSE orientation quiz ( We require a score of 100/100 to pass the quiz. If you have passed this quiz before, go to the next step.

3. Compete for the required online courses for the lab you require access to, and course requirements can be seen below.

4. Submit an induction request form (, where you can select multiple labs as suggested by your supervisors.

5. Once your request has been approved by your supervisors and Health & Safety Advisor, you will receive an email notification. The relevant technical officers will schedule on-site lab inductions with you.

6. Your access will be granted to your student/staff card within the next workday once you confirm induction attendance through Team Approvals.

7. For any technical inquiry about this Induction Flow, please get in touch with

Access to equipment

1. Discuss with your Technical Officer how training can be arranged and how to book equipment. You will need to read specific Safe Work Procedures (SWP’s) for that equipment and ’declare as read’.

2. Apply as a new user on the ACLS website: Select School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering in Faculty and School.

Access to a class 3B or 4 laser lab

ONLY IF you need to use a lab that contains class 3B or 4 lasers, contact your laser lab technical officer or the School's Laser Safety Officer via email

1. Read this RMF on SafeSys and click 'declare as read' : RMF-0000398: Safe use of the Lasermet Interlock Systems for class 3B and class 4 lasers in Willis Annexe

2. Laser users must start with the Laser Safety Awareness training course. The course is available to all staff & students via UNSW Research and Ethics Compliance Support -> Lasers -> Laser Training

All laser lab users must enrol in and complete the Laser Safety Awareness training course which can be enrolled in via the expression of interest form on the RECS Lasers website.

3. In addition to the above you will do one of the following:

Personal protective equipment and clothes (PPE&C)

The purpose of this Protocol is to provide information about the mandatory Personal Protective Equipment, including protective clothing, wherever it has been identified as a risk control measure across the MME Laboratories.

This protocol applies to all staff and students who undertake any activity on behalf of the MME laboratories, where PPE has been chosen as a risk control measure. It applies in mechanical, chemical and biological laboratories, and workshops. This protocol does not apply to designated computer laboratories.