The School of Mathematics and Statistics is proud of its graduates and their achievements. They have developed expertise in analytical thinking, reasoning and problem-solving. These skills are widely valued, easily transferable and highly respected by a range of employers. Our graduates have produced exceptional research across diverse areas of mathematics. 

Accessing theses by past research students

Click on the links below to access the corresponding thesis. If there isn't a link provided below for a thesis you would like to access, you can search for it via the UNSWorks library.

  • Leyang Zhao, PhD, Regularized distributionally robust optimization and applications in finance (Statistics, Supervisors Spiridon Penev and Guoyin Li)

  • Christopher Bladwell, PhD, Water mass and time-averaging budget methods for understanding ocean salinity and temperature change (Applied, Supervisors Jan Zika, Ryan Holmes, John Church, Trevor McDougall)

    Daniel Boettger, PhDThe energetic, kinematic and geometric inception of wave breaking in deep and intermediate water (Applied, Supervisors Shane Keating, Michael Banner, Russel Morison and Xavier Barthelemey [Environment NSW])

    Yudhistira Bunjamin, PhD, Group divisible designs with block size four (Pure, Supervisors Catherine Greenhill, Diana Combe and Julian Abel)

    Zhi Yee Chng, PhD, On the Ramsey results of tree graphs versus generalised wheel graphs (Pure, Supervisors ThomasBritz, Anita Liebenau, Ta Sheng, Kok Bin Wong)

    Bill Deng, PhDThe RO(C2 x C2)-graded Cohomology of the Point and the Bredon Motivic Cohomology of the Real Field (Pure, Supervisors Mircea Voineagu and Daniel Chan)

    Youstina Elzahaby, PhDMarine Heatwaves in the Tasman Sea: 3D Characteristics, Drivers and Predictability (Applied, Supervisors Amandine Schaeffer and Moninya Roughan)

    Prosha Rahman, PhDStatistical Analysis on Complexly Structured Data (Statistics, Supervisors Scott Sisson and Boris Beranger)

    Dinh (Ryan) Tran, PhDNew Non-Convex Sparsity-Inducing Regularizations for Sparse Optimization (Applied, Supervisors Josef Dick, Thanh Tran and Guoyin Li)

    Honghui Wang, MSc, Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction Using Dynamics-based Deep Learning (Statistics, Supervisors Rohitash Chandra and Gustavo Batista)

    Kai Yi, PhDGeometric Deep Learning for High Dimensional Inference and Sampling (Statistics, Supervisors Scott Sisson, Yu Guang Wang, Yanan Fan and Jan Hamann)

    Hongyin Zhao, PhDDiagonality modulo symmetric spaces in semifinite von Neumann algebras (Pure, Supervisors Fedor Sukochev and Dmitriy Zanin)

  • Joshua Ho, PhDA General Theory of Affine Geometry and Two Extensions of Hoehn’s Theorem (Pure, Supervisors Daniel Chan and Norman Wildberger)

    Xiongwen Ke, PhDScalable Bayesian sparse learning in high-dimensional model (Statistics, Supervisors Josef Dick and Yanan Fan)

    Fiona Kim, PhD, Analysis of student evaluation of teaching surveys: assessing evidence of implicit bias using numerical and text data (Statistics, Supervisors Yanan Fan & Emma Johnston)

    Jeffrey Kwan, PhDAsymptotic analysis and ergodicity of the Hawkes process and its extensions (Statistics, Supervisors Feng Chen and William Dunsmuir)

    Yandong Lang, PhDMathematical and Physical Methods to Construct Approximately Neutral Surfaces (Applied, Supervisors Trevor McDougall, Geoff Stanley and Jan Zika)

    Thomas Lesgourgues, PhD, On the use of senders for minimal Ramsey theory (Pure, Supervisors Anita Liebenau and Catherine Greenhill)

    Guanting Liu, PhD, Essays on strong and weak approximations of stochastic differential equations (Statistics, Supervisors Leung Chan, Libo Li and Spiro Penev)

    Maeve McGillycuddy, PhD, Structured multivariate random effects in glmmTMB software for flexible mixed modelling with applications in ecology (Statistics, Supervisors David Warton and Gordana Popovic)

    Alan Stoneham, PhDAC(σ)-Operators and Functions of Bounded Variation (Pure, Supervisor Ian Doust)

    Zhuoshu (Kris) Wu, PhDOptimal Stopping Problems with A Random Time Horizon (Statistics, Supervisors Libo Li, Ben Goldys and Jake Olivier)

    Jiefei Yu, PhDPricing and hedging of VIX derivatives in modified stochastic models (Statistics, Supervisors Leung Chan and Feng Chen)

    Ashwaq Zarban, PhDPricing of Exchange and Vulnerable Exchange Option with Regime Switching (Statistics, Supervisors Donna Mary Salopek, David Colwell and Jake Olivier)

  • Meiram Akhymbek, PhDTrotter-Kato product formula and an approximation formula for a propagator in symmetric operator ideals (Pure, Supervisors Fedor Sukochev, Galina Levitina, Dmitriy Zanin)

    Michael Denes, PhDTransport and mixing by persistent and materially coherent ocean structures (Applied, Supervisors Gary Froyland and Shane Keating)

    Farah El Rafei, PhD, Existence, uniqueness and approximation of solutions to the stochastic Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation on the real line (Applied, Supervisors Thanh Tran and Ben Goldys)

    Zhe (Bruce) Han, MScA modulated renewal Hawkes process and its application to modelling extreme mid-price drops on cryptocurrencies (Statistics, Supervisors Feng Chen, Tom Stindl and William Dunsmuir)

    Max Kulinich, PhDA Markov chain method for weighting climate model ensembles and uncertainty estimation on spatially explicit data (Statistics, Supervisors Yanan Fan, Spiro Penev and Jason Evans (CCRC))

    Kevin Limanta, PhDSuper Catalan Numbers and Fourier Summations over Finite Fields (Pure, Supervisors Norman Wildberger and Daniel Chan)

    Sean Lynch, PhDThe Slivered Into Parts Method for Semilocal Zeta Functions (Pure, Supervisors Daniel Chan and Lee Zhao)

    Robert Nguyen, PhDNew Statistical Tools for Understanding Australian Sport (Statistics, Supervisors David Warton and Jakub Stoklosa)

