The study of mathematics and statistics has never been more important or more highly valued than it is today. Mathematics and statistics provide powerful tools to address some truly fundamental questions about existence, the universe and constructs, both natural and made-made. Postgraduate courses in the School of Mathematics and Statistics will place you in the centre of leading mathematical research, learning from some of the foremost mathematical minds of our time.

Explore our postgraduate courses and customise your learning to suit your interests.

2025 Postgraduate Courses

  • Course outlines will be available in O-week of the term. To view outlines from other year and/or terms visit

    Students in postgraduate programs offered by the School of Mathematics and Statistics have reserved places in PG courses; if there is difficulty enrolling, contact the School for support. 

    Please note: Honours students must seek advice from their Supervisor for "course selection" and receive approval by their Honours Coordinator, prior to enrolment. Go to Honours webpage for link to Course Selection form.     For information on Third Year Project Courses click here.   

    NB: Please note DATA9001 is not permitted as an Honours course and in any Masters programs, outside postgraduate Data Science & Decisions program.


    Course code
    Term 1
    Term 2
    Term 3
    DATA5002 Data Visualisation     DATA5002
    DATA9001 Fundamentals of Data Science ***   DATA9001  
    MATH5165 Optimization MATH5165    
    MATH5171** Linear and Discrete Optimization Modelling     MATH5171
    MATH5175 Special Topics (Applied Maths) A: Calculus of Variations   MATH5175  
    MATH5185 Special Topics (Applied Maths) B:     MATH5185
    MATH5191 ** Optimization for Data Science     MATH5191
    MATH5201 Dynamical Systems and Chaos     MATH5201
    MATH5215 Special Topics (Applied Maths) C:  TBA     MATH5215
    MATH5231 **** Prediction and Inverse Modelling   MATH5231    
    MATH5285 Fluids, Oceans and Climate     MATH5285
    MATH5295 Special Topics (Applied Maths) D: Fractional Calculus   MATH5295  
    MATH5305 Computational Maths for Science & Engineering   MATH5305  
    MATH5335 Computational Maths for Finance   MATH5335  
    MATH5361 Stochastic Differential Equations: Theory, Applications, and Numerical Methods     MATH5361
    MATH5371 Numerical Linear Algebra MATH5371    
    MATH5425 Graph Theory MATH5425    
    MATH5505 Combinatorics     MATH5505
    MATH5525 Special Topics (Pure Maths) B:  Category Theory     MATH5525
    MATH5605 Functional Analysis   MATH5605  
    MATH5645 Number Theory   MATH5645  
    MATH5700 Modern Diff Geom and Topology     MATH5700
    MATH5705 Modern Analysis   MATH5705  
    MATH5706 Modern Algebra MATH5706    
    MATH5715 Harmonic Analysis     MATH5715  
    MATH5725 Galois Theory                    MATH5725  
    MATH5735 Modules & Represent'n Theory MATH5735    
    MATH5805 Special Topics in Statistics MATH5805    
    MATH5806 Applied Regression Analysis    MATH5806  
    MATH5816 Continuous Time Fin'l Model'g     MATH5816
    MATH5825 Measure, Integ & Probability     MATH5825
    MATH5835 Advanced Stochastic Processes MATH5835    
    MATH5836 Data Mining and its Business Applications     MATH5836
    MATH5845 Time Series   MATH5845  
    MATH5846* Intro to Probability and Stoch Processes  MATH5846    MATH5846 
    MATH5852 Experimental Design and Causal Inference     MATH5852
    MATH5855 Multivariate Analysis     MATH5855
    MATH5856* Intro to Statistics and Statistical Computing    MATH5856  
    MATH5868 Bootstrap             MATH5868
    MATH5885 Longitudinal Data Analysis   MATH5885  
    MATH5901 Stochastic Processes MATH5901    
    MATH5905 Statistical Inference MATH5905   MATH5905
    MATH5945 Categorical Data Analysis     MATH5945
    MATH5960 Bayesian Inference & Comput'n     MATH5960
    MATH5965 Discrete Time Fin'l Modelling MATH5965    
    MATH5975 Intro to Stochastic Analysis MATH5975    
    MATH5995 Special Topics in Financial Mathematics - Topic TBA   MATH5995  
    MATH6781 Biomathematics   MATH6781  


    * Not available for Honours enrolment. Courses offered to Graduate Certificate (7659) or the Master of Mathematics (8719), or Graduate Diploma Physical Oceanography (5518) or Master of Physical Oceanography (8518). Course is available in other degrees outside Maths and Statistics as indicated by their Program.

