Use microwave generation and detection equipment to investigate various phenomena associated with electromagnetic radiation. Microwaves operate at a larger physical scale than visible light so students can better develop a 'feel' for what is happening.
- Measure and develop an understanding of interference, including double slit interference.
- Measure and develop an understanding of polarisation.
- Optional investigations (less than 36 sets available).
- Simulation of fibre optics.
- Michelson Interferometer.
- Bragg scattering.
Links to Stage 6 Physics Syllabus Content
PH12-14/Light: Wave Model
- Conduct investigations to analyse quantitatively the interference of light using double slit apparatus and diffraction gratings. (ACSPH116, ACSPH117, ACSPH140)
- Analyse the experimental evidence that supported the models of light that were proposed by Newton and Huygens. (ACSPH050, ACSPH118, ACSPH123).
- Conduct investigations quantitatively using the relationship of Malus’ Law for plane polarisation of light, to evaluate the significance of polarisation in developing a model for light.
- Conduct investigations to analyse qualitatively the diffraction of light. (ACSPH048, ACSPH076).