    Gavin Robertson, PhDRoundness, Negative Type and Bi-lipschitz Embeddings Into Hilbert Space (Pure, Supervisors Ian Doust and Denis Potapov)

    Christopher Rock, PhDExtracting features from eigenfunctions: higher Cheeger constants and sparse eigenbasis approximation (Applied, Supervisors Gary Froyland and Mark Holzer)

    James Ross, MScSampling uniform hypergraphs with given degrees, (Pure, Supervisors Catherine Greenhill and Thomas Britz)

    Jun Ze Zhang, MScComplex structures on stratified Lie Algebras (Pure, Supervisors Alessandro Ottazzi and Professor Michael Cowling)

  • Saleh Salhan Almuthaybiri, PhDSolutions to differential equations via fixed point approaches: New mathematical foundations and applications (Applied, Supervisors Chris Tisdell and Chris Goodrich)

    Yi-Lung Chen, PhD, Advances in Monte Carlo methods: Exponentially tilted sequential proposal distributions and regenerative Markov chain samplers (Statistics, supervisor Zdravko Botev)

    Harry Crimmins, PhD, Statistical stability for deterministic and random dynamical systems (Applied, supervisor Gary Froyland)

    Elliot Dovers, PhD, Fast methods for fitting log-Gaussian Cox Process models in Ecology (Statistics, supervisor David Warton)

    Catheryn Gray, PhD, Mathematical modelling of Akt: insulin signalling and glucose metabolism (Applied, supervisor Adelle Coster)

    Michaela Hall, PhDMathematical modelling of human immunodeficiency virus and human papillomavirus disease transmission dynamics, natural history, and control interventions (Applied, supervisors John Murray, Karen Canfell and Adelle Coster)

    Ziyu (Nero) Li, MSc, Random Substitution Networks and Graph Fractal Dimensions (Pure, supervisor Thomas Britz)

    Daniel Mackinlay, PhD, Essays in simulation and stochastic processes (Statistics, supervisor Zdravko Botev)

    Eduardo Vitarelli de Queiroz, PhD, Characterising internal tides in a region of dynamic circulation: The East Australian Current at 27°S (Applied, supervisor Moninya Roughan)

  • Haya Aldosari, PhD, Asymptotic enumeration of sparse uniform hypergraphs, with applications (Pure, supervisor Catherine Greenhill)

    Shaymaa Al-Shakarchi, PhD, Isomorphisms of BV(σ) and AC(σ) spaces (Pure, supervisor Ian Doust)

    Fadi Antown, PhD, Linear response in dynamical systems: optimisation and finite-time coherent sets (Applied, supervisor Gary Froyland)

    Carlos Aya Moreno, PhD, Shape-preserving wavelet-based density estimation with applications to image analysis (Statistics, supervisor Spiro Penev)

    Vincent Chin, Applications of Bayesian mixed effects model (Statistics, supervisor Scott Sisson)

    Raveen de Silva, PhD, Maximum generalised roundness of graph metric spaces (Pure, supervisor Ian Doust)

    Simon Macourt, PhD, Exponential sums and additive combinatorics (Pure, supervisor Igor Shparlinski)

    Nina Ribbat, PhD, High Resolution Circulation of the Hawkesbury Shelf Region, SE Australia: Mean, Variability and Transport Pathways (Applied, supervisor Moninya Roughan)

    Thomas Scheckter, PhD, Martingale convergence techniques in noncommutative integration (Pure, supervisor Fedor Sukochev)

    Kam Hung Yau, PhD, Distribution of integers with prescribed arithmetic structure and applications (Pure, supervisor Igor Shparlinski)

  • Peter Ayre, PhDHypergraphs: colourability, contiguity and rigidity (Pure, supervisor Catherine Greenhill)

    Jinghao Huang, PhDDerivations with values into ideals of a semifinite von Neumann algebra (Pure, supervisor Fedor Sukochev)

    Manzoor Khan, PhDQuantification and Estimation of Regression to The Mean for Bivariate Distributions (Statistics, supervisor Jake Olivier)

    Adam Mammoliti, PhDOn the matching sequencibility, the Erdős-Ko-Rado Theorem and other unrelated stuff (Pure, supervisor Thomas Britz)

    Edward McDonald, PhDDouble Operator Integration with applications to Quantised Calculus (Pure, supervisor Fedor Sukochev)

    Anna McGann, PhDDerivation of fractional-order models from a stochastic process (Applied, supervisors Bruce Henry and Chris Angstmann)

    Ramanan Rajkumar, MScSearching for a counterexample to Kurepa’s conjecture in average polynomial time (Pure, supervisor David Harvey)

    Kylie-Anne Richards, PhDModelling the dynamics of the limit order book in financial markets (Statistics, supervisor William Dunsmuir)

    Carlos Rocha, PhDSimulated nutrient and phytoplankton dynamics in the East Australian Current system (Applied, supervisors Moninya Roughan and Paulina Cetina-Heredia)

    Timothy Siu, PhDOrder, randomness and orbit distributions for dynamics of birational maps over finite fields (Applied, supervisor John Roberts)

    Eve Slavich, PhD, Sources of Uncertainty in Ecological Modelling - Modelling species and multiple species distributions (Statistics, supervisor David Warton)

    Tom Stindl, PhDStatistical inference for renewal Hawkes self-exciting point processes (Statistics, supervisor Feng Chen)

    Wai Hong Tan, PhDPredicting the popularity of tweets using the theory of point processes (Statistics, supervisor Feng Chen)

    Sin Keong Tong, MScGeneralised inversion frequency distribution (Pure, supervisor Thomas Britz)

    Dominic VellaSpectral asymptotics associated with Dirac-type operators (Pure, supervisor Fedor Sukochev)

    Thomas WhitakerInnovative methods for the analysis of complex and non-standard data (Statistics, supervisor Scott Sisson) 

  • Zhi Yee Chng, MScOn aspects of Ramsey theory (Pure, supervisor Thomas Britz)

    Stephanie Clark, PhDAdvances in self-organizing maps for spatiotemporal and nonlinear systems (Statistics, supervisor Scott Sisson)

    Alexander Gilbert, PhDAlgorithms for numerical integration in high and infinite dimensions: Analysis, applications and implementation (Applied, supervisor Frances Kuo)

