The Tribology and Machine Condition Monitoring Group studies the wear and fracture mechanisms of engineering and bio-engineering materials and systems.

We combine tribological characterisation with prognostics and health monitoring using vibration and alternative measurements (such as transmission error) and simulation. We use this to develop effective condition monitoring systems, which can diagnose faults and predict their evolution in the future (prognostics).

Some of the innovative projects conducted in this area include:

  • Gear and bearing diagnostics and prognostics
  • Lubrication and contact fatigue analysis of gear teeth
  • Simulation and operational modal analysis of machines and machine faults
  • Integrated approach for diagnostics and prognostics of internal combustion engine
  • Osteoarthritis assessment using wear debris analysis techniques
  • Wear and fatigue simulation
  • Nonlinear dynamics, vibration suppression
  • Kinetic energy harvesting