
This tutorial surveys the state of the art in quasi-Monte Carlo rendering algorithms as used for image synthesis in the movie industry and product design.

The synthesis of photorealistic images comprises the simulation of light transport, which consists in identifying all light transport paths that connect the cameras and the light sources and summing up their contributions. The tutorial explains how to generate transport paths using quasi-Monte Carlo points, and presents deterministic parallel algorithms for image synthesis.

The tutorial is self-contained, provides many references for further study and research, and points out open problems. Techniques like high performance ray tracing, the high speed generation of (t, s)-sequences, parallel quasi-Monte Carlo integration, or treating weak singularities in a robust way have many applications outside computer graphics, too.

**This tutorial is a special event of the MCQMC 2012 Conference. It is free and is open to all UNSW staff and students. 


Alexander Keller

Research Area

Applied Seminar


NVIDIA Research


Thu, 16/02/2012 - 5:00pm to 6:00pm


CATS Theatre G02, The Law Building