    Yoshihito Kazashi, PhDApproximation of random/stochastic partial differential equations (Applied, supervisors Ian Sloan and Quoc Le Gia)

    Eric Kwok, PhDDynamic isoperimetry on graphs and weighted Riemannian manifolds (Applied, supervisor Gary Froyland)

    Yuehua (Veronica) Li, PhDExploring roles of small-scale thermohaline structure on mixing and transport in the ocean (Applied, supervisor Trevor McDougall)

    Huan (Jaslene) Lin, PhDNovel likelihood-based inference for symbolic data analysis (Statistics, supervisor Scott Sisson)

    Firouzeh Noghrehchi, PhDMultiple imputation and access to likelihood based tools in missing data problems (Statistics, supervisors Spiridon Penev and Jakub Stoklosa)

    Gennady Notowidigdo, PhDRational trigonometry of a tetrahedron over a general metrical framework (Pure, supervisor Norman Wildberger)

  • Bryce Kerr, PhDOn certain exponential and character sums (Pure, supervisor Igor Shparlinski)

    Galina Levitina, PhDWitten index, spectral shift function and spectral flow (Pure, supervisor Fedor Sukochev)

    Gordana Popovic, PhDCovariance modelling and inference for multivariate discrete data in ecology (Statistics, supervisor David Warton)

    Guilherme Rodrigues, PhDNew methods for infinite and high-dimensional approximate Bayesian computation (Statistics, supervisor Scott Sisson)

    Thais Rodrigues, PhDPyramid quantile regression (Statistics, supervisor Yanan Fan)

    Juan Ignacio Ortega Piwonka, PhDStochastic models for optically trapped nanowires (Applied, supervisors Bruce Henry and Chris Angstmann)

    Benoit Pasquier, PhDThe ocean's global iron, phosphorus and silicon cycles: inverse modelling and novel diagnostics (Applied, supervisor Mark Holzer)

    Anna Tomskova, PhDMultiple operator integrals: development and applications (Pure, supervisor Fedor Sukochev)

    Damien Wee, PhDEstimation of observation driven volatility models with intractable likelihoods - A sequential Monte Carlo approach (Statistics, supervisors William Dunsmuir and Feng Chen)

    Xin Zhang, PhDProbabilistic modelling of symbolic data and blocking collapsed Gibbs Samplers for topic models (Statistics, supervisor Scott Sisson)

    Mengzhe Zhang, PhDPricing derivatives under regime-switching models (Statistics, supervisor Leung Chan)

    Wanchuang Zhu, PhDBayesian computation of random Markov field and and its application in medical images (Statistics, supervisor Yanan Fan)

  • Boris Beranger, PhDModelling the dependence structure of multivariate and spatial extremes (Statistics, supervisors Scott Sisson and Michel Padoan)

    Isaac Donnelly, PhDContinuous and discrete time stochastic transport (Appiied, supervisors Bruce Henry and Chris Angstmann)

    Xin Gao, PhDA generalization of the Beurling-Hedenmalm uncertainty principle (Pure, supervisor Michael Cowling)

    Ashish Goyal, PhDMathematical Modeling of Hepatitis D virus (Applied, supervisor John Murray)

    Sabarina Shafie, PhDMixed finite element methods for nonlinear equations: a priori and a posteriori error estimates (Applied, supervisor Thanh Tran)

    Louise Wilkinson, MScExchangeability and G-measures (Pure, supervisors Anthony Dooley and Ian Doust)

    Wei Wu, PhD,  Limitations of dynamic programming approach: singularity and time-inconsistency (Statistics, supervisor Ben Goldys)

    Houying Zhu, PhD, Discrepancy Bounds for Deterministic Acceptance-Rejection Samplers (Applied, supervisor Josef Dick)

  • Shaun de Roza, MSc, A quantitative approach to Szemeredi's theorem using Heisenberg nilmanifolds (Pure, supervisor Anthony Dooley)

    Randell Heyman, PhDTopics in divisibility: pairwise coprimality, the GCD of shifted sets and polynomial irreducibility (Pure, supervisor Igor Shparlinski)

    Nguyen Hong Le, PhDFour-Fold Symmetry in Universal Triangle Geometry (Pure, supervisor: Norman Wildberger)

    Francis Hui, PhDMixing it up: new methods for finite mixture modelling of multi-species data in ecology (Statistics, supervisor: David Warton)

    Kwok Aun Tan, MScA non-hydrostatic atmosphere model for the simulation of stratospheric mountain waves (Applied, supervisors: Bill McKee, Trevor McDougall)

    Yu-Heng Ting, MScChanges in southern ocean ventilation inferred from repeat hydrographies: a maximum entropy approach (Applied, supervisor: Mark Holzer)

    Bo Wang, PhDModelling Individual Claim Development Processes in Long Tail Insurance Products (Statistics, supervisor: William Dunsmuir)

    Yuguang Wang, PhDFiltered polynomial approximation on the sphere (Applied, supervisor: Ian Sloan)

  • Ali Alkhaldi, PhD, The parabola in universal hyperbolic geometry (Pure, supervisor Norman Wildberger)

    Joshua Capel, Classification of second-order conformally-superintegrable systems (Pure, supervisor Jonathan Kress)

    Nick Fewster-Young, A priori bounds and existence results for nonlinear systems of singular, second order boundary value problems (applied, supervisor Chris Tisdell)

    Kim Ngan Le, Numerical methods for the Maxwell-Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equations (Applied, supervisors Thanh Tran/Ben Goldys)

    Natalya Levenkova, MSc, Applications of graph theory to real-world networks (Pure, supervisor Catherine Greenhill)

    James Nichols, PhDQuasi-Monte Carlo methods with applications to partial differential equations with random coefficients (Applied, supervisors Frances Kuo and Ian Sloan)

    Stephen Maher, PhD, The Application of Recoverable Robustness to Airline Planning Problems (Applied, supervisor Gary Froyland)

    Stephen Sanchez, The p-negative type behaviour of finite metric spaces (Pure, supervisor Ian Doust)

    Robyn Stuart, Metastable sets in open dynamical systems and substochastic Markov chains (Applied, supervisor Gary Froyland)

    Ilya Tregubov, The shallow water equations on the unit sphere with scattered data (Applied, supervisor Thanh Tran)