    ** These courses (MATH5171 and MATH5191) are offered in alternate years. MATH5191 will be offered in even years (2022,2024...), and MATH5171 will be offered in odd years (2023,2025...).

    *** DATA9001 is not permitted as an honours course or in Masters programs, outside postgraduate Data Science & Decisions program.

    **** This course (MATH5231, and MATH5271) are offered in alternative years.  MATH5231 is offered in odd years (2025, 2027..) and MATH5271 is offered in even years (2026, 2028...) and are core in 5518 Graduate Diploma and 8518 Masters in Physical Oceanography.  


2024 Postgraduate Courses

  • Course outlines will be available in O-week of the term. To view outlines from other year and/or terms visit

    Please note: Honours students must seek advice from their supervisor for "course selection" and approval by their Honours Coordinator, prior to enrolment. 

    For information on Third Year Project Courses click here.   

    NB: Please note DATA9001 is not permitted as an honours course and Masters programs, outside postgraduate Data Science & Decisions program.

    Note: We are aware some course exclusions on the Handbook may be different to the School website. We are in the process of updating this information. Meanwhile, students should be following the Handbook course information with the School website information as a supplement.

    Course code
    Term 1
    Term 2
    Term 3
    DATA5002 Data Visualisation     DATA5002
    DATA9001 Fundamentals of Data Science ***   DATA9001  
    MATH5165 Optimization MATH5165    
    MATH5171 Linear and Discrete Optimization Modelling **     N/A
    MATH5175 Special Topics (Applied Mathematics) A: Calculus of Variations   MATH5175  
    MATH5191 Optimization for Data Science **     MATH5191
    MATH5201 Dynamical Systems and Chaos     MATH5201
    MATH5215 Special Topics (Applied Mathematics) C:  Applied Real and Functional Analysis     MATH5215
    MATH5271 Environmental Data Science and Statistics MATH5271    
    MATH5285 Fluids, Oceans and Climate     MATH5285
    MATH5295 Special Topics (Applied) D: Fractional Calculus   MATH5295  
    MATH5305 Computational Maths for Science & Engineering   MATH5305  
    MATH5335 Computational Maths for Finance   MATH5335  
    MATH5361 Stochastic Differential Equations: Theory, Applications, and Numerical Methods     MATH5361
    MATH5371 Numerical Linear Algebra MATH5371    
    MATH5505 Combinatorics     MATH5505
    MATH5515 Special Topics (Pure Mathematics) A: Analytic Number Theory MATH5515    
    MATH5525 Special Topics (Pure Mathematics) B:  Irrationality and Transcendence in Number Theory   MATH5525  
    MATH5535 Special Topics (Pure Mathematics) C:  Introduction to Algebraic Geometry   MATH5535  
    MATH5605 Functional Analysis   MATH5605  
    MATH5700 Modern Diff Geom and Topology     MATH5700
    MATH5705 Modern Analysis   MATH5705  
    MATH5706 Modern Algebra MATH5706    
    MATH5725 Galois Theory                    MATH5725  
    MATH5735 Modules & Represent'n Theory MATH5735    
    MATH5806 Applied Regression Analysis    MATH5806  
    MATH5816 Continuous Time Fin'l Model'g     MATH5816
    MATH5825 Measure, Integ & Probability     MATH5825
    MATH5835 Advanced Stochastic Processes MATH5835    
    MATH5836 Data Mining and its Business Applications     MATH5836
    MATH5845 Time Series   MATH5845  
    MATH5846* Intro to Prob and Stoch Proc (T1A and T3) MATH5846   MATH5846
    MATH5855 Multivariate Analysis     MATH5855
    MATH5856* Intro to Stats and Stat Comput (T1B) MATH5856    
    MATH5868 Bootstrap and Other Resampling            MATH5868
    MATH5885 Longitudinal Data Analysis   MATH5885  
    MATH5901 Stochastic Processes MATH5901    
    MATH5905 Statistical Inference MATH5905   MATH5905
    MATH5916 Survival Analysis MATH5916    
    MATH5945 Categorical Data Analysis     MATH5945
    MATH5960 Bayesian Inference & Comput'n     MATH5960
    MATH5965 Discrete Time Fin'l Modelling MATH5965    
    MATH5975 Intro to Stochastic Analysis MATH5975    
    MATH6781 Biomathematics   MATH6781  


    * Not available for Honours enrolment. Courses offered to Graduate Certificate (7659) or the Master of Mathematics (8719), or Graduate Diploma Physical Oceanography (5518) or Master of Physical Oceanography (8518). Course is available in other degrees outside Maths and Statistics as indicated by their Program.

