Our school management team

Sky with a trail of stars revolving on the polar star indicating where north is on a lake.

The School of Physics UNSW 

Head of School - Sarah Brough

Deputy Head of School - Julian Berengut

School Manager - Katie McBean

Research Director  - Rajib Rahman

Teaching Director - Peter Reece

Higher Year Director - Elizabeth Angstmann

First Year Director - Kate Jackson

Honours Director - Michael Schmidt

Culture Director - Jesse van de Sande

Postgraduate Coordinators (Admissions) -  Dennis StelloOleg Sushkov, Yvonne Wong

Postgraduate Coordinators (Progression) - Jan Hamann and Michael Ashley

Occupational Health and Safety Chair - Clemens Ulrich

Equity Diversity and Inclusion Committee Chair - Tom Dixon

Community Outreach Committee Chair - Caroline Foster

Higher Years Lab Manager - Tamara Reztsova

First Year Lab Director - Silvia Behar Harpaz