    Julie Ellen Wood, The circulation on the continental shelf of south-eastern Australia from 2009 to 2013 (Applied, supervisor Moninya Roughan)

  • Daniel Mansfield, PhD, The critical dimension as an invariant of Type III odometers (Pure, supervisors Tony Dooley and Catherine Greenhill)

    Helen Macdonald, PhD, Numerical modelling of mesoscale eddies in the Tasman Sea (Applied, supervisor Moninya Roughan)

    Alexandr Usachev, PhD, Subclasses of Dixmier (singular) traces and related classes of measurable operators, PhD, (Pure, supervisors Fedor Sukochev and Denis Potapov)

    Ian Renner, PhD, Advances in presence-only methods in ecology (supervisor David Warton)

    Andrew Chernih, PhD, Multiscale Wendland radial basis functions and applications to solving partial differential equations (supervisors Ian Sloan, Rob Womersley and Thong Le Gia)

    Timothy Glass, PhD, Affine processes: invariant measures and convergence (Pure, supervisor Tony Dooley)

    Catheryn Gray, MSc, Sensitivity analysis of the insulin signalling pathway for glucose transport (Applied, supervisors Adelle Coster and Bruce Henry)

    Robert Hazlewood, PhD, Categorising the operator algebras of groupoids and higher-ranked graphs, (Pure, supervisor Astrid an Huef)

    Siti Amirah Abd Rahman, PhD, Freight train scheduling on a single line network (Applied, supervisor Gary Froyland)

    Cuong Viet Tran, PhD, Convergence of time series processes to continuous time limits (Statistics, supervisors William Dunsmuir and Ben Goldys)

  • Dale Roberts, PhDEquations with Boundary Noise (Pure, supervisor Tony Dooley)

    Hugo Bowne-Anderson, PhDThe explicit construction of orders on surfaces (Pure, supervisor Daniel Chan)

    Ognjen Stancevic, PhDEscape and metastability in deterministic and random dynamical systems (Applied, supervisor Gary Froyland)

    Peter Straka, PhDContinuous time random walk limit processes (Applied, supervisor Bruce Henry)

    Thanh Duong Pham, PhDPseudodifferential equations on spheres with spherical radial basis functions and spherical splines (Applied, supervisor Thanh Tran)

    Lester Hing Fung Tsang, MSc, Bootstrapping linear models, and its applications (Statistics, supervisors David Warton and Sally Galbraith)

  • Gareth Peters, PhDAdvances in approximate Bayesian computation and trans-dimensional sampling methodology (Statistics, supervisor Scott Sisson)

    Han Zhang, PhDLevy stochastic differential geometry with applications in derivative pricing (Pure, supervisor Tony Dooley)

    Nathan Pearce, PhDKernel methods for data analysis (Statistics, supervisor Matthew Wand)

    Jan Baldeaux, PhDHigher order nets and sequences (Applied, supervisor Iam Sloan)

    Mehera Kidston, PhDParameter optimisations of a marine ecosystem model in the Southern Ocean (Applied, supervisors Richard Matear and Mark Baird)

    Carlos TeixeiraOcean dynamics of Spencer Gulf (Applied, supervisor John Middleton)

  • 2009

    Shuling Chen, PhD, A study of term structure of interest rates - theory, modelling and econometrics (Statistics, supervisors Ben Goldys and William Dunsmuir)

    Atiya Zaidi, Existence and uniqueness of solutions to first order dynamic equations on time scales (Applied, supervisor Chris Tisdell)

    Therese Keane, PhD, Combat modelling with partial differential equations (Applied, supervisors James Franklin and Gary Froyland)

    Dalia Terhesiu, PhD, On the approximation of finite and infinite equilibrium states and some aspects of Young towers with non-integrable return function (Applied, supervisor Gary Froyland)

    Michael Roper, PhD, Implied volatility: general properties and asymptotics (Statistics, supervisor Ben Goldys)

    Zhi Jun Guo, PhD, Small time asymptotics of implied volatility under local volatility models (Statistics, supervisors Ben Goldys and Rob Womersley)

    Rupert MacCallum, PhD, Generalisations of the fundamental theorem of projective geometry (Pure, supervisor Michael Cowling)

    Jim Pettigrew, PhD, Characterising Singular Curves in Parametrised Families of Biquadratics (Applied, supervisors John Roberts and Bruce Henry)

    Ibrahim Alhawari, MSc, High resolution non-hydrostatic numerical simulations for wind energy assessment over Libya (Applied, supervisor Russel Morison)


    Stephen Howe, PhD, The deprioritised approach to prioritised algorithms (Pure, supervisor Catherine Greenhill)

    Caroline Ummenhofer, PhD, Interannual to interdecadal extra-tropical climate variability (CEDL, supervisor Matthew England)

    Danesh Jogia, PhD, Algebraic aspects of integrability and reversibility in maps (Applied, supervisor John Roberts)

    Robert Taggart, PhD, Evolution equations and vector-valued Lp spaces: Strichartz estimates and symmetric diffusion semigroups (Pure, supervisor Michael Cowling)

    Terence Jegaraj, PhD, On small time asymptotics of solutions of stochastic equations in infinite dimensions (Statistics, supervisor Ben Goldys)

    Ariyani, PhD, The generalized continuous wavelet transform on Hilbert modules (Pure, supervisors Tony Dooley and Astrid an Huef)


    Raed Raffoul, PhD, Functional calculus and coadjoint orbits (Pure, supervisor Tony Dooley)

    Benjamin Waterhouse, PhD, New developments in the construction of lattice rules. Applications of lattice rules to high-dimensional integration problems from mathematical finance (Applied, supervisor, Ian Sloan)

    Paul Leopardi, PhD, Distributing points on the sphere: Partitions, separation, quadrature and energy (Applied, supervisors Ian Sloan and Rob Womersley)

    Alex Sen Gupta, PhD, Global ocean ventilation and Southern Hemisphere climate variability using observations, oceanic, atmospheric and coupled climate models (CEDL, supervisor Matthew England)

    Jack Hall, MSc, Some branching rules for GL(N,C) (Pure, supervisor Norman Wildberger)


    David Maher, PhD, Brownian motion and heat kernels on compact lie groups and symmetric spaces (Pure, supervisor Tony Dooley)