    ** These courses (MATH5171 and MATH5191) are offered in alternate years. MATH5191 will be offered in even years (2022,2024...), and MATH5171 will be offered in odd years (2023,2025...).

    *** DATA9001 is not permitted as an honours course or in Masters programs, outside postgraduate Data Science & Decisions program.


2023 Postgraduate Courses

  • Please note: Honours students must seek approval from their supervisor for course selection prior to enrolment. 

    For information on Third Year Project Courses click here.   

    NB: Please note DATA9001 is not permitted as an honours course and Masters programs, outside postgraduate Data Science & Decisions program.

    Note: We are aware some course exclusions on the Handbook may be different to the School website. We are in the process of updating this information. Meanwhile, students should be following the Handbook course information with the School website information as a supplement.

    Starting from T2 2023, students should access course outlines from

    Course code
    Term 1
    (Course Outline)
    Term 2
    (Course Outline)
    Term 3
    (Course Outline)
    DATA5002 Data Visualisation   DATA5002  
    DATA9001 Fundamentals of Data Science   DATA9001  
    MATH5055 External A: Special Topics (Pure) Category Theory MATH5055    
    MATH5165 Optimization MATH5165    
    MATH5171 Linear and Discrete Optimization Modelling     MATH5171
    MATH5175 Special Topics (Applied Maths) MATH5175    
    MATH5185 Special Topics (Applied) - Nonnegativity and polynomial optimization     MATH5185
    MATH5201 Dynamical Systems and Chaos     MATH5201
    MATH5215 Special Topics (Applied) - Applied Real & Functional Analysis     MATH5215
    MATH5231 Prediction and Inverse Modelling MATH5231    
    MATH5285 Fluids, Oceans and Climate     MATH5285
    MATH5295 Special Topics (Applied) - Fractional Analysis   MATH5295  
    MATH5305 Computational Maths for Science and Eng    MATH5305  
    MATH5335 Comput'l Methods for Finance    MATH5335  
    MATH5361 Stochastic Differential Equations: Theory, Applications, and Numerical Methods     MATH5361
    MATH5371 Numerical Linear Algebra MATH5371    
    MATH5425 Graph Theory MATH5425    
    MATH5605 Functional Analysis   MATH5605  
    MATH5645 Number Theory     MATH5645
    MATH5665 Algebraic Topology   MATH5665  
    MATH5700 Modern Diff Geom and Topology     MATH5700
    MATH5705 Modern Analysis   MATH5705  
    MATH5706 Modern Algebra MATH5706    
    MATH5715 Harmonic Analysis     MATH5715
    MATH5735 Modules & Represent'n Theory MATH5735    
    MATH5806 Applied Regression Analysis    MATH5806  
    MATH5816 Continuous Time Fin'l Model'g     MATH5816
    MATH5825 Measure, Integ & Probability     MATH5825
    MATH5826 Statistical Methods in Epidemiology MATH5826    
    MATH5835 Advanced Stochastic Processes MATH5835    
    MATH5836 Data Mining and its Business Applications     MATH5836
    MATH5845 Time Series   MATH5845  
    MATH5846 Intro to Prob and Stoch Proc (T1A) * MATH5846    
    MATH5855 Multivariate Analysis     MATH5855
    MATH5856 Intro to Stats and Stat Comput (T1B)* MATH5856    
    MATH5885 Longitudinal Data Analysis   MATH5885  
    MATH5895 Nonparametric Statistics     MATH5895
    MATH5901 Stochastic Processes MATH5901    
    MATH5905 Statistical Inference MATH5905    
    MATH5945 Categorical Data Analysis     MATH5945
    MATH5960 Bayesian Inference & Comput'n     MATH5960
    MATH5965 Discrete Time Fin'l Modelling MATH5965    
    MATH5975 Intro to Stochastic Analysis MATH5975    
    MATH6781 Biomathematics   MATH6781  


    * Not available for Honours enrolment. Courses offered to Graduate Certificate or the Master of Mathematics

2022 Postgraduate Courses

  • Please note: Honours students must seek approval from their supervisor for course selection prior to enrolment. 

    For information on Third Year Project Courses click here.   

    NB: Please note DATA9001 is not permitted as an honours course and Masters programs, outside postgraduate Data Science & Decisions program.

