Please see below for a list of our current Postgraduate Research students.
A list of former Postgraduate Research students, with links to their theses, is also available.
Name | Degree | Profile | Email @unsw.edu.au | Department | Research area | Supervisor(s) |
Muhammad Afifurrahman | PhD student | View profile | m.afifurrahman | Pure | Multiplicative structure of rational functions and their values over global fields | Alina Ostafe and Igor Shparlinski |
Mehreen Afzaal | PhD student | a.afzaal | Statistics | Regression- A Symbolic Data Analysis using Meta-Analysis - A modified approach | Boris Beranger and Jake Olivier | |
Mst. Bithi Akter | PhD student | mst_bithi.akter | Statistics | Universal Copula Modeling | Gery Geenens and Sprio Penev | |
Christian Bagshaw |
PhD student |
c.bagshaw | Pure | Arithmetic Problems in Function Fields |
Igor Shparlinski and Bryce Kerr |
Aayush Bhattacharya |
PhD student |
a.bhattacharya | Pure | Establish the new Schur-Weyl duality for I-quantum groups and Hecke algebras in the non-semisimple world |
Jie Du |
Zelong Bi | PhD student | zelong.bi | Statistics | Statistical dependence between random vectors of arbitrary dimensions | Gery Geenens and Pierre Lafaye de Micheaux | |
Josef Bisits | PhD student | z5131023 | Applied | Non-linear controls on ocean circulation and mixing in marginal ice zones | Jan Zika | |
Stuart-James Burney | PhD student | z5099006 | Applied | Modelling anomalous reactions and anomalous diffusion in complex heterogeneous media | Chris Angstmann | |
Daniel Chee | PhD student | z5209546 | Statistics | Enhancing interest rate and credit risk modelling using optimal transport theory | Libo Li and Ben Goldys | |
Isabela Conde |
PhD student | z5459068 | Applied | Drivers and impacts of variability in the tropical sea surface temperature distribution | Jan Zika | |
Joshua Connor | PhD student | z5252926 | Applied | Develop and validate fast, accurate mathematical methods for calculating the surface and interior wake "fingerprint" of submerged moving vessels | Shane Keating and Scott Sisson | |
Chandler Corrigan | PhD student | z5206374 | Pure | The Analytic Theory of $L$-functions | Liangyi Zhao | |
Daniel Czapski | PhD student | z5117950 | Pure | Free probability; generalisation of Poisson random processes to non-commutative probability spaces | Dmitriy Zanin and Fedor Sukochev | |
Christian De Nicola Larsen |
PhD student |
z5117550 | Pure | Mathematical Modelling of Field Theories |
Arnaud Brothier |
Patrick Donovan | MSC(Research) | patrick.donovan | Pure | Ancient Ricci Flow on four-manifolds with symmetries | Tim Buttsworth and Michael Cowling | |
Reg Dowse | MSC(Research) | r.dowse | Applied | Tilting of mesoscale ocean eddies in the Tasman Sea | Shane Keating and Moninya Roughan | |
Daniel Dunmore | PhD student | d.dunmore | Pure | Module Categories over Soergel Bimodules | Anna Romanov and Arnaud Brothier | |
Thomas Dunmore | PhD student | t.dunmore | Pure | Classification of fusion categories; module categories; quadratic categories; Brauer-Picard groupoids | Pinhas Grossman and Anna Romanov | |
Benjamin Duthie |
PhD student |
d.duthie | Statistics | Predictive Uncertainty with Incomplete Information for Deep Learning | Scott Sisson |
David Farrell | PhD student | david.farrell | Pure | Harmonic Analysis and Operator Theory | Dimitriy Zanin and Denis Potapov | |
Tasman Fell | MSC(Research) | t.fell | Pure | Singular Soergel bimodules and the light leaves basis | Anna Romanov and Jie Du | |
Saman Forouzandeh |
PhD student |