    Willem Sijp, PhD, The effect of the Drake Passage and subgrid-scale eddy parametrization on the global thermohaline circulation (CEDL, supervisor, Matthew England)

    Venta Terauds, PhD, Extensions of functional calculus for Banach space operators (Pure, supervisor, Ian Doust)

    Craig Arthur, PhD, The Flinders current and upwelling in submarine canyons (Applied, supervisor, John Middleton)

    Frank Reid, MSc, The weakly nonlinear stability of an oscillatory fluid flow (Applied, supervisor, Peter Blennerhassett)


    Ben Warhurst, PhD, Jet spaces as nonrigid Carnot groups (Pure, supervisor Michael Cowling)

    Ed Cripps, PhD, Bayesian variable selection and covariance selection in Gaussian linear regression (Statistics)

    Helen Armstrong, PhD, Bayesian estimation of decomposable Gaussian graphical models (Statistics, supervisor Rob Kohn)

    Agus Santoso, PhD, Evolution of climate anomalies and variability of Southern Ocean water masses on interannual to centennial time scales

    Xie Shuguang, PhD, Stochastic heat equations with memory in infinite dimensional spaces

    Jaclyn Brown, PhD, The kinematics and dynamics of cross-hemispheric flow in the Central and Eastern Equatorial Pacific (with CSIRO Marine Research, Hobart; winner of Royal Society of Tasmania's award for best PhD, 2007)

    Kevin Sun, MSc, Aspects of G2


    Peng Xu, PhD, A computational model for the assessment and prediction of salinisation in irrigated areas (Applied, supervisors Shao and Leslie)

    Bill Cruickshank, PhD, Vershik systems and non-singular ergodic theory (Pure, supervisor Tony Dooley)

    Josef Dick, PhD, Digital lattice rules: multivariate integration and discrepancy estimates (Applied, supervisor Ian Sloan)

    Kassem Mustapha, PhD, Analysis of fully discrete element methods with quadrature for second order nonlinear parabolic and hyperbolic problems (Applied, supervisors Ganesh and Sloan)

    Keith Rogers, PhD, Real and p-adic oscillatory integrals (Pure, supervisor Michael Cowling)

    Ann-Marie Wong, PhD, Deep convection processes off the coast of Adelie Land, East Antarctica (Applied, supervisors J.H.F. Middleton and W. McKee)

    Haixiong Zhuang, PhD, Parameterizations of atmosphere-ocean and atmosphere land surface interactions, with an application to the Australian Monsoon (Applied, supervisors Shao and Leslie)

    Eunjoo Jung, Numerical simulation of Asian dust events: the impacts of convective transport and wet deposition (Applied, supervisors Shao and Leslie)

    Glenn Grice, MSc, Constant speed flows and the nonlinear Schrodinger equation (Applied, supervisors C. Rogers and W. Schief)

    Oldrich Klima, MSc, Analysis of a subelliptic operator on the sphere in complex N-space (Pure, supervisor Michael Cowling)

    Catherine Morgan, MSc, Robust optimization with applications to naval force structure (Applied)


    Daniela Leonte, PhD, Flexible Bayesian modelling of gamma ray count data (Statistics, supervisor David Nott)

    Chi Mak, PhD, On complex reflection groups G (m,1,r) and their Hecke algebras (Pure, supervisor Jie Du)

    Bradley D. Morris, MSc, Infragravity waves on the Sydney Coast (Applied)

    Matthew Maccallum, Msc, The long term behavior of some interacting particle systems (Statistics)


    Moninya Roughan, PhD, On the East Australian Current: Upwelling and Separation (Applied, supervisor Jason Middleton) 

    An Li, PhD, Computational modelling of sediment entrainment and motion in atmospheric surface layer(Applied, supevisor Yaping Shao)

    Lixin Qi, PhD, Cut-off low pressure systems over southern Australia (Applied, supervisor Lance Leslie)

    Zhou Wang, PhD, A numerical model for the study of sediment diagenesis, iron-phosphorus dynamics, and microphytobenthos (Applied, supervisor Yaping Shao)

    Peter Robin Oke, PhD, The efffects of the East Australian Current on the nearshore zone (Applied, supervisor Jason Middleton) 

    Peter M. Tate, PhD, The rise and dilution of buoyant jets and their behaviour in an internal wave field (Applied)

    Atsushi Kawai, PhD, Pricing and hedging swaptions in the LIBOR market model (Stats/Applied, supervisors Ben Goldys/Rob Womersley)

    Eric Schulz, PhD, Air-Sea Flux Parametrizations in Shallow Tropical Sea (Applied, supervisors Brian Sanderson, Frank Bradley, Mike Banner)

    Kevin J. Dahl, PhD, Neural network applications of high frequency financial time-series prediction (Pure, supervisor Jim Franklin)


    Paul Rothnie, PhD, Bilinear integration and the Feynman-Kac formula (Pure, supervisor Brian Jefferies)

    Xuan Jiang, PhD, Non-ergodicity in symmetry Hamiltonians and the reliability of numerical simulations (Applied, supervisor Bruce Henry)

    Bruce William Buckley, PhD, Real-time prediction of significant weather near the Tasman Sea: High resolution numerical weather prediction studies (Applied, supervisor Lance Leslie)

    Peter Francis Coutis, PhD, Currents, coasts and cays: a study of tidal upwelling and island wakes (Applied, supervisor Jason Middleton)

    Peter Wright, PhD, On process capability indices for processes with symmetric tolerances (Stats, supervisor William Dunsmuir)

    Renato David Ghisolfi, PhD, Oceanic fronts off the southern Brazilian coast (supervisor Bill McKee)

    Jinbao Song, PhD, Breaking of surface gravity waves (Applied, supervisor Mike Banner)

    Chris Aiken, PhD, Stochastic forcing of nonnormal coastal flows (Applied, supervisor Jason Middleton)

    Zhanhai Gao, PhD, Modelling human immunodeficiency virus and Hepatitis C virus epidemics in Australia (Applied, supervisor John Murray)


    Clio Cresswell, PhD, The discrete Painleve equations: hierarchies, Backlund transformations and singularity confinement (Applied, supervisors Nalini Joshi and Bruce Henry)