    Note: We are aware some course exclusions on the Handbook may be different to the School website. We are in the process of updating this information. Meanwhile, students should be following the Handbook course information with the School website information as a supplement.



    Course code
     Term 1
    (Course Outline)
     Term 2
    (Course Outline)
     Term 3
    (Course Outline)
    DATA5002 Data Visualisation     DATA5002
    DATA9001 Fundamentals of Data Science   DATA9001  
    MATH5165 Optimization MATH5165    
    MATH5171** Linear and Discrete Optimization Modelling**      
    MATH5191** Mathematical Optimization for Data Science**      MATH5191
    MATH5175 Special Topics (Applied) - Integrable Systems. Classical Theory and Modern Applications MATH5175    
    MATH5185 Special Topics (Applied) - Nonnegativity and polynomial optimization     MATH5185
    MATH5215 Special Topics (Applied) - Applied Real & Functional Analysis     MATH5215
    MATH5271 Environmental Data Science & Statistics MATH5271    
    MATH5285 Fluids, Oceans and Climate     MATH5285
    MATH5295 Special Topics (Applied) - Dynamical Systems & Chaos     MATH5295
    MATH5305 Computational Mathematics for Science and Engineering     MATH5305
    MATH5335 Comput'l Methods for Finance    MATH5335  
    MATH5371 Numerical Linear Algebra MATH5371    
    MATH5505 Combinatorics      MATH5505
    MATH5515 Special Topics (Pure Maths) A MATH5515    
    MATH5535 Special Topics (Pure Maths) B   MATH5535  
    MATH5605 Functional Analysis   MATH5605  
    MATH5700 Modern Diff Geom and Topology     MATH5700
    MATH5705 Modern Analysis   MATH5705  
    MATH5706 Modern Algebra MATH5706    
    MATH5725 Galois Theory     MATH5725
    MATH5735 Modules & Represent'n Theory MATH5735    
    MATH5805 Special Topics in Statistics     MATH 5805
    MATH5806 Applied Regression Analysis    MATH5806  
    MATH5816 Continuous Time Fin'l Model'g     MATH5816
    MATH5825 Measure, Integ & Probability     MATH5825
    MATH5835 Advanced Stochastic Processes MATH5835    
    MATH5836 Data Mining     MATH5836
    MATH5845 Time Series      
    MATH5846 Intro to Prob and Stoch Proc (T1A) * MATH5846    
    MATH5855 Multivariate Analysis     MATH5855
    MATH5856 Intro to Stats and Stat Comput (T1B)* MATH5856    
    MATH5885 Longitudinal Data Analysis   MATH5885  
    MATH5895 Nonparametric Statistics   MATH5895  
    MATH5901 Stochastic Processes MATH5901    
    MATH5905 Statistical Inference MATH5905    
    MATH5916 Survival Analysis MATH5916    
    MATH5945 Categorical Data Analysis     MATH5945
    MATH5960 Bayesian Inference & Comput'n     MATH5960
    MATH5965 Discrete Time Fin'l Modelling MATH5965    
    MATH5975 Intro to Stochastic Analysis MATH5975    
    MATH6781 Biomathematics   MATH6781  

    * Not available for Honours enrolment. Courses offered to Graduate Certificate or the Master of Mathematics

    ** These courses (MATH5171 and MATH5191) are offered in alternate years. MATH5191 will be offered in even years (2022, 2024…), and MATH5171 will be offered in odd years (2023, 2025…).


2021 Postgraduate Courses

  • Please note: honours students must seek approval from their supervisor for course selection prior to enrolment. 

    Find information on Third Year Project Courses.   

    NB: Please note DATA9001 is not permitted as an honours course or Master program, outside the postgraduate Data Science & Decisions program.