z5318340 | Statistics | Users Classification with Network Embedding and Fuzzy Decision Tree |
Pavel Krivitsky and Wenjie Zhang |
Shenghan Gao | PhD student | z5373171 | Statistics | Theory and Applications of distributionally robust statistical inference | Spiridon Penev and Leung Lung Chan | |
Joshua Graham |
PhD student |
joshua.graham | Pure | Equivariant motivic cohomology and homotopy - extending C2-equivariant motivic cohomology to any finite group G. | Mircea Voineagu and DanielChan |
Joshua Ham | PhD student | z5298408 | Pure | Equivariant Motivic/Topological Cell Structures | Mircea Voineagu and Jie Du | |
Peter Hanna | PhD student | z3254418 | Statistics | Novel feature selection algorithms and their efficient implementation in linear and generalised linear models | Zdravko Botev | |
Michael Harm | PhD student | z5439694 | Pure | The Ternary Goldbach problem with restricted primes | Igor Shparlinski and Bryce Kerr | |
Eva-Maria Hekkelman |
z5369973 |
Pure | Connecting the Density of States with Noncommutative Geometry | Fedor Sukochev |
Boris Zhou Huang | PhD Student | z5062113 | Pure | Non-Markovian Mathematic Models on Natural Phenomenon | Christopher Angstmann | |
Yingkun (Queenie) Huang | PhD student | View profile | z5173467 | Applied | Robust Semi-Algebraic Optimisation: Theory, Methods, and Applications | Jeya Jeyakumar and Guoyin Li |
Amuchechukwu Ibenegbu | PhD student | z5516899 | Statistics | Spatio-Temporal Disease Mapping of Prevalence of High Blood Pressure in Nigeria Using INLA | Rohitash Chandra and Pierre Lafaye de Micheaux | |
Siddharth Iyer | PhD student | z5370011 | Pure | Heilbronn sets and exponential sums | Igor Shparlinski | |
Ahmad Hakiim Bin Jamaluddin |
PhD student |
z5323238 | Statistics | Advances in symbolic data analysis |
Scott Sisson and Boris Beranger |
Qian Jin |
PhD student |
z5235218 | Statistics | Statistical Analysis of Medical Scanner Images of the Lungs using Deep Learning Techniques | Pierre Lafaye de Micheaux and Clara Grazian (USyd) |
Arpit Kapoor | PhD student | z5370003 | Statistics | Bayesian Deep Learning for Spatio-Temporal modelling with applications in Earth and Environment Sciences | Rohitash Chandra and Sahani Pathiraja | |
Kevin Kuhl Oliveira | PhD student | k.kuhi_oliveira | Applied | Machine Learning and Operator-Theoretic Methods for Nonlinear Dynamical Systems | Gary Froyland | |
Madeleine Kyng |
PhD student |
z3424670 | Pure | Computing zeta functions of algebraic curves over finite fields, specifically to extend a method to handle plane curves with arbitrary singularities | David Harvey |
Samudra Lamahewage | PhD student | z5394603 | Statistics | Uncertainty Quantification in Natural Resources | Sahani Pathiraja | |
Jason Lambe | PhD student | z5205711 | Statistics | Particle filtering techniques for point processes with incomplete data | Thomas Stindl and Feng Chen | |
Yat Long Lee | PhD student | z5321396 | Applied | Operator-theoretic and differential geometric approaches to machine learning; Differential and spectral geometry with applications to fluid mixing | Gary Froyland | |
Hongzhi Liao | PhD student | View profile | z5380281 | Applied | Geometry in Projection Methods and Fixed-Point Theory | Vera Roshchina |
Jimeng Lu |
PhD student |
z5315704 | Applied | The Uniform Approximation Property of Non-commutative Spaces | Fedor Sukochev |
Yiyi Ma | PhD student | z5392067 | Statistics | Data Science and Environment | Scott Sisson and Lucy Marshall | |
Anson MacDonald | PhD student | z5405001 | Statistics | Particle-Based Variational Inference with Graph and Time-Series Applications | Sahani Pathiraja and Scott Sisson | |