    Kin Hoong Chung, PhD, Compact actions and harmonic analysis (Pure, supervisor Tony Dooley)

    Hua Lu, PhD, An integrated wind erosion modelling system with emphasis on dust emission and transport (Applied, supervisor Yaping Shao)

    Nino Toronjadze, PhD, The change set problem (Stats, supervisor E. Khmaladze)

    Karen Karmen Lau, PhD, Multistage quadratic stochastic programming (Applied, supervisor Rob Womersley)

    Helen Jane Reid, PhD, Modelling coastally trapped wind surges over southeastern Australia (Applied, supervisor Lance Leslie)

    Christopher Jude Amies, PhD, Mathematical optimisation of radiation treatment of tumours (Applied, supervisor J. Murray)

    Brenden Craig Ashton, PhD, Functions of bounded variation in two variables and AC(sigma) operators (Pure, supervisor Ian Doust)

    Anthony Joseph Corr, PhD, Finite dimensional representability of forward rate and LIBOR models (Statistics, supervisor Ben Goldys)

    Ekatherine Shinjikashvili, PhD, Extremes and probabilities of crossing high and medium levels (Statistics, supervisor E. Khmaladze)

    Xiang Wang, PhD, A new generalised Jacobian and its application in nonsmooth optimization (Applied, supervisor V. Jeyakumar)

    Jose Henrique Gomes de Mattos Alves, PhD, A saturation-dependent dissipation source function for wind-wave modelling applications (Applied, supervisor Mike Banner)

    Mauro Cirano, PhD, Wintertime circulation within the Southeast Indian Ocean: A numerical study (Applied, supervisor John Middleton)

    Duncan Smith, MSc, The families of period 1 of 2-groups of co-class 3 (Pure, supervisor Rod James)


    Gary Bruce Brassington, PhD, High order methods for computational geophysical fluid dynamics (Applied, supervisor Lance Leslie)

    Ian Roderick Campbell, PhD, On the application of the Takesaki-Bichteler representation theory to C*-algebra crossed products by actions and coactions (Pure)

    Parviz Irannejad, PhD, Impact of land surface scheme structure on the prediction of soil moisture and surface energy fluxes (Applied)

    Guanglu Zhou, PhD, Algorithms for variational inequalities and minimizing a sum of norms (Applied, supervisor. L. Qi)


    Leonie B. Burgess, PhD, Orthogonal main effect plans and an extension to resolution V

    Pritha Das, PhD, Modelling of ocean tides

    Andrew Francis, PhD, Centres and centralizers of Iwahori-Hecke algebras

    Mark T. Gibbs, PhD, Baroclinic processes in the Sydney coastal ocean 

    Jiuzhao Hua, PhD, Representations of quivers over finite fields

    Kenan M. Matawie, PhD, Recursive residuals in generalised linear models

    Bassam Mourad, PhD, Generalized doubly-stochastic matrices and inverse eigenvalue problems

    William L. Peirson, PhD, On the dynamics and kinematics of microscale-breaking wind waves

    Yi Zeng, PhD, Approximation of the boundary in Galerkin boundary element methods

    Yuan Zou, PhD, Weighted median filters and related nonlinear filters with applications in image processing

    Adrian D. Banner, MSc, The geometry of symmetric spaces and Clifford algebras 

    Marina Therese De Gabriele, MSc, Internal wave shear modes


    Genevieve Mortiss, PhD, Average co-ordinate entropy and a non-singular version of restricted orbit equivalence, 1997

    Gui Shan Li, PhD, Inference for the tail of a distribution using extreme order statistics, 1997

    Zengxin Wei, PhD, Convergence properties of some methods for nonlinear optimization, 1997

    Mark Tatam, PhD, Fluid dynamics of a thin film at an edge, 1997

    Eunice Mureithi, PhD, Effects of thermal buoyancy on the stability properties of bounday layer flows, 1997

    Wei Chen, PhD, An observational study of the variability of the ocean wind stress and sea surface roughness, 1997

    Milton S. Speer, PhD, Observational and modelling studies of Australian severe weather, 1997

    Jose Antonio M. Lima, PhD, Oceanic circulation on the Brazilian shelf break and continental slope at 22oS, 1997

    Tanudjaja Soetojo, PhD, American option valuation in Gaussian HJM, 1996

    Wilfried H. Paus, PhD, Sum of squares manifolds: the expressibility of the Laplace-Beltrami operator on pseudo-Riemannian manifolds as a sum of squares of vector fields, 1996

    Yuk Wing Cheng, PhD, Construction of optimal change-over designs, 1996

    Houyuan Jiang, PhD, Variational inequalities and complementarity problems, 1996

    Handan Cetin, PhD, Generalized linear mixed models in ANOVA and survival analysis settings, 1996

    Jennifer S.K. Chan, PhD, Regression models for correlated binary data, 1996

    Dimitrios Politis, MSc, Collocation and Galerkin methods for the approximate solution of linear and nonlinear differential equations, 1996

    Didi Prahara Mudigdo, MSc, A fully spectral iterative elliptic solver in sigma-coordinates, 1996

    Thang Cao, PhD, Adaptive and additive multilevel methods for boundary integral equations, 1995

    Julian Abel, PhD, On the existence of balanced incomplete block designs and transversal designs, 1995

    Timothy N. Langtry, PhD, Algebraic and diophantine methods in the investigation of lattice quadrature rules, 1995

    Brian Dorofaeff, PhD, An invariant associated with completely bounded approximate units on the Fourier algebra of a Lie group, 1995

    Rodney Halburd, PhD, Integrable systems: their singularity structure and coalescence limits, 1995

    Michael John Cornwall, PhD, Brownian motion and heat kernels in Lie groups, 1994

    Xiao Qi Yang, PhD, Generalized second-order directional derivatives and optimality conditions, 1994

    Tom Deniss, PhD, Three studies of ocean dynamics, 1994

    Andrew M.G. Forbes, PhD, Acoustic thermometry of ocean climate: precursors, 1994

    Michael Buckley, PhD, Estimation and inference for smooth signals, 1994

    Kian Hoe Chew, PhD, Edge colourings and total colourings of graphs and multigraphs, 1994

    Thanh Tran, PhD, Localisation and higher order averaging for boundary integral equations, 1994