    Course code
     Term 1
     Term 2
     Term 3
    DATA9001 Fundamentals of Data Science   DATA9001  
    MATH5165 Optimization MATH5165    
    MATH5171 Linear and Discrete Optimization Modelling     MATH5171
    MATH5175 Special Topics (Applied) - Integrable Systems. Classical Theory and Modern Applications MATH5175    
    MATH5231 Prediction and Inverse Modelling     MATH5231
    MATH5271 Environmental Data Science     MATH5271
    MATH5285 Fluids, Oceans and Climate MATH5285    
    MATH5305 Computational Mathematics     MATH5305
    MATH5335 Comput'l Methods for Finance   MATH5335  
    MATH5361 Stochastic Differential Equations MATH5361    
    MATH5425 Graph Theory MATH5425    
    MATH5605 Functional Analysis    MATH5605  
    MATH5645 Algebraic Number Theory     MATH5645
    MATH5665 Algebraic Topology   MATH5665  
    MATH5700 Modern Diff Geom and Topology     MATH5700
    MATH5705 Modern Analysis   MATH5705  
    MATH5706 Modern Algebra MATH5706    
    MATH5715 Harmonic Analysis     MATH5715
    MATH5735 Modules & Represent'n Theory MATH5735    
    MATH5806 Applied Regression Analysis    MATH5806  
    MATH5816 Continuous Time Fin'l Model'g     MATH5816
    MATH5825 Measure, Integ & Probability     MATH5825
    MATH5826 Statistical Methods in Epidemiology MATH5826    
    MATH5835 Advanced Stochastic Processes MATH5835    
    MATH5836 Data Mining     MATH5836
    MATH5845 Time Series    MATH5845  
    MATH5846 Intro to Prob and Stoch Proc (T1A) * MATH5846    
    MATH5855 Multivariate Analysis     MATH5855
    MATH5856 Intro to Stats and Stat Comput (T1B)* MATH5856    
    MATH5885 Longitudinal Data Analysis   MATH5885  
    MATH5895 Nonparametric Statistics   MATH5895  
    MATH5901 Stochastic Processes MATH5901    
    MATH5905 Statistical Inference MATH5905    
    MATH5945 Categorical Data Analysis     MATH5945
    MATH5960 Bayesian Inference & Comput'n     MATH5960
    MATH5965 Discrete Time Fin'l Modelling   MATH5965  
    MATH5975 Intro to Stochastic Analysis MATH5975    
    MATH6781 Biomathematics   MATH6781  

2020 Postgraduate Courses

  • Please note: Honours students must seek approval from their supervisor for course selection prior to enrolment. 

    View information on Third Year Project Courses.

    Course code
    Term 1
    Term 2
    Term 3
    DATA9001 Fundamentals of Data Science   CANCELLED   
    MATH5165 Optimisation  MATH5165    
    MATH5171 Linear and Discrete Optimisation Modelling     MATH5171
    MATH5175 Special Topics (Applied) - Integrable Systems. Classical Theory and Modern Applications MATH5175    
    MATH5185 Special Topics (Applied) - TBA      Cancelled
    MATH5285 Fluids, Oceans and Climate  MATH5285    
    MATH5295 Special Topics (Applied) - Inverse Modelling and Prediction in the Atmosphere and Ocean    MATH5295  
    MATH5305 Computational Mathematics      MATH5305
    MATH5335 Comput'l Methods for Finance    MATH5335  
    MATH5361 Stochastic Differential Equations  MATH5361    
    MATH5505 Combinatorics      MATH5505
    MATH5515 Special Topics (Pure Maths) - Analytic Number Theory MATH5515    
    MATH5535 Special Topics (Pure Maths) - Lie Groups   MATH5535  
    MATH5605 Functional Analysis   MATH5605  
    MATH5700 Modern Diff Geom and Topology      MATH5700
    MATH5705 Modern Analysis    MATH5705  
    MATH5706 Modern Algebra MATH5706    
    MATH5725 Galois Theory     MATH5725
    MATH5735 Modules & Represent'n Theory  MATH5735    
    MATH5806 Applied Regression Analysis    MATH5806  
    MATH5816 Continuous Time Fin'l Model'g     MATH5816
    MATH5825 Measure, Integ & Probability      MATH5825
    MATH5835 Advanced Stochastic Processes MATH5835    
    MATH5836 Data Mining      MATH5836
    MATH5845 Time Series   MATH5845  
    MATH5846 Intro to Prob and Stoch Proc (T1A) *  MATH5846    
    MATH5855 Multivariate Analysis      MATH5855
    MATH5856 Intro to Stats and Stat Comput (T1B)* MATH5856    
    MATH5885 Longitudinal Data Analysis    MATH5885  
    MATH5895 Nonparametric Statistics    MATH5895  
    MATH5905 Statistical Inference  MATH5905    
    MATH5916 Survival Analysis  MATH5916    
    MATH5935 Statistical Consulting  MATH5935    
    MATH5945 Categorical Data Analysis      MATH5945
    MATH5960 Bayesian Inference & Comput'n      MATH5960
    MATH5965 Discrete Time Fin'l Modelling    MATH5965  
    MATH5975 Intro to Stochastic Analysis  MATH5975    
    MATH6781 Biomathematics    MATH6781  

    * Not available for Honours enrolment. Courses offered to Graduate Certificate or the Master of Mathematics