Ben Maslen |
PhD student |
z5034729 | Statistics | Development of CNN methods and consequent multivariate modelling of misclassification errors of fish in underwater videos |
David Warton and Gordana Popovic |
Samuel Mason |
PhD student |
z1058231 | Statistics | Spatio-Temporal Species Distribution Models |
David Warton |
Dominic Matan | PhD student | View profile | z5308717 | Pure | Daniel Chan | |
Anant Mathur |
PhD student |
z5110079 | Statistics | Computational Statistics and Data Science |
Zdravko Botev and Sarat Moka |
Yerlan Nessipbayev | PhD student | z5380332 | Pure | Weak compactness criteria in non commutative symmetric spaces | Dmitriy Zanin and Fedor Sukochev | |
Yun Pan | PhD student | z3207280 | Statistics | Statistics of network valued data | Pavel Krivitsky and Feng Chen | |
Nicholas Peters | PhD student | z5548838 | Applied | Operator based techniques for the analysis of dynamical systems | Gary Froyland | |
Jackson Ryder |
PhD student |
z5290276 | Pure | Noncommutative Projective Geometry |
Daniel Chan |
Ryan Seelig | PhD student | View profile | z5117505 | Pure | Utilising Jones actions to study forest groups | Arnaud Brothier and Pinhas Grossman |
Brock Sherlock | PhD student | z5207429 | Applied | The mathematics of stochastic transport and signalling in cells | Adelle Coster and Michael Watson | |
Agus Leonardi Soenjaya | PhD student | z5391137 | Applied | Theoretical and numerical analysis of Landau-Lifshitz-type equations | Thanh Tran | |
Abirami Srikumar |
PhD student |
z5116695 | Applied | Theory and application of Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods |
Frances Kuo, Ian Sloan and Alexander Gilbert |
Rianti Siswi Utami |
PhD student |
z5290421 | Statistics | Joint Models of Longitudinal Data and Recurrent Events with Time-varying Covariates and a Dependent Terminal Event | Jake Olivier, Pierre Lafaye De Micheaux and Maarit Laaksonen |
Hopein Christofen Tang | PhD student | z5459056 | Pure | Improved Lee distance bound and optimal linear codes over Z4 | Thomas Britz and Catherine Greenhill | |
Noah Vinod | PhD student | z5255691 | Applied | Efficient Numerical Methods for the Landau-Lifshitz Equation | Thanh Tran | |
Qi (Wenky) Wang | MSC(Research) | qi.wang21 | Applied | Algebraic techniques for polynomial optimization | Mareike Dressler | |
Lokuliyana Waduge (Dilshan) Wijesena |
PhD student | z5160361 | Pure | Jones Representations of Thompson's Groups | Arnaud Brothier and Daniel Chan | |
Haoxuan (Peter) Wu |
PhD student |
z3466329 | Applied | Proposing a fast algorithm to solve Non-convex sparse optimisation problems and demonstrating algorithm on real world problems |
Guoyin Li |
Hanwen Xuan |
PhD student |
z5113694 | Statistics | Bayesian Extension of Black-Litterman (BL) Asset Allocation Model through Copula Representation |
Feng Chen and Clara Grazian |
Shuo Zhang | PhD student | shou.zhang5 | Statistics | Credit risk modeling and evaluation, point processes, machine learning and its application in credit risk modeling | Feng Chen and Jinxia Zhu | |
Victor Zhang |
PhD student | z5258941 | Pure | Diagrammatic Lusztig-Vogan categories | Anna Romanov and Pinhas Grossman | |
Yu Zhang | MSC(Research) | yu.zhang46 | Applied | Nonlinear ordinary differential equations and problems from fluid flow | Chris Tisdell | |
Jiarui Zhao |
PhD student |
z5365201 | Statistics | Pricing compound options in modified stochastic models | Leung Lung Chan, Spirondon Penev and Josef Dick |