    Xiaosu Zheng, MSc, Fully discrete qualocation methods for the first kind boundary integral equations, 1994

    Mark Johnston, MSc, Geometry and the Sine-Gordon equation, 1994

    Sann Myint, PhD, Modulated nonlinear waves, 1993

    Ian D. Hoffman, PhD, Lognormal processes in finance, 1993

    Geena Gwan, PhD, A polyhedral method for the three index assignment problem, 1993

    Yuan Wu, PhD, Repeated measures analysis, 1993

    Christopher K. Carter, PhD, On Markov chain Monte Carlo methods for linear space modelling, 1993

    Sudhana Subramani, MSc, On sums of singular values, 1993

    A.P. Snelson, MSc, Solving stochastic generalized networks, 1993

    Clyde Arnold McGilchrist, DSc for series of statistical papers, 1992

    Mark Craddock, PhD, Symmetry groups of partial differential equations and harmonic analysis, 1992

    Harapan Tobing, PhD, Recursive estimation for multivariate regression models, 1992

    Huu Hung Bui, PhD, Morita equivalence of crossed products, 1992

    Maria Caridad Natividad, MSc, Generalized convex alternative theorems and cone constrained optimization, 1992

    Chi Fan Schrijver, MSc, Positive trigonometric sums of Vietoris-Brown-Hewitt type, 1992

    Gui Shan Li, MSc, Some studies in the structure of ergodic flows, 1992

    Li-Shiang Wang, MSc, Algorithms for extended linear-quadratic programming, 1992

    Zhaorong Jiao, PhD, Generalized mixed models, 1991

    Hendra Gunawan, PhD, Maximal functions and harmonic analysis, 1991

    Madeleine L. Cahill, PhD, Two studies of the coastal ocean response to low frequency wind forcing, 1991

    Zi-jun Wang, PhD, Testing for extreme value domain of attraction and estimating high quantiles, 1991

    Huy Thang Cao, MSc, Positive solutions of potential systems involving Sobolev critical exponent, 1991

    Ratna Herdiana, MSc, Optimal drug regimens in compartment models, 1991

    Scott B. Power, PhD, Circulation in lakes, channels and the coastal ocean, 1990 


    Hang Fai Yeung, PhD, On some statistical phenomena concerning the number and size of summands in partitions of numbers, 1989

    James P. Denier, PhD, Perturbation methods in the theory of waves and bifurcation phenomena, 1989

    Jeffrey A. Hogan, PhD, Fourier uncertainty on groups, 1989

    Yi Yan, PhD, First kind boundary integral methods for two-dimensional potential problems with singularities, 1989

    David M. Byron, PhD, G exchangeability and the construction of distribution-free statistics, 1989

    Jennifer Randall, PhD, The heat equation and generalized Heisenberg groups, 1989

    Robert W. Rutledge, PhD, The use of geometric transformations in geostatistical estimation, 1989

    Yuzhou Yu, MSc, Neutral surfaces and some characteristics of the world's oceans, 1989

    Kevin P. Mansfleld, PhD, Induced representations of crossed products by coactions, 1988

    Brian R. Cullis, PhD, Analysis of repeated measures data from designed experiments, 1987

    David Angell, PhD, Mahler's method in transcendence theory, 1987

    Anthony E. Dixon, PhD, Topics on interfacial and surface waves, 1987

    Sunil Kumar, PhD, A new collocation-type method for the numerical solution of Hammerstein equations, 1987

    Robert J. Mills, PhD, A posteriori error estimates in computational fluid mechanics, 1987

    Barry Flynn, MSc, Some properties of modular equations and the partition function, 1987

    Bernard Kachoyan, PhD, Stability in finite containers, 1986

    Robert Sing Yan Wong, PhD, On the dictionary between ergodic transformations, Krieger factors and ergodic flows, 1986.

    Susanti Lianto, PhD, Recursive estimation in the general linear model, 1986

    Ian Boyd, PhD, A mathematical model of the business cycle, 1986

    Shahaboddin Ghahreman, PhD, Extrema of Gaussian processes by simulation, 1986

    Milan Pahor, MSc, The structure of certain twisted crossed products, 1986

    Paul Racki, MSc, Fourier uncertainty inequalities, 1985

    Percy P.H. Gessa, MSc, A Fourier approximation method for steady waves over two layers of fluid of different densities, 1985

    Samuel Krass, PhD, The n-dimensional Diophantine approximation constants, 1984

    Fernando Viera, PhD, The generation of water waves by travelling pressure disturbances, 1984

    Peter G. Hornby, PhD, Eigenvalue approximation methods for quantum lattice hamiltonians, 1984

    Kar Hung Wong, PhD, On the computational algorithms for the time-lag optimal control problems, 1984

    Mark Francis Collins, PhD, Distribution-free tests of subhypotheses, 1984

    Kamel Ariffin bin Mohd Atan, PhD, Newton polyhedra and estimates for exponential sums, 1984

    Richard J. Wilson, PhD, A study of model random fields, 1984

    Claus Petr, MSc, Positive solutions of a nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation, 1984

    Dennis Acreman, PhD, Asymptotic analysis of partition identities, 1983

    Victor Charles Drastik, PhD, Minimum mean squared error estimation, 1983

    Lindsay A. Peters, PhD, Solutions of field equations in general relativity with spinor connection, 1983

    Philip John Kachoyan, PhD, Non-linear effects in laminar flow over wavy surfaces, 1983

    Leslie J. Hills, PhD, Time series in medical research, 1983

    Jane Marie Lake, PhD, Raikov systems and abstract harmonic analysis, 1982

    P.M. Duxbury, PhD, Finite lattice methods in one and two dimensional quantum spin systems, 1982

    John Forbes Hughes, PhD, Invariants of regular homotopy and bordism of low dimensional immersions, 1982

    Francis G. Garvan, MSc, Some congruence properties of the partition function, 1982

    Zhan Sheng Wu, PhD, On the optimal control of a class of hyperbolic systems, 1981

    Peter Petocz, PhD, Upcrossings by oscillatory processes and their envelopes, 1981

    Judy M. Simpson, PhD, The genetic analysis of quantitative traits in humans, 1981

    Ronald Lindsay Sandland, PhD, Stochastic growth processes, 1980

    Donald W. Reid, PhD, On the computational methods for the optimal control of distributed parameter systems, 1980

    Kenneth Reid Vost, PhD, Temperature prediction in underground airways, 1980

    Felicity Alison Dewar, MSc, Solution of Fredholm integral equations by the Galerkin and iterated Galerkin methods, 1980


    Michael D. Hirschhorn, PhD, Developments in the theory of partitions, 1979

    Neil Ormerod, PhD, Integral kernels and Dirichlet series, 1979

    Hugh Macpherson, PhD, Some studies of wave-seabed interactions, 1979

    A.C. Gleeson, PhD, The statistical analysis of plant control experiments, 1978

    Sahala N. Nababan, PhD, On the optimal control of delay differential systems, 1978

    John M. Murray, MSc, On a computational algorithm for a class of time-delay optimal control problems, 1978

    Andrew M. Adams, MSc, Applications of the Gelfond-Baker method to elementary number theory, 1978

    Richard Nicholas Reddan, MSc, Translation properties of measures and Nemytskii sets, 1978

    Alan G. De'ath, MSc, The influence of topography and a shear current on progressive waves in a non-Boussinesq fluid, 1978

    Geoffrey H. Smith, PhD, Analytic extension of Riemannian manifolds, 1977

    David Mooney, MSc, On the Diophantine equation xm + ym = zn, 1977

    Ian Boyd, MSc, Optimal control of production firm models, 1977

    Robert O. Blackwell, PhD, Some existence theorems in the theory of doctrines, 1976

    Peter Nickolas, PhD, Free topological groups and free products of topological groups, 1976

    Leigh Sneddon, MSc, The application of decimation renormalization transformations to the critical behaviour of two-dimensional Ising spin systems, 1976

    Robert J. Adler, PhD, Excursions above fixed levels by random fields, 1975

    Michael Charles Cullinan, PhD, On the structure of geometries with spinor-type connexion, 1975

    Peter G. Gipps, PhD, Development and manipulation of mathematical models of traffic flow, 1975

    Robert William Perry, PhD, Analytic functions over Banach algebras, 1975

    Lyle Beresford Shaw, PhD, Thermal conductivity of liquid metals, 1975

    Andrew Ian Macfarlane, MSc, Topological objects in elementary topoi, 1975

    Neville de Mestre, PhD, Low-Reynolds-number flows : the application of fundamental singularities, 1974

    Sangbok David Hahn, PhD, Variabilities of hydrological properties of coastal waters off eastern Australia and their associated factors, 1974

    Geoffrey Peter Kirkwood, PhD, A discrete Round Robin queueing model, 1974

    Geoffrey Lewis, PhD, Coherence for a closed functor, 1974

    John Robert Macdonald, PhD, Some aspects of the Hartree-Fock method, 1974

    Gregory Charles Leonard Searle, PhD, A sequential test with power one and its application to cusum charts, 1974

    Peter N. Jones, MSc, Analysis of hydrological recession curves, 1974

    Peter Lind, MSc, Properties of and estimation in the Thomas distribution, 1974

    John William Rice, PhD, Functional calculi and the structure of operators, 1973

    Sam H. Huxham, PhD, Probability models and extreme value theory, 1973

    Peter G. Gipps, MSc, Response surfaces under transformations of the independent variables, 1973

    Don Julian Bennett, MSc, Paired comparisons with more than two response categories, 1973

    Ronald James McKay, PhD, Simultaneous procedures in discriminant and regression analysis, 1973

    Brian John Day, PhD, Construction of biclosed categories, 1970

    Roman M. Matlak, PhD, Study of limit cycles of an autonomous system of differential equations, 1970

    James M. McPherson, PhD, Wild knots and arcs in a 3-manifold, 1970

    Jane E. Reeves, PhD, Bayesian estimation in the first-order auto-regressive series, 1970

    Before 1970

    Lynne Billard, PhD, Sequential tests for two-sided alternative hypotheses, 1969

    Phillip Morris Diamond, PhD, Fractional iteration of functions of several variables, 1969

    Anthony J. Guttmann, PhD, Numerical studies in phase transition, 1969

    Christopher Lucas, PhD, Theoretical problems in the quantum mechanics of a three nucleon system, 1969

    Douglas J. Mitchell, PhD, Statistical mechanics of assemblies of charged particles, 1969

    Peter G. Trotter, PhD, A canonical basis for ideals of polynomials in several variables and with integer coefficients, 1969

    Warren P. Wood, PhD, Waves in neutral and ionized gases, 1969

    Peter Anthony O'Kelly, PhD, A feasibility study of trial function methods for the computation of optimal controls, 1968

    Jack Gray, PhD, An investigation of properties and solutions of certain functional equations, 1968

    Alfred J. van der Poorten, PhD, Simultaneous polynomial approximation of functions, 1968

    Nola G. Cooper, PhD, Persistent currents in an ideal Bose gas, 1968

    William G. Gibson, PhD, Investigations in the quantum mechanical three-body problem, 1968

    Mark O. Diesendorf, PhD, On the application of diagram perturbation techniques in equilibrium plasma theory, 1968

    Constantine Malanos, MSc, Nonlinear programming, 1968

    Colin Pask, PhD, Studies in the nuclear three-body problem, 1967

    Brian Davies, PhD, Some aspects of the nuclear three-body problem, 1967

    Clyde ("Charles") A. McGilchrist, PhD, Plant competition experiments, 1966 (Statistics: Supervisor Jim Douglas)

    Morgan Alfred Hanson, PhD, Some aspects of mathematical programming, 1965

    Colin Thompson, PhD, Investigations in the theory of superconductivity, 1964

    George M. Tallis, PhD, Truncation, grouping and the construction of distributions with special reference to normal populations, 1964 (Statistics: Supervisor Jim Douglas)

    Maxwell H. McKay, PhD, A theoretical investigation of resonance absorption in nuclear reactors, 1964

    Alex Reichel, PhD, Some temperature effects in nuclear reactors, 1962

    Angus Henry Low, PhD, Some aspects of fluid flow past porous barriers and surfaces, 1960

    Hans Wieler, MSc, Some New types of quality control charts designed to reduce the amount of inspection and the sensitivity to non-normality of the parent distribution, 1956

    Austin Keane, PhD, A problem in finite strain and its possible geophysical applications, 1955